882 resultados para Emergency cardiovascular care


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Dans un contexte de prévention secondaire, les interventions motivationnelles brèves (IMB) effectuées par les infirmières ont le potentiel de réduire les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires. De par sa flexibilité, la formation en ligne s’impose aujourd’hui comme une méthode pédagogique essentielle au développement des habiletés cliniques des professionnels de la santé. Le but de ce projet était d’évaluer la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité et l’effet préliminaire d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB (MOTIV@CŒUR) sur les habiletés perçues et l’utilisation clinique des IMB chez des infirmières en soins cardiovasculaires. Pour ce faire, une étude pilote pré-post à groupe unique a été menée. MOTIV@CŒUR est composée de deux sessions d’une durée totale de 50 minutes incluant des vidéos d’interactions infirmière-patient. Dans chaque session, une introduction théorique aux IMB est suivie de situations cliniques dans lesquelles une infirmière évalue la motivation à changer et intervient selon les principes des IMB. Les situations ciblent le tabagisme, la non-adhérence au traitement médicamenteux, la sédentarité et une alimentation riche en gras et en sel. Il était suggéré aux infirmières de compléter les deux sessions de formation en ligne en moins de 20 jours. Les données sur la faisabilité, l'acceptabilité et les effets préliminaires (habiletés perçues et utilisation clinique auto-rapportée des IMB) ont été recueillies à 30 jours (± 5 jours) après la première session. Nous avons recruté 27 femmes et 4 hommes (âge moyen 37 ans ± 9) en mars 2016. Vingt-quatre des 31 participants (77%) ont terminé les deux sessions de formation en moins de 20 jours. À un mois suite à l’entrée dans l’étude, 28 des 31 participants avaient complété au moins une session. Un haut niveau d’acceptabilité a été observé vu les scores élevés quant à la qualité de l'information, la facilité d'utilisation perçue et la qualité de la plateforme MOTIV@CŒUR. Le score d'utilisation clinique auto-rapporté des interventions visant la confiance était plus élevé après les deux sessions qu’avant les sessions (P = .032). Bien que tous les scores fussent plus élevés après les deux sessions qu’au début, les autres résultats n’étaient pas statistiquement significatifs. En conclusion, l’implantation d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB est à la fois faisable et acceptable auprès d’infirmières en soins aigus cardiovasculaires. De plus, une telle formation peut avoir un effet positif sur l'utilisation clinique d’interventions motivationnelles visant la confiance face au changement de comportement de santé.


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Este artículo pretende tener en cuenta las peculiaridades y características específicas de los pacientes ancianos con cardiopatía isquémica crónica desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, con la participación de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (secciones de Cardiología Geriátrica y Cardiopatía Isquémica/Cuidados Agudos Cardiovasculares), la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, la Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria y la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. En este documento de consenso se detalla cómo el abordaje de estos enfermos de edad avanzada exige una valoración integral de la comorbilidad, la fragilidad, el estado funcional, la polifarmacia y las interacciones medicamentosas. Concluimos que en la mayoría de los pacientes el tratamiento médico es la mejor opción y que, a la hora de programarlo, se deben tener en cuenta los factores anteriores y las alteraciones biológicas asociadas al envejecimiento.


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Cardiogenic shock (CS) has a poor prognosis. The heterogeneity in the mortality through different subgroups suggests that some factors can be useful to perform risk stratification and guide management. We aimed to find predictors of in-hospital mortality in these patients. We analyzed all cases of cardiogenic shock due to medical conditions admitted in our intensive acute cardiovascular care unity from November 2010 till November 2015. Clinical, biochemical and hemodynamic variables were registered, as was the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (INTERMACS) profile at 24 h of CS diagnosis. From a total of 281 patients, 28 died within the first 24 h and were not included in the analysis. A total of 253 patients survived the first 24 h, mean age was 68.8 ± 14.4 years, and 174 (68.8%) were men. Etiologies: acute coronary syndrome 146 (57.7%), acute heart failure 60 (23.7%), arrhythmias 35 (13.8%), and others 12 (4.8%). A total of 91 patients (36.0%) died during hospitalization. We found the following independent predictors of in-hospital mortality: age (odds ratio [OR] 1.032, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.003–1.062), blood glucose (OR 1.004, 95% CI 1.001–1.008), heart rate (OR 1.014, 95% CI 1.001–1.028), and INTERMACS profile (OR 0.168, 95% CI 0.107–0.266). In patients with CS the INTERMACS profile at 24 h of diagnosis was associated with higher in-hospital mortality. This and other prognostic variables (age, blood glucose, and heart rate) may be useful for risk stratification and to select appropriate medical or invasive interventions.


