982 resultados para Electrical characterization


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This Master Final Project is intended to show the process developed to the functional and electrical characterization between different devices that use the SpaceWire space communications standard integrated into an evaluation board designed for this purpose. In order to carry out this characterization, firstly, a study to understand the SpaceWire standard is done. After that, another study for the understanding of the demonstration board with its different interfaces and IPs of SpW is done. According to this, it is expected to find out how the SpW devices are structured, especially at FPGA level, and how is the communication between them. Based on the knowledge obtained about SpaceWire and the SpW devices integrated into the evaluation board, the set of measurements and the strategy to validate electrical interoperability between the different devices are defined, as well as to perform functional checks required to ensure its proper understanding. Furthermore, it will let check whether the standard is met and search the limit of operation within a communication system representative of existing equipment in a satellite. Once finished the test plan and implemented on the representative hardware, the board will be considered characterized at SpW level and a report with the conclusions reached about the operation of the SpW interfaces in the board and constraints found will be done. RESUMEN. El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster pretende mostrar el proceso realizado para la caracterización eléctrica y funcional entre distintos dispositivos que utilizan el estándar de comunicaciones espaciales SpaceWire integrados en una tarjeta de evaluación diseñada para tal efecto. Para poder llevar a cabo dicha caracterización, en primer lugar, se realiza un estudio para el conocimiento del estándar SpaceWire. A continuación, se lleva a cabo otro estudio para el conocimiento de la tarjeta de demostración en la que se encuentran los distintos interfaces e IPs de SpW. Con esto último, se pretende conocer como están estructurados los dispositivos SpW, sobre todo a nivel de FPGA, y como se realiza la comunicación entre ellos. En base a los conocimientos adquiridos acerca de SpaceWire y los dispositivos SpW de la tarjeta de evaluación, se definen el conjunto de medidas y la estrategia a seguir para validar eléctricamente la interoperabilidad entre los distintos dispositivos, así como para realizar las comprobaciones funcionales necesarias para asegurar su correcto entendimiento. Además, con ello se podrá comprobar si se cumple el estándar y se podrá también buscar el límite de operación dentro de un sistema de comunicaciones representativo de los equipos existentes en un satélite. Realizado el plan de pruebas y aplicado sobre el hardware representativo se podrá dar por caracterizada la tarjeta a nivel SpW y realizar un informe con las conclusiones alcanzadas acerca del funcionamiento de los interfaces SpW de la tarjeta y las limitaciones encontradas.


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The current mobile networks don't offer sufficient data rates to support multimedia intensive applications in development for multifunctional mobile devices. Ultra wideband (UWB) wireless technology is being considered as the solution to overcome data rate bottlenecks in the current mobile networks. UWB is able to achieve such high data transmission rates because it transmits data over a very large chunk of the frequency spectrum. As currently approved by the U.S. Federal Communication Commission it utilizes 7.5 GHz of spectrum between 3.1 GHz and 10.6 GHz. ^ Successful transmission and reception of information data using UWB wireless technology in mobile devices, requires an antenna that has linear phase, low dispersion and a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) ≤ 2 throughout the entire frequency band. Compatibility with an integrated circuit requires an unobtrusive and electrically small design. The previous techniques that have been used to optimize the performance of UWB wireless systems, involve proper design of source pulses for optimal UWB performance. The goal of this work is directed towards the designing of antennas for personal communication devices, with optimal UWB bandwidth performance. Several techniques are proposed for optimal UWB bandwidth performance of the UWB antenna designs in this Ph.D. dissertation. ^ This Ph.D. dissertation presents novel UWB antenna designs for personal communication devices that have been characterized and optimized using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) technique. The antenna designs reported in this research are physically compact, planar for low profile use, with sufficient impedance bandwidth (>20%), antenna input impedance of 50-Ω, and an omni-directional (±1.5 dB) radiation pattern in the operating bandwidth. ^


