912 resultados para Economic Problems
The analysis in the text involves selected aspects of brown coal sector functioning in Poland. The analysis has been made in the context of Poland’s energy security and ecological safety, which seems important due to the need to implement low-emission energy policy. In relation to the sole fact that electricity production relies on coal, Poland will face the need to undertake major sector transformations in the coming 20-30 years. Two main parts of the text focus on the problem of energy security and ecological safety. In the earlier case, brief characteristic of the coal energy sector in Poland has been presented, namely the potential of brown coal, selected economic problems related to functioning of the sector, and orientation of Polish energy policy in this respect. In turn, the problem of ecological safety has been brought down to the impact of mines on the natural environment. Hence, the paper presents selected problems of threats to the natural and anthropogenic environment, as well as threats related to particular phases of energy production from brown coal. Furthermore, the text considers possible measures in the area of reclamation of areas where brown coal sector has been located. *** Przedmiotem analizy w tekście są wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania sektora węgla brunatnego w Polsce. Analiza ta została podjęta w kontekście bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i ekologicznego Polski, co wydaje się istotne, ze względu na konieczność wdrażania niskoemisyjnej polityki energetycznej. W związku z faktem oparcia produkcji energii elektrycznej na węglu w ogóle, Polskę czeka konieczność podjęcia poważnych przekształceń sektorowych w ciągu najbliższych 20-30 lat. Dwie główne części tekstu oparto na problematyce bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego. W pierwszym przypadku przedstawiono krótką charakterystykę węglowego sektora energetycznego w Polsce, tj. potencjał węgla brunatnego, wybrane problemy gospodarcze związane z funkcjonowaniem tego sektora oraz kierunki polskiej polityki energetycznej w tym zakresie. Natomiast problem bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego został sprowadzony do wpływu kopalń na środowisko naturalne. Stąd w pracy przedstawiono wybraną problematykę zagrożeń dla środowiska naturalnego i antropogenicznego, także zagrożenia związane z poszczególnymi etapami produkcji energii pochodzącej z węgla brunatnego. Ponadto, w tekście uwzględniono potencjalne działania w zakresie rekultywacji obszarów, na których został zlokalizowany sektor węgla brunatnego.
European researchers across heterogeneous disciplines voice concerns and argue for new paths towards a brighter future regarding scientific and knowledge creation and communication. Recently, in biological and natural sciences concerns have been expressed that major threats are intentionally ignored. These threats are challenging Europe’s future sustainability towards creating knowledge that effectively deals with emerging social, environmental, health, and economic problems of a planetary scope. Within social science circles however, the root cause regarding the above challenges, have been linked with macro level forces of neo-liberal ways of valuing and relevant rules in academia and beyond which we take for granted. These concerns raised by heterogeneous scholars in natural and the applied social sciences concern the ethics of today’s research and academic integrity. Applying Bourdieu’s sociology may not allow an optimistic lens if change is possible. Rather than attributing the replication of neo-liberal habitus in intentional agent and institutional choices, Bourdieu’s work raises the importance of thoughtlessly internalised habits in human and social action. Accordingly, most action within a given paradigm (in this case, neo-liberalism) is understood as habituated, i.e. unconsciously reproducing external social fields, even ill-defined ways of valuing. This essay analyses these and how they may help critically analyse the current habitus surrounding research and knowledge production, evaluation, and communication and related aspects of academic freedom. Although it is acknowledged that transformation is not easy, the essay presents arguments and recent theory paths to suggest that change nevertheless may be a realistic hope once certain action logics are encouraged.