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BACKGROUND: The maternal health system in Ethiopia links health posts in rural communities (kebeles) with district (woreda) health centres, and health centres with primary hospitals. At each health post two Health Extension Workers (HEWs) assist women with birth preparedness, complication readiness, and mobilize communities to facilitate timely referral to mid-level service providers. This study explored HEWs' and mother's attitudes to maternal health services in Adwa Woreda, Tigray Region. METHODS: In this qualitative study, we trained 16 HEWs to interview 45 women to gain a better understanding of the social context of maternal health related behaviours. Themes included barriers to health services; women's social status and mobility; and women's perceptions of skilled birth attendant's care. All data were analyzed thematically. FINDINGS: There have been substantial efforts to improve maternal health and reduce maternal mortality in Adwa Woreda. Women identified barriers to healthcare including distance and lack of transportation due to geographical factors; the absence of many husbands due to off-woreda farming; traditional factors such as zwar (some pregnant women are afraid of meeting other pregnant women), and discouragement from mothers and mothers-in-law who delivered their children at home. Some women experienced disrespectful care at the hospital. Facilitators to skilled birth attendance included: identification of pregnant women through Women's Development Groups (WDGs), and referral by ambulance to health facilities either before a woman's Expected Due Date (EDD) or if labour started at home. CONCLUSION: With the support of WDGs, HEWs have increased the rate of skilled birth attendance by calling ambulances to transfer women to health centres either before their EDD or when labour starts at home. These findings add to the growing body of evidence that health workers at the community level can work with women's groups to improve maternal health, thus reducing the need for emergency obstetric care in low-income countries.


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Se realiza un estudio de corte transversal en el periodo de enero a septiembre del año 2016 en la unidad coronaria del Hospital San José Centro de la Ciudad de Bogotá; en pacientes con sospecha de enfermedad coronaria (Síndrome coronario agudo y angina estable) y antecedente de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, se recolectaron 42 pacientes con los criterios de inclusión a quienes se realizó angiografía coronaria como parte del protocolo de estudio y manejo de la unidad, el objetivo primario fue demostrar la posible correlación entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y la escala de severidad SYNTAX Score I y II de enfermedad coronaria, como objetivos secundarios; caracterizar las variables sociodemográficas, comorbilidades y posible relación con el tipo de presentación de enfermedad coronaria. Como hallazgos relevantes no se encontró correlación importante ni significativa entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y la escala Syntax score II ni Syntax score I, a pesar de que la mayoría de pacientes mostraban mal control crónico de su diabetes mellitus tipo 2, con niveles mayores > 7%, como hallazgo positivo se encontro asociación estadísticamente significativa con niveles de LDL y las diferentes formas de presentación de enfermedad coronaria, a mayor niveles de LDL mayor probabilidad de IAM e IAM con elevación del segmento ST. Se considera que con estudios multicentricos en diferentes ciudades y unidades de cuidado cardiovascular con diferentes niveles de riesgo, se podría demostrar la posible correlación entre niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada y los grados de severidad de enfermedad coronaria representados por las escalas Syntax score I y II.


