942 resultados para Educational resources


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L’enseignement des sciences est capital dès l’école primaire, mais est souvent délaissé. Les musées scientifiques peuvent palier à cette lacune en offrant des ressources éducatives concrètes, dont les programmes éducatifs. Cette recherche détermine l’impact d’une animation pédagogique de la Biosphère sur certaines conceptions d’élèves du deuxième cycle du primaire. La chercheuse a opté pour une recherche qualitative et la méthode choisie est l’étude de cas, de type exploratoire. Des élèves d’une classe ont participé à l’étude. Ils ont assisté à une visite muséale, insérée au sein d’une séquence didactique. À l’aide de plusieurs outils de collecte de données (questionnaires, entrevues et observations), la chercheuse a été en mesure d’identifier quatre niveaux de modification des conceptions d’élèves (évolution notable, une certaine évolution, stabilité des conceptions, confusion des conceptions). Enfin, elle suggère quelques pistes d’amélioration à la Biosphère afin de maximiser l’impact de la visite sur l’apprentissage des élèves.


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Notre contexte pratique — nous enseignons à des élèves doués de cinquième année suivant le programme international — a grandement influencé la présente recherche. En effet, le Programme primaire international (Organisation du Baccalauréat International, 2007) propose un enseignement par thèmes transdisciplinaires, dont un s’intitulant Où nous nous situons dans l’espace et le temps. Aussi, nos élèves sont tenus de suivre le Programme de formation de l’école québécoise (MÉLS Ministère de l'Éducation du Loisir et du Sport, 2001) avec le développement, notamment, de la compétence Résoudre une situation-problème et l’introduction d’une nouveauté : les repères culturels. Après une revue de la littérature, l’histoire des mathématiques nous semble tout indiquée. Toutefois, il existe peu de ressources pédagogiques pour les enseignants du primaire. Nous proposons donc d’en créer, nous appuyant sur l’approche constructiviste, approche prônée par nos deux programmes d’études (OBI et MÉLS). Nous relevons donc les avantages à intégrer l’histoire des mathématiques pour les élèves (intérêt et motivation accrus, changement dans leur façon de percevoir les mathématiques et amélioration de leurs apprentissages et de leur compréhension des mathématiques). Nous soulignons également les difficultés à introduire une approche historique à l’enseignement des mathématiques et proposons diverses façons de le faire. Puis, les concepts mathématiques à l’étude, à savoir l’arithmétique, et la numération, sont définis et nous voyons leur importance dans le programme de mathématiques du primaire. Nous décrivons ensuite les six systèmes de numération retenus (sumérien, égyptien, babylonien, chinois, romain et maya) ainsi que notre système actuel : le système indo-arabe. Enfin, nous abordons les difficultés que certaines pratiques des enseignants ou des manuels scolaires posent aux élèves en numération. Nous situons ensuite notre étude au sein de la recherche en sciences de l’éducation en nous attardant à la recherche appliquée ou dite pédagogique et plus particulièrement aux apports des recherches menées par des praticiens (un rapprochement entre la recherche et la pratique, une amélioration de l’enseignement et/ou de l’apprentissage, une réflexion de l’intérieur sur la pratique enseignante et une meilleure connaissance du milieu). Aussi, nous exposons les risques de biais qu’il est possible de rencontrer dans une recherche pédagogique, et ce, pour mieux les éviter. Nous enchaînons avec une description de nos outils de collecte de données et rappelons les exigences de la rigueur scientifique. Ce n’est qu’ensuite que nous décrivons notre séquence d’enseignement/apprentissage en détaillant chacune des activités. Ces activités consistent notamment à découvrir comment différents systèmes de numération fonctionnent (à l’aide de feuilles de travail et de notations anciennes), puis comment ces mêmes peuples effectuaient leurs additions et leurs soustractions et finalement, comment ils effectuaient les multiplications et les divisions. Enfin, nous analysons nos données à partir de notre journal de bord quotidien bonifié par les enregistrements vidéo, les affiches des élèves, les réponses aux tests de compréhension et au questionnaire d’appréciation. Notre étude nous amène à conclure à la pertinence de cette séquence pour notre milieu : l’intérêt et la motivation suscités, la perception des mathématiques et les apprentissages réalisés. Nous revenons également sur le constructivisme et une dimension non prévue : le développement de la communication mathématique.