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Low dimensional nanostructures, such as nanotubes and 2D sheets, have unique and promising material properties both from a fundamental science and an application standpoint. Theoretical modelling and calculations predict previously unobserved phenomena that experimental scientists often struggle to reproduce because of the difficulty in controlling and characterizing the small structures under real-world constraints. The goal of this dissertation is to controlling these structures so that nanostructures can be characterized in-situ in transmission electron microscopes (TEM) allowing for direct observation of the actual physical responses of the materials to different stimuli. Of most interest to this work are the thermal and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes, boron nitride nanotubes, and graphene. The first topic of the dissertation is using surfactants for aqueous processing to fabricate, store, and deposit the nanostructures. More specifically, thorough characterization of a new surfactant, ammonium laurate (AL), is provided and shows that this new surfactant outperforms the standard surfactant for these materials, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), in almost all tested metrics. New experimental set-ups have been developed by combining specialized in-situ TEM holders with innovative device fabrication. For example, electrical characterization of graphene was performed by using an STM-TEM holder and depositing graphene from aqueous solutions onto lithographically patterned, electron transparent silicon nitride membranes. These experiments produce exciting information about the interaction between graphene and metal probes and the substrate that it rests on. Then, by adding indium to the backside of the membrane and employing the electron thermal microscopy (EThM) technique, the same type of graphene samples could be characterized for thermal transport with high spatial resolution. It is found that reduced graphene oxide sheets deposited onto a silicon nitride membrane and displaying high levels of wrinkling have higher than expected electrical and thermal conduction properties. We are clearly able to visualize the ability of graphene to spread heat away from an electronic hot spot and into the substrate.


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Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been studied as a prominent class of high performance electronic materials for next generation electronics. Their geometry dependent electronic structure, ballistic transport and low power dissipation due to quasi one dimensional transport, and their capability of carrying high current densities are some of the main reasons for the optimistic expectations on SWNTs. However, device applications of individual SWNTs have been hindered by uncontrolled variations in characteristics and lack of scalable methods to integrate SWNTs into electronic devices. One relatively new direction in SWNT electronics, which avoids these issues, is using arrays of SWNTs, where the ensemble average may provide uniformity from device to device, and this new breed of electronic material can be integrated into electronic devices in a scalable fashion. This dissertation describes (1) methods for characterization of SWNT arrays, (2) how the electrical transport in these two-dimensional arrays depend on length scales and spatial anisotropy, (3) the interaction of aligned SWNTs with the underlying substrate, and (4) methods for scalable integration of SWNT arrays into electronic devices. The electrical characterization of SWNT arrays have been realized by polymer electrolyte-gated SWNT thin film transistors (TFTs). Polymer electrolyte-gating addresses many technical difficulties inherent to electrical characterization by gating through oxide-dielectrics. Having shown polymer electrolyte-gating can be successfully applied on SWNT arrays, we have studied the length scaling dependence of electrical transport in SWNT arrays. Ultrathin films formed by sub-monolayer surface coverage of SWNT arrays are very interesting systems in terms of the physics of two-dimensional electronic transport. We have observed that they behave qualitatively different than the classical conducting films, which obey the Ohm’s law. The resistance of an ultrathin film of SWNT arrays is indeed non-linear with the length of the film, across which the transport occurs. More interestingly, a transition between conducting and insulating states is observed at a critical surface coverage, which is called percolation limit. The surface coverage of conducting SWNTs can be manipulated by turning on and off the semiconductors in the SWNT array, leading to the operation principle of SWNT TFTs. The percolation limit depends also on the length and the spatial orientation of SWNTs. We have also observed that the percolation limit increases abruptly for aligned arrays of SWNTs, which are grown on single crystal quartz substrates. In this dissertation, we also compare our experimental results with a two-dimensional stick network model, which gives a good qualitative picture of the electrical transport in SWNT arrays in terms of surface coverage, length scaling, and spatial orientation, and briefly discuss the validity of this model. However, the electronic properties of SWNT arrays are not only determined by geometrical arguments. The contact resistances at the nanotube-nanotube and nanotube-electrode (bulk metal) interfaces, and interactions with the local chemical groups and the underlying substrates are among other issues related to the electronic transport in SWNT arrays. Different aspects of these factors have been studied in detail by many groups. In fact, I have also included a brief discussion about electron injection onto semiconducting SWNTs by polymer dopants. On the other hand, we have compared the substrate-SWNT interactions for isotropic (in two dimensions) arrays of SWNTs grown on Si/SiO2 substrates and horizontally (on substrate) aligned arrays of SWNTs grown on single crystal quartz substrates. The anisotropic interactions associated with the quartz lattice between quartz and SWNTs that allow near perfect horizontal alignment on substrate along a particular crystallographic direction is examined by Raman spectroscopy, and shown to lead to uniaxial compressive strain in as-grown SWNTs on single crystal quartz. This is the first experimental demonstration of the hard-to-achieve uniaxial compression of SWNTs. Temperature dependence of Raman G-band spectra along the length of individual nanotubes reveals that the compressive strain is non-uniform and can be larger than 1% locally at room temperature. Effects of device fabrication steps on the non-uniform strain are also examined and implications on electrical performance are discussed. Based on our findings, there are discussions about device performances and designs included in this dissertation. The channel length dependences of device mobilities and on/off ratios are included for SWNT TFTs. Time response of polymer-electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs has been measured to be ~300 Hz, and a proof-of-concept logic inverter has been fabricated by using polymer electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs for macroelectronic applications. Finally, I dedicated a chapter on scalable device designs based on aligned arrays of SWNTs, including a design for SWNT memory devices.


