990 resultados para Embryo-larval response


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Prior to ca. 14,660 yr BP, during the early Late-glacial (Oldest Dryas), larval assemblages of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Gerzensee, Switzerland, were dominated by cold stenothermic taxa as well as by taxa typical of subalpine lakes today. This was the coldest period of the entire sequence. After ca. 14,660 yr BP, in the Late Glacial Interstadial (Bølling–Allerød), a temperature increase is recorded by a sharp rise in the oxygen-isotope ratio in lake marl and by an increase in the organic-matter content of the sediments. Changes in the chironomid fauna then are consistent with rising temperatures. This warming trend is interrupted between 14,070 and 13,940 yr BP, coinciding with the GI-1d cold oscillation, but the change in the chironomid assemblage is more consistent with a response to increasing lake depth and density of aquatic macrophytes than falling temperature. A rise in cold-adapted chironomid taxa between 13,840 and 13,710 yr BP suggests that summer air temperatures may have declined. Changes in the chironomid assemblage after 13,710 yr BP suggest a decline in submerged macrophytes coupled with a rise in lake productivity and summer temperature, although the latter is not reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. This suggests that there may have been increasing seasonality during this period when summer temperatures were rising, driven by rising summer insolation, and winters becoming cooler, which is largely reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. A decline in thermophilic chironomids and a rise in cold-adapted taxa after 13,180 yr BP suggest a response to cooling at the beginning of the Gerzensee Oscillation.


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Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that the majority of human individuals exposed to infection with Echinococcus spp. eggs exhibit resistance to disease as shown by either seroconversion to parasite--specific antigens, and/or the presence of 'dying out' or 'aborted' metacestodes, not including hereby those individuals who putatively got infected but did not seroconvert and who subsequently allowed no development of the pathogen. For those individuals where infection leads to disease, the developing parasite is partially controlled by host immunity. In infected humans, the type of immune response developed by the host accounts for the subsequent trichotomy concerning the parasite development: (i) seroconversion proving infection, but lack of any hepatic lesion indicating the failure of the parasite to establish and further develop within the liver; or resistance as shown by the presence of fully calcified lesions; (ii) controlled susceptibility as found in the "conventional" alveolar echinococcosis (AE) patients who experience clinical signs and symptoms approximately 5-15 years after infection, and (iii) uncontrolled hyperproliferation of the metacestode due to an impaired immune response (AIDS or other immunodeficiencies). Immunomodulation of host immunity toward anergy seems to be triggered by parasite metabolites. Beside immunomodulating IL-10, TGFβ-driven regulatory T cells have been shown to play a crucial role in the parasite-modulated progressive course of AE. A novel CD4+CD25+ Treg effector molecule FGL2 recently yielded new insight into the tolerance process in Echinococcus multilocularis infection.


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The ability to respond plastically to the environment has allowed amphibians to evolve a response to spatial and temporal variation in predation threat (Benard 2004). Embroys exposed to egg predation are expected to hatch out earlier than their conspecifics. Larval predation can induce a suite of phenotypic changes including growing a larger tail area. When presented with cues from both egg and larval predators, embryos are expected to respond to the egg predator by hatching out earlier because the egg predator presents an immediate threat. However, hatching early may be costly in the larval environment in terms of development, morphology, and/or behavior. We created a laboratory experiment in which we exposed clutches of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) eggs to both egg (caddisfly larvae) and larval (A. opacum) predators to test this hypothesis. We recorded hatching time and stage and took developmental and morphological data of the animals a week after hatching. Larvae were entered into lethal predation trials with a larval predatory sunfish (Lepomis sp.) in order to study behavior. We found that animals exposed to the egg predator cues hatched out earlier and at earlier developmental stages than conspecifics regardless of whether there was a larval predator present. Animals exposed to larval predator cues grew relatively larger tails and survived longer in the lethal predation trials. However the group exposed to both predators showed a cost of early hatching in terms of lower tail area and shorter survival time in predation trials. The morphological and developmental effects measured of hatching plasticity were transient as there were no developmental or morphological differences between the treatment groups at metamorphosis. Hatching plasticity may be transient but it is important to the development and survival of many amphibians.


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Injury is an inevitable part of life, making wound healing essential for survival. In postembryonic skin, wound closure requires that epidermal cells recognize the presence of a gap and change their behavior to migrate across it. In Drosophila larvae, wound closure requires two signaling pathways (the Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway and the Pvr receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway) and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. In this and other systems, it remains unclear how the signaling pathways that initiate wound closure connect to the actin regulators that help execute wound- induced cell migrations. Here we show that chickadee, which encodes the Drosophila Profilin, a protein important for actin filament recycling and cell migration during development, is required for the physiological process of larval epidermal wound closure. After injury, chickadee is transcriptionally upregulated in cells proximal to the wound. We found that JNK, but not Pvr, mediates the increase in chic transcription through the Jun and Fos transcription factors. Finally, we show that chic deficient larvae fail to form a robust actin cable along the wound edge and also fail to form normal filopodial and lamellipodial extensions into the wound gap. Our results thus connect a factor that regulates actin monomer recycling to the JNK signaling pathway during wound closure. They also reveal a physiological function for an important developmental regulator of actin and begin to tease out the logic of how the wound repair response is organized.


