984 resultados para Efficiency losses


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Relationships of various reproductive disorders and milk production performance of Danish dairy farms were investigated. A stochastic frontier production function was estimated using data collected in 1998 from 514 Danish dairy farms. Measures of farm-level milk production efficiency relative to this production frontier were obtained, and relationships between milk production efficiency and the incidence risk of reproductive disorders were examined. There were moderate positive relationships between milk production efficiency and retained placenta, induction of estrus, uterine infections, ovarian cysts, and induction of birth. Inclusion of reproductive management variables showed that these moderate relationships disappeared, but directions of coefficients for almost all those variables remained the same. Dystocia showed a weak negative correlation with milk production efficiency. Farms that were mainly managed by young farmers had the highest average efficiency scores. The estimated milk losses due to inefficiency averaged 1142, 488, and 256 kg of energy-corrected milk per cow, respectively, for low-, medium-, and high-efficiency herds. It is concluded that the availability of younger cows, which enabled farmers to replace cows with reproductive disorders, contributed to high cow productivity in efficient farms. Thus, a high replacement rate more than compensates for the possible negative effect of reproductive disorders. The use of frontier production and efficiency/ inefficiency functions to analyze herd data may enable dairy advisors to identify inefficient herds and to simulate the effect of alternative management procedures on the individual herd's efficiency.


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The objective of this study was to predict the number of cases of pressure ulcer, the bed days lost, and the economic value of these losses at Australian public hospitals. All adults (>= 18 years of age) with a minimum stay of 1 night and discharged from selected clinical units from all Australian public hospitals in 2001-02 were included in the study. The main outcome measures were the number of cases of pressure ulcer, bed days lost to pressure ulcer, and economic value of these losses. We predict a median of 95,695 cases of pressure ulcer with a median of 398,432 bed days lost, incurring median opportunity costs of AU$285 M. The number of cases, and so costs, were greatest in New South Wales and lowest in Australian Capitol Territory. We conclude that pressure ulcers represent a serious clinical and economic problem for a resource-constrained public hospital system. The most cost-effective, risk-reducing interventions should be pursued up to a point where the marginal benefit of prevention is equalized with marginal cost. By preventing pressure ulcers, public hospitals can improve efficiency and the quality of the patient's experience and health outcome.


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Financial institutes are an integral part of any modern economy. In the 1970s and 1980s, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries made significant progress in financial deepening and in building a modern financial infrastructure. This study aims to evaluate the performance (efficiency) of financial institutes (banking sector) in GCC countries. Since, the selected variables include negative data for some banks and positive for others, and the available evaluation methods are not helpful in this case, so we developed a Semi Oriented Radial Model to perform this evaluation. Furthermore, since the SORM evaluation result provides a limited information for any decision maker (bankers, investors, etc...), we proposed a second stage analysis using classification and regression (C&R) method to get further results combining SORM results with other environmental data (Financial, economical and political) to set rules for the efficient banks, hence, the results will be useful for bankers in order to improve their bank performance and to the investors, maximize their returns. Mainly there are two approaches to evaluate the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs), under each of them there are different methods with different assumptions. Parametric approach is based on the econometric regression theory and nonparametric approach is based on a mathematical linear programming theory. Under the nonparametric approaches, there are two methods: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposal Hull (FDH). While there are three methods under the parametric approach: Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA); Thick Frontier Analysis (TFA) and Distribution-Free Analysis (DFA). The result shows that DEA and SFA are the most applicable methods in banking sector, but DEA is seem to be most popular between researchers. However DEA as SFA still facing many challenges, one of these challenges is how to deal with negative data, since it requires the assumption that all the input and output values are non-negative, while in many applications negative outputs could appear e.g. losses in contrast with profit. Although there are few developed Models under DEA to deal with negative data but we believe that each of them has it is own limitations, therefore we developed a Semi-Oriented-Radial-Model (SORM) that could handle the negativity issue in DEA. The application result using SORM shows that the overall performance of GCC banking is relatively high (85.6%). Although, the efficiency score is fluctuated over the study period (1998-2007) due to the second Gulf War and to the international financial crisis, but still higher than the efficiency score of their counterpart in other countries. Banks operating in Saudi Arabia seem to be the highest efficient banks followed by UAE, Omani and Bahraini banks, while banks operating in Qatar and Kuwait seem to be the lowest efficient banks; this is because these two countries are the most affected country in the second Gulf War. Also, the result shows that there is no statistical relationship between the operating style (Islamic or Conventional) and bank efficiency. Even though there is no statistical differences due to the operational style, but Islamic bank seem to be more efficient than the Conventional bank, since on average their efficiency score is 86.33% compare to 85.38% for Conventional banks. Furthermore, the Islamic banks seem to be more affected by the political crisis (second Gulf War), whereas Conventional banks seem to be more affected by the financial crisis.


