1000 resultados para Edition


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) se enmarca en otro proyecto de mayor envergadura, cuyo objetivo final es estudiar la eficiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones informáticas para organizaciones fundamentadas en herramientas CMS Open Source(código libre) basadas en Java y PHP. El presente PFC se ha desarrollado en el área jurídica y se ha propuesto Liferay como CMS. A través del gestor se debía buscar la manera de compartir los documentos de tal manera que estuvieran alojados en un servidor donde cualquier usuario previamente registrado pudiera acceder a ellos desde un sitio remoto. Además debía tener una sección de calendario dónde crear eventos. Como gestor documental Liferay cumple con las expectativas, pudiendo satisfacer todas las funcionalidades necesarias del proyecto. El único inconveniente encontrado, ha sido el no poder desarrollar algunos detalles de algunos módulos para ceñirse exactamente a las necesidades deseadas. Idioma: Castellano.


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Estudio de tecnologías de Gestores de Contenidos (CMS) en la nube. CMS bajo Joomla! y orientado a la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en la Empresa.


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Este proyecto de fin de carrera consiste en el desarrollo de una aplicación que sirva para gestionar la prevención de riesgos laborales a través de la herramienta Liferay. Gracias a ella toda la información quedará alojada en la nube.


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The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is dedicated to the stewardship of living marine resources (LMR’s). This is accomplished through science-based conservation and management, and the promotion of healthy ecosystems. As a steward, NMFS has an obligation to conserve, protect, and manage these resources in a way that ensures their continuation as functioning components of healthy marine ecosystems, affords economic opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for the American public. In addition to its responsibilities within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), NMFS plays a supportive and advisory role in the management of LMR’s in the coastal areas under state jurisdiction and provides scientific and policy leadership in the international arena. NMFS also implements international measures for the conservation and management of LMR’s, as appropriate.NMFS receives its stewardship responsibilities under a number of Federal laws. These include the Nation’s primary fisheries law, the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act. This law was first passed in 1976, later reauthorized as the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act in 1996, and reauthorized again on 12 January 2007 as the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act (MSRA). The MSRA mandates strong action to conserve and manage fishery resources and requires NMFS to end overfishing by 2010 in all U.S. commercial and recreational fisheries, rebuild all overfished stocks, and conserve essential fish habitat.


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Investigators at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL) diagnose and study crustaceans, mollusks, finfish, and a variety of other marine and estuarine invertebrates to assess animal health. This edition updates the Histological Techniques for Marine Bivalve Mollusks manual by Howard and Smith (1983) with additional chapters on molluscan and crustacean techniques. The new edition is intended to serve as a guide for histological processing of shellfish, principally bivalve mollusks and crustaceans. Basically, the techniques included are applicable for histopathological preparation of all marine animals, recognizing however that initial necropsy is unique to each species. Photographs and illustrations are provided for instruction on necropsy of different species to simplify the processing of tissues. Several of the procedures described are adaptations developed by the COL staff. They represent techniques based on principles established for the histopathologic study of mammalian and other vertebrate tissues, but modified for marine and aquatic invertebrates. Although the manual attempts to provide adequate information on techniques, it is also intended to serve as a useful reference source to those interested in the pathology of marine animals. General references and recommended reading listed in the back of the manual will provide histological information on species not addressed in the text.


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Trotter, David, Albucasis, Traitier de Cyrurgie: Edition de la traduction en ancien fran?ais de la Chirurgie d'Abu'l Qasim Halaf Ibn ?Abbas al-Zahrawi du manuscrit BNF, fran?ais 1318 (Niemeyer, 2005)


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Rothwell, W., S. Gregory and David Trotter, Anglo-Norman Dictionary: revised edition, A-C; D-E (MHRA, 2005) RAE2008


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The dissertation comprises two parts: (a) a musical edition and (b) a performance given on 3 July, 2008 of Philippe Rogier’s Missa Inclita stirps Jesse. The dissertation explores some of the editorial decisions required, how the demands of performers and musicologists differ, and whether they can be reconciled in one single edition. The commentary explains the preparation and realization of the edition. A video recording of the concert performance is attached to the dissertation. The Mass: The Missa Inclita stirps Jesse was published in Madrid in 1598 in a collection entitled Missae Sex. The mass setting is for four voices, except the Agnus Dei, which is for five, and is based on musical material in the motet Inclita stirps Jesse by Jacobus Clemens non Papa (c. 1510-15 – c.1556-6). Rogier’s choice and use of musical material from the motet (published in 1549) are discussed in the dissertation. The Edition: The edition is made from a microfilm copy of the Missae Sex held in the Biblioteca del Conservatorio de Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” in Milan. The Missae Sex was originally dedicated to King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598, reg. 1556-1598), whom Rogier had served as chorister and then maestro de capilla. Both Rogier and King Philip died before the volume was ready for publication. One of Rogier’s pupils, Géry de Ghersem, prepared the volume, which was printed in 1598, dedicated to King Philip III. The Performance: The mass was performed at a concert of Spanish Renaissance music in St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Washington, DC, on 3 July 2008, sung by the ensemble Orpheus directed by Philip Cave as part of the Chorworks summer workshop entitled Kings and Conquistadors: Music of Old and New Spain.


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This paper describes the status circa 2001, of the HITRAN compilation that comprises the public edition available through 2001. The HITRAN compilation consists of several components useful for radiative transfer calculation codes: high-resolution spectroscopic parameters of molecules in the gas phase, absorption cross-sections for molecules with very dense spectral features, aerosol refractive indices, ultraviolet line-by-line parameters and absorption cross-sections, and associated database management software. The line-by-line portion of the database contains spectroscopic parameters for 38 molecules and their isotopologues and isotopomers suitable for calculating atmospheric transmission and radiance properties. Many more molecular species are presented in the infrared cross-section data than in the previous edition, especially the chlorofluorocarbons and their replacement gases. There is now sufficient representation so that quasi-quantitative simulations can be obtained with the standard radiance codes. In addition to the description and justification of new or modified data that have been incorporated since the last edition of HITRAN (1996), future modifications are indicated for cases considered to have a significant impact on remote-sensing experiments. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This identification guide to the copepodite developmental stages of twenty-six North Atlantic copepods has been revised and extended, to include new information, to update the taxonomy and to give additional details on how to determine sex in the later copepodite stages of gymnoplean copepods.