117 resultados para Ecommerce


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Les auteurs présentent les règles issues de la Loi pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique venant encadrer le commerce électronique. Ils illustrent leurs propos au regard de la notion de « commerce électronique » et de la responsabilité et des obligations d’information découlant de cette activité, de la problématique liée à la publicité en ligne ou encore des obligations de forme relative au contrat.


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“Los modelos de negocio describen las bases sobre las cuales una empresa, crea, proporciona y capta valor”. Osterwalder, Alexander. (2010). Kids Club es una empresa manufacturera de calzado para niños catalogada por PROEXPORT como una de las mejores empresas Colombianas dentro del sector; y una de las pocas empresas que en menos de 10 años logro exportar sus productos a mercados internacionales a partir de técnicas administrativas empíricas. A través del siguiente estudio de caso, se pretende describir el modelo de negocio de la empresa; identificando sus segmentos de mercado, estructura de cadena de valor y mecanismos de generación de ventas con el objetivo de identificar sus factores críticos de éxito y proponer nuevas alternativas para que se mantenga como líder del sector, en el entorno empresarial actual.


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Los cajeros electrónicos y la implementación de servicios por medio telefónico fueron los primeros instrumentos que hicieron que fuera viable para el usuario beneficiarse de atención sin tener que acudir a las instalaciones de la institución financiera


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Recientemente, el márketing en Colombia ha exigido un tratamiento más académico, pues sólo así logrará trascender a la categoría de disciplina, dejando de ser percibido como oficio. Este texto ofrece discusiones, críticas, aportes y posiciones que incentivan al lector a consultar fuentes originales para profundizar en las distintas temáticas. Tres son las herramientas que permitirán la comprensión de los temas de mayor dificultad: los recuadros que definen de manera sencilla y resumida los principales conceptos; los glosarios que enlistan, definen y explican una serie de términos relacionados con el tema tratado; y las aplicaciones prácticas para aquellos conceptos que aunque teóricamente resultan claros, su aterrizaje a la realidad se torna complejo. Este texto está pensado para los estudiantes, concebido en el trasegar docente y perfeccionado en el quehacer investigativo en ámbitos no lucrativos.


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La presente Tesis se plantea el objetivo de determinar cómo se puede mejorar la competitividad comercial en ventas con la aplicación del Emarketing en las PYME del DMQ, en la metodología de la investigación se aplica primero la entrevista con preguntas estructuradas a especialistas en ECommerce, E-Marketing y emprendimientos dinámicos en PYMES, se realiza la prueba piloto y luego se aplica la encuesta definitiva a 97 PYME afiliadas a la Cámara de la Pequeña y Mediana Industria –CAPEIPI-. Los resultados se procesan mediante el uso de tablas dinámicas y los hallazgos se contrastan con los promedios internacionales del reporte 2012 de la Industria del Marketing en Redes Sociales y también entre sectores. Se determinan los logros alcanzados -mediante el uso de las herramientas de E-Marketing- las necesidades de capacitación, asesoramiento y la proyección del uso de las herramientas a mediano plazo. A continuación se proponen los lineamientos que se deberían seguir para una buena implementación del E-Marketing en las PYME del DMQ, orientados al logro del mejoramiento de la competitividad comercial en ventas, para finalmente recomendar su implementación empleando en principio las herramientas gratuitas y monitoreando los resultados para actuar en forma proactiva, primero invirtiendo en E-Marketing de acuerdo a los objetivos de ventas esperados y no esperando primero generar utilidades para luego asignar un presupuesto a Marketing.


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Las ventas del formato físico de música se han reducido en Ecuador por falta de control de la piratería y elevados precios de venta al público, provocando la reducción de tiendas discos y el fortalecimiento de la ilegalidad. El lanzamiento de tiendas digitales legales de música en el país representa una oportunidad para las compañías discográficas de impulsar el consumo de música digital, destacando iTunes como la plataforma de mayor difusión y penetración, frente a la cual ninguna compañía ha desarrollado una estrategia. Universal Music es la compañía discográfica número uno en el mundo, y en Ecuador la única con operaciones propias, para la que se propone una estrategia mixta de marketing tradicional y digital, siguiendo una estrategia genérica de enfoque, actual en la empresa, orientada al segmento joven y joven – adulto y estrategias específicas de: penetración de mercado a través del diseño de un plan de comunicación de medios online y offline que promueva la venta del producto digital de la empresa en iTunes e incremente su participación en el mercado musical digital del país, y una estrategia específica de diversificación concéntrica proponiendo la música digital como nuevo formato de calidad, variedad y bajo costo para un mercado que opta por la piratería ante la falta de opciones. El plan de acción considera estrategias y herramientas obtenidas el análisis de las 4 P tradicionales y las 4 nuevas P, desde un enfoque online y offline de product e- marketing, e-promotion, e- communication, e-advertising, ecommerce. La implementación de la estrategia contempla la aplicación del plan mixto de medios propuesto para el nuevo disco del cantante Juanes “Loco de Amor”, con énfasis en la campaña de medios online.


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This research examines the impact of ecommerce on sales and rental values and on the future space and ownership/leasing requirements of UK retailers for 2000-2005. The independent study, commissioned by BCSC (and funded by BCSC Educational Trust with support from the RICS Education Trust), included a major postal survey, follow-up interviews, a retail focus group, and shopper survey and case study of Cyberton, a town in the South East of England. The study was conducted by the Research Department of The College of Estate Management between June and December 2000.


