961 resultados para Employee assistance programs


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This paper has as goal to analyze the Bolsa Família program in its several aspects (creation, discussions about it, perspective of those who receives the program benefits, its reach and effectiveness in comparison with what had been idealized by its creators). Besides that, it is done a report since the colonization age until the period before the creation of the social assistance programs to justify the inequality that the country are currently in, and, like it is made clear during the mentioned research, it has been improved in the course of years. And finally, it is proved through statistics the inequality between Northeast and Southeast regions. They represent, together, the biggest part of Brazilian population e their socioeconomics problems, in a way that can be taken into consideration as an example to the rest of the country


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The violence is a phenomenon to be faced by several public actions and requires a formal notification system that preserves the victim of suffering from public exposure. This article discusses, in the specificity of Psychology action at the Court of the State of Sao Paulo, the importance of public policy in confronting sexual violence and the assistance of the victims. The main objective of this article is to provide a review of the relationship between the Judiciary and the Public Policy, focusing on networking and the unnecessary judicialization of actions that should be developed in another environment. The way the fact is treated in the family and the society will determine the victims' reactions and their readiness to talk about it, both in the police investigation, as in the judicial lawsuit, or yet, in specific assistance programs.


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Lo scopo di questa dissertazione è quello di costruire un modello di promozione della salute nel contesto di lavoro in relazione al consumo di sostanze psicoattive fra lavoratori, attraverso il confronto tra la situazione italiana e inglese. L’ipotesi di fondo rimanda all’idea che i luoghi di lavoro possano rappresentare setting d’elezione per i progetti di prevenzione non solo perché alcuni studi dimostrano l’esistenza di fattori di rischio connessi alla mansione rispetto alle condotte relative allo stile di vita, ma anche perché il consumo di alcol e droghe è altamente diffuso tra i lavoratori e questo comporta rischi per la sicurezza e la salute personale nonché quella dei colleghi di lavoro. Si tratta quindi di indagare il rapporto tra contesto lavorativo e utilizzo di sostanze al fine di suggerire  alla luce degli studi internazionali in materia e delle riflessioni condotte dai soggetti coinvolti nella ricerca che si andrà a presentare  linee guida e indicazioni operative per la realizzazione di interventi di promozione alla salute nei contesti professionali. A tal fine, saranno analizzati gli esiti di 13 focus group che hanno coinvolto esperti italiani e 6 interviste somministrate a esperti inglesi volti a definire la situazione attuale in Italia e Gran Bretagna in materia di prevenzione del consumo di alcol e droghe nei luoghi di lavoro. In particolare, l’analisi verterà sulle seguenti aree: - Percezione circa la diffusione dei consumi nei luoghi di lavoro - Presentazione delle politiche adottate, in logica comparativa, tra i due paesi. - Analisi critica degli interventi e problematiche aperte. L’analisi del materiale empirico permette di delineare due modelli costruiti sulla base dei focus group e delle interviste: - in Italia si può affermare che prevalga il cd. modello della sicurezza: di recente trasformazione, questo sistema enfatizza la dimensione del controllo, tanto che si parla di sorveglianza sanitaria. É orientato alla sicurezza concepita quale rimozione dei fattori di rischio. Il consumo di sostanze (anche sporadico) è inteso quale espressione di una patologia che richiede l’intervento sanitario secondo modalità previste dal quadro normativo: una procedura che annulla la discrezionalità sia del datore di lavoro sia del medico competente. Si connota inoltre per contraddizioni interne e trasversali rispetto alle categorie lavorative (i controlli non si applicano alle professioni associate a maggiore prestigio sociale sebbene palesemente associate a rischio, come per esempio i medici) e alle sostanze (atteggiamento repressivo soprattutto verso le droghe illegali); - in Gran Bretagna, invece, il modello si configura come responsabilità bilaterale: secondo questo modello, se è vero che il datore di lavoro può decidere in merito all’attuazione di misure preventive in materia di alcol e droghe nei luoghi di lavoro, egli è ritenuto responsabile della mancata vigilanza. D’altro canto, il lavoratore che non rispetta quanto previsto nella politica scritta può essere soggetto a licenziamento per motivi disciplinari. Questo modello, particolarmente attento al consumo di tutte le sostanze psicoattive (legali e illegali), considera il consumo quale esito di una libera scelta individuale attraverso la quale il lavoratore decide di consumare alcol e droghe così come decide di dedicarsi ad altre condotte a rischio. Si propone di ri-orientare le strategie analizzate nei due paesi europei presi in esame attraverso la realizzazione di un modello della promozione della salute fondato su alcuni punti chiave: – coinvolgimento di tutti i lavoratori (e non solo coloro che svolgono mansioni a rischio per la sicurezza) al fine di promuovere benessere secondo un approccio olistico di salute, orientato ad intervenire non soltanto in materia di consumo di sostanze psicoattive (legali e illegali), ma più in generale sulle condotte a rischio; – compartecipazione nelle diverse fasi (programmazione, realizzazione e valutazione del progetto) del lavoratore, datore di lavoro e medico competente secondo una logica di flessibilità, responsabilizzazione condivisa fra i diversi attori, personalizzazione e co-gestione dell’intervento; – azione volta a promuovere i fattori di protezione agendo simultaneamente sul contrasto dei fattori di rischio (stress, alienazione, scarso riconoscimento del ruolo svolto), attraverso interventi che integrano diverse strategie operative alla luce delle evidenze scientifiche (Evidence-Based Prevention); – ricorso a strumenti di controllo (drug testing) subordinato all’esigenza di tutelare l’incolumità fisica del lavoratore e dei colleghi, da attuarsi sempre e comunque attraverso prassi che non violino la privacy e attraverso strumenti in grado di verificare l’effettivo stato di alterazione psico-fisica sul luogo di lavoro; – demedicalizzazione delle situazioni di consumo che non richiedono un intervento prettamente sanitario, ma che al contrario potrebbero essere affrontate attraverso azioni incentrate sul care anziché la cure; – messa a disposizione di servizi ad hoc con funzione di supporto, counselling, orientamento per i lavoratori, non stigmatizzanti e con operatori di formazione non solamente sanitaria, sull’esempio degli EAPs (Employee Assistence Programs) statunitensi. Si ritiene che questo modello possa trasformare i contesti di lavoro da agenzie di controllo orientate alla sicurezza a luoghi di intervento orientati al benessere attraverso un’azione sinergica e congiunta volta a promuovere i fattori di protezione a discapito di quelli di rischio in modo tale da intervenire non soltanto sul consumo di sostanze psicotrope, ma più in generale sullo stile di vita che influenza la salute complessiva.


