959 resultados para Electric discharges through gases.
The electron dynamics in the low-pressure operation regime ($«$ 5 Pa) of a neon capacitively coupled plasma is investigated using phase-resolved optical emission spectroscopy. Plasma ionization and sustainment mechanisms are governed by the expanding and contracting sheath and complex wave–particle interactions. Electrons are energized through the advancing and retreating electric field of the RF sheath. The associated interaction of energetic sheath electrons with thermal bulk plasma electrons drives a two-stream instability also dissipating power in the plasma.
La gestió de l'aigua residual és una tasca complexa. Hi ha moltes substàncies contaminants conegudes però encara moltes per conèixer, i el seu efecte individual o col·lgectiu és difícil de predir. La identificació i avaluació dels impactes ambientals resultants de la interacció entre els sistemes naturals i socials és un assumpte multicriteri. Els gestors ambientals necessiten eines de suport pels seus diagnòstics per tal de solucionar problemes ambientals. Les contribucions d'aquest treball de recerca són dobles: primer, proposar l'ús d'un enfoc basat en la modelització amb agents per tal de conceptualitzar i integrar tots els elements que estan directament o indirectament involucrats en la gestió de l'aigua residual. Segon, proposar un marc basat en l'argumentació amb l'objectiu de permetre als agents raonar efectivament. La tesi conté alguns exemples reals per tal de mostrar com un marc basat amb agents que argumenten pot suportar diferents interessos i diferents perspectives. Conseqüentment, pot ajudar a construir un diàleg més informat i efectiu i per tant descriure millor les interaccions entre els agents. En aquest document es descriu primer el context estudiat, escalant el problema global de la gestió de la conca fluvial a la gestiódel sistema urbà d'aigües residuals, concretament l'escenari dels abocaments industrials. A continuació, s'analitza el sistema mitjançant la descripció d'agents que interaccionen. Finalment, es descriuen alguns prototips capaços de raonar i deliberar, basats en la lògica no monòtona i en un llenguatge declaratiu (answer set programming). És important remarcar que aquesta tesi enllaça dues disciplines: l'enginyeria ambiental (concretament l'àrea de la gestió de les aigües residuals) i les ciències de la computació (concretament l'àrea de la intel·ligència artificial), contribuint així a la multidisciplinarietat requerida per fer front al problema estudiat. L'enginyeria ambiental ens proporciona el coneixement del domini mentre que les ciències de la computació ens permeten estructurar i especificar aquest coneixement.
A description is given of the global atmospheric electric circuit operating between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Attention is drawn to the huge range of horizontal and vertical spatial scales, ranging from 10−9 m to 1012 m, concerned with the many important processes at work. A similarly enormous range of time scales is involved from 10−6 s to 109 s, in the physical effects and different phenomena that need to be considered. The current flowing in the global circuit is generated by disturbed weather such as thunderstorms and electrified rain/shower clouds, mostly occurring over the Earth’s land surface. The profile of electrical conductivity up through the atmosphere, determined mainly by galactic cosmic ray ionization, is a crucial parameter of the circuit. Model simulation results on the variation of the ionospheric potential, ∼250 kV positive with respect to the Earth’s potential, following lightning discharges and sprites are summarized. Experimental results comparing global circuit variations with the neutron rate recorded at Climax, Colorado, are then discussed. Within the return (load) part of the circuit in the fair weather regions remote from the generators, charge layers exist on the upper and lower edges of extensive layer clouds; new experimental evidence for these charge layers is also reviewed. Finally, some directions for future research in the subject are suggested.
