965 resultados para Electrical transport properties


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The current�voltage characteristics of Au/n-GaAs Schottky diodes grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy on Ge substrates were determined in the temperature range 80�300 K. The zero-bias barrier height for current transport decreases and the ideality factor increases at low temperatures. The ideality factor was found to show the T0 effect and a higher characteristic energy. The excellent matching between the homogeneous barrier height and the effective barrier height was observed and infer good quality of the GaAs film. No generation�recombination current due to deep levels arising during the GaAs/Ge heteroepitaxy was observed in this study. The value of the Richardson constant was found to be 7.04 A K?2 cm?2, which is close to the value used for the determination of the zero-bias barrier height.


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A many-body theory of paramagnetic Kondo insulators is described, focusing specifically on single-particle dynamics, scattering rates, dc transport and optical conductivities. This is achieved by development of a non-perturbative local moment approach to the symmetric periodic Anderson model within the framework of dynamical mean-field theory. Our natural focus is the strong-coupling, Kondo lattice regime, in particular the resultant 'universal' scaling behaviour in terms of the single, exponentially small low-energy scale characteristic of the problem. Dynamics/transport on all relevant (ω, T)-scales are considered, from the gapped/activated behaviour characteristic of the low-temperature insulator through to explicit connection to single-impurity physics at high ω and/or T; and for optical conductivities emphasis is given to the nature of the optical gap, the temperature scale responsible for its destruction and the consequent clear distinction between indirect and direct gap scales. Using scaling, explicit comparison is also made to experimental results for dc transport and optical conductivities of Ce3Bi4Pt3, SmB6 and YbB12. Good agreement is found, even quantitatively; and a mutually consistent picture of transport and optics results.


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Structural transformation and ionic transport properties are investigated on wet-chemically synthesized La1-xMnO3 (X=0.0-0.18) compositions. Powders annealed in oxygen/air at 1000-1080 K exhibit cubic symmetry and transform to rhombohedral on annealing at 1173-1573 K in air/oxygen. Annealing above 1773 K in air or in argon/helium at 1473 K stabilized distorted rhombohedral or orthorhombic symmetry. Structural transformations are confirmed from XRD and TEM studies. The total conductivity of sintered disks, measured by four-probe technique, ranges from 5 S cm(-1) at 298 K to 105 S cm(-1) at 1273 K. The ionic conductivity measured by blocking electrode technique ranges from 1.0X10(-6) S cm(-1) at 700 K to 2.0X10(-3) S cm(-1) at 1273 K. The ionic transference number of these compositions ranges from 3.0X10(-5) to 5.0X10(-5) at 1273 K. The activation energy deduced from experimental data for ionic conduction and ionic migration is 1.03-1.10 and 0.80-1.00 eV, respectively. The activation energy of formation, association and migration of vacancies ranges from 1.07 to 1.44 eV. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electronic and ionic conductivities of silver selenide crystal (Ag$_2+\delta$ Se) have been measured over a range of stoichiometry through the $\alpha - \beta$ transition by using solid state electrochemical techniques. In the high temperature $\beta$-phase Ag$_2$Se shows metallic behaviour of electronic conductivity for high values of $\delta$; with decrease in $\delta$, the conductivity of the material exhibits a transition. The magnitude of change in electronic conductivity at the $\alpha - \beta$ transition is also determined by stoichiometry. Ionic conductivity of the $\beta$-phase does not vary significantly with stochiometry. Ionic conductivity of the $\beta$-does not vary significantly with stoichiometry. A model to explain the observed transport properties has been suggested.


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Phase pure wurtzite GaN films were grown on Si (100) substrates by introducing a silicon nitride layer followed by low temperature GaN growth as buffer layers. GaN films grown directly on Si (100) were found to be phase mixtured, containing both cubic (beta) and hexagonal (alpha) modifications. The x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy studies reveal that the significant enhancement in the structural as well as in the optical properties of GaN films grown with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 800 degrees C when compared to the samples grown in the absence of silicon nitride buffer layer and with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 600 degrees C. Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of Si(x)N(y) layers reveals the sources for superior qualities of GaN epilayers grown with the high temperature substrate nitridation process. The discussion has been carried out on the typical inverted rectification behavior exhibited by n-GaN/p-Si heterojunctions. Considerable modulation in the transport mechanism was observed with the nitridation conditions. The heterojunction fabricated with the sample of substrate nitridation at high temperature exhibited superior rectifying nature with reduced trap concentrations. Lowest ideality factors (similar to 1.5) were observed in the heterojunctions grown with high temperature substrate nitridation which is attributed to the recombination tunneling at the space charge region transport mechanism at lower voltages and at higher voltages space charge limited current conduction is the dominating transport mechanism. Whereas, thermally generated carrier tunneling and recombination tunneling are the dominating transport mechanisms in the heterojunctions grown without substrate nitridation and low temperature substrate nitridation, respectively. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3658867]


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An optimal composition of La0.67Cd0.33MnO3 was synthesized by ceramic route. The compound crystallized in a rhombohedral structure with lattice parameters a = 5.473(4) Å and α = 60°37′. Resistivity measurement showed an insulator-to-metal transition coupled with a ferromagnetic transition of around 255 K. Epitaxial thin films were fabricated on the LaAlO3 (100) substrate by a pulsed laser deposition technique. The psuedocubic lattice parameter a of the film is 3.873(4) Å. The insulator-to-metal transition of the film was observed at 250 K which is comparable with the bulk value. The film was ferromagnetic below this temperature. Magnetoresistance defined as ΔR/R0 = (RH−R0)/R0 was over −86% near the insulator-to-metal transition temperature of 240 K at 6 T magnetic field and over-30% at relatively low fields of 1 T. No magnetoresistance was observed at low temperatures in the film unlike in the polycrystalline sample, where about a 40% decrease in resistance was observed on applying 6 T magnetic field due to the spin dependent scattering at the grain boundaries.