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Controlled synthesis of both single-walled carbon nanotube and carbon nanowire networks using the same CVD reactor and Fe/Al2O3 catalyst by slightly altering the hydrogenation and temperature conditions is demonstrated. Structural, bonding and electrical characterization using SEM, TEM, Raman spectroscopy, and temperature-dependent resistivity measurements suggest that the nanotubes are of a high quality and a large fraction (well above the common 33% and possibly up to 75%) of them are metallic. On the other hand, the carbon nanowires are amorphous and semiconducting and feature a controlled sp2/sp3 ratio. The growth mechanism which is based on the catalyst nanoisland analysis by AFM and takes into account the hydrogenation and temperature control effects explains the observed switch-over of the nanostructure growth modes. These results are important to achieve the ultimate control of chirality, structure, and conductivity of one-dimensional all-carbon networks.


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The aluminum (Al) doped polycrystalline p-type β-phase iron disilicide (p-β-FeSi2) is grown by thermal diffusion of Al from Al-passivated n-type Si(100) surface into FeSi2 during crystallization of amorphous FeSi2 to form a p-type β-FeSi 2/n-Si(100) heterostructure solar cell. The structural and photovoltaic properties of p-type β-FeSi2/n-type c-Si structures is then investigated in detail by using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy analysis, and electrical characterization. The results are compared with Al-doped p-β-FeSi2 prepared by using cosputtering of Al and FeSi2 layers on Al-passivated n-Si(100) substrates. A significant improvement in the maximum open-circuit voltage (Voc) from 120 to 320 mV is achieved upon the introduction of Al doping through cosputtering of Al and amorphous FeSi2 layer. The improvement in Voc is attributed to better structural quality of Al-doped FeSi2 film through Al doping and to the formation of high quality crystalline interface between Al-doped β-FeSi2 and n-type c-Si. The effects of Al-out diffusion on the performance of heterostructure solar cells have been investigated and discussed in detail.


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We propose the use of solution-processed molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) flakes as hole transport layer (HTL) for metal-organic perovskite solar cells. MoS2 bulk crystals are exfoliated in 2-propanol and deposited on perovskite layers by spray coating. We fabricated cells with glass/FTO/compact-TiO2/mesoporous-TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3/spiro- OMeTAD/Au structure and cells with the same structure but with MoS2 flakes as HTL instead of spiro-OMeTAD, the most widely used HTL. The electrical characterization of the cells with MoS2 as HTL show promising power conversion efficiency -η- of 3.9% with respect to cells with pristine spiro-OMeTAD (η=3.1%). Endurance test on 800-hour shelf life has shown higher stability for the MoS2–based cells (ΔPCE/PCE=-17%) with respect to the doped spiro-OMeTAD-based one (ΔPCE/PCE =-45%). Further improvements are expected with the optimization of the MoS2 deposition process