Electron transport parameters are important in several areas ranging from particle detectors to plasma-assisted processing reactors. Nevertheless, especially at high fields strengths and for complex gases, relatively few data are published. A dedicated setup has been developed to measure the electron drift velocity and the first Townsend coefficient in parallel plate geometry. An RPC-like cell has been adopted to reach high field strengths without the risk of destructive sparks. The validation data obtained with pure Nitrogen will be presented and compared to a selection of the available literature and to calculations performed with Magboltz 2 version 8.6. The new data collected in pure Isobutane will then be discussed. This is the first time the electron drift velocity in pure Isobutane is measured well into the saturation region. Good agreement is found with expectations from Magboltz. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Optimised placement of control and protective devices in distribution networks allows for a better operation and improvement of the reliability indices of the system. Control devices (used to reconfigure the feeders) are placed in distribution networks to obtain an optimal operation strategy to facilitate power supply restoration in the case of a contingency. Protective devices (used to isolate faults) are placed in distribution systems to improve the reliability and continuity of the power supply, significantly reducing the impacts that a fault can have in terms of customer outages, and the time needed for fault location and system restoration. This paper presents a novel technique to optimally place both control and protective devices in the same optimisation process on radial distribution feeders. The problem is modelled through mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) with real and binary variables. The reactive tabu search algorithm (RTS) is proposed to solve this problem. Results and optimised strategies for placing control and protective devices considering a practical feeder are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Models of different degrees of complexity are found in the literature for the estimation of lightning striking distances and attractive radius of objects and structures. However, besides the oversimplifications of the physical nature of the lightning discharge on which most of them are based, till recently the tridimensional structure configuration could not be considered. This is an important limitation, as edges and other details of the object affect the electric field and, consequently, the upward leader initiation. Within this context, the Self-consistent leader initiation and propagation model (SLIM) proposed by Becerra and Cooray is state-of-the-art leader inception and propagation leader model based on the physics of leader discharges which enables the tridimensional geometry of the structure to be taken into account. In this paper, the model is used for estimating the striking distance and attractive radius of power transmission lines. The results are compared with those obtained from the electrogeometric and Eriksson's models. © 2003-2012 IEEE.
This work describes the development of an electro-mechanical micro-discharges device operating at ambient condition of pressure and temperature, capable to produce plasma jets for surface finishing. The discharges are produced through a needle shape electrode hollow cathode type by which flows the helium gas. The voltage applied on the electrode is provided for an AC/AC switching voltage converter of full-bridge topology. The converter is energized by a power line of 110/220 VAC, 60 Hz and gives a 1000 V peak-to-peak from 5 kHz to 40 kHz square waveform output. The output frequency is defined by a control signal provided by an external signal generator. The equipment setup includes output acquisition of voltage and current and a photo-detector for photo-electrical measurements, which allows an optical characterization of the plasma jet
This work describes the development of an electro-mechanical micro-discharges device operating at ambient condition of pressure and temperature, capable to produce plasma jets for surface finishing. The discharges are produced through a needle shape electrode hollow cathode type by which flows the helium gas. The voltage applied on the electrode is provided for an AC/AC switching voltage converter of full-bridge topology. The converter is energized by a power line of 110/220 VAC, 60 Hz and gives a 1000 V peak-to-peak from 5 kHz to 40 kHz square waveform output. The output frequency is defined by a control signal provided by an external signal generator. The equipment setup includes output acquisition of voltage and current and a photo-detector for photo-electrical measurements, which allows an optical characterization of the plasma jet
This work has been supported by Brazilian agencies FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES and grants MICINN BFU200908473 and TIN 201019607, SpanishBrazilian Cooperation PHB20070008 and 7ª Convocatoria De PROYECTOS de COOPERACION INTERUNIVERSITARIAUAMSANTANDER con America Latina
Rising fuel prices and environmental concerns are threatening the stability of current electrical grid systems. These factors are pushing the automobile industry towards more effcient, hybrid vehicles. Current trends show petroleum is being edged out in favor of electricity as the main vehicular motive force. The proposed methods create an optimized charging control schedule for all participating Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in a distribution grid. The optimization will minimize daily operating costs, reduce system losses, and improve power quality. This requires participation from Vehicle-to-Grid capable vehicles, load forecasting, and Locational Marginal Pricing market predictions. Vehicles equipped with bidirectional chargers further improve the optimization results by lowering peak demand and improving power quality.
