945 resultados para Electromechanical oscillations


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The shape dynamics of droplets exposed to an air jet at intermediate droplet Reynolds numbers is investigated. High speed imaging and hot-wire anemometry are employed to examine the mechanism of droplet oscillation. The theory that the vortex shedding behind the droplet induces oscillation is examined. In these experiments, no particular dominant frequency is found in the wake region of the droplet. Hence the inherent free-stream disturbances prove to be driving the droplet oscillations. The modes of droplet oscillation show a band of dominant frequencies near the corresponding natural frequency, further proving that there is no particular forcing frequency involved. In the frequency spectrum of the lowest mode of oscillation for glycerol at the highest Reynolds number, no response is observed below the threshold frequency corresponding to the viscous dissipation time scale. This selective suppression of lower frequencies in the case of glycerol is corroborated by scaling arguments. The influence of surface tension on the droplet oscillation is studied using ethanol as a test fluid. Since a lower surface tension reduces the natural frequency, ethanol shows lower excited frequencies. The oscillation levels of different fluids are quantified using the droplet aspect ratio and correlated in terms of Weber number and Ohnesorge number. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The creation of synthetic systems that emulate the defining properties of living matter, such as motility, gradient-sensing, signaling, and replication, is a grand challenge of biomimetics. Such imitations of life crucially contain active components that transform chemical energy into directed motion. These artificial realizations of motility point in the direction of a new paradigm in engineering, through the design of emergent behavior by manipulating properties at the scale of the individual components. Catalytic colloidal swimmers are a particularly promising example of such systems. Here we present a comprehensive theoretical description of gradient-sensing of an individual swimmer, leading controllably to chemotactic or anti-chemotactic behavior, and use it to construct a framework for studying their collective behavior. We find that both the positional and the orientational degrees of freedom of the active colloids can exhibit condensation, signaling formation of clusters and asters. The kinetics of catalysis introduces a natural control parameter for the range of the interaction mediated by the diffusing chemical species. For various regimes in parameter space in the long-ranged limit our system displays precise analogs to gravitational collapse, plasma oscillations, and electrostatic screening. We present prescriptions for how to tune the surface properties of the colloids during fabrication to achieve each type of behavior.


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This paper reports instability and oscillations in the stator current under light-load conditions in a practical 100-kW induction motor drive. Dead-time is shown to be a cause for such oscillations. This paper shows experimentally that these oscillations could be mitigated significantly with the help of a simple dead-time compensation scheme.


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The effects of evaporation and the presence of agglomerating nanoparticles on the oscillation characteristics of pendant droplets are studied experimentally using ethanol and aqueous nanoalumina suspension, respectively. Axisymmetric oscillations induced by a round air jet are considered. Wavelet transform of the time evolution of the 2nd modal coefficient revealed that while a continuous increase in the natural frequency of the droplet occurs with time due to the diameter regression induced by vaporization in the case of ethanol droplet, no such change in resonant frequency occurs in the case of the agglomerating droplet. However, a gradual reduction in the oscillation amplitude ensues as the agglomeration becomes dominant. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The diurnal cycle is an important mode of sea surface temperature (SST) variability in tropical oceans, influencing air-sea interaction and climate variability. Upper ocean mixing mechanisms are significant at diurnal time scales controlling the intraseasonal variability (ISV) of SST. Sensitivity experiments using an Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) for the summer monsoon of the year 2007 show that incorporation of diurnal cycle in the model atmospheric forcings improves the SST simulation at both intraseasonal and shorter time scales in the Bay of Bengal (BoB). The increase in SST-ISV amplitudes with diurnal forcing is approximate to 0.05 degrees C in the southern bay while it is approximate to 0.02 degrees C in the northern bay. Increased intraseasonal warming with diurnal forcing results from the increase in mixed layer heat gain from insolation, due to shoaling of the daytime mixed layer. Amplified intraseasonal cooling is dominantly controlled by the strengthening of subsurface processes owing to the nocturnal deepening of mixed layer. In the southern bay, intraseasonal variability is mainly determined by the diurnal cycle in insolation, while in the northern bay, diurnal cycle in insolation and winds have comparable contributions. Temperature inversions (TI) develop in the northern bay in the absence of diurnal variability in wind stress. In the northern bay, SST-ISV amplification is not as large as that in the southern bay due to the weaker diurnal variability of mixed layer depth (MLD) limited by salinity stratification. Diurnal variability of model MLD is not sufficient to create large modifications in mixed layer heat budget and SST-ISV in the northern bay.


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Nature has evolved a beautiful design for small-scale vibratory rategyro in the form of dipteran halteres that detect body rotations via Coriolis acceleration. In most Diptera, including soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, halteres are a pair of special organs, located in the space between the thorax and the abdomen. The halteres along with their connecting joint with the fly's body constitute a mechanism that is used for muscle-actuated oscillations of the halteres along the actuation direction. These oscillations lead to bending vibrations in the sensing direction (out of the haltere's actuation plane) upon any impressed rotation due to the resulting Coriolis force. This induced vibration is sensed by the sensory organs at the base of the haltere in order to determine the rate of rotation. In this study, we evaluate the boundary conditions and the stiffness of the anesthetized halteres along the actuation and the sensing direction. We take several cross-sectional SEM (scanning electron microscope) images of the soldier fly haltere and construct its three dimensional model to get the mass properties. Based on these measurements, we estimate the natural frequency along both actuation and sensing directions, propose a finite element model of the haltere's joint mechanism, and discuss the significance of the haltere's asymmetric cross-section. The estimated natural frequency along the actuation direction is within the range of the haltere's flapping frequency. However, the natural frequency along the sensing direction is roughly double the haltere's flapping frequency that provides a large bandwidth for sensing the rate of rotation to the soldier flies.