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The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate potential areas of technical improvement to solar-powered desalination systems that use reverse osmosis (RO). We compare ideal with real specific energy consumption (SEC) to pinpoint the causes of inefficiency. The ideal SEC is compared among different configurations including a batch system driven by a piston, and continuous systems with single or multiple stages with or without energy recovery in each case. For example, to desalinate 1 m3 of freshwater from normal seawater (osmotic pressure 27 bar) will require at least 0.94 kWh of solar energy; thus in a sunny coastal location, up to 1850 m3 of water per year per m2 (m3/m2) of land covered by solar collectors could theoretically be desalinated. For brackish water (osmotic pressure 3 bar), 11570 m3/m2 of fresh water could theoretically be obtained under the same conditions. These ideal values are compared with practically achieved values reported in the literature. The practical energy consumption is found to be typically 40-200 times higher depending on feed water composition, system configuration and energy recovery. For state-of-the-art systems, energy losses at the various steps in the conversion process are quantified and presented with the help of Sankey diagrams. Improvements that could reduce the losses are discussed. Consequently, recommendations for areas of R&D are highlighted with particular reference to emerging technologies. It is concluded that there is considerable scope to improve the efficiency of solar-powered RO system.


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Two ways to increase efficiency of components based on Talbot effect are considered: optimization of waveguide wall impedance and corrections of waveguide cross-section. It is shown that for many cases undesired scattering losses can be made several times less than that for usual cases of infinite of zero impedance and rectangular waveguide cross-section.


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Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of a high-brightness blue LED has been evaluated from the external quantum efficiency measured as a function of current at room temperature. Processing the data with a novel evaluation procedure based on the ABC-model, we have determined separately IQE of the LED structure and light extraction efficiency (LEE) of UX:3 chip. Full text Nowadays, understanding of LED efficiency behavior at high currents is quite critical to find ways for further improve­ment of III-nitride LED performance [1]. External quantum ef­ficiency ηe (EQE) provides integral information on the recom­bination and photon emission processes in LEDs. Meanwhile EQE is the product of IQE ηi and LEE ηext at negligible car­rier leakage from the active region. Separate determination of IQE and LEE would be much more helpful, providing correla­tion between these parameters and specific epi-structure and chip design. In this paper, we extend the approach of [2,3] to the whole range of the current/optical power variation, provid­ing an express tool for separate evaluation of IQE and LEE. We studied an InGaN-based LED fabricated by Osram OS. LED structure grown by MOCVD on sapphire substrate was processed as UX:3 chip and mounted into the Golden Dragon package without molding. EQE was measured with Labsphere CDS-600 spectrometer. Plotting EQE versus output power P and finding the power Pm corresponding to EQE maximum ηm enables comparing the measurements with the analytical rela­tionships ηi = Q/(Q+p1/2+p-1/2) ,p = P/Pm , and Q = B/(AC) 1/2 where A, Band C are recombination constants [4]. As a result, maximum IQE value equal to QI(Q+2) can be found from the ratio ηm/ηe plotted as a function of p1/2 +p1-1/2 (see Fig.la) and then LEE calculated as ηext = ηm (Q+2)/Q . Experimental EQE as a function of normalized optical power p is shown in Fig. 1 b along with the analytical approximation based on the ABC­model. The approximation fits perfectly the measurements in the range of the optical power (or operating current) variation by eight orders of magnitude. In conclusion, new express method for separate evaluation of IQE and LEE of III-nitride LEDs is suggested and applied to characterization of a high-brightness blue LED. With this method, we obtained LEE from the free chip surface to the air as 69.8% and IQE as 85.7% at the maximum and 65.2% at the operation current 350 rnA. [I] G. Verzellesi, D. Saguatti, M. Meneghini, F. Bertazzi, M. Goano, G. Meneghesso, and E. Zanoni, "Efficiency droop in InGaN/GaN blue light-emitting diodes: Physical mechanisms and remedies," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 114, no. 7, pp. 071101, Aug., 2013. [2] C. van Opdorp and G. W. 't Hooft, "Method for determining effective non radiative lifetime and leakage losses in double-heterostructure las­ers," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 3827-3839, Feb., 1981. [3] M. Meneghini, N. Trivellin, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni, U. Zehnder, and B. Hahn, "A combined electro-optical method for the determination of the recombination parameters in InGaN-based light-emitting diodes," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 106, no. II, pp. 114508, Dec., 2009. [4] Qi Dai, Qifeng Shan, ling Wang, S. Chhajed, laehee Cho, E. F. Schubert, M. H. Crawford, D. D. Koleske, Min-Ho Kim, and Yongjo Park, "Carrier recombination mechanisms and efficiency droop in GalnN/GaN light-emitting diodes," App/. Phys. Leu., vol. 97, no. 13, pp. 133507, Sept., 2010. © 2014 IEEE.