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The Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act (MCCA) would have mandated federal assistance for Medicare beneficiaries who have high annual prescription medication costs, High national expenditures for such drugs have encouraged the development of private and state insurance programs to help with these costs. Ten state pharmaceutical assistance programs (SPAPs), designed to help certain elderly, low income, or disabled people, exist for those ineligible for Medicaid or unable to purchase coverage privately. Coordination of state and federal benefits was a consideration for established programs, and programs being planned needed to determine the feasibity of integration of federal assistance. But the enactment and subsequent appeal of the Act affected both planning and policy implications for these SPAPs. All U.S. states and territories were surveyed before the bill's repeal to collect data on the effects of MCCA for those with prescription drug programs and those without. The repeal of the federal program places pressure on the nonprogram states to proceed, perhaps more cautiously, to initiate program; for their own residents, given increasing out-of-pocket and insurance costs, and no federal program.


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Therapeutic Drug Utilization Review (DUR) is an important component of state-level pharmaceutical assistance programs.


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Non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners hold the largest amount of privately owned forest in the United States. Activities undertaken by NIPF owners have the potential to drastically impact the forested landscape of the United States, along with its associated biodiversity and ecological services. Many government sanctioned programs are in place to discourage the conversion of forest to other uses as well as to ensure sustainable management and a continuous supply of timber. Reaching NIPF owners with information about these programs and other management information is therefore important to the forests of the United States. This thesis presents research on how the NIPF owners of the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan communicate about forest management with neighboring NIPF owners. The data were obtained from 34 telephone interviews with owners of NIPF properties in the western Upper Peninsula. The goal of this research was to understand the way information moves through NIPF owner dominated landscapes in order to provide recommendations to policy implementers on how to best reach NIPF owners with information. Understanding where NIPF owners get information about management and landowner assistance programs is vital to ensuring a sustainably managed forest landscape in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan.


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Household food insecurity is associated with threats to children’s intellectual, behavioral, and psycho-emotional development. In addition to poor food quality and quantity, the stress associated with food insecurity can undermine caregiver mental health and family functioning. Evidence demonstrates that national assistance programs and policies are needed to ensure that families and children have access to adequate sources of healthy food and to stress-alleviating resources.


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A worksite health education program called “Your Heart Can't Wait,” was designed by the American Heart Association Gulf Coast Area (AHA). The objectives were to educate individuals about the signs and symptoms of heart attacks and the actions they should take to improve heart attack victims' chances for survival. AHA volunteers agreed to serve as mentors for this program. ^ A study was designed to determine if worksite coordinators who had the assistance of experienced AHA volunteers had higher rates of program adoption and implementation than worksite coordinators without assistance. Ninety-seven companies participated in the study. Twelve AHA volunteers were randomly assigned to work with forty-three of the worksite coordinators. Mentor/mentee contact forms were used to assess the mentoring process during the course of the study. Program adoption forms were used to measure rates of program adoption and follow-up questionnaires were used to measure rates of program implementation after the study was completed. The twelve mentors were interviewed to provide information for improving future mentoring efforts. ^ Thirty-eight companies completed program adoption forms and fifty-one companies reported using YHCW program components. For the most part, the volunteer mentors did not spend a significant amount of time contacting or working with their assigned worksite coordinators. As a result, the planned analysis comparing the implemented programs between worksite coordinators with and without assistance could not be completed. ^ Additional analyses were performed comparing the implemented programs based upon whether the companies had existing health education/health promotion programs and whether the worksite coordinators had experience using AHA Heart At Work program components. ^ Recommendations based on the mentor interviews were made to improve the success of volunteer assistance programs in the future. ^


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For over 75 years housing cooperatives have been a source of affordable housing. Currently, the 376,000 dwelling units of affordable cooperatives is equivalent to seventeen percent of the rent reduction units owned by publichousing authorities. Understanding that affordable cooperatives have been developed under varying historical circumstances provides insights on how they could play a role in the future supply of affordable housing. The history of affordable co-ops starts during the 1920s and after World War II with the ethnic, union, and New York government financed co-ops. Through the 1960s and the early 1970s cooperatives were financed by various federal direct assistance programs. Since the late 1970s co-ops have been sponsored by nonprofit organizations and by federal and municipal government privatization programs. A workable institutional structure for affordable cooperatives has developed as a result of this historical evolution.


