954 resultados para Ecosystem processes
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The nocturnal, terrestrial frog Eleutherodactylus coqui, known as the Coqui, is endemic to Puerto Rico and was accidentally introduced to Hawai‘i via nursery plants in the late 1980s. Over the past two decades E. coqui has spread to the four main Hawaiian Islands, and a major campaign was launched to eliminate and control it. One of the primary reasons this frog has received attention is its loud mating call (85–90 dB at 0.5 m). Many homeowners do not want the frogs on their property, and their presence has influenced housing prices. In addition, E. coqui has indirectly impacted the floriculture industry because customers are reticent to purchase products potentially infested with frogs. Eleutherodactylus coqui attains extremely high densities in Hawai‘i, up to 91,000 frogs ha-1, and can reproduce year-round, once every 1–2 months, and become reproductive around 8–9 months. Although the Coqui has been hypothesized to potentially compete with native insectivores, the most obvious potential ecological impact of the invasion is predation on invertebrate populations and disruption of associated ecosystem processes. Multiple forms of control have been attempted in Hawai‘i with varying success. The most successful control available at this time is citric acid. Currently, the frog is established throughout the island of Hawai‘i but may soon be eliminated on the other Hawaiian Islands via control efforts. Eradication is deemed no longer possible on the island of Hawai‘i.
Invasive feral swine (Sus scrofa) cause deleterious impacts to ecosystem processes and functioning throughout their worldwide distribution, including forested ecosystems in the United States. Unfortunately, many feral swine damage management programs are conducted in a piecemeal fashion, are not adequately funded, and lack clearly stated or realistic objectives. This review paper identifies damage caused by feral swine to forest resources and presents techniques used to prevent and control feral swine damage. Concluding points related to planning a feral swine damage management program are: (1) the value of using a variety of techniques in an integrated fashion cannot be overstated; (2) there is value in using indices for both feral swine populations and their damage pre and post management activities; (3) innovative technologies will increasing be of value in the pursuit of feral swine damage reduction; and (4) though not appropriate in every situation, there is value in involving the public in feral swine damage management decisions and activities.
Burrow ventilation of benthic infauna generates water currents that irrigate the interstices of the sediments surrounding the burrow walls. Such activities have associated effects on biogeochemical processes affecting ultimately important ecosystem processes. In this study, the ventilation and irrigation behavior of Marenzelleria viridis, an invasive polychaete species in Europe, was analyzed using different approaches. M. viridis showed to perform two types of ventilation: (1) muscular pumping of water out of the burrow and (2) cilia pumping of water into the burrow. Flowmeter measurements presented muscular pumping in time averaged rates of 0.15 ml min(-1). Oxygen needle electrodes positioned above the burrow openings revealed that muscular undulation of the worm body pumps anoxic water out of the burrow. On the other hand, microscope observations of the animal showed that ventilation of oxygen-rich water in the burrow occurs by ciliary action. The volume of water irrigated by M. viridis appears to vary linearly within the first 24 h incubation, with rates ranging from 0.003 to 0.01 ml min(-1). From those rates we could estimate that the time averaged rate of cilia ventilation should be about 0.16 ml min(-1). Since the cilia pumping into the burrow occurs in periods of 24 +/- 12 min and at 50-70% of the measured time, considerable amounts of water from deeper sediments may percolate upwards to the sediment surface. This water is rich in reduced compounds and nutrients and may have important associated ecological implications in the ecosystem (e.g. affecting redox conditions, organic matter degradation, benthic recruitment and primary production). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Soil microbial communities are in constant change at many different temporal and spatial scales. However, the importance of these changes to the turnover of the soil microbial communities has been rarely studied simultaneously in space and time. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we explored the temporal and spatial responses of soil bacterial, archaeal and fungal beta-diversities to abiotic parameters. Taking into account data from a 3-year sampling period, we analyzed the abundances and community structures of Archaea, Bacteria and Fungi along with key soil chemical parameters. We questioned how these abiotic variables influence the turnover of bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities and how they impact the long-term patterns of changes of the aforementioned soil communities. Interestingly, we found that the bacterial and fungal b-diversities are quite stable over time, whereas archaeal diversity showed significantly higher fluctuations. These fluctuations were reflected in temporal turnover caused by soil management through addition of N-fertilizers. Conclusions: Our study showed that management practices applied to agricultural soils might not significantly affect the bacterial and fungal communities, but cause slow and long-term changes in the abundance and structure of the archaeal community. Moreover, the results suggest that, to different extents, abiotic and biotic factors determine the community assembly of archaeal, bacterial and fungal communities.