Incomplete and/or sluggish maltotriose fermentation causes both quality and economic problems in the ale-brewing industry. Although it has been proposed previously that the sugar uptake must be responsible for these undesirable phenotypes, there have been conflicting reports on whether all the known alpha-glucoside transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MALx1, AGT1, and MPH2 and MPH3 transporters) allow efficient maltotriose utilization by yeast cells. We characterized the kinetics of yeast cell growth, sugar consumption, and ethanol production during maltose or maltotriose utilization by several S. cerevisiae yeast strains (both MAL constitutive and AM inducible) and by their isogenic counterparts with specific deletions of the AGT1 gene. Our results clearly showed that yeast strains carrying functional permeases encoded by the MAL21, MAL31, and/or MAL41 gene in their plasma membranes were unable to utilize maltotriose. While both high-and low-affinity transport activities were responsible for maltose uptake from the medium, in the case of maltotriose, the only low-affinity (K-m, 36 +/- 2 mM) transport activity was mediated by the AGT1 permease. In conclusion, the AGT1 transporter is required for efficient maltotriose fermentation by S. cerevisiae yeasts, highlighting the importance of this permease for breeding and/or selection programs aimed at improving sluggish maltotriose fermentations.
Vivemos um momento de grande crescimento da construção naval no mundo, que é impulsionado pelo crescimento do comércio entre as nações, em um mundo cada vez mais globalizado. O mesmo se repete no Brasil. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia para o cálculo objetivo do valor a ser garantido ao cliente da indústria naval, de modo a criar os incentivos econômicos corretos para os artífices da relação principal-agente. Inicialmente descreverei a Tecnologia da Construção Naval e os problemas econômicos que encontramos, passando a seguir a expor o Mercado Naval, estando aí incluídos o lado consumidor e os produtores de navios, sendo eles nacionais ou internacionais. Finalmente passaremos ao detalhamento da solução de seguro proposta, com a formalização do tipo de seguro, nível de cobertura e monitoramento. Para tal utilizaremos a metodologia de Vector-Autorregression combinada a uma simulação de Monte Carlo. Os resultados encontrados são checados e apontamos os caminhos para aperfeiçoar a metodologia e possíveis usos alternativos para ela.
Nos últimos 40 anos os economistas brasileiros foram responsáveis pôr aspectos extremamente importantes da vida pública brasileira, com suas teorias ou executando a política econômica do governo. Porém, nem sempre eles registraram suas idéias ou revelaram em artigos e livros seu pensamento mais íntimo e os mecanismos do poder econômico. Recentemente vem sendo realizadas entrevistas, que têm iluminado ângulos obscuros dessa ação teórica e prática e vem trazendo a baila as polêmicas e as dúvidas dos economistas brasileiros. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os depoimentos dos principais economistas brasileiros, aprofundar suas idéias e organizá-las em correntes de pensamento.
Durante o longo período de experiências de magistério no ensino tecnológico de segundo e terceiro graus, o autor desta dissertação de mestrado vem aplicando uma metodologia que consiste em cativar os estudantes através de projetos inusitados, elaborados de conformidade com as habilitações específicas dos cursos, empregando-os como elemento motivador para realizar empreendimentos, paralelamente ao ensino curricular. Esse motivo, escolhido e planejado pedagogicamente, serve de estímulo para concentrar as atenções dos alunos na solução de problemas sócio-econômicos do país e da humanidade em geral, com o propósito de integrá-los no desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico, despertando o interesse pelo estudo e pela pesquisa, nas atividades dos projetos realizados por grupos de colegas de vocações afins. o projeto, caracterizado por um complexo cibernético ou biônico, tem a propriedade de efetivar a conjugação das diversas disciplinas, cujos conhecimentos são aplicados nessas oportunidades, ajudando os alunos a compreenderem melhor o sentido pragmático do conjunto curricular do seu curso. Atuando, de início, autodidatamente, mas orientado pelos princípios da Psicologia Educacional e mais tarde apoiado na Pedagogia de Dewey, o autor aprimorou sua metodologia nos trabalhos de Decroly, Kilpatrick, Skinner e Mc Clelland. A aplicação desse método de ensino suscitou a criaçao de um Centro de Pesquisas, integrado na organização escolar, através de uma de suas assessorias, sendo dirigido por um professor responsável e estruturado na forma de um setor onde se reunem as equipes de Planejamento Educacional e Pesquisa, Planejamento Técnico, Desenvolvimento de Atividades e Apoio, todas formadas por professores convidados, especialistas nos assuntos envolvidos pelos projetos. Este setor-ambiente, bem arquitetado,é instalado com recursos auxiliares didáticos e motivacionais, pequena biblioteca, museu, arquivo, uma pequena oficina de precisão, um laboratório para pesquisas tecnológicas e outro para tratamento fotográfico. Evidencia-se, assim, que o Centro de Pesquisas, como agente de motivação realizadora, atua na escola produzindo mudanças significativas no processo de ensino e consequentemente na formação dos alunos, pela sua metodologia e dinâmica das atividades a que estes se dedicam,manifestand sua capacidade de produzir, aplicando a criatividade aliada à sua aprendizagem, ao mesmo tempo valiosas para sua educação e para a sociedade. Fundamentado nos bons resultados obtidos com a aplicação dessa metodologia de ensino, o autor sugere a conveniência de serem implantados nas demais Escolas Técnicas e nos Centros Federais de Educação Tecnológica, centros ou núcleos de pesquisas semelhantes ao descrito nesta dissertação de mestrado.