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Nitrogen fertilizer inputs dominate the fertilizer budget of grain sorghum growers in northern Australia, so optimizing use efficiency and minimizing losses are a primary agronomic objective. We report results from three experiments in southern Queensland sown on contrasting soil types and with contrasting rotation histories in the 2012-2013 summer season. Experiments were designed to quantify the response of grain sorghum to rates of N fertilizer applied as urea. Labelled 15N fertilizer was applied in microplots to determine the fate of applied N, while nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were continuously monitored at Kingaroy (grass or legume ley histories) and Kingsthorpe (continuous grain cropping). Nitrous oxide is a useful indicator of gaseous N losses. Crops at all sites responded strongly to fertilizer N applications, with yields of unfertilized treatments ranging from 17% to 52% of N-unlimited potential. Maximum yields ranged from 4500 (Kupunn) to 5450 (Kingaroy) and 8010 (Kingsthorpe) kg/ha. Agronomic efficiency (kg additional grain produced/kg fertilizer N applied) at the optimum N rate on the Vertosol sites was 23 (80 N, Kupunn) to 25 (160N, Kingsthorpe), but 40-42 on the Ferrosols at Kingaroy (70-100N). Cumulative N2O emissions ranged from 0.44% (Kingaroy legume) to 0.93% (Kingsthorpe) and 1.15% (Kingaroy grass) of the optimum fertilizer N rate at each site, with greatest emissions from the Vertosol at Kingsthorpe. The similarity in N2O emissions factors between Kingaroy and Kingsthorpe contrasted markedly with the recovery of applied fertilizer N in plant and soil. Apparent losses of fertilizer N ranged from 0-5% (Ferrosols at Kingaroy) to 40-48% (Vertosols at Kupunn and Kingsthorpe). The greater losses on the Vertosols were attributed to denitrification losses and illustrate the greater risks of N losses in these soils in wet seasonal conditions.


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Tutkittu yritys on suomalainen maaleja ja lakkoja kansainvälisesti valmistava ja myyvä toimija. Yrityksessä otettiin vuonna 2010 käyttöön uudet tuotannon ja toimitusketjun tavoitteet ja suunnitelmat ja tämä tutkimus on osa tuota kokonaisvaltaista kehittämissuuntaa. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään tuotannon ja kunnossapidon tehokkuuden parantamis- ja mittaustyökalu OEE:tä ja tuotevaihtoaikojen pienentämiseen tarkoitettua SMED -työkalua. Työn teoriaosuus perustuu lähinnä akateemisiin julkaisuihin, mutta myös haastatteluihin, kirjoihin, internet sivuihin ja yhteen vuosikertomukseen. Empiriaosuudessa OEE:n käyttöönoton ongelmia ja onnistumista tutkittiin toistettavalla käyttäjäkyselyllä. OEE:n potentiaalia ja käyttöönottoa tutkittiin myös tarkastelemalla tuotanto- ja käytettävyysdataa, jota oli kerätty tuotantolinjalta. SMED:iä tutkittiin siihen perustuvan tietokoneohjelman avulla. SMED:iä tutkittiin teoreettisella tasolla, eikä sitä implementoitu vielä käytäntöön. Tutkimustuloksien mukaan OEE ja SMED sopivat hyvin esimerkkiyritykselle ja niissä on paljon potentiaalia. OEE ei ainoastaan paljasta käytettävyyshäviöiden määrää, mutta myös niiden rakenteen. OEE -tulosten avulla yritys voi suunnata rajalliset tuotannon ja kunnossapidon parantamisen resurssit oikeisiin paikkoihin. Työssä käsiteltävä tuotantolinja ei tuottanut mitään 56 % kaikesta suunnitellusta tuotantoajasta huhtikuussa 2016. Linjan pysähdyksistä ajallisesti 44 % johtui vaihto-, aloitus- tai lopetustöistä. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että käytettävyyshäviöt ovat vakava ongelma yrityksen tuotannontehokkuudessa ja vaihtotöiden vähentäminen on tärkeä kehityskohde. Vaihtoaikaa voitaisiin vähentää ~15 % yksinkertaisilla ja halvoilla SMED:illä löydetyillä muutoksilla työjärjestyksessä ja työkaluissa. Parannus olisi vielä suurempi kattavimmilla muutoksilla. SMED:in suurin potentiaali ei välttämättä ole vaihtoaikojen lyhentämisessä vaan niiden standardisoinnissa.