Litterfall and litter decomposition are vital processes in tropical forests because they regulate nutrient cycling. Nutrient cycling can be altered by forest fragmentation. The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened biomes in the world due to human occupation over the last 500 years. This scenario has resulted in fragments of different size, age and regeneration phase. To investigate differences in litterfall and leaf decomposition between forest successional phases, we compared six forest fragments at three different successional phases and an area of mature forest on the Atlantic Plateau of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We sampled litter monthly from November 2008 to October 2009. We used litterbags to calculate leaf decomposition rate of an exotic species, Tipuana tipu (Fabaceae), over the same period litter sampling was performed. Litterfall was higher in the earliest successional area. This pattern may be related to the structural properties of the forest fragments, especially the higher abundance of pioneer species, which have higher productivity and are typical of early successional areas. However, we have not found significant differences in the decomposition rates between the studied areas, which may be caused by rapid stabilization of the decomposition environment (combined effect of microclimatic conditions and the decomposers activities). This result indicates that the leaf decomposition process have already been restored to levels observed in mature forests after a few decades of regeneration, although litterfall has not been entirely restored. This study emphasizes the importance of secondary forests for restoration of ecosystem processes on a regional scale.
The rainforest of Mexico has been degraded and severely fragmented, and urgently require restoration. However, the practice of restoration has been limited by the lack of species-specific data on survival and growth responses to local environmental variation. This study explores the differential performance of 14 wet tropical early-, mid- or late-successional tree species that were grown in two abandoned pastures with contrasting land-use histories. After 18 months, seedling survival and growth of at least 7 of the 14 tree species studied were significantly higher in the site with a much longer history of land use (site 2). Saplings of the three early-successional species showed exceptional growth rates. However, differences in performance were noted in relation to the differential soil properties between the experimental sites. Mid-successional species generally showed slow growth rates but high seedling survival, whereas late-successional species exhibited poor seedling survival at both the study sites. Stepwise linear regressions revealed that the species integrated response index combining survivorship and growth measurements, was influenced mostly by differences in soil pH between the two abandoned pastures. Our results suggest that local environmental variation among abandoned pastures of contrasting land-use histories influences sapling survival and growth. Furthermore, the similarity of responses among species with the same successional status allowed us to make some preliminary site and species-specific silvicultural recommendations. Future field experiments should extend the number of species and the range of environmental conditions to identify site generalists or more narrowly adapted species, that we would call sensitive.
Anthropogene Fragmentierung und Störung von Wäldern beeinflussen ökologische Prozesse. Darüber hinaus werden genetische Drift und Inzucht verstärkt und die Fitness von Populationen beeinträchtigt. Um die Einflüsse von Fragmentierung und Störung auf die Biodiversität und Prozesse in tropischen Wäldern zu ermitteln, habe ich im „Kakamega Forest“, West-Kenia, die Baumart Prunus africana genauer untersucht. Dabei lag der Fokus auf (i) der Frugivorengemeinschaft und Samenausbreitung, (ii) der Kleinsäugergemeinschaft im Kontext der Samenprädation und (iii) der genetische Populationsstruktur von Keimlingen und adulten Bäumen. Der Vergleich von Keimlingen mit adulten Bäumen ermöglicht es, Veränderungen im Genfluss zwischen Generationen festzustellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass im untersuchten Waldgebiet insgesamt 49 frugivore Arten (Affen und Vögel) vorkommen. Dabei lag die Gesamtartenzahl im zusammenhängenden Wald höher als in den isoliert liegenden Fragmenten. An den Früchten von P. africana konnten insgesamt 36 Arten fressend beobachtet werden. Hier jedoch wurden in Fragmenten eine leicht erhöhte Frugivorenzahl sowie marginal signifikant erhöhte Samenausbreitungsraten nachgewiesen. Der Vergleich von stark gestörten mit weniger gestörten Flächen zeigte eine höhere Gesamtartenzahl sowie eine signifikant höhere Frugivorenzahl in P. africana in stark gestörten Flächen. Entsprechend war die Samenausbreitungsrate in stark gestörten Flächen marginal signifikant erhöht. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die quantitative Samenausbreitung in fragmentierten und gestörten Flächen etwas erhöht ist und somit eine gewisse Artenredundanz besteht, die den Verlust einzelner Arten ausgleichen könnte. Prunus africana Samen, die auf dem Boden lagen, wurden hauptsächlich von einer Nagerart (Praomys cf. jacksonii) erbeutet. Dabei war in gestörten Waldbereichen eine tendenziell höhere Prädatoraktivität zu beobachten als in weniger gestörten. Zudem waren einzelne Samen im Gegensatz zu Samengruppen in gestörten Flächen signifikant höherem Prädationsdruck ausgesetzt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Fragmentierung sowie anthropogene Störungen auf unterschiedliche Prozesse im Lebenszyklus eines tropischen Baumes gegensätzliche Effekte haben können. Eine Extrapolation von einem auf einen anderen Prozess kann somit nicht erfolgen. Die genetische Differenzierung der adulten Baumpopulationen war gering (FST = 0.026). Der Großteil ihrer Variation (~ 97 %) lag innerhalb der Populationen, was intensiven Genfluss in der Vergangenheit widerspiegelt. Die genetische Differenzierung der Keimlinge war etwas erhöht (FST = 0.086) und ~ 91 % ihrer Variation lag innerhalb der Populationen. Im Gegensatz zu den adulten Bäumen konnte ich für Keimlinge ein „Isolation-by-distance“-Muster feststellen. Somit sind erste Hinweise auf begrenzten Genfluss im Keimlingsstadium infolge von Fragmentierung gegeben. Obwohl die Momentaufnahmen im Freiland keine Abnahme in der Frugivorenzahl und Samenausbreitung von P. africana als Folge von Fragmentierung beobachten ließen, weisen die Ergebnisse der genetischen Studie auf einen bereits reduzierten Genaustausch zwischen den Populationen hin. Somit lässt sich feststellen, dass die Faktoren Fragmentierung und Störung genetische Diversität, ökologische Prozesse und Artendiversität in Wäldern jeweils auf unterschiedliche Weise beeinflussen. Um Konsequenzen derartiger Einflüsse folgerichtig abschätzen zu können, sind Studien auf unterschiedlichen Diversitätsebenen unabdingbar.