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Exposure to elevated seawater PCO2 limits the thermal tolerance of crustaceans but the underlying mechanisms have not been comprehensively explored. Larval stages of crustaceans are even more sensitive to environmental hypercapnia and possess narrower thermal windows than adults. In a mechanistic approach, we analysed the impact of high seawater CO2 on parameters at different levels of biological organization, from the molecular to the whole animal level. At the whole animal level we measured oxygen consumption, heart rate and activity during acute warming in zoea and megalopa larvae of the spider crab Hyas araneus exposed to different levels of seawater PCO2. Furthermore, the expression of genes responsible for acid-base regulation and mitochondrial energy metabolism, and cellular responses to thermal stress (e.g. the heat shock response) was analysed before and after larvae were heat shocked byrapidly raising the seawater temperature from 10°C rearing temperature to 20°C. Zoea larvae showed a high heat tolerance, which decreased at elevated seawater PCO2, while the already low heat tolerance of megalopa larvae was not limited further by hypercapnic exposure. There was a combined effect of elevated seawater CO2 and heat shock in zoea larvae causing elevated transcript levels of heat shock proteins. In all three larval stages, hypercapnic exposure elicited an up-regulation of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, which was, however, not accompanied by increased energetic demands. The combined effect of seawater CO2 and heat shock on the gene expression of heat shock proteins reflects the downward shift in thermal limits seen on the whole animal level and indicates an associated capacity to elicit passive thermal tolerance. The up-regulation of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation might compensate for enzyme activities being lowered through bicarbonate inhibition and maintain larval standard metabolic rates at high seawater CO2 levels. The present study underlines the necessity to align transcriptomic data with physiological responses when addressing mechanisms affected by an interaction of elevated seawater PCO2 and temperature extremes.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is beginning to have noticeable negative impact on calcification rate, shell structure and physiological energy budgeting of several marine organisms; these alter the growth of many economically important shellfish including oysters. Early life stages of oysters may be particularly vulnerable to OA-driven low pH conditions because their shell is made up of the highly soluble form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) mineral, aragonite. Our long-term CO2 perturbation experiment showed that larval shell growth rate of the oyster species Crassostrea hongkongensis was significantly reduced at pH < 7.9 compared to the control (8.2). To gain new insights into the underlying mechanisms of low-pH-induced delays in larval growth, we have examined the effect of pH on the protein expression pattern, including protein phosphorylation status at the pediveliger larval stage. Using two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we demonstrated that the larval proteome was significantly altered by the two low pH treatments (7.9 and 7.6) compared to the control pH (8.2). Generally, the number of expressed proteins and their phosphorylation level decreased with low pH. Proteins involved in larval energy metabolism and calcification appeared to be down-regulated in response to low pH, whereas cell motility and production of cytoskeletal proteins were increased. This study on larval growth coupled with proteome change is the first step toward the search for novel Protein Expression Signatures indicative of low pH, which may help in understanding the mechanisms involved in low pH tolerance.


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This study investigated the effects of seawater pH (i.e., 8.10, 7.85 and 7.60) and temperature (16 and 19 °C) on (a) the abiotic conditions in the fluid surrounding the embryo (viz. the perivitelline fluid), (b) growth, development and (c) cuttlebone calcification of embryonic and juvenile stages of the cephalopod Sepia officinalis. Egg swelling increased in response to acidification or warming, leading to an increase in egg surface while the interactive effects suggested a limited plasticity of the swelling modulation. Embryos experienced elevated pCO2 conditions in the perivitelline fluid (>3-fold higher pCO2 than that of ambient seawater), rendering the medium under-saturated even under ambient conditions. The growth of both embryos and juveniles was unaffected by pH, whereas 45Ca incorporation in cuttlebone increased significantly with decreasing pH at both temperatures. This phenomenon of hypercalcification is limited to only a number of animals but does not guarantee functional performance and calls for better mechanistic understanding of calcification processes.


