846 resultados para Elite Female Athletes
L’utilisation de méthodes d’investigation cérébrale avancées a permis de mettre en évidence la présence d’altérations à court et à long terme à la suite d’une commotion cérébrale. Plus spécifiquement, des altérations affectant l’intégrité de la matière blanche et le métabolisme cellulaire ont récemment été révélées par l’utilisation de l’imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI) et la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), respectivement. Ces atteintes cérébrales ont été observées chez des athlètes masculins quelques jours après la blessure à la tête et demeuraient détectables lorsque les athlètes étaient à nouveau évalués six mois post-commotion. En revanche, aucune étude n’a évalué les effets neurométaboliques et microstructuraux dans la phase aigüe et chronique d’une commotion cérébrale chez les athlètes féminines, malgré le fait qu’elles présentent une susceptibilité accrue de subir ce type de blessure, ainsi qu’un nombre plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et un temps de réhabilitation plus long. Ainsi, les études composant le présent ouvrage visent globalement à établir le profil d’atteintes microstructurales et neurométaboliques chez des athlètes féminines par l’utilisation du DTI et de la SRM. La première étude visait à évaluer les changements neurométaboliques au sein du corps calleux chez des joueurs et joueuses de hockey au cours d’une saison universitaire. Les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale pendant la saison ont été évalués 72 heures, 2 semaines et 2 mois après la blessure à la tête en plus des évaluations pré et post-saison. Les résultats démontrent une absence de différences entre les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale et les athlètes qui n’en ont pas subie. De plus, aucune différence entre les données pré et post-saison a été observée chez les athlètes masculins alors qu’une diminution du taux de N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) n’a été mise en évidence chez les athlètes féminines, suggérant ainsi un impact des coups d’intensité sous-clinique à la tête. La deuxième étude, qui utilisait le DTI et la SRM, a révélé des atteintes chez des athlètes féminines commotionnées asymptomatiques en moyenne 18 mois post-commotion. Plus spécifiquement, la SRM a révélé une diminution du taux de myo-inositol (mI) au sein de l’hippocampe et du cortex moteur primaire (M1) alors que le DTI a mis en évidence une augmentation de la diffusivité moyenne (DM) dans plusieurs faisceaux de matière blanche. De iii plus, une approche par région d’intérêt a mis en évidence une diminution de la fraction d’anisotropie (FA) dans la partie du corps calleux projetant vers l’aire motrice primaire. Le troisième article évaluait des athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale dans les jours suivant la blessure à la tête (7-10 jours) ainsi que six mois post-commotion avec la SRM. Dans la phase aigüe, des altérations neuropsychologiques combinées à un nombre significativement plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et dépressifs ont été trouvés chez les athlètes féminines commotionnées, qui se résorbaient en phase chronique. En revanche, aucune différence sur le plan neurométabolique n’a été mise en évidence entre les deux groupes dans la phase aigüe. Dans la phase chronique, les athlètes commotionnées démontraient des altérations neurométaboliques au sein du cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPDL) et M1, marquées par une augmentation du taux de glutamate/glutamine (Glx). De plus, une diminution du taux de NAA entre les deux temps de mesure était présente chez les athlètes contrôles. Finalement, le quatrième article documentait les atteintes microstructurales au sein de la voie corticospinale et du corps calleux six mois suivant une commotion cérébrale. Les analyses n’ont démontré aucune différence au sein de la voie corticospinale alors que des différences ont été relevées par segmentation du corps calleux selon les projections des fibres calleuses. En effet, les athlètes commotionnées présentaient une diminution de la DM et de la diffusivité radiale (DR) au sein de la région projetant vers le cortex préfrontal, un volume moindre des fibres de matière blanche dans la région projetant vers l’aire prémotrice et l’aire motrice supplémentaire, ainsi qu’une diminution de la diffusivité axiale (DA) dans la région projetant vers l’aire pariétale et temporale. En somme, les études incluses dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets métaboliques et microstructuraux des commotions cérébrales et démontrent des effets délétères persistants chez des athlètes féminines. Ces données vont de pair avec la littérature scientifique qui suggère que les commotions cérébrales n’entraînent pas seulement des symptômes temporaires.