This paper proposes a method for the identification of different partial discharges (PDs) sources through the analysis of a collection of PD signals acquired with a PD measurement system. This method, robust and sensitive enough to cope with noisy data and external interferences, combines the characterization of each signal from the collection, with a clustering procedure, the CLARA algorithm. Several features are proposed for the characterization of the signals, being the wavelet variances, the frequency estimated with the Prony method, and the energy, the most relevant for the performance of the clustering procedure. The result of the unsupervised classification is a set of clusters each containing those signals which are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. The analysis of the classification results permits both the identification of different PD sources and the discrimination between original PD signals, reflections, noise and external interferences. The methods and graphical tools detailed in this paper have been coded and published as a contributed package of the R environment under a GNU/GPL license.
This paper proposes a method for the identification of different partial discharges (PDs) sources through the analysis of a collection of PD signals acquired with a PD measurement system. This method, robust and sensitive enough to cope with noisy data and external interferences, combines the characterization of each signal from the collection, with a clustering procedure, the CLARA algorithm. Several features are proposed for the characterization of the signals, being the wavelet variances, the frequency estimated with the Prony method, and the energy, the most relevant for the performance of the clustering procedure. The result of the unsupervised classification is a set of clusters each containing those signals which are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. The analysis of the classification results permits both the identification of different PD sources and the discrimination between original PD signals, reflections, noise and external interferences. The methods and graphical tools detailed in this paper have been coded and published as a contributed package of the R environment under a GNU/GPL license.
Radon gas (Rn) is a natural radioactive gas present in some soils and able to penetrate buildings through the building envelope in contact with the soil. Radon can accumulate within buildings and consequently be inhaled by their occupants. Because it is a radioactive gas, its disintegration process produces alpha particles that, in contact with the lung epithelia, can produce alterations potentially giving rise to cancer. Many international organizations related to health protection, such as WHO, confirm this causality. One way to avoid the accumulation of radon in buildings is to use the building envelope as a radon barrier. The extent to which concrete provides such a barrier is described by its radon diffusion coefficient (DRn), a parameter closely related to porosity (ɛ) and tortuosity factor (τ). The measurement of the radon diffusion coefficient presents challenges, due to the absence of standard procedures, the requirement to establish adequate airtightness in testing apparatus (referred to here as the diffusion cell), and due to the fact that measurement has to be carried out in an environment certified for use of radon calibrated sources. In addition to this calibrated radon sources are costly. The measurement of the diffusion coefficient for non-radioactive gas is less complex, but nevertheless retains a degree of difficulty due to the need to provide reliably airtight apparatus for all tests. Other parameters that can characterize and describe the process of gas transport through concrete include the permeability coefficient (K) and the electrical resistivity (ρe), both of which can be measured relatively easily with standardized procedure. The use of these parameters would simplify the characterization of concrete behaviour as a radon barrier. Although earlier studies exist, describing correlation among these parameters, there is, as has been observed in the literature, little common ground between the various research efforts. For precisely this reason, prior to any attempt to measure radon diffusion, it was deemed necessary to carry out further research in this area, as a foundation to the current work, to explore potential relationships among the following parameters: porosity-tortuosity, oxygen diffusion coefficient, permeability coefficient and resistivity. Permeability coefficient measurement (m2) presents a more