BlueFriends: measuring, analyzing and preventing social exclusion between elementary school students
Social exclusion is a relatively recent term, whose creation is attributed to René Lenoir(Lenoir, 1974). Its concept covers a remarkably wide range of social and economic problems, and can be triggered for various reasons: mentally and physically handicapped, abused children, delinquents, multi-problem households, asocial people, and other social “misfits” (Silver, 1995, pp. 63; Foucault, 1992). With an increasingly multi-cultural population, cultural and social inequalities rapidly ascend, bringing with them the need for educational restructuring. We are living in an evermore diverse world, and children need to be educated to be receptive to the different types of people around them, especially considering social and cultural aspects. It is with these goals that inclusive education has seen an increased trend in today’s academic environment, reminding us that even though children may be taught under the same roof, discriminatory practices might still happen. There are, however, a number of developed tools to assess the various dimensions of social networks. These are mostly based on questionnaires and interviews, which tend to be fastidious and don’t allow for longitudinal, large scale measurement. This thesis introduces BlueFriends, a Bluetooth-based measurement tool for social inclusion/exclusion on elementary school classes. The main goals behind the development of this tool were a) understanding how exclusion manifests in students’ behaviors, and b) motivating pro-social behaviors on children through the use of a persuasive technology. BlueFriends is a distributed application, comprised by an application running on several smartphones, a web-hosted database and a computer providing a visual representation of the data collected on a TV screen, attempting to influence children behaviors. The application makes use of the Bluetooth device present on each phone to continuously sample the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) from other phones, storing the data locally on each phone. All of the stored data is collected, processed and then inserted into the database at the end of each day. At the beginning of each recess, children are reminded of how their behaviors affect others with the help of a visual display, which consists of interactions between dogs. This display illustrates every child’s best friends, as well as which colleagues they don’t interact with as much. Several tips encouraging social interaction and inclusiveness are displayed, inspiring children to change their behaviors towards the colleagues they spend less time with. This thesis documents the process of designing, deploying and analyzing the results of two field studies. On the first study, we assess how the current developed tools are inferior to our measuring tool by deploying a measurement only study, aimed at perceiving how much information can be obtained by the BlueFriends application and attempting to understand how exclusion manifests itself in the school environment. On the second study, we pile on the previous to try and motivate pro-social behaviors on students, with the use of visual cues and recommendations. Ultimately, we confirm that our measurement tool’s results were satisfying towards measuring and changing children’s behaviors, and conclude with our thoughts on possible future work, suggesting a number of possible extensions and improvements.