O estudo pretende comparar o efeito de diferentes tipos de exercício físico na composição corporal e força em jovens desportistas do sexo feminino. A amostra foi constituída por vinte e seis desportistas femininas com idades compreendidas entre os 16 e 21 anos. Previamente ao início do estudo foram sujeitas ao 1º momento de avaliação, e após vinte e quatro semanas realizaram o segundo e ultimo momento de avaliação. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a composição corporal através da técnica de absorciometria radiológica de dupla energia; a força isocinética, nomeadamente os momentos de força (peak-torques) e rácios nos músculos extensores e flexores do joelho; a potência muscular nos membros inferiores através dos saltos verticais Squat jump e Countermovement jump. Posteriormente foram separadas em quatro grupos, grupo natação e exercício vibratório (NAT EV; n= 6), grupo natação (NAT; n=6), grupo futsal (FUTS; n= 6) e o grupo de controlo (CONT; n= 8). O grupo (NAT/EV), participou num programa de exercício vibratório (EV), três sessões por semana complementar ao treino de natação. O grupo de (NAT) cumpriu o plano de treino correspondente à disciplina, o grupo de (FUTS) cumpriu o treino referente à respetiva modalidade, o grupo controlo (CONT) realizou somente os exercícios físicos inerentes às aulas de educação física na escola. Resultados: Nas comparações inter grupos, verificou-se no grupo FUTS um aumento de 0,1 (g/m2) ± 0,0 nos valores da DMO-PE, quando comparado com o grupo de CONT, nas comparações intra grupo o grupo de NAT EV registou um acréscimo de 0,1 (g/m2) ± 0,1 nos valores da DMO-TC. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos sugerem que a modalidade de FUTS promoveu mais alterações na composição corporal, nomeadamente na DMO-PE, no entanto dados conseguidos pelo grupo de NAT EV sugerem que o exercício vibratório poderá influenciar positivamente o incremento da DMO; ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to compare the effect of different types of exercise on body composition and strength in young female athletes. The sample consisted of twenty-six female athletes aged between 16 and 21. Before the study there was a 1st evaluation point, after twenty-four weeks there was the 2nd and final evaluation. We evaluated body composition through x-ray absorptiometry technique of dual energy, isokinetic strength, including the peak-torques and ratios in the extensor and flexor muscles of the knee; the muscle power in the lower limbs was evaluatated through the vertical jumps Squat jump and countermovement jump. During the study they were separated into four groups, swimming exercise group and vibration (NAT EV; n = 6), swimming group (NAT; n= 6), footsal group (FUTS; n= 6) and control group (CONT; n= 8). The NAT/EV group, participated in a vibrating exercise program (EV), complementary to swimming training, with three sessions per week. The NAT group fulfilled the corresponding swimming workout plan, FUTS group fulfilled the training related to futsal, the CONT group only performed the usual exercises in physical education classes at school. Results: In intergroup comparisons, there was an increase in FUTS group of 0.1 (g / m2) ± 0.0 in the values of MBD-PE, when compared with the CONT group comparisons in intra-group group NAT EV increased by 0.1 (g / m2) ± 0.1 in BMD-TC values. In conclusion, the results suggest that FUTS group promoted more changes in body composition, particularly in BMD-PE, but data obtained by NAT EV group suggest that vibration exercise can positively influence the increase in BMD.
A investigação realizada tem como propósito determinar qual o perfil morfológico mais adequado a um atleta de Teamgym. Pretende-se aumentar a assertividade do processo de treino, sabendo que perfil morfológico os atletas deveriam atingir de acordo com as exigências e características da disciplina. Assim, estudou-se uma amostra de 85 atletas, entre os 9 e os 25 anos, dos escalões juniores e seniores, federados pelo Sporting Clube de Portugal. Foram registadas três formas diferentes de recolha de dados: bioimpedância, antropometria e questionário adaptado - Estudo sobre as lesões em Ginastas de Competição na Época de 2005/2006 (Oliveira, R., et al., 2007). As recolhas efetuadas permitiram obter o somatótipo e índice de massa corporal dos atletas; inquiri-los sobre o processo de treino a que são sujeitos; e averiguar a ocorrência de lesões na última época desportiva. Os dados obtidos mostram que embora o processo de treino não pareça estar organizado da melhor forma para fomentar uma adaptação morfológica, no escalão sénior elite os atletas são predominantemente mesomorfos, indo este somatótipo ao encontro da caracterização da disciplina. Conclui-se ainda que é mais difícil atingir esta morfologia no sexo feminino, tendo estas maior incidência de lesão.