straightforward challenge than diffusion coefficient measurement. Some authors identify a relationship between both coefficients, including Gaber (1988), who proposes: k= a•Dn Equation 1 Where: a=A/(8ΠD020), A = sample cross-section, D020 = diffusion coefficient in air (m2/s). Other studies (Klink et al. 1999, Gaber and Schlattner 1997, Gräf and Grube et al. 1986), experimentally relate both coefficients of different types of concrete confirming that this relationship exists, as represented by the simplified expression: k≈Dn Equation 2 In each particular study a different value for n was established, varying from 1.3 to 2.5, but this requires determination of a value for n in a more general way because these proposed models cannot estimate diffusion coefficient. If diffusion coefficient has to be measured to be able to establish n, these relationships are not interesting. The measurement of electric resistivity is easier than diffusion coefficient measurement. Correlation between the parameters can be established via Einstein´s law that relates movement of electrical charges to media conductivity according to the expression: D_e=k/ρ Equation 3 Where: De = diffusion coefficient (cm2/s), K = constant, ρ = electric resistivity (Ω•cm). The tortuosity factor is used to represent the uneven geometry of concrete pores, which are described as being not straight, but tortuous. This factor was first introduced in the literature to relate global porosity with fluid transport in a porous media, and can be formulated in a number of different ways. For example, it can take the form of equation 4 (Mason y Malinauskas), which combines molecular and Knudsen diffusion using the tortuosity factor: D=ε^τ (3/2r √(πM/8RT+1/D_0 ))^(-1) Equation 4 Where: r = medium radius obtained from MIP (µm), M = gas molecular mass, R = ideal gases constant, T = temperature (K), D0 = coefficient diffusion in the air (m2/s). Few studies provide any insight as to how to obtain the tortuosity factor. The work of Andrade (2012) is exceptional in this sense, as it outlines how the tortuosity factor can be deduced from pore size distribution (from MIP) from the equation: ∅_th=∅_0•ε^(-τ). Equation 5 Where: Øth = threshold diameter (µm), Ø0 = minimum diameter (µm), ɛ = global porosity, τ = tortuosity factor. Alternatively, the following equation may be used to obtain the tortuosity factor: DO2=D0*ɛτ Equation 6 Where: DO2 = oxygen diffusion coefficient obtained experimentally (m2/s), DO20 = oxygen diffusion coefficient in the air (m2/s). This equation has been inferred from Archie´s law ρ_e=〖a•ρ〗_0•ɛ^(-m) and from the Einstein law mentioned above, using the values of oxygen diffusion coefficient obtained experimentally. The principal objective of the current study was to establish correlations between the different parameters that characterize gas transport through concrete. The achievement of this goal will facilitate the assessment of the useful life of concrete, as well as open the door to the pro-active planning for the use of concrete as a radon barrier. Two further objectives were formulated within the current study: 1.- To develop a method for measurement of gas coefficient diffusion in concrete. 2.- To model an analytic estimation of radon diffusion coefficient from parameters related to concrete porosity and tortuosity factor. In order to assess the possible correlations, parameters have been measured using the standardized procedures or purpose-built in the laboratory for the study of equations 1, 2 y 3. To measure the gas diffusion coefficient, a diffusion cell was designed and manufactured, with the design evolving over several cycles of research, leading ultimately to a unit that is reliably air tight. The analytic estimation of the radon diffusion coefficient DRn in concrete is based on concrete global porosity (ɛ), whose values may be experimentally obtained from a mercury intrusion porosimetry test (MIP), and from its tortuosity factor (τ), derived using the relations expressed in equations 5 y 6. The conclusions of the study are: Several models based on regressions, for concrete with a relative humidity of 50%, have been proposed to obtain the diffusion coefficient following the equations K=Dn, K=a*Dn y D=n/ρe. The final of these three relations is the one with the determination coefficient closest to a value of 1: D=(19,997*LNɛ+59,354)/ρe Equation 7 The values of the obtained oxygen diffusion coefficient adjust quite well to those experimentally measured. The proposed method for the measurement of the gas coefficient diffusion is considered to be adequate. The values obtained for the oxygen diffusion