950 resultados para Educação em Ciências


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Comumente, as abordagens de Educação Ambiental (EA) são baseadas em discussões estabelecidas nos encontros que aconteceram fora do Pará. Levantar as experiências em nível local seria mais enriquecedor, uma vez que estaríamos tratando de assuntos pertinentes à nossa realidade e, portanto, mais atraente para os nossos alunos. Nesse contexto, levantei a minha questão de investigação: Como se deu a constituição da EA no Pará a partir do olhar dos seus pioneiros? Assim, tracei como objetivo desta dissertação: obter informações sobre o histórico da E A em nosso Estado, a partir da fala de seus pioneiros; caracterizar as concepções e as práxis presentes na estruturação de EA no Pará e verificar como é que os discursos de EA elaborados em escala mundial e nacional são compreendidos/entendidos pela fala dos pioneiros. Como instrumento investigativo, optei pela pesquisa qualitativa, baseada nas narrativas de cinco professores que se dedicaram/dedicam ao trabalho de implantação e de implementação da EA no estado do Pará e que estão ligados direta ou indiretamente à UFPA. Para coletados depoimentos, foram utilizadas entrevistas, com 12 questões semiestruturadas, gravadas em áudio, salvas em CD ROM e, posteriormente, transcritas. Além das entrevistas, lancei mão de meu diário de campo como fonte de informação, que foi construído ao longo da pesquisa por meio de percepções sobre os sujeitos e seus contextos, além dos registros de ocorrências diversas, no âmbito da pesquisa. Na busca da produção de novas compreensões das narrativas investigadas, apropriei-me da Análise Textual Discursiva para sistematizar as manifestações dos sujeitos, levando em consideração as peculiaridades e as singularidades de cada entrevistado, a qual deu forma a três eixos temáticos, que trato nesta investigação: i) O contexto dos educadores pioneiros em EA no Pará: constituição e práxis; ii) O cenário da criação da EA no estado do Pará e iii) Os paraenses com relação ao trato e ao relacionamento com o patrimônio ambiental: o resultado das bases fincadas. Na análise dos resultados foi possível constatar que eventos internacionais, associados à história da EA, ocorridos principalmente a partir da década de 1970, repercutiram intensamente nas formações dos entrevistados. Na mesma década, no estado do Pará, contatei várias ações de grupos pioneiros e iniciativas isoladas por parte do estado, o qual elaborou leis e programas, visando dar sistematicidade ao emprego de abordagens da EA. Neste contexto, considero que as estratégias historicamente utilizadas para a organização, implantação e difusão da EA em nosso estado - tanto em nível governamental como não governamental e no ensino formal e não formal -, foram elaboradas de forma desarticuladas e descontínuas. Considerei, como motivações para que os entrevistados iniciassem a jornada pelos caminhos da EA, os itens: relevância do meio ambiente para manutenção da vida no planeta e interesses pessoal e profissional. Por fim, percebi a grande contribuição que os entrevistados deram para a implantação e implementação da EA no Pará, quando em “seus agir” procuraram ressignificar os conhecimentos das determinações apregoadas nos documentos oficiais em EA, em nível mundial nacional e local, para lastrear as sua ações ambientalistas, na realidade paraense.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the present paper, it is presented a general view about who they are and the activities science centers and museums mediators develop. The literature points out to the diverse roles attributed to these actors and that the presence of this type of professional is a consolidated practice in non-formal educational institutions. Data obtained among the mediators of a science center during mediated school visits are also presented and discussed, focusing in the role attributed to these professionals, with the objective of characterizing their actions during these visits. The data obtained and analyzed showed that during school visits, the roles that are attributed to the mediators are: (a) mediation of the knowledge involved in the expositions; (b) explanation of the scientific concepts involved in the expositions; (c) presentation of the thematic spaces; (d) reception and organization of groups of visitors; (e) preservation of the physical and moral integrity of the visitors, and the integrity of the physical spaces and their equipments; (f) complementation of the school knowledge, and (g) diffusion of the scientific knowledge.


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Apresentamos um projeto que objetiva investigar concepções e práticas de alunos de um curso de Pedagogia em relação à natureza das ciências e ao ensino de ciências nos anos iniciais, constituindo subsídios para construção de uma proposta formativa na licenciatura. São utilizados questionários semi-estruturados e análise das produções de estágio, procurando identificar como tais concepções refletem nas propostas educativas elaboradas pelos licenciandos. A partir da análise, será elaborada, implementada e avaliada uma proposta formativa na disciplina “Conteúdos, Metodologias e Práticas em Ensino de Ciências”, contribuindo para clarificação das concepções alternativas e reflexão crítica sobre a natureza do conhecimento científico e sobre ensinar ciências nos anos iniciais da escolarização.


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The integration of research in teaching practices assumes increasing importance and complexity in education. One aspect involved in this issue and poorly investigated is the training of teachers for the development of research linked with their practices. In this context, we present a training for research developed on a distance-learning course in the Science Teaching, which involves the design, implementation and analysis of didactic sequences: the Study Guide to the Initiation of the Term Paper (SGITP). Our research goal is to present a training proposal produced from the results collected from a survey of the literature of the area, and to investigate its application and its results in the teachers' continuing education program. Using data extracted from the production of students and tutors, we concluded that SGITP had a good acceptance among them and it was positively evaluated by teachers, in addition to promoting a greater understanding of research.