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Artificial superlattices of SrTiO3 and BaZrO3 were grown epitaxially with different periodicities on SrRuO3 coated (00 1) SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed excimer laser ablation. Superlattices were structurally characterized by X-Ray theta-2 theta diffraction data. Electrical characterization was done in metal-insulation-metal configuration. Capacitance-voltage measurements showed limited amount of tunability. The DC field induced tunability has been observed to be sensitive to the periodicity of the superlattices, hence the effective strain present in the layers. Hysteretic behaviour in capacitance-voltage (C-V) and polarization versus electric field (P-E) results from the superlattices also indicate the sensitivity of the interfaces. Interfacial strain is supposed to be the most probable cause for such a behaviour which is also manifested in the variation of dielectric constant with individual layer thicknesses. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents time-domain characteristics of induced current and voltage on a rocket in the presence of its exhaust plume when an electromagnetic (EM) wave generated by a nearby lightning discharge is incident on it. For the EM-field interaction with the rocket, the finite-difference time-domain technique has been used. The distributed electrical parameters, such as capacitance and inductance of the rocket and its exhaust plume, are computed using the method of moments technique. For the electrical characterization of the exhaust plume, the computational fluid dynamics technique has been used. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the exhaust plume is 0.12 S/m near the exit plane and it reduces to 0.02 S/m at the downstream end. The relative permittivity varies from 0.91 to 0.99. The exhaust plume behaves as a good conductor for EM fields with frequencies less than 2.285 GHz. It has been observed that the peak value of the induced current on the rocket gets enhanced significantly in the presence of the conducting exhaust plume for the rocket and exhaust plume dimensions and parameters studied. The magnitude of the time-varying induced current at the tail is much more than that of any other section of the rocket.


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This paper presents time-domain characteristics of induced current and voltage on a rocket in the presence of its exhaust plume when an electromagnetic (EM) wave generated by a nearby lightning discharge is incident on it. For the EM-field interaction with the rocket, the finite-difference time-domain technique has been used. The distributed electrical parameters, such as capacitance and inductance of the rocket and its exhaust plume, are computed using the method of moments technique. For the electrical characterization of the exhaust plume, the computational fluid dynamics technique has been used. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the exhaust plume is 0.12 S/m near the exit plane and it reduces to 0.02 S/m at the downstream end. The relative permittivity varies from 0.91 to 0.99. The exhaust plume behaves as a good conductor for EM fields with frequencies less than 2.285 GHz. It has been observed that the peak value of the induced current on the rocket gets enhanced significantly in the presence of the conducting exhaust plume for the rocket and exhaust plume dimensions and parameters studied. The magnitude of the time-varying induced current at the tail is much more than that of any other section of the rocket.


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One of the foremost design considerations in microelectronics miniaturization is the use of embedded passives which provide practical solution. In a typical circuit, over 80 percent of the electronic components are passives such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors that could take up to almost 50 percent of the entire printed circuit board area. By integrating passive components within the substrate instead of being on the surface, embedded passives reduce the system real estate, eliminate the need for discrete and assembly, enhance electrical performance and reliability, and potentially reduce the overall cost. Moreover, it is lead free. Even with these advantages, embedded passive technology is at a relatively immature stage and more characterization and optimization are needed for practical applications leading to its commercialization.This paper presents an entire process from design and fabrication to electrical characterization and reliability test of embedded passives on multilayered microvia organic substrate. Two test vehicles focusing on resistors and capacitors have been designed and fabricated. Embedded capacitors in this study are made with polymer/ceramic nanocomposite (BaTiO3) material to take advantage of low processing temperature of polymers and relatively high dielectric constant of ceramics and the values of these capacitors range from 50 pF to 1.5 nF with capacitance per area of approximately 1.5 nF/cm(2). Limited high frequency measurement of these capacitors was performed. Furthermore, reliability assessments of thermal shock and temperature humidity tests based on JEDEC standards were carried out. Resistors used in this work have been of three types: 1) carbon ink based polymer thick film (PTF), 2) resistor foils with known sheet resistivities which are laminated to printed wiring board (PWB) during a sequential build-up (SBU) process and 3) thin-film resistor plating by electroless method. Realization of embedded resistors on conventional board-level high-loss epoxy (similar to 0.015 at 1 GHz) and proposed low-loss BCB dielectric (similar to 0.0008 at > 40 GHz) has been explored in this study. Ni-P and Ni-W-P alloys were plated using conventional electroless plating, and NiCr and NiCrAlSi foils were used for the foil transfer process. For the first time, Benzocyclobutene (BCB) has been proposed as a board level dielectric for advanced System-on-Package (SOP) module primarily due to its attractive low-loss (for RF application) and thin film (for high density wiring) properties.Although embedded passives are more reliable by eliminating solder joint interconnects, they also introduce other concerns such as cracks, delamination and component instability. More layers may be needed to accommodate the embedded passives, and various materials within the substrate may cause significant thermo -mechanical stress due to coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch. In this work, numerical models of embedded capacitors have been developed to qualitatively examine the effects of process conditions and electrical performance due to thermo-mechanical deformations.Also, a prototype working product with the board level design including features of embedded resistors and capacitors are underway. Preliminary results of these are presented.