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a relação entre a prática desportiva e o sucesso escolar de jovens que frequentavam o ensino secundário. Foram inquiridos por meio de um questionário anônimo 490 moças (59%) e 341 rapazes (41%) da Madeira, Portugal, isto é, 9,5% do universo. Os resultados revelam que as moças têm maior sucesso escolar do que os rapazes e as que praticam desporto têm taxas de retenção significativamente inferiores às dos rapazes, particularmente no setor federado. O sucesso escolar dos jovens que praticam desporto na escola não é diferente daqueles que praticam no setor federado. As modalidades mais praticadas pelos alunos foram o futebol, o basquetebol e o voleibol, porém não se verificou que a modalidade estivesse associada ao sucesso escolar.
Background. Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is an umbrella term that includes a myriad of conditions such as urinary (UI) and anal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. Literature showed high prevalence rates of PFD among athletes, especially UI, with high-impact sports have been linked with an increased risk of developing symptoms. However, comprehensive research summarising PFD prevalence across sexes, exploring treatment options, and the absence of a standardised referral screening tool are notable gaps. Misinformation is also prevalent in the sports medicine field. Methods. This doctoral project comprises four studies addressing different aspects of pelvic health in athletes. The first two studies were scoping reviews of epidemiological PFD data in male and female athletes, as well as available interventions. Study 3 concerned the development of a new screening tool for PFD in female athletes, aiming to guide sports medicine clinicians in referring patients to PFD specialists through a worldwide Delphi consensus. Study 4 summarised all previous findings, integrating data into an infographic. Results and conclusions. In Study 1, the findings of 100 articles on PFD in both sexes have been collected, highlighting a higher prevalence of studies on female athletes evaluating UI across multiple sports. Other conditions remain rarely investigated. Study 2 found a diverse range of interventions for female PFD, with a notable emphasis on conservative approaches. Recommendations for clinical practice often relied on the transferability of results from the nonathlete population or expert opinions. In Study 3, 41 international experts took part in the consensus development of the Pelvic Floor Dysfunction-ScrEeNing Tool IN fEmale athLetes (PFD-SENTINEL). It incorporates a cluster of PFD symptoms, items (risk factors, clinical, and sports-related characteristics), and a clinical algorithm. Lastly, Study 4 included ten evidence-based information with a relative description concerning pelvic floor health in athletes.
Stress response can be considered a consequence of psychological or physiological threats to the human organism. Elevated cortisol secretion represents a biological indicator of subjective stress. The extent of subjectively experienced stress depends on individual coping strategies or self-regulation skills. Because of their experience with competitive pressure, athletes might show less pronounced biological stress responses during stressful events compared to non-athletes. In the present study, the short version of the Berlin Intelligence Structure Test, a paper-pencil intelligence test, was used as an experimental stressor. Cortisol responses of 26 female Swiss elite athletes and 26 female non-athlete controls were compared. Salivary free cortisol responses were measured 15 minutes prior to, as well as immediately before and after psychometric testing. In both groups, a significant effect of time was found: High cortisol levels prior to testing decreased significantly during the testing session. Furthermore, athletes exhibited reliably lower cortisol levels than non-athlete controls. No significant interaction effects could be observed. The overall pattern of results supports the idea that elite athletes show a less pronounced cortisol-related stress response due to more efficient coping strategies.
Background and Purpose: What drives some athletes to achieve at the highest level whilst other athletes fail to achieve their physical potential? Why does the ‘fire’ burn so brightly for some elite athletes and not for others? A good understanding of an athlete’s motivation is critical to a coach designing an appropriate motivational climate to realize an athlete’s physical talent. This paper examines the motivational processes of elite athletes within the framework of three major social-cognitive theories of motivation. Method: Participants were five male and five female elite track and field athletes from Australia who had finished in the top ten at either the Olympic Games and/or the World Championships in the last six years. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Results and Discussion: Inductive analyses revealed several major themes associated with the motivational processes of elite athletes: (a) they were highly driven by personal goals and achievement, (b) they had strong self-belief, and (c) track and field was central to their lives. The findings are discussed in light of recent social-cognitive theories of motivation, namely, self-determination theory, the hierarchical model of motivation, and achievement goal theory. Self-determined forms of motivation characterised the elite athletes in this study and, consistent with social-cognitive theories of motivation, it is suggested that goal accomplishment enhances perceptions of competence and consequently promotes self-determined forms of motivation.