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Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are acidifying the world's oceans. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that ocean acidification can impact survival, growth, development and physiology of marine invertebrates. Here we tested the impact of long term (up to 16 months) and trans life-cycle (adult, embryo/larvae and juvenile) exposure to elevated pCO2 (1200 µatm, compared to control 400 µatm) on the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Female fecundity was decreased 4.5 fold when acclimated to elevated pCO2 for 4 months during reproductive conditioning while no difference was observed in females acclimated for 16 months. Moreover, adult pre-exposure for 4 months to elevated pCO2, had a direct negative impact on subsequent larval settlement success. Five to nine times fewer offspring reached the juvenile stage in cultures using gametes collected from adults previously acclimated to high pCO2 for 4 months. However, no difference in larval survival was observed when adults were pre-exposed for 16 months to elevated pCO2. pCO2 had no direct negative impact on juvenile survival except when both larvae and juveniles were raised in elevated pCO2. These negative effects on settlement success and juvenile survival can be attributed to carry-over effects from adults to larvae and from larvae to juveniles. Our results support the contention that adult sea urchins can acclimate to moderately elevated pCO2 in a matter of a few months and that carry-over effects can exacerbate the negative impact of ocean acidification on larvae and juveniles.


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Energy availability and local adaptation are major components in mediating the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine species. In a long-term study, we investigated the effects of food availability and elevated pCO2 (ca 400, 1000 and 3000 µatm) on growth of newly settled Amphibalanus (Balanus) improvisus to reproduction, and on their offspring. We also compared two different populations, which were presumed to differ in their sensitivity to pCO2 due to differing habitat conditions: Kiel Fjord, Germany (Western Baltic Sea) with naturally strong pCO2 fluctuations, and the Tjärnö Archipelago, Sweden (Skagerrak) with far lower fluctuations. Over 20 weeks, survival, growth, reproduction and shell strength of Kiel barnacles were all unaffected by elevated pCO2, regardless of food availability. Moulting frequency and shell corrosion increased with increasing pCO2 in adults. Larval development and juvenile growth of the F1 generation were tolerant to increased pCO2, irrespective of parental treatment. In contrast, elevated pCO2 had a strong negative impact on survival of Tjärnö barnacles. Specimens from this population were able to withstand moderate levels of elevated pCO2 over 5 weeks when food was plentiful but showed reduced growth under food limitation. Severe levels of elevated pCO2 negatively impacted growth of Tjärnö barnacles in both food treatments. We demonstrate a conspicuously higher tolerance to elevated pCO2 in Kiel barnacles than in Tjärnö barnacles. This tolerance was carried-over from adults to their offspring. Our findings indicate that populations from fluctuating pCO2 environments are more tolerant to elevated pCO2 than populations from more stable pCO2 habitats. We furthermore provide evidence that energy availability can mediate the ability of barnacles to withstand moderate CO2 stress. Considering the high tolerance of Kiel specimens and the possibility to adapt over many generations, near future OA alone does not seem to present a major threat for A. improvisus


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Increasing atmospheric CO2 decreases seawater pH in a phenomenon known as ocean acidification. In two separate experiments we found that larval development of the barnacle Amphibalanus (Balanus) improvisus was not significantly affected by the level of reduced pH that has been projected for the next 150 years. After 3 and 6 days of incubation, we found no consistent effects of reduced pH on developmental speed or larval size at pH 7.8 compared with the control pH of 8.1. After 10 days of incubation, there were no net changes in survival or overall development of larvae raised at pH 7.8 or 7.6 compared with the control pH of 8.0. In all cases, however, there was significant variation in responses between replicate batches (parental genotypes) of larvae, with some batches responding positively to reduced pH. Our results suggest that the non-calcifying larval stages of A. improvisus are generally tolerant to near-future levels of ocean acidification. This result is in line with findings for other barnacle species and suggests that barnacles do not show the greater sensitivity to ocean acidification in early life history reported for other invertebrate species. Substantial genetic variability in response to low pH may confer adaptive benefits under future ocean acidification.


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Innate immunity in Drosophila is characterized by the inducible expression of antimicrobial peptides. We have investigated the development and regulation of immune responsiveness in Drosophila embryos after infection. Immune competence, as monitored by the induction of Cecropin A1-lacZ constructs, was observed first in the embryonic yolk. This observation suggests that the yolk plays an important role in the humoral immune response of the developing embryo by synthesizing antimicrobial peptides. Around midembryogenesis, the response in the yolk was diminished. Simultaneously, Cecropin expression became inducible in a large number of cells in the epidermis, demonstrating that late-stage embryos can synthesize their own antibiotics in the epidermis. This production likely serves to provide the hatching larva with an active antimicrobial barrier and protection against systemic infections. Cecropin expression in the yolk required the presence of a GATA site in the promoter as well as the involvement of the GATA-binding transcription factor Serpent (dGATAb). In contrast, neither the GATA site nor Serpent were necessary for Cecropin expression in the epidermis. Thus, the inducible immune responses in the yolk and in the epidermis can be uncoupled and call for distinct sets of transcription factors. Our data suggest that Serpent is involved in the distinction between a systemic response in the yolk/fat body and a local immune response in epithelial cells. In addition, the present study shows that signal transduction pathways controlling innate and epithelial defense reactions can be dissected genetically in Drosophila embryos.