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The objective of this study was to develop an internet-based seminar framework applicable for landscape architecture education. This process was accompanied by various aims. The basic expectation was to keep the main characteristics of landscape architecture education also in the online format. On top of that, four further objectives were anticipated: (1) training of competences for virtual team work, (2) fostering intercultural competence, (3) creation of equal opportunities for education through internet-based open access and (4) synergy effects and learning processes across institutional boundaries. This work started with the hypothesis that these four expected advantages would compensate for additional organisational efforts caused by the online delivery of the seminars and thus lead to a sustainable integration of this new learning mode into landscape architecture curricula. This rationale was followed by a presentation of four areas of knowledge to which the seminar development was directly related (1) landscape architecture as a subject and its pedagogy, (2) general learning theories, (3) developments in the ICT sector and (4) wider societal driving forces such as global citizenship and the increase of open educational resources. The research design took the shape of a pedagogical action research cycle. This approach was constructive: The author herself is teaching international landscape architecture students so that the model could directly be applied in practice. Seven online seminars were implemented in the period from 2008 to 2013 and this experience represents the core of this study. The seminars were conducted with varying themes while its pedagogy, organisation and the technological tools remained widely identical. The research design is further based on three levels of observation: (1) the seminar design on the basis of theory and methods from the learning sciences, in particular educational constructivism, (2) the seminar evaluation and (3) the evaluation of the seminars’ long term impact. The seminar model itself basically consists of four elements: (1) the taxonomy of learning objectives, (2) ICT tools and their application and pedagogy, (3) process models and (4) the case study framework. The seminar framework was followed by the presentation of the evaluation findings. The major findings of this study can be summed up as follows: Implementing online seminars across educational and national boundaries was possible both in term of organisation and technology. In particular, a high level of cultural diversity among the seminar participants has definitively been achieved. However, there were also obvious obstacles. These were primarily competing study commitments and incompatible schedules among the students attending from different academic programmes, partly even in different time zones. Both factors had negative impact on the individual and working group performances. With respect to the technical framework it can be concluded that the majority of the participants were able to use the tools either directly without any problem or after overcoming some smaller problems. Also the seminar wiki was intensively used for completing the seminar assignments. However, too less truly collaborative text production was observed which could be improved by changing the requirements for the collaborative task. Two different process models have been applied for guiding the collaboration of the small groups and both were in general successful. However, it needs to be said that even if the students were able to follow the collaborative task and to co-construct and compare case studies, most of them were not able to synthesize the knowledge they had compiled. This means that the area of consideration often remained on the level of the case and further reflections, generalisations and critique were largely missing. This shows that the seminar model needs to find better ways for triggering knowledge building and critical reflection. It was also suggested to have a more differentiated group building strategy in future seminars. A comparison of pre- and post seminar concept maps showed that an increase of factual and conceptual knowledge on the individual level was widely recognizable. Also the evaluation of the case studies (the major seminar output) revealed that the students have undergone developments of both the factual and the conceptual knowledge domain. Also their self-assessment with respect to individual learning development showed that the highest consensus was achieved in the field of subject-specific knowledge. The participants were much more doubtful with regard to the progress of generic competences such as analysis, communication and organisation. However, 50% of the participants confirmed that they perceived individual development on all competence areas the survey had asked for. Have the additional four targets been met? Concerning the competences for working in a virtual team it can be concluded that the vast majority was able to use the internet-based tools and to work with them in a target-oriented way. However, there were obvious differences regarding the intensity and activity of participation, both because of external and personal factors. A very positive aspect is the achievement of a high cultural diversity supporting the participants’ intercultural competence. Learning from group members was obviously a success factor for the working groups. Regarding the possibilities for better accessibility of educational opportunities it became clear that a significant number of participants were not able to go abroad during their studies because of financial or personal reasons. They confirmed that the online seminar was to some extent a compensation for not having been abroad for studying. Inter-institutional learning and synergy was achieved in so far that many teachers from different countries contributed with individual lectures. However, those teachers hardly ever followed more than one session. Therefore, the learning effect remained largely within the seminar learning group. Looking back at the research design it can be said that the pedagogical action research cycle was an appropriate and valuable approach allowing for strong interaction between theory and practice. However, some more external evaluation from peers in particular regarding the participants’ products would have been valuable.


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This file describes the resouces to be made available through the Open Educational Resources 'C-change in GEES' project exploring the open licensing of climate change and sustainability resources in the Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


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An article from the New York Times, 16 April 2010, by Katie Hafner. This article summarises recent significant projects for creating open educational resources in the United States and UK.


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Education :
Media. A collection of materials uploaded as part of the OER project.


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: 'Web 2.0 : dispositivos m??viles y abiertos para el aprendizaje'. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Monográfico con el título: 'La formación práctica de estudiantes universitarios : repensando el Prácticum'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Se aborda la creación de una base bibliográfica española sobre el tema de la formación del profesorado universitario y del personal de enseñanza superior, en general, como colaboración de España a la red europea de intercambio de información sobre desarrollo profesional del personal de enseñanza superior, denominada European Network for Staff Development in Higher Education (ENSDHE) y patrocinada por el CEPES (Centro Europeo para la Enseñanza Superior). Los documentos registrados se dividen en diez apartados, según el enfoque con el que se aborde la formación del profesorado universitario. También, se ofrece la lista de descriptores utilizados en la base documental española, los cuales proceden del thesaurus ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center).