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The thesis "COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF EFFICIENCY AND OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOMOTIVE POWERTRAIN ARCHITECTURES THROUGH CHASSIS DYNAMOMETER TESTING" was completed through a collaborative partnership between Michigan Technological University and Argonne National Laboratory under a contractual agreement titled "Advanced Vehicle Characterization at Argonne National Laboratory". The goal of this project was to investigate, understand and document the performance and operational strategy of several modern passenger vehicles of various architectures. The vehicles were chosen to represent several popular engine and transmission architectures and were instrumented to allow for data collection to facilitate comparative analysis. In order to ensure repeatability and reliability during testing, each vehicle was tested over a series of identical drive cycles in a controlled environment utilizing a vehicle chassis dynamometer. Where possible, instrumentation was preserved between vehicles to ensure robust data collection. The efficiency and fuel economy performance of the vehicles was studied. In addition, the powertrain utilization strategies, significant energy loss sources, tailpipe emissions, combustion characteristics, and cold start behavior were also explored in detail. It was concluded that each vehicle realizes different strengths and suffers from different limitations in the course of their attempts to maximize efficiency and fuel economy. In addition, it was observed that each vehicle regardless of architecture exhibits significant energy losses and difficulties in cold start operation that can be further improved with advancing technology. It is clear that advanced engine technologies and driveline technologies are complimentary aspects of vehicle design that must be utilized together for best efficiency improvements. Finally, it was concluded that advanced technology vehicles do not come without associated cost; the complexity of the powertrains and lifecycle costs must be considered to understand the full impact of advanced vehicle technology.


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In most agroecosystems, nitrogen (N) is the most important nutrient limiting plant growth. One management strategy that affects N cycling and N use efficiency (NUE) is conservation agriculture (CA), an agricultural system based on a combination of minimum tillage, crop residue retention and crop rotation. Available results on the optimization of NUE in CA are inconsistent and studies that cover all three components of CA are scarce. Presently, CA is promoted in the Yaqui Valley in Northern Mexico, the country´s major wheat-producing area in which from 1968 to 1995, fertilizer application rates for the cultivation of irrigated durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) at 6 t ha-1 increased from 80 to 250 kg ha-1, demonstrating the high intensification potential in this region. Given major knowledge gaps on N availability in CA this thesis summarizes the current knowledge of N management in CA and provides insights in the effects of tillage practice, residue management and crop rotation on wheat grain quality and N cycling. Major aims of the study were to identify N fertilizer application strategies that improve N use efficiency and reduce N immobilization in CA with the ultimate goal to stabilize cereal yields, maintain grain quality, minimize N losses into the environment and reduce farmers’ input costs. Soil physical and chemical properties in CA were measured and compared with those in conventional systems and permanent beds with residue burning focusing on their relationship to plant N uptake and N cycling in the soil and how they are affected by tillage and N fertilizer timing, method and doses. For N fertilizer management, we analyzed how placement, time and amount of N fertilizer influenced yield and quality parameters of durum and bread wheat in CA systems. Overall, grain quality parameters, in particular grain protein concentration decreased with zero-tillage and increasing amount of residues left on the field compared with conventional systems. The second part of the dissertation provides an overview of applied methodologies to measure NUE and its components. We evaluated the methodology of ion exchange resin cartridges under irrigated, intensive agricultural cropping systems on Vertisols to measure nitrate leaching losses which through drainage channels ultimately end up in the Sea of Cortez where they lead to algae blooming. A throughout analysis of N inputs and outputs was conducted to calculate N balances in three different tillage-straw systems. As fertilizer inputs are high, N balances were positive in all treatments indicating the risk of N leaching or volatilization during or in subsequent cropping seasons and during heavy rain fall in summer. Contrary to common belief, we did not find negative effects of residue burning on soil nutrient status, yield or N uptake. A labeled fertilizer experiment with urea 15N was implemented in micro-plots to measure N fertilizer recovery and the effects of residual fertilizer N in the soil from summer maize on the following winter crop wheat. Obtained N fertilizer recovery rates for maize grain were with an average of 11% very low for all treatments.