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This research examines the role of retailing in urban regeneration nationally and locally in the UK. The research uses data at a national level and local shopping centre case studies to examine the employment and property impacts of retailing. Focusing on schemes built during the first part of the 1990s it shows that retail can bring employment and economic benefits to town centres, but that the impact on the inner city should not be overlooked. Valuable lessons can be learned from the experience of centres built during this period of recession, and new challenges such as eCommerce now face these centres and others being developed today. The research examines the multiplier effect of retail regeneration schemes nationally using National Accounts data, and the local property and employment impacts of shopping centre schemes in the case study towns of Aberdeen, Bristol, Norwich, Bromley, Worcester and Leicester. The report includes valuable statistical sources, a full literature and policy review and will be of interest to those involved in property investment, regeneration and planning. The research was funded by the Office of Science & Technology and the Harold Samuel Educational Trust.


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The client, Senselogic, had noticed an increased demand for an e-commerce system integrated into its product, SiteVision, something that did not previously exist. Senselogic wanted to integrate a third-party system to manage e-commerce. The problem was that there were very many e-commerce solutions to choose from. In order to select the best system it was necessary to evaluate the e-commerce systems and compare them to each other. To identify the elements that has to be included in an e-commerce system a study of literature was conducted. From the parts identified in the study of literature, a number of criteria were presented. Those criteria were then supplemented with additional criteria that Senselogic required of an e-commerce system before integrating it with SiteVision. Before the evaluation a number of test cases were created to test whether the ecommerce systems fulfilled to the criteria developed. These test cases were then used in the evaluation of the e-commerce systems while a test score was filled in. Then the evaluations of the different systems were compiled and compared in order to see which system best fulfilled the criteria. There was one system that scored higher than the others in the evaluation created. That was the system chosen to integrate with SiteVision.


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Research has shown that microenterprises have ability to survive and grow with the support of portals that include eCcommerce. However, almost no research has demonstrated how it’s done and what support microenterprises want. Results of our study shows that the portals have to be improved to support the use of advanced ICT applications, make it usable to use, and give more time for core business for the participating microenterprises. We have seen that portals have to solve problem with the technical solution and the process of payment. The network building activities in the portals do not happen in such extent that we have expected based on previous research. If portals will get businesses to grow in microenterprises, we propose that in addition to providing access to advanced ICT applications need to climbs one step higher in the DTI ladder and create more of eCommerce to increase sales in a greater market. We also propose that portals which support cooperation between microenterprises in rural areas from different branches have the best chances to succeed in the future.


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Increasing use of the World Wide Web as a B2C commercial tool raises interest in understanding the key issues in building relationships with customers on the Internet. Trust is believed to be the key to these relationships. Given the differences between a virtual and a conventional marketplace, antecedents and consequences of trust merit re-examination. This research identifies a number of key factors related to trust in the B2C context and proposes a framework based on a series of underpinning relationships among these factors.


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Purpose: Online education has been growing rapidly, but has not had the benefit of the extensive teaching pedagogy development of traditional face-to-face teaching. This paper aims to provide a review of the current literature and present the results of a survey, conducted to determine the effectiveness of a graduate online subject. Design/methodology/approach: The literature was reviewed to identify measures of success and quality in online education delivery. These measures were then considered in relation to their application in practice via a case study based around a survey conducted at Deakin University in Australia. Findings: A total of 16 relevant measures of teaching quality were identified in the literature. Most measures had elements of bias and some were more generally applicable to online learning. The case study suggested that the value of computer mediated learning in an online environment was limited and that a combination of print and computer mediated conferencing performed better in more of the identified quality matrices. Practice implications: Online learning does not save teaching resources if standards of quality are maintained. It can be used to provide a remote teaching facility, provided it is backed up by resources such as printed study guides. For the subject evaluated, online mediated learning did not the provide the same quality of education. Originality/value: Whilst some research has been conducted in this area, no substantive grounded theory has been applied to postgraduate or fee-paying online education regimes. As a result, case studies of such applications can be very helpful in the design of future teaching systems.


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Service organizations need to consider in depth the human resource management (HRM) strategies that will enable them to achieve sustained competitive advantage in the e-commerce era. This paper analyzes the HRM strategies developed to accommodate the changing customer service practices associated with B2C e-commerce in the retail banking sector. Based on case study data, it describes how two banks in Australia, one large, the other small, have linked their e-commerce strategies with their overall business strategy, and the extent to which their HRM strategies have helped them to utilize their e-commerce capability to achieve sustained competitive advantage.


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Universities are increasingly turning to ‘fashionable’ education programs to attract bright, high-quality students to both under-graduate and post-graduate degree programs. Traditional offerings in technology areas, such as Information Systems and Information Technology are being augmented by newer, more marketable degrees in areas such as eCommerce/eBusiness. This paper analyses the eCommerce/eBusiness and Information Systems (IS) / Information Technology (IT) academic programs in Australian and New Zealand universities on the basis of Kotler and Fox's service offering model of educational institutions; and considers what differences exist between these two apparently similar areas of academic endeavour. Finally we look at the trends of academic program delivery in the e-age and question whether universities need to take a more consumer-product approach to the issue of attracting appropriate students.


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As organisations deploy eCommerce and internet technologies for competitive advantage and to satisfy increasingly demanding customers, they will need to develop human resource (HR) strategies that prepare their employees to work with these technologies effectively. Little systematic investigation has been undertaken to discover how companies manage their HR functions to achieve these outcomes. In the retail banking sector these issues have become very important with increased competition, industry changes and heightened competition. This paper examines HR management strategy in one Australian bank as it moves towards online service provision and adopts other eCommerce applications. The paper draws on theoretical insights from Porter’s (2001) views of competitive advantage from the internet and writers discussing the informational society (Castells, 2001) and post-fordist organisations (Clegg, 1990). An analysis of interview data from this case study shows the issues that one bank is dealing with as it seeks competitive advantage from its customer service offerings while it revises its HR strategies.