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Explorar la producción de artículos sobre Educación Infantil en España, su desarrollo y grado de significación a fin de comprobar si se ajusta a modelos previamente establecidos sobre la productividad científica. Producción bibliográfica científica española sobre Educación Infantil. En primer lugar se aborda el modelo teórico y metodológico que subyace al análisis bibliométrico como técnica empleada y el de la Ciencia de la Ciencia cuyo objetivo es el estudio empírico de la ciencia mediante los instrumentos que le son propios. Revisión de los trabajos psicológicos y pedagógicos publicados en los últimos añós en España y realizados en este mismo área de investigación. En un segundo momento se presenta las fuentes de datos utilizadas, el período de tiempo y el criterio de selección de artículos así como el método de análisis bibliométrico y las fases de que consta para pasar a la tercera fase de obtención y presentación de los resultados de los análisis y de las conclusiones. Base de Datos del ISOC, producida por el Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Históricos sobre la Ciencia (IEDHC), incluida en las bases de datos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas como fuente de Datos. Elaboración de una base de datos propia con el listado definitivo de artículos seleccionados, de 11 campos (DBase III+), lo que permitió el tratamiento informático posterior. Para abordar el grado de difusión de los trabajos españoles fuera de España se realiza una selección de artículos en las bases de datos de ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) y de libros en el ISBN (International Standar Book Number), sobre Educación Infantil, entre 1970 y 1995). Análisis bibliométrico: Ley de Price, Ley de Bradford, Ley de Lotka, Indice de Productividad, Indice de Firmas-Trabajo, autores más productivo y colaboración entre ellos y áreas temáticas. El crecimiento de la producción sobre Educación Infantil se ajusta a los patrones establecidos para el crecimiento de la ciencia. Los autores no muestran tendencia a la colaboración entre ellos. Predominan los artículos teóricos sobre las experiencias educativas y las investigaciones. La productividad de los autores es baja, tan sólo una autora llega a publicar 10 artículos en el período estudiado. La difusión internacional de los trabajos es muy escasa y no presenta tendencia a incrementarse.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resument tomado de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Umas das grandes causas de problemas nutricionais é a falta de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional, que, na maioria das vezes, consiste em simples orientações e técnicas educativas inadequadas e tradicionais. Portanto, a pesquisa analisou a Educação Alimentar e Nutricional, mais especificamente as práticas pedagógicas utilizadas pelos professores das escolas públicas do município de Ubajara-Ce, realizando entrevistas com os docentes que ministram Ciências Naturais no 8º ano de três escolas municipais e aplicando-se também um questionário para os alunos. Todos os docentes possuem graduação em Pedagogia e Pós-Graduação em áreas não afins com a temática. Não houve formação continuada sobre o assunto, mas de acordo com o questionário, os alunos possuem os conhecimentos sobre o tema, onde estatisticamente não houve diferenças significativas ao nível de 5% para a maioria das questões. Ao analisar o discurso dos docentes, a metodologia de ensino utilizada tem tendência ao ensino sócio e individualizado com a exposição oral, debates, dinâmicas e entre os recursos didáticos estão a lousa, livros e recursos audiovisuais. Somente as práticas pedagógicas dos Professores 1 e 3 tomam um caráter de práticas reflexivas, nos levando a concluir que independente das diferenças entre as práticas pedagógicas, todas levaram ao aprendizado do aluno.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo aferir a importância das Novas tecnologias da Informação em crianças com autismo, no Pré-Escolar. Para um conhecimento mais alargado do tema e uma nova visão sobre esta problemática, foi necessário recorrer a uma análise da literatura, definindo-se no enquadramento teórico uma abordagem à Educação Especial, Autismo e às Novas Tecnologias da Informação, procurando identificar os recursos educativos na área das Novas Tecnologias, utilizados nestas crianças, que as ajudem a minimizar e superar dificuldades, tornando-as competentes e funcionais levando à inclusão no meio ambiente, social e escolar. Apresentou-se a metodologia utilizada; metodologia qualitativa e quantitativa, a definição da amostra; Educadores de Infância e Professores do Ensino Especial; o inquérito por questionário como instrumento de recolha de dados para perspetivar a opinião dos Educadores e Professores do Ensino Especial sobre a importância das Tic no processo ensino/aprendizagem. Por fim fez-se a análise e discussão dos resultados através dos quais se concluiu que, os Educadores de Infância têm bastante desconhecimento sobre o autismo e as TIC; já a maioria dos Professores do Ensino Especial têm mais conhecimento sobre o tema, reconhecendo ambos os grupos de inquiridos, a importância das TIC no processo ensino/aprendizagem dos indivíduos autistas.