974 resultados para Employment re-entry


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PURPOSE The aim of this work was to study the peri-implant soft tissues response, by evaluating both the recession and the papilla indexes, of patients treated with implants with two different configurations. In addition, data were stratified by tooth category, smoking habit and thickness of buccal bone wall. MATERIALS AND METHODS The clinical trial was designed as a prospective, randomized-controlled multicenter study. Adults in need of one or more implants replacing teeth to be removed in the maxilla within the region 15-25 were recruited. Following tooth extraction, the site was randomly allocated to receive either a cylindrical or conical/cylindrical implant. The following parameters were studied: (i) Soft tissue recession (REC) measured by comparing the gingival zenith (GZ) score at baseline (permanent restoration) with that of the yearly follow-up visits over a period of 3 years (V1, V2 and V3). (ii) Interdental Papilla Index (PI): PI measurements were performed at baseline and compared with that of the follow-up visits. In addition, data were stratified by different variables: tooth category: anterior (incisors and canine) and posterior (first and second premolar); smoking habit: patient smoker (habitual or occasional smoker at inclusion) or non-smoker (non-smoker or ex-smoker at inclusion) and thickness of buccal bone wall (TB): TB ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall) or TB > 1 mm (thick buccal wall). RESULTS A total of 93 patients were treated with 93 implants. At the surgical re-entry one implant was mobile and then removed; moreover, one patient was lost to follow-up. Ninety-one patients were restored with 91 implant-supported permanent single crowns. After the 3-year follow-up, a mean gain of 0.23 mm of GZ was measured; moreover, 79% and 72% of mesial and distal papillae were classified as >50%/ complete, respectively. From the stratification analysis, not significant differences were found between the mean GZ scores of implants with TB ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall) and TB > 1 mm (thick buccal wall), respectively (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) at baseline, at V1, V2 and V3 follow-up visits. Also, the other variables did not seem to influence GZ changes over the follow-up period. Moreover, a re-growth of the interproximal mesial and distal papillae was the general trend observed independently from the variables studied. CONCLUSIONS Immediate single implant treatment may be considered a predictable option regarding soft tissue stability over a period of 3 years of follow-up. An overall buccal soft tissue stability was observed during the GZ changes from the baseline to the 3 years of follow-up with a mean GZ reduction of 0.23 mm. A nearly full papillary re-growth can be detectable over a minimum period of 2 years of follow-up for both cylindrical and conical/cylindrical implants. Both the interproximal papilla filling and the midfacial mucosa stability were not influenced by variables such as type of fixture configuration, tooth category, smoke habit, and thickness of buccal bone wall of ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall).


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Due to the lack of regenerative capacity of the mammalian auditory epithelium, sensory hair cell loss results in permanent hearing deficit. Nevertheless, a population of tissue resident stem/progenitor cells has been recently described. Identification of methods to trigger their activity could lead to exploitation of their potential therapeutically. Here we validate the use of transgenic mice reporting cell cycle progression (FUCCI), and stemness (Lgr5-GFP), as a valuable tool to identify regulators of cell cycle re-entry of supporting cells within the auditory epithelium. The small molecule compound CHIR99021 was used to inhibit GSK3 activity. This led to a significant increase in the fraction of proliferating sphere-forming cells, labeled by the FUCCI markers and in the percentage of Lgr5-GFP + cells, as well as a selective increase in the fraction of S-G2-M cells in the Lgr5 + population. Using whole mount cultures of the organ of Corti we detected a statistically significant increment in the fraction of proliferating Sox2 supporting cells after CHIR99021 treatment, but only rarely appearance of novel MyoVIIa+/Edu + hair cells. In conclusion, these tools provide a robust mean to identify novel regulators of auditory organ regeneration and to clarify the contribution of stem cell activity.