coefficient are within the range of those proposed by the literature (10-7 a 10-8 m2/s), and are consistent with the other studied parameters. Tortuosity factors obtained using pore distribution and the expression Ø=Ø0*ɛ-τ are inferior to those from resistivity ρ=ρ0*ɛ-τ. The closest relationship to it is the one with porosity of pore diameter 1 µm (τ=2,07), being 7,21% inferior. Tortuosity factors obtained from the expression DO2=D0*ɛτ are similar to those from resistivity: for global tortuosity τ=2,26 and for the rest of porosities τ=0,7. Estimated radon diffusion coefficients are within the range of those consulted in literature (10-8 a 10-10 m2/s).ABSTRACT El gas radón (Rn) es un gas natural radioactivo presente en algunos terrenos que puede penetrar en los edificios a través de los cerramientos en contacto con el mismo. En los espacios interiores se puede acumular y ser inhalado por las personas. Al ser un gas radioactivo, en su proceso de desintegración emite partículas alfa que, al entrar en contacto con el epitelio pulmonar, pueden producir alteraciones del mismo causando cáncer. Muchos organismos internacionales relacionados con la protección de la salud, como es la OMS, confirman esta causalidad. Una de las formas de evitar que el radón penetre en los edificios es utilizando las propiedades de barrera frente al radón de su propia envolvente en contacto con el terreno. La principal característica del hormigón que confiere la propiedad de barrera frente al radón cuando conforma esta envolvente es su permeabilidad que se puede caracterizar mediante su coeficiente de difusión (DRn). El coeficiente de difusión de un gas en el hormigón es un parámetro que está muy relacionado con su porosidad (ɛ) y su tortuosidad (τ). La medida del coeficiente de difusión del radón resulta bastante complicada debido a que el procedimiento no está normalizado, a que es necesario asegurar una estanquidad a la celda de medida de la difusión y a que la medida tiene que ser realizada en un laboratorio cualificado para el uso de fuentes de radón calibradas, que además son muy caras. La medida del coeficiente de difusión de gases no radioactivos es menos compleja, pero sigue teniendo un alto grado de dificultad puesto que tampoco está normalizada, y se sigue teniendo el problema de lograr una estanqueidad adecuada de la celda de difusión. Otros parámetros que pueden caracterizar el proceso son el coeficiente de permeabilidad (K) y la resistividad eléctrica (ρe), que son más fáciles de determinar mediante ensayos que sí están normalizados. El uso de estos parámetros facilitaría la caracterización del hormigón como barrera frente al radón, pero aunque existen algunos estudios que proponen correlaciones entre estos parámetros, en general existe divergencias entre los investigadores, como se ha podido comprobar en la revisión bibliográfica realizada. Por ello, antes de tratar de medir la difusión del radón se ha considerado necesario realizar más estudios que puedan clarificar las posibles relaciones entre los parámetros: porosidad-tortuosidad, coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno, coeficiente de permeabilidad y resistividad. La medida del coeficiente de permeabilidad (m2) es más sencilla que el de difusión. Hay autores que relacionan el coeficiente de permeabilidad con el de difusión. Gaber (1988) propone la siguiente relación: k= a•Dn Ecuación 1 En donde: a=A/(8ΠD020), A = sección de la muestra, D020 = coeficiente de difusión en el aire (m2/s). Otros estudios (Klink et al. 1999, Gaber y Schlattner 1997, Gräf y Grube et al. 1986) relacionan de forma experimental los coeficientes de difusión de radón y de permeabilidad de distintos hormigones confirmando que existe una relación entre ambos parámetros, utilizando la expresión simplificada: k≈Dn Ecuación 2 En cada estudio concreto se han encontrado distintos valores para n que van desde 1,3 a 2,5 lo que lleva a la necesidad de determinar n porque no hay métodos que eviten la determinación del coeficiente de difusión. Si se mide la difusión ya deja de ser de interés la medida indirecta a través de la permeabilidad. La medida de la resistividad eléctrica es muchísimo más sencilla que la de la difusión. La relación entre ambos parámetros se puede establecer a través de una de las leyes de Einstein que relaciona el movimiento de cargas eléctricas con la conductividad del medio según la siguiente expresión: D_e=k/ρ_e Ecuación 3 En donde: De = coeficiente de difusión (cm2/s), K = constante, ρe = resistividad eléctrica (Ω•cm). El factor de tortuosidad es un factor de forma que representa la irregular geometría de los poros del hormigón, al