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Context. Healthcare utilization of elder cardiovascular patients in United States will increase in near future, due to an aging population. This trend could burden urban emergency centers, which have become a source of primary care. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to determine the association of age, gender, ethnicity, insurance and other presenting variables on hospital admission in an emergency center for elder cardiovascular patients. ^ Design, setting and participants. An anonymous retrospective review of emergency center patient login records of an urban emergency center in the years 2004 and 2005 was conducted. Elder patients (age ≥ 65 years) with cardiovascular disease (ICD91 390-459) were included. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify independent factors for hospital admission. Four major cardiovascular reasons for hospitalisation – ischemic heart disease, heart failure, hypertensive disorders and stroke were analysed separately. ^ Results. The number of elder patients in the emergency center is increasing, the most common reason for their visit was hypertension. Majority (59%) of the 12,306 elder patients were female. Forty five percent were uninsured and 1,973 patients had cardiovascular disease. Older age (OR 1.10; CI 1.02-1.19) was associated with a marginal increase in hospital admission in elder stroke patients. Elder females compared to elder males were more likely to be hospitalised for ischemic heart disease (OR 2.71; CI 1.22-6.00) and heart failure (OR 1.58; CI 1.001-2.52). Furthermore, insured elder heart failure patients (OR 0.54; CI 0.31-0.93) and elder African American heart failure patients (OR 0.32; CI 0.13-0.75) were less likely to be hospitalised. Ambulance use was associated with greater hospital admissions in elder cardiovascular patients studied, except for stroke. ^ Conclusion. Appropriate health care distribution policies are needed for elder patients, particularly elder females, uninsured, and racial/ethnic minorities. These findings could help triage nurse evaluations in emergency centers to identify patients who were more likely to be hospitalised to offer urgent care and schedule appointments in primary care clinics. In addition, health care plans could be formulated to improve elder primary care, decrease overcrowding in emergency centers, and decrease elder healthcare costs in the future. ^


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SUMMARY Switzerland is facing an aging population and a growing amount of patients with chronic diseases. It is crucial to display health care processes and pathways, to identify inequalities and obstacles, and to point out possibilities for improvements of the Swiss health care system (e.g. increase efficiency). The introductory part of the thesis presents a brief description of the Swiss health care system, health services research and regional variation as well as an introduction of CVD and its epidemiological key figures, aetiology and treatments. This is followed by the description of the utilized methods and data, and the objectives of this thesis. The subsequent sections present the four articles included in this thesis. The first article focuses on a small area analysis on regional variation of avoidable hospitalisations in Switzerland including density of primary care physicians and specialists, rurality and hospital supply factors as explanatory variables in the analysis. Lower rates of avoidable hospitalisations were found in areas with very high supply of primary care physicians, increased avoidable hospitalisation rates in areas with more specialists and in areas with higher proportion of rural residents. The second article aims to examine whether emergency patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction were adequately treated, i.e. according to the treatment guidelines, in Switzerland. Results show that older and female patients were less likely to receive revascularization which suggests that the treatment guidelines may not be uniformly applied in Switzerland. Similar to the first article, also in the third article a small area analysis was performed but this time investigating regional variation in costs at the end of life. Strongest associations of cost was found with cause of death, age and language region of the decedents. The strong spatial variation of costs could only partly be explained by the included covariates. Article four aims to examine the relationship of distance to different hospital types and mortality from AMI or stroke. We found that AMI mortality in the Swiss population 30 and older and stroke mortality in those 65 and above increased with distance to central and university hospitals, while adjusting for sociodemographic and economic characteristics of the population. The presentation of the four articles is followed by a discussion, which summarizes the main findings and the strengths and limitations of the presented articles. The thesis concludes with a discussion about the challenges for policy, practice and future research.


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Objective-To establish the demographic, health status and insurance determinants of pre-hospital ambulance non-usage for patients with emergency medical needs. Methods-Triage category, date of birth, sex, marital status, country of origin, method and time of arrival, ambulance insurance status, diagnosis, and disposal were collected for all patients who presented over a four month period (n=10 229) to the emergency department of a major provincial hospital. Data for patients with urgent (n=678) or critical care needs (n=332) who did not use pre-hospital care were analysed using Poisson regression. Results-Only a small percentage (6.6%) of the total sample were triaged as having urgent medical needs or critical care needs (3.2%). Predictors of usage for those with urgent care needs included age greater than 65 years (prevalence ratio (PR)=0.54; 95% confidence interval (CI)= 0.35 to 0.83), being admitted to intensive care or transferred to another hospital (PR=0.62; 95% CI=0.44 to 0.89) or ward (PR=0.72; 95% CI=0.56 to 0.93) and ambulance insurance status (PR=0.67; 95% CI=052 to 0.86). Sex, marital status, time of day and country of origin were not predictive of usage and non-usage. Predictors of usage for those with critical care needs included age 65 years or greater (PR=0.45; 95% CI=0.25 to 0.81) and a diagnosis of trauma (PR=0.49; 95% CI=0.26 to 0.92). A non-English speaking background was predictive of non-usage (PR=1.98; 95% CI=1.06 to 3.70). Sex, marital status, time of day, triage and ambulance insurance status were not predictive of non-usage. Conclusions-Socioeconomic and medical factors variously influence ambulance usage depending on the severity or urgency of the medical condition. Ambulance insurance status was less of an influence as severity of condition increased suggesting that, at a critical level of urgency, patients without insurance are willing to pay for a pre-hospital ambulance service.