The oil activities in Brazil had been started in an intensive way in the end of the 30 s and in the beginning of the 40 s. Many of the brazilians fields discovered in the past are nowadays in decline. They are called ―mature fields‖. These fields, because of the decline situation that characterizes them, are not interesting for the majors. The majors want the big fields and big productions. On the other hand, they could be interesting for the small and medium enterprises. The mature oil fields are instruments of development, they have oil and the oil production is an activity connected with many social and economics benefits: jobs, taxes, royalties, etc. The Brazilian State, in this context, needs to realize actions to promote the activities in the mature oil fields, especially with the work of the small and mediums enterprises. Many of the onshore brazilian mature fields are located at the Northeast, a region matched by many social and economic problems. The activities in the mature fields of the Northeast Region could solve some of its problems. The present research analyses the mature oil fields and its situations in Brazil, making criticisms and suggestions. The methodology adopted is theoretical and descriptive, with literature review, case law and legislation (Constituição Federal de 1988, ―Law of the Oil‖). This research examines the following points: mature fields rounds and its documents, name and definition of the mature fields, definition of small and medium enterprises, environmental aspects, concentration of certain activities of the sector and the royalties
O manejo de plantas daninhas em ambientes aquáticos requer cuidado diferencial e específico, a fim de evitar a contaminação ou alteração nas funções dos corpos hídricos e otimização do custo-benefício das operações. O estudo das características genéticas de populações de plantas daninhas aquáticas fornece informações que podem auxiliar no seu controle e manejo. A alface-d'água é uma planta aquática flutuante livre amplamente distribuída em todo o Brasil, mas é em ambientes aquáticos eutrofizados que essa e outras espécies de rápido desenvolvimento causam problemas sociais e econômicos, devido à grande massa vegetal produzida. Este estudo caracterizou geneticamente populações de alface-d'água coletadas em 15 reservatórios de hidrelétricas (Barra Bonita-BAB, Bariri-BAR, Ibitinga-IBI, Chavantes-CHA, Salto Grande-SAG, Jurumirim-JUR, Promissão-PRO Jaguari-JAG, Nova Avanhandava-NAV, Mogi-Guaçu-MOG, Limoeiro-LIM, Três Irmãos-TRI, Ilha Solteira-ILS, Jupiá-JUP e Porto Primavera-PPR) do Estado de São Paulo. As análises foram realizadas no NUPAM (Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia), ligado à FCA/UNESP, campus de Botucatu-SP. A técnica utilizada no estudo da diversidade genética foi o RAPD. Os materiais amostrados nos reservatórios do Estado foram muito similares em sua maioria. As populações de NAV, MOG, IBI, JUR, PRO e CHA foram idênticas geneticamente. BAB e SAG, LIM e TRI também foram muito parecidas, apresentando índice de distância genética de 0,0093 e 0,0178, respectivamente. A grande maioria dos reservatórios estudados (93%) apresentou distâncias inferiores a 0,30, formando um grupo definido. No entanto, a população de Jupiá, em média, foi a que apresentou maior diversidade genética (0,45).
This paper analyzes the influence of trade and services in the reconfiguration of urban space in Natal, with the Avenues Bernardo Vieira end Roberto Freire Engineer as privileged analysis. Initially, we discussed the concepts of production and reproduction of urban space, urban centralities, decentralized, services and public policies, especially transport and tourism. Then, we show the construction of urban space from Natal, highlighting the historical formation of the districts of Ribeira, Cidade Alta and Alecrim, pioneers in the service sector, noting that currently there is an ongoing process of decentralization in the city of such activities, to other areas of the urban fabric of Natal. Later, we studied the Avenues Bernardo Vieira to Roberto Freire Engineer, noting, in both the distribution of commercial activities and services, and issues related to transportation, traffic, tourism and socio-economic problems, identified them. Finally, testify that Natal, from the 1980s, underwent a process of decentralization of services, both to the south, and north of the city on the ball. In this process of decentralization we ascertain the role of public policies on transport and tourism, complementing the action of private enterprise, through the real estate market, on Avenue Roberto Freire Engineer.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Objective: To understand the experience of primary caregivers of heart transplant recipients. Methods: A phenomenological approach was used to understand the caregivers' experience of caring for a heart transplant patient. In-depth interviews were conducted with 11 caregivers, in a Brazilian hospital, from December 2008 to March 2009. Results: Following the transplant, caregivers' lives change drastically; their priority becomes providing care for their relative. Despite successful transplant results, the uncertainty about future remains, generating permanent distress. Anxiety is exacerbated by familial or economic problems and, consequently, many participants turn to their local communities for support. Some caregivers learn from the experience and plan return to regular activities. Others feel helpless, unable to overcome personal losses and difficulties. Conclusions: Nurses are ideally placed to lead the way by providing family-centered support and education for caregivers of heart recipients. Listening to the concerns of family caregivers seems to be an essential aspect of effective interventions. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)