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Epitaxial films of La4BaCu5O13+δ and La4BaCu4NiO13+δ oxides are grown with a-b plane parallel to (100) of LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 by pulsed-laser deposition. The conductivity measurements performed along the c direction using LaNiO3 as the electrode show metallic behavior whereas they show semiconducting behavior in the a-b plane. Anisotropic transport property of these thin films is explained on the basis of nearly 180° connected Cu–O–Cu chains with an average Cu–O distance of 1.94 Å along the c direction and nearly 180° and 90° connected Cu–O–Cu chains in the a-b plane with short and long Cu–O distances ranging from 1.863 to 2.303 Å. YBa2Cu3O7−x has been grown along (00l) on La4BaCu5O13+δ and shows a Tc of 88 K.


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We have investigated electrical transport properties of long (>10 mu m) multiwalled carbon nanotubes (NTs) by dividing individuals into several segments of identical length. Each segment has different resistance because of the random distribution of defect density in an NT and is corroborated by Raman studies. Higher is the resistance, lower is the current required to break the segments indicating that breakdown occurs at the highly resistive segment/site and not necessarily at the middle. This is consistent with the one-dimensional thermal transport model. We have demonstrated the healing of defects by annealing at moderate temperatures or by current annealing. To strengthen our mechanism, we have carried out electrical breakdown of nitrogen doped NTs (NNTs) with diameter variation from one end to the other. It reveals that the electrical breakdown occurs selectively at the narrower diameter region. Overall, we believe that our results will help to predict the breakdown position of both semiconducting and metallic NTs. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4720426]


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The temperature dependent electrical transport behavior of n-n InGaN/Si heterostructures grown by plasma-assisted MBE was studied. Structural characteristics of the as-grown InGaN epilayers were evaluated high resolution X-ray diffraction and composition of InGaN was estimated from photoluminescence spectra using standard Vegard's law. Current density-voltage plots (J-V-T) revealed that the ideality factor (eta) and Schottky barrier height (SBH) (Phi(b)) are temperature dependent and the incorrect values of the Richardson's constant (A**) produced, suggests an inhomogeneous barrier at the heterostructure interface. The higher value of the ideality factor compared to the ideal value and its temperature dependence suggest that the current transport is mainly dominated by thermionic field emission. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This contribution reports and analyses the high thermal transport property of hot-pressed TiB2-10 wt.% TiSi2 ceramics. Depending on the test temperature, the thermal conductivity values of the TiB2 composite (which range from 89 to 122W m(-1) K-1) are determined to be 18-25% higher than that of monolithic TiB2. The thermal transport properties are analyzed in terms of electronic and phonon contributions. The electronic contribution is the major component of the thermal conductivity of TiB2 and comparable contributions from both electronic and phonon components are observed for the TiB2-TiSi2 composite. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Optically clear glasses in the ZnO-Bi2O3-B2O3 (ZBBO) system were fabricated via the conventional melt-quenching technique. Dielectric constant and loss measurements carried out on ZBBO glasses unraveled nearly frequency (1 kHz-10 MHz)-independent dielectric characteristics associated with significantly low loss (D = 0.004). However, weak temperature response was found with temperature coefficient of dielectric constant 18 +/- 4 ppm A degrees C-1 in the 35-250 A degrees C temperature range. The conduction and relaxation phenomena were rationalized using universal AC conductivity power law and modulus formalism respectively. The activation energy for relaxation determined using imaginary parts of modulus peaks was 2.54 eV which was close to that of the DC conduction implying the involvement of similar energy barriers in both the processes. Stretched and power exponents were temperature dependent. The relaxation and conduction in these glasses were attributed to the hoping and migration of Bi3+ cations in their own and different local environment.


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We report a facile route to synthesize high quality earth abundant absorber Cu3BiS3, tailoring the band gap with the morphology manipulation and thereby analyzed the secondary phases and their role in the transport property. The sample at 48 hours reaction profile showed good semiconducting behavior, whereas other samples showed mostly a metallic behavior. Band gap was varied from 1.86 eV to 1.42 eV upon controling the reaction profile from 8 hours to 48 hours. The activation energy was calculated to be 0.102 eV. The temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) was found to be 0.03432 K-1 at 185 K. The IR photodectection properties in terms of photoresponse have been demonstrated. The high internal gain (G = 3.7 x 10(4)), responsivity (R = 3.2 x 10(4) A W-1) for 50 mW cm(-2) at 5 V make Cu3BiS3, an alternative potential absorber in meliorating the technological applications as near IR photodetectors.


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In the present study, impedance and Raman spectroscopy are adopted to probe the nature and extent of disorder to correlate with transport properties in doped polypyrrole (PPy) thin-film devices, synthesized electrochemically at different temperatures. A comparative study of the impedance spectroscopy is performed on PPy devices by both experimental and simulation approach with varying extent of disorder. The impedance measurements of PPy devices are well described by introducing a constant phase element (CPE) (Q) in modified RQ circuit, which accounts for frequency dependence of dielectric response. However, for the PPy grown at lower temperature, an equivalent circuit consisting of two such RQ elements in series is used for successful modelling of the impedance results, which accounts for the depletion region near the electrode. Raman spectroscopy and the de-convoluted spectra are successfully studied to probe the variation in C=C bond stretching and distribution of conjugation length, which relates to disorder in PPy films and the interpretation is well correlated to the impedance results.