no ser rectos sino tener una forma tortuosa. Este factor se introduce en la literatura para relacionar la porosidad total con el transporte de un fluido en un medio poroso y se puede formular de distintas formas. Por ejemplo se destaca la ecuación 4 (Mason y Malinauskas) que combina la difusión molecular y la de Knudsen utilizando el factor de tortuosidad: D=ε^τ (3/2r √(πM/8RT+1/D_0 ))^(-1) Ecuación 4 En donde: r = radio medio obtenido del MIP (µm), M = peso molecular del gas, R = constante de los gases ideales, T = temperatura (K), D0 = coeficiente de difusión de un gas en el aire (m2/s). No hay muchos estudios que proporcionen una forma de obtener este factor de tortuosidad. Destaca el estudio de Andrade (2012) en el que deduce el factor de tortuosidad de la distribución del tamaño de poros (curva de porosidad por intrusión de mercurio) a partir de la ecuación: ∅_th=∅_0•ε^(-τ) Ecuación 5 En donde: Øth = diámetro umbral (µm), Ø0 = diámetro mínimo (µm), ɛ = porosidad global, τ = factor de tortuosidad. Por otro lado, se podría utilizar también para obtener el factor de tortuosidad la relación: DO2=D0*-τ Ecuación 6 En donde: DO2 = coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno experimental (m2/s), DO20 = coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno en el aire (m2/s). Esta ecuación está inferida de la ley de Archie ρ_e=〖a•ρ〗_0•ɛ^(-m) y la de Einstein mencionada anteriormente, utilizando valores del coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno DO2 obtenidos experimentalmente. El objetivo fundamental de la tesis es encontrar correlaciones entre los distintos parámetros que caracterizan el transporte de gases a través del hormigón. La consecución de este objetivo facilitará la evaluación de la vida útil del hormigón así como otras posibilidades, como la evaluación del hormigón como elemento que pueda ser utilizado en la construcción de nuevos edificios como barrera frente al gas radón presente en el terreno. Se plantean también los siguientes objetivos parciales en la tesis: 1.- Elaborar una metodología para la medida del coeficiente de difusión de los gases en el hormigón. 2.- Plantear una estimación analítica del coeficiente de difusión del radón a partir de parámetros relacionados con su porosidad y su factor de tortuosidad. Para el estudio de las correlaciones posibles, se han medido los parámetros con los procedimientos normalizados o puestos a punto en el propio Instituto, y se han estudiado las reflejadas en las ecuaciones 1, 2 y 3. Para la medida del coeficiente de difusión de gases se ha fabricado una celda que ha exigido una gran variedad de detalles experimentales con el fin de hacerla estanca. Para la estimación analítica del coeficiente de difusión del radón DRn en el hormigón se ha partido de su porosidad global (ɛ), que se obtiene experimentalmente del ensayo de porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio (MIP), y de su factor de tortuosidad (τ), que se ha obtenido a partir de las relaciones reflejadas en las ecuaciones 5 y 6. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas son las siguientes: Se proponen modelos basados en regresiones, para un acondicionamiento con humedad relativa de 50%, para obtener el coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno según las relaciones: K=Dn, K=a*Dn y D=n/ρe. La propuesta para esta última relación es la que tiene un mejor ajuste con R2=0,999: D=(19,997*LNɛ+59,354)/ρe Ecuación 7 Los valores del coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno así estimados se ajustan a los obtenidos experimentalmente. Se considera adecuado el método propuesto de medida del coeficiente de difusión para gases. Los resultados obtenidos para el coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno se encuentran dentro del rango de los consultados en la literatura (10-7 a 10-8 m2/s) y son coherentes con el resto de parámetros estudiados. Los resultados de los factores de tortuosidad obtenidos de la relación Ø=Ø0*ɛ-τ son inferiores a la de la resistividad (ρ=ρ0*ɛ-τ). La relación que más se ajusta a ésta, siendo un 7,21% inferior, es la de la porosidad correspondiente al diámetro 1 µm con τ=2,07. Los resultados de los factores de tortuosidad obtenidos de la relación DO2=D0*ɛτ son similares a la de la resistividad: para la porosidad global τ=2,26 y para el resto de porosidades τ=0,7. Los coeficientes de difusión de radón estimados mediante estos factores de tortuosidad están dentro del rango de los consultados en la literatura (10-8 a 10-10 m2/s).
At head of title: United States Department of commerce. R.P. Lamont, secretary. Bureau of Mines. Scott Turner, director.