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Purpose. Understanding siblings' experiences after a major childhood burn injury was the purpose of this mixed method, qualitative dominant study. The following research questions guided this project: How do siblings describe the impact of a major childhood burn injury experience? How do sibling relationship factors of warmth/closeness, relative status/power, conflict, and rivalry further clarify their relationship and their experience after a major burn injury? ^ Methods. A mixed method, qualitative dominant, design was implemented to understand the sibling experiences in a family with a child suffering from a major burn injury. Informants were selected from patients with childhood burn injuries attending the reconstructive clinic at a Gulf coast children's specialty hospital. The qualitative portion used the life story method, a narrative process, to portray the long-term impact on sibling relationships. A "case" represents a family unit and could be composed of one or multiple family members. Participants from 22 cases (N = 40 participants) were interviewed. Interviews were conducted in person and via telephone. The quantitative portion, or the embedded part of this mixed method design, used the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire Revised (SRQ-R) to conduct an additional structured interview and acquire scoring data. It was postulated that the SRQ-R would provide another perspective on the sibling experience and expand the qualitative data analysis. Thematic analysis was implemented on the qualitative interview data including the qualitative data from the interviews structured on the SRQ-R. Additionally, scores on the SRQ-R were tabulated to further describe the cases. ^ Results. The overall thematic pattern for the sibling relationship in families having a child with a major burn injury was that of normalization. Areas of normalization as well as the process of adjustment were the major themes. Areas of normalization were found in play and other activities, in school and work, and in family relations with their siblings and their parents. The process of adjustment in the sibling relationship was described as varied, involved school and work re-entry, and might even change their life perspective. Further analysis included an examination of the cases in which more than one person were interviewed and completed the SRQ-R. Participants from five ( n = 11) of six cases (n = 14), scored above 3.0 on the five-point scale on the Warmth/Closeness construct, indicating they perceived the sibling relationship as close. Five participants scored high on the Conflict construct and four participants scored high on the Rivalry construct. Finally, Relative Status/Power was low or negative in the six cases (n = 13). ^ Conclusions/implications. These findings suggest the importance of returning to normalcy for many of the families and the significance of sibling relationships on the process. Some of these families were able to use this major life event in a positive way to promote normalization. ^


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Quantitative distributions of calcareous nannofossils are analysed in the early-middle Pleistocene at the small Gephyrocapsa and Pseudoemiliania lacunosa zone transition in deep-sea cores from the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Sites 977, 964 and 967, Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP] Site 607). The temporal and spatial mode of occurrence of medium-sized gephyrocapsids and reticulofenestrids has been examined to refine biostratigraphic constraints and evaluate possible relationships of stratigraphic patterns to environmental changes during a period of global climatic deterioration. The timing of bioevents has been calibrated using high-resolution sampling and correlation to the delta18O record in chronologically well-constrained sections. Newly identified events and ecostratigraphical signals enhance the stratigraphic resolution at the early-middle Pleistocene. The first occurrence (FO) of intermediate morphotypes between Pseudoemiliania and Reticulofenestra (Reticulofenestra sp.) is proposed as a reliable event within marine isotope stage (MIS) 35 or at the MIS 35/34 transition. The distribution of Reticulofenestra asanoi is characterized by rare and scattered occurrences in its lowest range, but the first common occurrence (FCO) is consistently identified at MIS 32 or 32/31; the last common occurrence (LCO) of the species is a distinctive event at MIS 23. In the studied interval, Gephyrocapsa omega dominates among medium-sized Gephyrocapsa. The FO of G. omega and contemporaneous re-entry of medium-sized gephyrocapsids at the lower-middle Pleistocene transition are diachronous between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and from the western to eastern Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the LO of G. omega falls at MIS 15, insolation cycle 54 and is isochronous among the sites. Abundance fluctuations of G. omega show notable relations to early-middle Pleistocene climate changes; they considerably increase in abundance at the interglacial stages, suggesting warm water preferences. Gephyrocapsa omega temporarily disappears during the glacial MIS 22 and MIS 20. Above MIS 20, an impoverishment in G. omega and in the total abundance of medium-sized gephyrocapsids occurs. A decrease in abundance of G. omega is observed between the western Site 977 and the easternmost Site 967 in the Mediterranean Sea, as a possible response to high salinity and/or low nutrient content. Possible environmental influences on the distribution of R. asanoi and of Reticulofenestra sp. are discussed.