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Disability following a stroke can impose various restrictions on patients’ attempts at participating in life roles. The measurement of social participation, for instance, is important in estimating recovery and assessing quality of care at the community level. Thus, the identification of factors influencing social participation is essential in developing effective measures for promoting the reintegration of stroke survivors into the community. Data were collected from 188 stroke survivors (mean age 71.7 years) 12 months after discharge from a stroke rehabilitation hospital. Of these survivors, 128 (61 %) had suffered a first ever stroke, and 81 (43 %) had a right hemisphere lesion. Most (n = 156, 83 %) were living in their own home, though 32 (17 %) were living in residential care facilities. Path analysis was used to test a hypothesized model of participation restriction which included the direct and indirect effects between social, psychological and physical outcomes and demographic variables. Participation restriction was the dependent variable. Exogenous independent variables were age, functional ability, living arrangement and gender. Endogenous independent variables were depressive symptoms, state self-esteem and social support satisfaction. The path coefficients showed functional ability having the largest direct effect on participation restriction. The results also showed that more depressive symptoms, low state self-esteem, female gender, older age and living in a residential care facility had a direct effect on participation restriction. The explanatory variables accounted for 71% of the variance in explaining participation restriction. Prediction models have empirical and practical applications such as suggesting important factors to be considered in promoting stroke recovery. The findings suggest that interventions offered over the course of rehabilitation should be aimed at improving functional ability and promoting psychological aspects of recovery. These are likely to enhance stroke survivors resume or maximize their social participation so that they may fulfill productive and positive life roles.


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Introduction: Little is known about the risk perceptions and attitudes of healthcare personnel, especially of emergency prehospital medical care personnel, regarding the possibility of an outbreak or epidemic event. Problem: This study was designed to investigate pre-event knowledge and attitudes of a national sample of the emergency prehospital medical care providers in relation to a potential human influenza pandemic, and to determine predictors of these attitudes. Methods: Surveys were distributed to a random, cross-sectional sample of 20% of the Australian emergency prehospital medical care workforce (n = 2,929), stratified by the nine services operating in Australia, as well as by gender and location. The surveys included: (1) demographic information; (2) knowledge of influenza; and (3) attitudes and perceptions related to working during influenza pandemic conditions. Multiple logistic regression models were constructed to identify predictors of pandemic-related risk perceptions. Results: Among the 725 Australian emergency prehospital medical care personnel who responded, 89% were very anxious about working during pandemic conditions, and 85% perceived a high personal risk associated with working in such conditions. In general, respondents demonstrated poor knowledge in relation to avian influenza, influenza generally, and infection transmission methods. Less than 5% of respondents perceived that they had adequate education/training about avian influenza. Logistic regression analyses indicate that, in managing the attitudes and risk perceptions of emergency prehospital medical care staff, particular attention should be directed toward the paid, male workforce (as opposed to volunteers), and on personnel whose relationship partners do not work in the health industry. Conclusions: These results highlight the potentially crucial role of education and training in pandemic preparedness. Organizations that provide emergency prehospital medical care must address this apparent lack of knowledge regarding infection transmission, and procedures for protection and decontamination. Careful management of the perceptions of emergency prehospital medical care personnel during a pandemic is likely to be critical in achieving an effective response to a widespread outbreak of infectious disease.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to impose a heavy burden in terms of cost, disability and death in Australia. Evidence suggests that increasing remoteness, where cardiac services are scarce, is linked to an increased risk of dying from CVD. Fatal CVD events are reported to be between 20% and 50% higher in rural areas compared to major cities. The Cardiac ARIA project, with its extensive use of geographic Information Systems (GIS), ranks each of Australia’s 20,387 urban, rural and remote population centres by accessibility to essential services or resources for the management of a cardiac event. This unique, innovative and highly collaborative project delivers a powerful tool to highlight and combat the burden imposed by cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Australia. Cardiac ARIA is innovative. It is a model that could be applied internationally and to other acute and chronic conditions such as mental health, midwifery, cancer, respiratory, diabetes and burns services. Cardiac ARIA was designed to: 1. Determine by expert panel, what were the minimal services and resources required for the management of a cardiac event in any urban, rural or remote population locations in Australia using a single patient pathway to access care. 2. Derive a classification using GIS accessibility modelling for each of Australia’s 20,387 urban, rural and remote population locations. 3. Compare the Cardiac ARIA categories and population locations with census derived population characteristics. Key findings are as follows: • In the event of a cardiac emergency, the majority of Australians had very good access to cardiac services. Approximately 71% or 13.9 million people lived within one hour of a category one hospital. • 68% of older Australians lived within one hour of a category one hospital (Principal Referral Hospital with access to Cardiac Catheterisation). • Only 40% of indigenous people lived within one hour of the category one hospital. • 16% (74000) of indigenous people lived more than one hour from a hospital. • 3% (91,000) of people 65 years of age or older lived more than one hour from any hospital or clinic. • Approximately 96%, or 19 million, of people lived within one hour of the four key services to support cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention. • 75% of indigenous people lived within one hour of the four cardiac rehabilitation services to support cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention. Fourteen percent (64,000 persons) indigenous people had poor access to the four key services to support cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention. • 12% (56,000) of indigenous people were more than one hour from a hospital and only had access one the four key services (usually a medical service) to support cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention.