Human activities strongly influence environmental processes, and while human domination increases, biodiversity progressively declines in ecosystems worldwide. High genetic and phenotypic variability ensures functionality and stability of ecosystem processes through time and increases the resilience and the adaptive capacity of populations and communities, while a reduction in functional diversity leads to a decrease in the ability to respond in a changing environment. Pollution is becoming one of the major threats in aquatic ecosystem, and pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in particular are a relatively new group of environmental contaminants suspected to have adverse effects on aquatic organisms. There is still a lake of knowledge on the responses of communities to complex chemical mixtures in the environment. We used an individual-trait-based approach to assess the response of a phytoplankton community in a scenario of combined pollution and environmental change (steady increasing in temperature). We manipulated individual-level trait diversity directly (by filtering out size classes) and indirectly (through exposure to PPCPs mixture), and studied how reduction in trait-diversity affected community structure, production of biomass and the ability of the community to track a changing environment. We found that exposure to PPCPs slows down the ability of the community to respond to an increasing temperature. Our study also highlights how physiological responses (induced by PPCPs exposure) are important for ecosystem processes: although from an ecological point of view experimental communities converged to a similar structure, they were functionally different.
Biodiversity is rapidly declining, and this may negatively affect ecosystem processes, including economically important ecosystem services. Previous studies have shown that biodiversity has positive effects on organisms and processes across trophic levels. However, only a few studies have so far incorporated an explicit food-web perspective. In an eight-year biodiversity experiment, we studied an unprecedented range of above- and below-ground organisms and multitrophic interactions. A multitrophic data set originating from a single long-term experiment allows mechanistic insights that would not be gained from meta-analysis of different experiments. Here we show that plant diversity effects dampen with increasing trophic level and degree of omnivory. This was true both for abundance and species richness of organisms. Furthermore, we present comprehensive above-ground/below-ground biodiversity food webs. Both above ground and below ground, herbivores responded more strongly to changes in plant diversity than did carnivores or omnivores. Density and richness of carnivorous taxa was independent of vegetation structure. Below-ground responses to plant diversity were consistently weaker than above-ground responses. Responses to increasing plant diversity were generally positive, but were negative for biological invasion, pathogen infestation and hyperparasitism. Our results suggest that plant diversity has strong bottom-up effects on multitrophic interaction networks, with particularly strong effects on lower trophic levels. Effects on higher trophic levels are indirectly mediated through bottom-up trophic cascades.
So far, seed limitation as a local process, and dispersal limitation as a regional process have been largely neglected in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research. However, these processes can influence both local plant species diversity and ecosystem processes, such as biomass production. We added seeds of 60 species from the regional species pool to grassland communities at 20 montane grassland sites in Germany. In these sites, plant species diversity ranged from 10 to 34 species m(-2) and, before manipulation, diversity was not related to aboveground biomass, which ranged from 108 to 687 g m(-2). One year after seed addition, local plant species richness had increased on average by six species m(-2) (29%) compared with control plots, and this increase was highest in grasslands with intermediate productivity. The increased diversity after adding seeds was associated with an average increase of aboveground biomass of 36 g m(-2) (14.8%) compared with control plots. Thus, our results demonstrate that a positive relationship between changes in species richness and productivity, as previously reported from experimental plant communities, also holds for natural grassland ecosystems. Our results show that local plant communities are dispersal limited and a hump-shaped model appears to be the limiting outline of the natural diversity-productivity relationship. Hence, the effects of dispersal on local diversity can substantially affect the functioning of natural ecosystems.