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The present study demonstrates a simple protocol for the preparation of one dimensional (1D) oxidized titanium carbide nanowires and their opto-electronic properties. The oxidized titanium carbide nanowires (Ox-TiC-NW) are prepared from TiC nanowires (TiC-NW) that are in turn synthesized from micron sized TiC particles using the solvothermal technique. The Ox-TiC-NW is characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. Thermal oxidation of TiC-NW yields carbon doped TiO2-NW (C-TiO2-NW), a simple methodology to obtain 1D C-TiO2-NW. Temperature dependent Raman spectra reveal characteristic bands for TiO2-NW. Electrical characterization of individual C-TiO2-NW is performed by fabricating a device structure using the focused ion beam deposition technique. The opto-electronic properties of individual C-TiO2-NW demonstrate visible light activity and the parameters obtained from photoconductivity measurements reveal very good sensitivity. This methodology opens up the possibility of using C-TiO2-NW in electronic and opto-electronic device applications.


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A typical Ce0.85Gd0.15O2-delta (CDC15) composition of CeO2-Gd2O3 system is synthesized by modified sol - gel technique known as citrate-complexation. TG-DTA, XRD, FT-IR, Raman, FE-SEM/EDX and ac impedance analysis are carried out for structural and electrical characterization. XRD pattern confirmed the well crystalline cubic fluorite structure of CDC15 after calcining at 873 K. Raman spectral bands at 463, 550 and 600 cm(-1) are also in agreement with these structural features. FE-SEM image shows well-defined grains separated from grain boundary and good densification. Ac impedance studies reveal that GDC15 has oxide ionic conductivity similar to that reported for Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-delta (GDC10) and Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-delta (GDC20). Ionic and electronic transference numbers at 673 K are found to be 0.95 and 0.05, respectively. This indicates the possible application of GDC15 as a potential electrolyte for IT-SOFCs. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Effect of MnO addition on microstructure and ionic transport properties of nanocrystalline cubic(c)-ZrO2 is reported. Monoclinic (m) ZrO2 powders with 10-30 mol% MnO powder are mechanically alloyed in a planetary ball mill at room temperature for 10 h and annealed at 550 degrees C for 6 h. In all compositions m-ZrO2 transforms completely to nanocrystalline c-ZrO2 phase and MnO is fully incorporated into c-ZrO2 lattice. Rietveld's refinement technique is employed for detailed microstructure analysis by analyzing XRD patterns. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) analysis confirms the complete formation of c-ZrO2 phase. Presence of stoichiometric Mn in c-ZrO2 powder is confirmed by Electron Probe Microscopy analysis. XPS analysis reveals that Mn is mostly in Mn2+ oxidation state. A correlation between lattice parameter and oxygen vacancy is established. A detailed ionic conductivity measurement in the 250 degrees-575 degrees C temperature range describes the effect of MnO on conductivity of c-ZrO2. The ionic conductivity (s) of 30 mol% MnO alloyed ZrO2 at 550 degrees C is 0.04 s cm(-1). Electrical relaxation studies are carried out by impedance and modulus spectroscopy. Relaxation frequency is found to increase with temperature and MnO mol fraction. Electrical characterization predicts that these compounds have potentials for use as solid oxide fuel cell electrolyte material. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Plastic electronics is a rapidly expanding topic, much of which has been focused on organic semiconductors. However, it is also of interest to find viable ways to integrate nanomaterials, such as silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), into this technology. Here, we present methods of fabrication of composite devices incorporating such nanostructured materials into an organic matrix. We investigate the formation of polymer/CNT composites, for which we use the semiconducting polymer poly(3,3‴-dialkyl-quaterthiophene) (PQT). We also report a method of fabricating polymer/SiNW TFTs, whereby sparse arrays of parallel oriented SiNWs are initially prepared on silicon dioxide substrates from forests of as-grown gold-catalysed SiNWs. Subsequent ink-jet printing of PQT on these arrays produces a polymer/SiNW composite film. We also present the electrical characterization of all composite devices. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.