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Shedding of shallow carbonate material toward the deep slopes and basin floors is clearly tied to the position of the carbonate bank tops relative to the photic zone. The onset of bank shedding in periplatform sediments can record either the flooding of the bank tops within the photic zone during a rise in sea level following a period of exposure, referred to in the literature as the "highstand shedding" scenario, or the reentry of the bank tops into the photic zone during a lowering of sea level following a period of drowning, referred to as the "lowstand shedding" scenario. Results from Leg 133 post-cruise research on the Pliocene sequences, drilled in six sites within different slope settings of the Queensland Plateau, seem to point out that the latter "lowstand shedding" scenario can be applied to this particular carbonate system. At the Queensland Plateau sites, the early Pliocene (5.2-3.5 Ma) and the earliest part of the late Pliocene (3.5-2.9 Ma) age sequences were characterized, especially in the ôdeepö Sites 811 and 817, by pelagic sediments (foraminifers and coccoliths) and by typically pelagic sedimentation rates not exceeding 20 mm/k.y. The earliest part of the late Pliocene age section was characterized by well-developed hardgrounds in the "shallow" Sites 812 and 814 and by normal pelagic sediments mixed with reworked phosphatized planktonic foraminifers in Site 813. Finally, the early part of the late Pliocene (2.9-2.4 Ma) section was characterized by high sedimentation rates, related to the shedding and admixture into the pelagic sediments of bank-derived materials. These bank-derived materials consist of either diagenetically unaltered fine aragonite with traces of dolomite in Site 818 or micritic calcite resulting from seafloor and/or shallow burial alteration in the deepest Sites 817 and 811. The highest sedimentation rates (163 mm/k.y.) were recorded in Site 818, drilled nearest the modern carbonate bank of Tregrosse Reef. The sedimentation rates decrease with increasing distance from Tregrosse Reef - 120 mm/k.y. in Site 817 and 47.5 mm/k.y. in Site 811. The initial appearance of fine aragonite in Site 818, corresponding to the transition from pelagic to periplatform sedimentation rates, has been dated at 2.9 Ma. This Pliocene sediment pattern on the Queensland Plateau is different from the pattern observed in sediments from two earlier ODP legs (i.e., Leg 101 in the Bahamas and in Leg 115 in the Maldives), where aragonite-rich sediments, characterized by high periplatform sedimentation rates, were observed in the lower Pliocene section (5.2-3.5 Ma), whereas the upper Pliocene (3.5-1.6 Ma) sediments are more pelagic in nature and are characterized by low sedimentation rates or major hiatuses. These Pliocene periplatform sequences in the Bahamas and in the Maldives and late Quaternary age periplatform sequences worldwide have pointed out that "highstand shedding" was the typical response of carbonate platforms to fluctuations in sea level, just opposite to a "lowstand shedding" response to sea-level fluctuations, typical of