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Gamma rhythm (which has a center frequency between 30 and 80 Hz) is modulated by cognitive mechanisms such as attention and memory, and has been hypothesized to play a role in mediating these processes by supporting communication channels between cortical areas or encoding information in its phase. We highlight several issues related to gamma rhythms, such as low and inconsistent power, its dependence on low-level stimulus features, problems due to conduction delays, and contamination due to spike-related activity that makes accurate estimation of gamma phase difficult. Gamma rhythm could be a potentially useful signature of excitation-inhibition interactions in the brain, but whether it also provides a mechanism for information processing or coding remains an open question.


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Gamma-band (25-140 Hz) oscillations are ubiquitous in mammalian forebrain structures involved in sensory processing, attention, learning and memory. The optic tectum (01) is the central structure in a midbrain network that participates critically in controlling spatial attention. In this review, we summarize recent advances in characterizing a neural circuit in this midbrain network that generates large amplitude, space-specific, gamma oscillations in the avian OT, both in vivo and in vitro. We describe key physiological and pharmacological mechanisms that produce and regulate the structure of these oscillations. The extensive similarities between midbrain gamma oscillations in birds and those in the neocortex and hippocampus of mammals, offer important insights into the functional significance of a midbrain gamma oscillatory code.


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Piezoelectric bimorph laminar actuator of tapered width exhibits better performance for out-of-plane deflection compared to the rectangular surface area, while consuming equal surface area. This paper contains electromechanical analysis and modeling of a tapered width piezoelectric bimorph laminar actuator at high electric field in static state. The analysis is based on the second order constitutive equations of piezoelectric material, assuming small strain and large electric field to capture its behavior at high electric field. Analytical expressions are developed for block force, output strain energy, output energy density, input electrical energy, capacitance and energy efficiency at high electric field. The analytical expressions show that for fixed length, thickness, and surface area of the actuator, how the block force and output strain energy gets improved in a tapered surface actuator compared to a rectangular surface. Constant thickness, constant length and constant surface area of the actuator ensure constant mass, and constant electrical capacitance. We consider high electric field in both series and parallel electrical connection for the analysis. Part of the analytical results is validated with the experimental results, which are reported in earlier literature.


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Ferroelectricity in ZnO is an unlikely physical phenomenon. Here, we show ferroelectricity in undoped 001] ZnO nanorods due to zinc vacancies. Generation of ferroelectricity in a ZnO nanorod effectively increases its piezoelectricity and turns the ZnO nanorod into an ultrahigh-piezoelectric material. Here using piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM), it is observed that increasing the frequency of the AC excitation electric field decreases the effective d(33). Subsequently, the existence of a reversible permanent electric dipole is also found from the P-E hysteresis loop of the ZnO nanorods. Under a high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM), we observe a zinc blende stacking in the wurtzite stacking of a single nanorod along the growth axis. The zinc blende nature of this defect is also supported by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectra. The presence of zinc vacancies in this basal stacking fault modulates p-d hybridization of the ZnO nanorod and produces a magnetic moment through the adjacent oxygen ions. This in turn induces a reversible electric dipole in the non-centrosymmetric nanostructure and is responsible for the ultrahigh-piezoelectric response in these undoped ZnO nanorods. We reveal that this defect engineered ZnO can be considered to be in the competitive class of ultrahigh-piezoelectric nanomaterials for energy harvesting and electromechanical device fabrication.


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This article contains electromechanical analysis of a piezoelectric bimorph actuator at high electric field by incorporating second-order constitutive equations of piezoelectric material. Tip deflection, block force, block moment, block load, output strain energy, output energy density, input electrical energy, and energy efficiency are analytically derived for the actuator at high electric field. The analysis shows that output energy and energy density increase more rapidly at high electric field, compared to the prediction by the linear model. The analysis shows energy efficiency depends on electric field. Some analytical results are validated with the published experimental results.


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The thermal properties of a micro-electromechanical system sensor were analysed by a novel digital moire method. A double-layer micro-cantilever sensor (60 mu m long, 10 mu m width and 2 mu dm thick) was prepared by focused ion beam milling. A grating with frequency of 5000 lines mm- I was etched on the cantilever. The sensor was placed into a scanning electron microscope system with a high temperature device. The observation and recording of the thermal deformation of the grating were realised in real-time as the temperature rose from room temperature to 300 degrees C at intervals of 50 degrees C. Digital moire was generated by interference of the deformed grating and a digital virtual grating. The thermal properties including strain distribution of the sensor and the linear expansion coefficient of polysilicon were accurately measured by the phase-shifted moire patterns.


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With the recent rapid growth of Radio Frequency Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (RF MEMS) switches, there has developed an emergent requirement for more accurate theoretical models to predict their electromechanical behaviors. Many parameters exist in the analysis of the behavior of the switch, and it is inconvenient for further study. In this paper, an improved model is introduced, considering simultaneously axial stress, residual stress, and fringing-field effect of the fixed-fixed bridge structure. To avoid any unnecessary repetitive model tests and numerical simulation for RF MEMS switches, some dimensionless numbers are derived by making governing equation dimensionless. The electromechanical behavior of the fixed-fixed bridge structure of RF MEMS switches is totally determined by these dimensionless numbers.