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Background: Timely access to appropriate cardiac care is critical for optimising outcomes. Our aim was to derive an objective, comparable, geographic measure reflecting access to cardiac services for Australia's 20,387 population locations. Methods: An expert panel defined a single patient care pathway. Using geographic information systems (GIS) the numeric/alpha index was modelled in two phases. The acute phase index (numeric) ranged from 1 (access to tertiary centre with PCI ≤1 h) to 8 (no ambulance service, >3 h to medical facility, air transport required). The aftercare index was modelled into 5 alphabetic categories; A (Access to general practitioner, pharmacy, cardiac rehabilitation, pathology ≤1 h) to E (no services available within 1 h). Results: Approximately 70% or 13.9 million people lived within a CardiacARIAindex category 1A location. Disparity continues in access to category 1A cardiac services for 5.8 million (30%) of all Australians, 60% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and 32% of people over 65 years of age. In a cardiac emergency only 40% of the Indigenous population reside within one hour of category 1 hospital. Approximately 30% (81,491 Indigenous persons) are more than one to three hours from basic cardiac services. Conclusion: Geographically, the majority of Australian's have timely access for survival of a cardiac event. The CardiacARIAindex objectively demonstrates that the healthcare system may not be providing for the needs of 60% of Indigenous people residing outside the 1A geographic radius. Innovative clinical practice maybe required to address these disparities.


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Background: There are inequalities in geographical access and delivery of health care services in Australia, particularly for cardiovascular disease (CVD), Australia's major cause of death. Analyses and models that can inform and positively influence strategies to augment services and preventative measures are needed. The Cardiac-ARIA project is using geographical spatial technology (GIS) to develop a national index for each of Australia's 13,000 population centres. The index will describe the spatial distribution of CVD health care services available to support populations at risk, in a timely manner, after a major cardiac event. Methods: In the initial phase of the project, an expert panel of cardiologists and an emergency physician have identified key elements of national and international guidelines for management of acute coronary syndromes, cardiac arrest, life-threatening arrhythmias and acute heart failure, from the time of onset (potentially dial 000) to return from the hospital to the community (cardiac rehabilitation). Results: A systematic search has been undertaken to identify the geographical location of, and type of, cardiac services currently available. This has enabled derivation of a master dataset of necessary services, e.g. telephone networks, ambulance, RFDS, helicopter retrieval services, road networks, hospitals, general practitioners, medical community centres, pathology services, CCUs, catheterisation laboratories, cardio-thoracic surgery units and cardiac rehabilitation services. Conclusion: This unique and innovative project has the potential to deliver a powerful tool to both highlight and combat the burden of disease of CVD in urban and regional Australia.