siliciclastic shelves. Assuming that the envelope of Haq et al.'s (1987) sea-level curve, showing a well-defined lowering of sea level between 3.5 and 2.9 Ma, can also be applied to the southwest Pacific Ocean, based on a high-resolution Pliocene d18O record from the Ontong Java Plateau recently published by Jansen et al. (1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.130.028.1993), the Pliocene periplatform sequences on the Queensland Plateau would have recorded the reentry of the bank tops into the photic zone during a general lowering of sea level, following an interval characterized by high sea level, during which the shallow carbonate system on the Queensland Plateau was drowned. The early Pliocene age (5.2-3.5 Ma) sediments deposited on the Queensland Plateau, an established interval of eustatic sea-level highstand, are typically pelagic in character. In addition, relatively cold surface temperatures (estimated to have ranged from 18° to 20°C by Isern et al. [this volume]) might have also stressed the reefs during early Pliocene time and contributed to the drowning of the Queensland Plateau carbonate system during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. Differential and relatively high subsidence rates, inferred by variations in paleodepth of water (based upon benthic foraminifer assemblages; Katz and Miller, this volume) may also have influenced the drowning of the carbonate bank tops on the Queensland Plateau during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. The sediments of early late Pliocene age (2.9-2.4 Ma), a well-established interval of lowering of sea level, are clearly periplatform and cyclic in nature. High-frequency (~40 k.y.) aragonite cycles, well-developed between 2.9 and 2.45 Ma, correlate with the planktonic high-resolution Pliocene d18O record from the Ontong Java Plateau, a good sea-level proxy (Jansen et al., in press). Contrary to late Quaternary age aragonite cycles from the Bahamas, the Nicaragua Rise, the Maldives, and the Queensland Plateau, the late Pliocene aragonite cycles in Hole 818B display high levels of aragonite during glacial stages and, therefore, lowstands of sea level. In addition, sediments deposited during the earliest part of the late Pliocene (3.5-2.9 Ma), transition between the early Pliocene highstand and the late Pliocene lowering in sea level, have recorded the first evidence of a fall in sea level, by (1) the occurrence of synchronous submarine hardgrounds in the two shallowest sites (Sites 812 and 814), (2) the deposition of reworked material from the shallower part of the slope into the intermediate Sites 813 and 818, and (3) the deposition of pelagic sediments in the deepest Sites 817 and 817. In summary, contrary to previous findings, the Pliocene periplatform sediments on the Queensland Plateau appear to have recorded a regional shedding of shallow carbonate bank tops during an interval of sea-level lowering, a good illustration of the "carbonate lowstand shedding" scenario, occurring during the reentry of previously drowned carbonate bank tops into the photic zone related to a decrease in sea level.