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Because fruit and vegetable intake remains low in low-income populations, the attention of public health researchers has focused on different strategies to reach this population. One possible method of reaching low income populations is through government food assistance programs like the WIC's Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP). This program provides vouchers to WIC recipients that are redeemable only at farmers' markets. In the summer of 2010, two farm stands near WIC clinics in Austin were surveyed in order to establish socio-demographic characteristics of the clientele of the markets. The overall purpose of this pilot study was to describe the clientele of the markets and to examine associations between food insecurity, acculturation, socio-demographic factors, and farmers' market participants' fruit and vegetable intake. The sample was a convenience sample of farmers' market customers. One hundred study participants completed self-administered surveys. Independent t-tests were used to explore the differences in means of fruit and vegetable intake according to acculturation and food insecurity levels. The overall mean (SD) of daily fruit and vegetable intake was 4.20±2.69 for customers of both markets. Significant differences were reported between the two markets in overall fruit and vegetable intake and specifically in the following: 100% juice (P=.023), fruit consumption (P=.028), green salad (P=.003), and salsa (P=.044). The differences showed that customers at the market in a more busy location were on average reporting eating more fruits and vegetables than customers at another market that was located in a more secluded location. When examined by level of food security, individuals who were more food secure consumed more fruit (P=.016). When examined by level of acculturation, the overall fruit and vegetable intake was not significantly different between levels of acculturation. The overall findings in this report suggest that the population at these markets consists of individuals who are food insecure and on government assistance programs. While there were no significant differences between fruit and vegetable intake, acculturation and food insecurity, this report suggests the need for culturally tailored interventions that serve the Hispanic population and would assist this population to become more food secure.^


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El objetivo del artículo es presentar un análisis de la importancia que adquieren diferentes intervenciones de los programas alimentarios en un barrio pobre de la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, entre los años 2006 y 2008, señalando el lugar que ocupan en la resolución de las necesidades alimentarias tal como son reconocidas y evaluadas por sus destinatarios. Se detallan las características del trabajo empírico realizado en ese barrio y, a partir de los relatos de las beneficiarias, se reconstruyeron las visiones sobre el lugar que ocupan los productos y prestaciones de esos programas en los consumos habituales, junto con la adaptación, aceptación y utilización de los mismos, destacando los distintos aportes de la ayuda alimentaria estatal en términos de seguridad y soberanía alimentaria mediante la aplicación del enfoque de derechos al análisis de políticas sociales


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En este artículo se presentan algunos de los resultados alcanzados en el proyecto de investigación sobre "Políticas públicas y participación ciudadana, experiencias en programas sociales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires", cuyo objetivo consistió en caracterizar la concepción sobre la participación subyacente en los lineamientos de la política social de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en la década del noventa hasta la actualidad, en particular en el caso de algunos programas de salud, empleo y asistencia social. A lo largo de este trabajo intentaremos presentar el concepto de participación contenido en los discursos así como los ámbitos y actividades con las que se asocia a la luz de las discusiones planteadas por diversos autores sobre la problemática


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El objetivo del artículo es presentar un análisis de la importancia que adquieren diferentes intervenciones de los programas alimentarios en un barrio pobre de la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, entre los años 2006 y 2008, señalando el lugar que ocupan en la resolución de las necesidades alimentarias tal como son reconocidas y evaluadas por sus destinatarios. Se detallan las características del trabajo empírico realizado en ese barrio y, a partir de los relatos de las beneficiarias, se reconstruyeron las visiones sobre el lugar que ocupan los productos y prestaciones de esos programas en los consumos habituales, junto con la adaptación, aceptación y utilización de los mismos, destacando los distintos aportes de la ayuda alimentaria estatal en términos de seguridad y soberanía alimentaria mediante la aplicación del enfoque de derechos al análisis de políticas sociales


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En este artículo se presentan algunos de los resultados alcanzados en el proyecto de investigación sobre "Políticas públicas y participación ciudadana, experiencias en programas sociales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires", cuyo objetivo consistió en caracterizar la concepción sobre la participación subyacente en los lineamientos de la política social de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en la década del noventa hasta la actualidad, en particular en el caso de algunos programas de salud, empleo y asistencia social. A lo largo de este trabajo intentaremos presentar el concepto de participación contenido en los discursos así como los ámbitos y actividades con las que se asocia a la luz de las discusiones planteadas por diversos autores sobre la problemática