Purpose: The training program undertaken by many athletes will affect directly the total, habitual energy requirements of that individual. Unless that energy requirement is met via the diet and or supplementation, chronic negative energy balance will ensue, which will have both short-term and long-term effects not only on performance but also on general health. The aim of this research was therefore to determine the energy expenditure (EE) and hence energy requirements of lightweight female rowers and, further, to compare this with their self-reported energy intake (EI). Methods: The El of seven lightweight female rowers was measured using a self-reported 4-d weighed dietary record. EE was determined using the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique over a 14-d period. Results: The mean (+/-SD) age, height, and weight of the subjects was 20 (+/-1.1) yr, 168.8 (+/-4.7) cm, and 60.9 (+/-23) kg, respectively. The rowers self-reported El was 2214 (+/-313) kcal.d(-1) and their total EE was 3957 (+/-1219) kcal.d(-1). After adjusting total EE for changes in body weight (mean (+/-SD) - 1.2 (+/-1.2) kg), the comparison between adjusted El and reported showed a bias to underreporting of 1133 (+/-1539) kcal.d(-1) or 34%. The bias was not consistent across adjusted El, and two of the seven subjects overreported their intake. Conclusions: Due to the underreporting of EI, diet recording may not be an appropriate way of assessing energy requirements in lightweight female rowers. A benefit of accurately determining energy requirements, as with DLW, is that female lightweight rowers will be able to successfully manipulate their EI and achieve the set weight cut-off for participation without compromising their health or performance.
The aim was to analyse the physical growth and body composition of rhythmic gymnastics athletes relative to their level of somatic maturation. This was a cross-sectional study of 136 athletes on 23 teams from Brazil. Mass, standing height and sitting height were measured. Fat-free and fat masses, body fat percentages and ages of the predicted peak height velocity (PHV) were calculated. The z scores for mass were negative during all ages according to both WHO and Brazilian references, and that for standing height were also negative for all ages according to WHO reference but only until 12 years old according to Brazilian reference. The mean age of the predicted PHV was 12.1 years. The mean mass, standing and sitting heights, body fat percentage, fat-free mass and fat mass increased significantly until 4 to 5 years after the age of the PHV. Menarche was reached in only 26% of these athletes and mean age was 13.2 years. The mass was below the national reference standards, and the standing height was below only for the international reference, but they also had late recovery of mass and standing height during puberty. In conclusion, these athletes had a potential to gain mass and standing height several years after PHV, indicating late maturation.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
PURPOSE: Hypoxia is known to reduce maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) more in trained than in untrained subjects in several lowland sports. Ski mountaineering is practiced mainly at altitude, so elite ski mountaineers spend significantly longer training duration at altitude than their lower-level counterparts. Since acclimatization in hypobaric hypoxia is effective, the authors hypothesized that elite ski mountaineers would exhibit a VO2max decrement in hypoxia similar to that of recreational ski mountaineers. METHODS: Eleven elite (E, Swiss national team) and 12 recreational (R) ski mountaineers completed an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion in normobaric hypoxia (H, 3000 m, F(1)O(2) 14.6% ± 0.1%) and in normoxia (N, 485 m, F(1)O(2) 20.9% ± 0.0%). Pulse oxygen saturation in blood (SpO(2)), VO(2max), minute ventilation, and heart rate were recorded. RESULTS: At rest, hypoxic ventilatory response was higher (P < .05) in E than in R (1.4 ± 1.9 vs 0.3 ± 0.6 L · min⁻¹ · kg⁻¹). At maximal intensity, SpO(2) was significantly lower (P < .01) in E than in R, both in N (91.1% ± 3.3% vs 94.3% ± 2.3%) and in H (76.4% ± 5.4% vs 82.3% ± 3.5%). In both groups, SpO(2) was lower (P < .01) in H. Between N and H, VO(2max) decreased to a greater extent (P < .05) in E than in R (-18% and -12%, P < .01). In E only, the VO(2max) decrement was significantly correlated with the SpO(2) decrement (r = .74, P < .01) but also with VO(2max) measured in N (r = .64, P < .05). CONCLUSION: Despite a probable better acclimatization to altitude, VO(2max) was more reduced in E than in R ski mountaineers, confirming previous results observed in lowlander E athletes.
The general practice of altitude training is widely accepted as a means to enhance sport performance despite a lack of rigorous scientific studies. For example, the scientific gold-standard design of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial has never been conducted on altitude training. Given that few studies have utilised appropriate controls, there should be more scepticism concerning the effects of altitude training methodologies. In this brief review we aim to point out weaknesses in theories and methodologies of the various altitude training paradigms and to highlight the few well-designed studies to give athletes, coaches and sports medicine professionals the current scientific state of knowledge on common forms of altitude training. Another aim is to encourage investigators to design well-controlled studies that will enhance our understanding of the mechanisms and potential benefits of altitude training.