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Leg 61 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) was concerned with drilling a single continuously cored multiple re-entry hole at site 462 in the Central Nauru Basin (Fig. 1). Preliminary results of this drilling, which penetrated more than 1 km beneath the sea floor, were presented earlier. One major result was the discovery of a late Cretaceous off-ridge volcanic/intrusive complex of basaltic composition and great thickness (>500 m). We now present trace element abundance data for these basalts. Results of the drilling provide further support for a relatively long-lived thermal and magmatic event in the late Cretaceous resulting in voluminous and widespread magmatism in the central and western Pacific consistent with earlier suggestions. The trace element data show that most of the rocks produced during this event have trace element characteristics intermediate between those of normal and transitional mid-ocean ridge basalts (N- and T-type MORB) and different from Hawaiian basalts. These results indicate that basalts which are depleted in light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to the heavy REE may, in certain conditions, be erupted as voluminous intra-plate eruptions far from active ridge crests.


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Hole 433C, a multiple re-entry hole drilled in 1862 meters of water on Suiko Seamount in the central Emperor Seamounts, penetrated 387.5 meters of lava flows overlain by 163.0 meters of sediments. The recovered volcanic rocks consist of three flow units (1-3) of alkalic basalt underlain by more than 105 flows or flow lobes (Flow Units 4-67) of tholeiitic basalt. This study reports trace-element, including rare-earth element (REE), data for 25 samples from 24 of the least altered tholeiitic flows. These data are used to evaluate the origin and evolution of tholeiitic basalts from Suiko Seamount and to evaluate changes in the mantle source between the time when Suiko Seamount formed, 64.7 ± 1.1 m.y. ago (see Dalrymple et al., 1980), and the present day. Stearns (1946), Macdonald and Katsura (1964) and Macdonald (1968) have established that chemically distinct lavas erupt during four eruptive stages of development of a Hawaiian volcano. These stages, from initial to final, are shield-building, caldera-filling, post-caldera, and post-erosional. The lavas of the shield-building stage are tholeiitic basalts, which erupt rapidly and in great volume. The shield-building stage is quickly followed by caldera collapse and by the caldera-filling stage, during which the caldera is filled by tholeiitic and alkalic lavas. During the post-caldera stage, a relatively thin veneer of alkalic basalts and associated differentiated lavas are erupted, sometimes accompanied by minor eruptions of tholeiitic lava. After a period of volcanic quiescence and erosion, lavas of the nephelinitic suite, which include both alkalic basalts and strongly SiO2-undersaturated nephelinitic basalts, may erupt from satellite vents during the post-erosional stage. Many Hawaiian volcanoes develop through all four stages; but individual volcanoes have become extinct before the cycle is complete. We interpret the tholeiitic lavas drilled on Suiko Seamount to have erupted during either the shield-building or the caldera-filling stage, and the overlying alkalic flows to have erupted during either the caldera-filling or the post-caldera stage (see Kirkpatrick et al., 1980).


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Calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been investigated at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 located in the modern Subantarctic Zone, through the Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 34-29, between 1150 and 1000 ka. A previously developed age model and new biostratigraphic constraints provide a reliable chronological framework for the studied section and allow correlation with other records. Two relevant biostratigraphic events have been identified: the First Common Occurrence of Reticulofenestra asanoi, distinctly correlated to MIS 31-32; the re-entry of medium Gephyrocapsa at MIS 29, unexpectedly similar to what was observed at low latitude sites. The composition of the calcareous nannofossil assemblage permits identification of three intervals (I-III). Intervals I and III, correlated to MIS 34-32 and MIS 30-29 respectively, are identified as characteristic of water masses located south of the Subtropical Front and reflecting the southern border of Subantarctic Zone, at the transition with the Polar Front Zone. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis of a northward shift of the frontal system in the early Pleistocene with respect to the present position and therefore a northernmost location of the Subantarctic Front. During interval II, which is correlated to MIS 31, calcareous nannofossil assemblages display the most significant change, characterized by a distinct increase of Syracosphaera spp. and Helicosphaera carteri, lasting about 20 ky. An integrated analysis of calcareous nannofossil abundances and few mineralogical proxies suggests that during interval II, Site 1090 experienced the influence of subtropical waters, possibly related to a southward migration of the Subtropical Front, coupled with an expansion of the warmer Agulhas Current at the core location. This pronounced warming event is associated to a minimum in the austral summer insolation. The present results provide a broader framework on the Mid-Pleistocene dynamic of the ocean frontal system in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, as well as additional evidence on the variability of the Indian-Atlantic ocean exchange.


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The four holes (including a re-entry hole) drilled at Site 433 allow determination of the sedimentary sequence of Suiko Seamount in the Emperor chain. The holes are in a small graben basin situated within a lateral lagoon on the seamount. The sedimentary deposits range from the Paleocene to the upper Pliocene and are not uniform and continuous. A major hiatus exists at the top of the lower Eocene reef sediment, below the lower and upper Miocene pelagic sediments. The depositional history and succession of environments are shown by mineralogical and geochemical changes in the sediments.


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Satellite de-orbiting and re-entry is essential to halting the continuous increase in orbital space debris. The BETS project, which ends this month, is making waves with a new tether solution that is faster and more resistant to damage than any other existing technology.