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Dorsoventral patterning of the Drosophila embryo is initiated by a ventralizing signal. Production of this signal requires the serine proteases Gastrulation Defective (GD), Snake, and Easter, which genetic studies suggest act sequentially in a cascade that is activated locally in response to a ventral cue provided by the pipe gene. Here, we demonstrate biochemically that GD activates Snake, which in turn activates Easter. We also provide evidence that GD zymogen cleavage is important for triggering this cascade but is not spatially localized by pipe. Our results suggest that a broadly, rather than locally, activated protease cascade produces the ventralizing signal, so a distinct downstream step in this cascade must be spatially regulated to restrict signaling to the ventral side of the embryo.


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The B-line presumptive muscle cells of ascidian embryos have extensive potential for self-differentiation dependent on determinants prelocalized in the myoplasm of fertilized eggs. Ascidian larval muscle cells therefore provide an experimental system with which to explore an intrinsic genetic program for autonomous specification of embryonic cells. Experiments with egg fragments suggested that maternal mRNAs are one of the components of muscle determinants. Expression of larval muscle actin genes begins as early as the 32-cell stage, prior to the developmental fate restriction of the cells. The timing of initiation of the actin gene expression proceeds the expression of an ascidian homologue of vertebrate MyoD by a few hours. Mutations in the proximal E-box of the 5' flanking region of the actin genes did not alter the promoter activity for muscle-specific expression of reporter gene. These results, together with results of deletion constructs of fusion genes, suggest that muscle determinants regulate directly, or indirectly via regulatory factors other than MyoD, the transcription of muscle-specific structural genes leading to the terminal differentiation.


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Evasion of host immunity by Toxocara canis infective larvae is mediated by the nematode surface coat, which is shed in response to binding by host antibody molecules or effector cells. The major constituent of the coat is the TES-120 glycoprotein series. We have isolated a 730-bp cDNA from the gene encoding the apoprotein precursor of TES-120. The mRNA is absent from T. canis adults but hyperabundant in larvae, making up approximately 10% of total mRNA, and is trans-spliced with the nematode 5' leader sequence SL1. It encodes a 15.8-kDa protein (after signal peptide removal) containing a typical mucin domain: 86 amino acid residues, 72.1% of which are Ser or Thr, organized into an array of heptameric repeats, interspersed with proline residues. At the C-terminal end of the putative protein are two 36-amino acid repeats containing six Cys residues, in a motif that can also be identified in several genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Although TES-120 displays size and charge heterogeneity, there is a single copy gene and a homogeneous size of mRNA. The association of overexpression of some membrane-associated mucins with immunosuppression and tumor metastasis suggests a possible model for the role of the surface coat in immune evasion by parasitic nematodes.


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Using a reverse transcription-coupled PCR, we demonstrated that both brain and spleen type cannabinoid receptor (CB1-R and CB2-R, respectively) mRNAs are expressed in the preimplantation mouse embryo. The CB1-R mRNA expression was coincident with the activation of the embryonic genome late in the two-cell stage, whereas the CB2-R mRNA was present from the one-cell through the blastocyst stages. The major psychoactive component of marijuana (-)-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [(-)-THC] inhibited forskolin-stimulated cAMP generation in the blastocyst, and this inhibition was prevented by pertussis toxin. However, the inactive cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) failed to influence this response. These results suggest that cannabinoid receptors in the embryo are coupled to inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding proteins. Further, the oviduct and uterus exhibited the enzymatic capacity to synthesize the putative endogenous cannabinoid ligand arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide). Synthetic and natural cannabinoid agonists [WIN 55,212-2, CP 55,940, (-)-THC, and anandamide], but not CBD or arachidonic acid, arrested the development of two-cell embryos primarily between the four-cell and eight-cell stages in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. Anandamide also interfered with the development of eight-cell embryos to blastocysts in culture. The autoradiographic studies readily detected binding of [3H]anandamide in embryos at all stages of development. Positive signals were present in one-cell embryos and all blastomeres of two-cell through four-cell embryos. However, most of the binding sites in eight-cell embryos and morulae were present in the outer cells. In the blastocyst, these signals were primarily localized in the mural trophectoderm with low levels of signals in the polar trophectoderm, while little or no signals were noted in inner cell mass cells.These results establish that the preimplantation mouse embryo is a target for cannabinoid ligands. Consequently, many of the adverse effects of cannabinoids observed during pregnancy could be mediated via these cannabinoid receptors. Although the physiological significance of the cannabinoid ligand-receptor signaling in normal preimplantation embryo development is not yet clear, the regulation of embryonic cAMP and/or Ca2+ levels via this signaling pathway may be important for normal embryonic development and/or implantation.