In order to predict which ecosystem functions are most at risk from biodiversity loss, meta-analyses have generalised results from biodiversity experiments over different sites and ecosystem types. In contrast, comparing the strength of biodiversity effects across a large number of ecosystem processes measured in a single experiment permits more direct comparisons. Here, we present an analysis of 418 separate measures of 38 ecosystem processes. Overall, 45 % of processes were significantly affected by plant species richness, suggesting that, while diversity affects a large number of processes not all respond to biodiversity. We therefore compared the strength of plant diversity effects between different categories of ecosystem processes, grouping processes according to the year of measurement, their biogeochemical cycle, trophic level and compartment (above- or belowground) and according to whether they were measures of biodiversity or other ecosystem processes, biotic or abiotic and static or dynamic. Overall, and for several individual processes, we found that biodiversity effects became stronger over time. Measures of the carbon cycle were also affected more strongly by plant species richness than were the measures associated with the nitrogen cycle. Further, we found greater plant species richness effects on measures of biodiversity than on other processes. The differential effects of plant diversity on the various types of ecosystem processes indicate that future research and political effort should shift from a general debate about whether biodiversity loss impairs ecosystem functions to focussing on the specific functions of interest and ways to preserve them individually or in combination.
One of the current advances in functional biodiversity research is the move away from short-lived test systems towards the exploration of diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships in structurally more complex ecosystems. In forests, assumptions about the functional significance of tree species diversity have only recently produced a new generation of research on ecosystem processes and services. Novel experimental designs have now replaced traditional forestry trials, but these comparatively young experimental plots suffer from specific difficulties that are mainly related to the tree size and longevity. Tree species diversity experiments therefore need to be complemented with comparative observational studies in existing forests. Here we present the design and implementation of a new network of forest plots along tree species diversity gradients in six major European forest types: the FunDivEUROPE Exploratory Platform. Based on a review of the deficiencies of existing observational approaches and of unresolved research questions and hypotheses, we discuss the fundamental criteria that shaped the design of our platform. Key features include the extent of the species diversity gradient with mixtures up to five species, strict avoidance of a dilution gradient, special attention to community evenness and minimal covariation with other environmental factors. The new European research platform permits the most comprehensive assessment of tree species diversity effects on forest ecosystem functioning to date since it offers a common set of research plots to groups of researchers from very different disciplines and uses the same methodological approach in contrasting forest types along an extensive environmental gradient. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Which forms of nitrogen (N) do plants acquire from soil? This question, central to understanding of plant function, was debated intensely a century ago. It was revitalized more recently with insights in plant–soil interactions and molecular biology, but the difficulties associated with dissecting rhizosphere processes – rapid absorption, uptake, conversion and release of N in the interfaces of soil, microbes and plants – have prevented resolution. In the recent past, inorganic redox reactions were discussed, while today's focus is transformations of organic N. Despite significant advances and relevance, views are diverging on the importance of organic N as a nutrient source for plants. A recent workshop brought together leading experts, early stage researchers and industry representatives to discuss and evaluate the current knowledge and on-going research to link from molecular function of plants to ecosystem processes.
Forest management not only affects biodiversity but also might alter ecosystem processes mediated by the organisms, i.e. herbivory the removal of plant biomass by plant-eating insects and other arthropod groups. Aiming at revealing general relationships between forest management and herbivory we investigated aboveground arthropod herbivory in 105 plots dominated by European beech in three different regions in Germany in the sun-exposed canopy of mature beech trees and on beech saplings in the understorey. We separately assessed damage by different guilds of herbivores, i.e. chewing, sucking and scraping herbivores, gall-forming insects and mites, and leaf-mining insects. We asked whether herbivory differs among different forest management regimes (unmanaged, uneven-aged managed, even-aged managed) and among age-classes within even-aged forests. We further tested for consistency of relationships between regions, strata and herbivore guilds. On average, almost 80 of beech leaves showed herbivory damage, and about 6 of leaf area was consumed. Chewing damage was most common, whereas leaf sucking and scraping damage were very rare. Damage was generally greater in the canopy than in the understorey, in particular for chewing and scraping damage, and the occurrence of mines. There was little difference in herbivory among differently managed forests and the effects of management on damage differed among regions, strata and damage types. Covariates such as wood volume, tree density and plant diversity weakly influenced herbivory, and effects differed between herbivory types. We conclude that despite of the relatively low number of species attacking beech; arthropod herbivory on beech is generally high. We further conclude that responses of herbivory to forest management are multifaceted and environmental factors such as forest structure variables affecting in particular microclimatic conditions are more likely to explain the variability in herbivory among beech forest plots.