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Los recubrimientos lubricantes sólidos son requeridos para reducir la fricción y prevenir el desgaste en componentes que operan a altas temperaturas o en vacío (vehículos espaciales, industria química, motores diésel, turbinas aeronáuticas y de generación de energía…). Los lubricantes líquidos pierden sus características cuando las condiciones de presión, temperatura o ambientales son severas (oxidación, inestabilidad térmica, volatilidad,…), por ejemplo los aceites minerales convencionales se descomponen a temperaturas próximas a 200 ºC. Por tanto, la única manera de poder conseguir una adecuada lubricación a temperaturas extremas es por medio de sólidos, que cada vez más, se aplican en forma de recubrimientos. Estos recubrimientos podrían ser empleados en componentes de vehículos espaciales reutilizables, donde se pueden alcanzar, en la reentrada en la atmósfera, temperaturas de 700 ºC (bisagras, rodamientos, articulaciones y zonas de sellado en las superficies de control, y rodamientos de las turbobombas y las cajas de engranajes). Dichos recubrimientos también deberían ser capaces de proporcionar una lubricación efectiva a bajas temperaturas para las operaciones en tierra, para las operaciones de arranque en frío, incluso en el espacio. El conjunto de requisitos que tendrían que satisfacer las capas tribológicas relacionadas con estas condiciones extremas es muy diverso, lo que hace que el concepto de capas tipo composite (aquéllas constituidas por varios componentes) sea, en principio, muy adecuado para estas aplicaciones. Recubrimientos composite proyectados térmicamente constituidos por una matriz dura y conteniendo lubricantes sólidos pueden ser una buena solución desde el punto de vista tribológico. El “Lewis Research Centre” de la NASA ha estado desarrollando recubrimientos autolubricantes tipo composite, constituidos por la combinación de materiales duros como el carburo de cromo, junto con lubricantes sólidos como plata o la eutéctica de fluoruros de calcio y bario, en una matriz de NiCr, para su uso en aplicaciones terrestres a alta temperatura. Estos recubrimientos han sido aplicados mediante proyección térmica, siendo denominados como series PS100, PS200, PS300 y PS400, reduciendo de forma significativa el coeficiente de fricción y mejorando la resistencia al desgaste en un amplio margen de temperaturas. Otra nueva familia de materiales con comportamiento tribológico prometedor son las aleaciones cuasicristalinas (QC). Presentan características muy atractivas: alta dureza, baja fricción, alto límite elástico de compresión... Son muy frágiles como materiales másicos, por lo que se intentan aplicar en forma de recubrimientos. Se pueden depositar mediante proyección térmica. Algunos de estos materiales cuasicristalinos, como AlCoFeCr, poseen coeficientes de dilatación próximos al de los materiales metálicos, alta estabilidad térmica, baja conductividad térmica y una elevada resistencia a la oxidación y a la corrosión en caliente. En esta tesis se han desarrollado recubrimientos tipo composite conteniendo cuasicristales como componente antidesgaste, NiCr como componente tenaz, y Ag y la eutéctica de BaF2-CaF2, como lubricantes sólidos. Estos recubrimientos han sido depositados con diferentes composiciones (denominadas TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) mediante distintos procesos de proyección térmica: plasma en aire (PS), plasma en baja presión (LPPS) y combustión a alta velocidad (HVOF). Los recubrimientos se han generado sobre el sustrato X-750, una superaleación base níquel, endurecible por precipitación, con muy buena resistencia mecánica y a la oxidación hasta temperaturas de 870 ºC y, además, es empleada en aplicaciones aeroespaciales e industriales. Los recubrimientos han sido caracterizados microestructuralmente en INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial), mediante SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) y XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), y tribológicamente mediante medidas de microdureza y ensayos en tribómetro POD (Pin On Disc) para determinar los coeficientes de fricción y de desgaste. Los recubrimientos han sido ensayados tribológicamente a alta temperatura en INTA y en vacío en AMTTARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), en Seibersdorf (Austria). Se ha estudiado la influencia de la carga normal aplicada, la velocidad lineal y el material del pin. De entre las diferentes series de recubrimientos cuasicristalinos tipo composite desarrolladas, dos de ellas, TH100 y TH103 han presentado una excelente calidad microestructural (baja porosidad, distribución uniforme de fases…) y se han mostrado como excelentes recubrimientos antidesgaste. Sin embargo, estas capas presentan un pobre comportamiento como autolubricantes a temperatura ambiente, aunque mejoran mucho a alta temperatura o en vacío. Los resultados del trabajo presentado en esta tesis han proporcionado nuevo conocimiento respecto al comportamiento tribológico de recubrimientos autolubricantes cuasicristalinos tipo composite depositados por proyección térmica. Sin