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Recently, Bourdieu’s sociological tradition has emerged as an important trend in research in science education. This paper presents some critiques elaborated by Bernard Lahire towards Bourdieu’s sociological approach. The main purpose of our incursion into Lahire’s critique is to argue and introduce the methodology of sociological portraits as an important resource for research in science education. After describing this methodology, it is illustrated with a portrait of dropout on an undergraduate course in chemistry. Diogo’s portrait illustrates, at the empirical level, some basic features of individual dispositions (variability, genesis, transferability, dichotomy and contextuality). From this portrait, it was possible to illustrate how the resonance between students’ and institution’s dispositions helps explain their sense of membership and belonging to the course. Finally, we highlight some potentialities of sociological portraits to the purposes of sociological research in science education.


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The teaching of Science is one great challenge not only for educators but also for researchers in our country. In a globalized world where the social foundations, cultural and economic depend fundamentally on science and technology, science education is a basic requirement for the exercise of citizenship. Multiple initiatives have been taken to improve the quality of teaching of science practiced in our schools: the ReAction Program is the result of a set of actions developed by a public educational policy that invests in improving the Teaching of Science the elementary school. In this work, we present a history of this program and the search on the contribution and the actions developed, the collaborative research with a group of teachers-multiplier, and the evaluation of the teaching of science, measured from notes, frequency and speech teacher.


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The present article aims to discuss a process of continuing education which was focused on Science teaching and computer use considering the school as the locus of training. This process was intended for teachers who taught in the first years of Primary School. The research was developed with a qualitative approach, focusing on participant observation. It was aimed to characterize the educational practices, considering the elaboration of scientific knowledge, the development of experimental activities and the educational possibilities of the Information and Communication Technologies. The results reveal the involvement of the group in an attitude of research and reflection, and the utilization of collective spaces for constant discussion regarding the issues of classroom and teaching action.


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In this article, we present results that express the occurrence of narratives researches in the form of theses and dissertations in postgraduate programs in Brazil, from 2000 to 2010 in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics area. We consulted the Student Registration, on the site of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, through the keywords: narrative research, narrative inquiry and teacher training. Through reading the abstracts, we identified the area of knowledge, the IES and the supervisor. Of the 162 (one hundred, sixty two) academic productions identified, 31 (thirty-one) are in the area of Science and Mathematics teaching. The data obtained point to the existence of groups of studies and research training in the country engaged in narrative research in Mathematics and Science Teaching, in line with teacher training.


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In this paper, we propose the socio-scientific issues (SSI) as an effective part of the curriculum of the ideals of the STSE movement in education. Furthermore, we have developed in a secondary school, in a rural community in the state of São Paulo, activities of continuing education for teachers in the discussions of SSI in the classroom. To understand and reflect on the situations resulting from these practices, we considered the participant research and the content analysis from the audio records of the weekly meetings between the teachers of this school and graduate students from a nearby university.Given this,we could understand how these issues should be part of people's lives, teachers must present motivation for the work, they need information,exposition of the arguments involved, mustrelate content and curricula, but, all this,aiming at the necessary critics of the aspects that can make this an instrumentalized practice. At the end of this clipping of our doctoral research, we were able to consider evidences on how teachers were inserted in the training process, with their involvement in the discussions and practices with the ISS.


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The objective of this paper is to present a theoretical proposal for the training of teachers of mathematics and science at the interface of communicative action and socio-scientific issues. In this paper we argue for the need for a continuous training of teachers if we are to be interested in developing the scientific training of students from the public school system. To form communicatively competent students, by the end of schooling, becomes necessary the training of argumentatively competent teachers. Therefore, we believe that the theory of communicative action by Jurgen Habermas, will cooperate to this end.


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Reflections on the Movement STSE, in basic education, have pointed to the introduction of discussions involving the socio-scientific issues, as a way of organization and development of forming processes in science classes. In this sense, the research that we developed sought to bring to physics classes of basic education, the discussions surrounding the relationship between science, technology, society and environment issues related to production and access to electricity and human development. In order to interpret formative aspects of this approach was achieved through a short course. Thus, we discuss in this paper, the discourse of students and a professor of physics who participated in this short course. Therefore, we seek in discourse analysis, reflection on this practice, which has limitations such as lack of recognition of this type of training status by the students as well as possibilities represented by the establishment of training spaces that contribute to the discussion of socio-scientific issues.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The teaching of acoustics has been characterized by a banking model that little contributes to the ideal training of citizens capable of understanding and acting to improve their environment soundscapes. Equally distant from the world of sound and musical culture, audio technology and acoustic environment, it is disconnected from the ever-increasing effort to raise awareness on hearing and sound education, as defended by the Canadian educator Prof. Raymond Murray Schafer. In order to provide elements for reflection on how Mathematics can be itself a language to compete in a sound education, we developed, in a dialogical and problematizing method applied to the technological and cultural world, one further research and teaching with Math students of UNEMAT in Barra do Bugres. This study pointed to the feasibility of educating consciences capable of of improving their acoustic environment, modifying the landscapes where we live, under our responsibility.


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O pensamento de Comenius tem sido revisitado por meio de alguns pesquisadores comenianos, preocupados em demonstrá-lo Comenius como pedagogo, sendo esta uma das razões pelas quais é conhecido como o Pai da pedagogia moderna . Por outro lado, há algumas poucas pesquisas que apontam Comenius como teólogo, enfantizando que ele não foi apenas um pedagogo, mas sua atividade principal era a teologia. Partindo desta constatação, esta pesquisa objetivou demonstrar que só se pode compreender o conceito de educação de Comenius, tendo como pressuposto fundamental a inter-relação da teologia e da pedagogia, entre as quais Comenius não faz distinção. É somente com este pressuposto que se compreende o motivo pelo qual Comenius destacou a educação como a salvação ou o remédio divino para a cura da corrupção do gênero humano, haja vista que ela tem como finalidade última regenerar e fazer de cada homem um paraíso de delícias para o Criador. O melhor caminho, a ser percorrido para a concretização de tal busca, deve ser sistematizado pela pedagogia.(AU)