embargo, dichos resultados, aunque son muy prometedores, no han puesto de manifiesto el adecuado comportamiento autolubricante que se pretendía y, además, como ocurre en cualquier trabajo de investigación, durante el desarrollo del mismo siempre aparecen nuevas dudas por resolver. Se proponen nuevas líneas de trabajo futuro que complementen los resultados obtenidos y que puedan encaminar hacia la obtención de un recubrimiento que mejore su comportamiento autolubricante. ABSTRACT Solid lubricant coatings are required to reduce friction and prevent wear in components that operate at high temperatures or under vacuum (space vehicles, chemical industry, diesel engines, power generation turbines and aeronautical turbines, for instance). In these cases neither greases nor liquid lubricants can be employed and the only practicable approach to lubrication in such conditions is by means of solids. These are increasingly applied in the form of coatings which should exhibit low shear strength, whilst maintaining their chemical stability at extremes temperatures and in the space environment. In the space field, these coatings would be employed in re-usable space plane applications, such as elevon hinges, where temperatures of 700 ºC are reached during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. These coatings should also be capable of providing effective lubrication at lower temperatures since “cold start” operation may be necessary, even in the space environment. The diverse and sometimes conflictive requirements in high temperature and space-related tribological coatings make the concept of composite coatings highly suitable for these applications. Thermal-sprayed composites containing solid lubricants in a hard matrix perform well tribologically. NASA‘s Lewis Research Centre had developed self-lubricating composite coatings for terrestrial use, comprising hard materials like chromium carbide as well as solid lubricant additives such as silver and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic on a Ni-Cr matrix. These coatings series, named PS100, PS200, PS300 and PS400, are applied by thermal spray and significantly reduce friction coefficients, improving wear resistance over a wide temperature range. Quasicrystalline alloys (QC) constitute a new family of materials with promising tribological behaviour. Some QC materials exhibit a combination of adequate antifriction properties: low friction coefficient, high hardness and high yield strength under compression, and can be easily produced as coatings on top of metallic and non-metallic materials. Among these QC alloys, AlCoFeCr has high hardness (700 HV0.1), a thermal expansion coefficient close to that of metals, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity and good oxidation and hot corrosion resistance. However most QC materials have the disadvantage of being very brittle. In order to take advantage of the excellent tribological properties of QCs, thick composite lubricant coatings were prepared containing them as the hard phase for wear resistance, Ag and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic as lubricating materials and NiCr as the tough component. These coatings were deposited in different composition mixtures (named TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) by different thermal spray processes: air plasma spray (PS), low pressure plasma spray (LPPS) and high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF), on X-750 substrates. X-750 is an age-hardenable nickel-base superalloy with very good strength and a good resistance to oxidising combustion gas environments at temperatures up to about 870 ºC and it is widely used in aerospace and industrial applications. Coatings have been characterized microstructurally, at INTA (National Institute for Aerospace Technology), by means of SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and tribologically by microhardness measurements and pin-on-disc testing to determine friction coefficients as well as wear resistance. The coatings were tested tribologically at high temperature at INTA and under vacuum at AMTT-ARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), in Seibersdorf (Austria). Different loads, linear speeds and pin materials were studied. TH100 and TH103 QC alloy matrix composite coatings were deposited by HVOF with excellent microstructural quality (low porosity, uniform phase distribution) and showed to be excellent wear resistant coatings. However these QC alloy matrix composite coatings are poor as a self-lubricant at room temperature but much better at high temperature or in vacuum. The results from the work performed within the scope of this thesis have provided new knowledge concerning the tribological behavior of self-lubricating quasicrystalline composite coatings deposited by thermal spraying. Although these results are very promising, they have not shown an adequate self-lubricating behavior as was intended, and also, as in any research, the results have in addition raised new questions. Future work is suggested to complement the results of this thesis in order to improve the selflubricating behaviour of the coatings.


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Brain injury is the leading cause of disability and death in children in the United States. Student re-entry into the school setting following a traumatic brain injury is crucial to student success. Multidisciplinary teams within the school district comprised of individuals with expertise in brain injury are ideal in implementing student specific treatment plans given their specialized training and wide range of expertise addressing student needs. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop and initially validate a quantitative instrument that school personnel can use to determine if a student, identified as having a traumatic brain injury, will benefit from district-level consultation from a brain injury team. Three studies were designed to investigate the research questions. In study one, the planning and construction of the DORI-TBI was completed. Study two addressed the content validity of the DORI-TBI through a comparison analysis with other referral forms, content review with experts in the field of TBI, and cognitive interviews with professionals to test the usability of the new screening tool. In study three, a field administration was conducted using vignettes to measure construct validity. Results produced a valid and reliable new screening instrument that can aid school-based teams to more efficiently utilize district level consultation with a brain injury support team.


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BACKGROUND Mapping to identify scar-related ventricular tachycardia re-entry circuits during sinus rhythm focuses on sites with abnormal electrograms or pace-mapping findings of QRS morphology and long stimulus to QRS intervals. We hypothesized that (1) these methods do not necessarily identify the same sites and (2) some electrograms are far-field potentials that can be recognized by pacing. METHODS AND RESULTS From 12 patients with coronary disease and recurrent ventricular tachycardia undergoing catheter ablation, we retrospectively analyzed electrograms and pacing at 546 separate low bipolar voltage (<1.5 mV) sites. Electrograms were characterized as showing evidence of slow conduction if late potentials (56%) or fractionated potentials (76%) were present. Neither was present at (13%) sites. Pacing from the ablation catheter captured 70% of all electrograms. Higher bipolar voltage and fractionation were independent predictors for pace capture. There was a linear correlation between the stimulus to QRS duration during pacing and the lateness of a capturing electrogram (P<0.001), but electrogram and pacing markers of slow conduction were discordant at 40% of sites. Sites with far-field potentials, defined as those that remained visible and not captured by pacing stimuli, were identified at 48% of all pacing sites, especially in areas of low bipolar voltage and late potentials. Initial radiofrequency energy application rendered 74% of targeted sites electrically unexcitable. CONCLUSIONS Far-field potentials are common in scar areas. Combining analysis of electrogram characteristics and assessment of pace capture may refine identification of substrate targets for radiofrequency ablation.


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A partir del análisis de normativas universitarias, bibliografía especializada y fundamentalmente fuentes documentales y testimoniales, este artículo aborda la trama del sector universitario privado durante el complejo interregno que significaron los años setentas para la historia reciente Argentina. Observaremos que tras el reingreso del peronismo al poder del Estado en 1973, la alta sustentabilidad adquirida por el sector en años anteriores fue puesta en jaque: conflictos estudiantiles, intervenciones políticas y un crecimiento institucional refrenado, fueron algunos de sus rasgos distintivos. En cuanto a la última dictadura militar (1976-1983), abrió una contradictoria etapa de desarrollo para las universidades privadas. Pese a la alternancia de católicos conservadores en el área educativa y al sesgo privatista identificado como un hito del modelo económico implementado, el sector privado resultó contraído en el marco del avasallamiento más brutal del sistema universitario en su conjunto. Sin embargo, algunas universidades católicas resultaron beneficiadas con importantes estímulos económicos.


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Inserted Report documentation page designates E.R. Stover as "author."