993 resultados para Eco-efficiency ratios
Thin film solar cells having structure CuInS2/In2S3 were fabricated using chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) technique over ITO coated glass. Top electrode was silver film (area 0.05 cm2). Cu/In ratio and S/Cu in the precursor solution for CuInS2 were fixed as 1.2 and 5 respectively. In/S ratio in the precursor solution for In2S3 was fixed as 1.2/8. An efficiency of 0.6% (fill factor -37.6%) was obtained. Cu diffusion to the In2S3 layer, which deteriorates junction properties, is inevitable in CuInS2/In2S3 cell. So to decrease this effect and to ensure a Cu-free In2S3 layer at the top of the cell, Cu/In ratio was reduced to 1. Then a remarkable increase in short circuit current density was occurred from 3 mA/cm2 to 14.8 mA/cm2 and an efficiency of 2.13% was achieved. Also when In/S ratio was altered to 1.2/12, the short circuit current density increased to 17.8 mA/cm2 with an improved fill factor of 32% and efficiency remaining as 2%. Thus Cu/In and In/S ratios in the precursor solutions play a crucial role in determining the cell parameters
El present treball es centra en l'estudi a diferents nivells dels carotenoides de les espècies marrons de Bacteris Verds del Sofre (GSB, de l'anglès Green Sulfur Bacteria). L'objectiu global ha estat el d'esbrinar quina és la funció d'aquests pigments dins l'aparell fotosintètic d'aquests microorganismes i aprofundir en el coneixement de la seva estructura i interaccions amb els altres pigments de l'aparell fotosintètic. En primer lloc es va dissenyar un nou mètode de cromatografia líquida d'alta resolució (HPLC) per analitzar de manera més ràpida i precisa els carotenoides de diferents soques de GSB (Capítol 3). Aquest mètode es basa en una purificació prèvia dels extractes pigmentaris amb columnes d'alúmina per eliminar les bacterioclorofil·les (BCls). Això va permetre analitzar amb una elevada resolució i en tan sols 45 min de carrera cromatogràfica els diferents carotenoides i els seus precursors, així com les configuracions trans i cis dels seus isòmers. El segon mètode utilitzat va consistir en una modificació del mètode de Borrego i Garcia-Gil (1994) i va permetre la separació precisa de tot tipus de pigments, procedents tant de cultius purs com de mostres de caràcter complex. Un exemple concret foren uns paleosediments de la zona lacustre de Banyoles. En aquests sediments (0,7-1,5 milions d'anys d'antiguitat) es van detectar, entre d'altres pigments, carotenoides específics de les espècies marrons de GSB, la qual cosa va permetre confirmar la presència d'aquests bacteris a la zona lacustre de Banyoles ja des del Pleistocè inferior. En aquest primer capítol també es van analitzar els carotenoides de Chlorobium (Chl.) phaeobacteroides CL1401 mitjançant cromatografia líquida acoblada a espectrometria de masses (LC-MS/MS), amb l'objectiu de confirmar la seva identificació i el seu pes molecular. A més, també es va avaluar l'efecte de la temperatura, la llum i diferents agents oxidants i reductors en la composició quantitativa i qualitativa dels carotenoides i les BCls d'aquesta espècie. Això va permetre confirmar el caràcter fotosensible de les BCls i que els isòmers trans/cis dels diferents carotenoides no són artefactes produïts durant la manipulació de les mostres, sinó que són constitutius de l'aparell fotosintètic d'aquests microorganismes. El Capítol 4 inclou els experiments de fisiologia duts a terme amb algunes espècies de GSB, a partir dels quals es va intentar esbrinar la dinàmica de síntesi dels diferents pigments de l'aparell fotosintètic (BCl antena, BCl a i carotenoides) durant el creixement d'aquestes espècies. Aquestes investigacions van permetre monitoritzar també els canvis en el nombre de centres de reacció (CR) durant el procés d'adaptació lumínica. La determinació experimental del nombre de CR es va realitzar a partir de la quantificació de la BCl663, l'acceptor primari en la cadena de transport d'electrons dels GSB. L'estimació del nombre de CR/clorosoma es va realitzar tant a partir de dades estequiomètriques i biomètriques presents a la bibliografia, com a partir de les dades experimentals obtingudes en el present treball. El bon ajust obtingut entre les diferents estimacions va donar solidesa al valor estequiomètric calculat, que fou, com a promig, d'uns 70 CR per clorosoma. En aquest capítol de fisiologia també es van estudiar les variacions en les relacions trans/cis pels principals carotenoides de les espècies marrons de GSB. Aquestes es van determinar a partir de cultius purs de laboratori i de poblacions naturals de GSB. Pel que fa als valors trobats en cultius de laboratori no es van observar diferències destacades entre el valor calculat a alta intensitat de llum i el calculat a baixa intensitat, essent en ambdós casos proper a 2. En els clorosomes aïllats de diferents soques marrons aquest quocient prengué un valor similar tant pels isòmers de l'isorenieratè (Isr) com pels del -isorenieratè (-Isr). En poblacions naturals de Chl. phaeobacteroides aquesta relació va ser també de 2 isòmers trans per cada isòmer cis, mantenint-se constant tant en fondària com al llarg del temps. Finalment, en el Capítol 5 es presenta un marcador molecular que permet la identificació específica d'espècies marrons de GSB. Malgrat que inicialment aquest marcador fou dissenyat a partir d'un gen implicat en la síntesi de carotenoides (crtY, el qual codifica per a una licopè ciclasa) la seqüència final a partir de la qual s'han aconseguit els encebadors selectius està relacionada amb la família de proteïnes de les Policètid-ceto-sintases (PKT). Tot i així, l'eina dissenyada pot ser de gran utilitat per a la discriminació d'espècies marrons de GSB respecte les verdes en poblacions mixtes com les que es troben en ambients naturals i obre la porta a futurs experiments d'ecologia microbiana utilitzant tècniques com la PCR en temps real, que permetria la monitorització selectiva de les poblacions d'espècies marrons de GSB en ecosistemes naturals.
Polyethylenimine (PEI) is an efficient nonviral gene delivery vector because of its high buffering capacity and DNA condensation ability. In our study, the amino groups on the polymeric backbone were acylated using acetic or propionic anhydride to alter the protonation behaviour and the hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance of the polymer. The concentration of acylated primary amines was determined using trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid assay. Results showed that our modified polymers had lower buffering capacities in solutions compared to PEI. The polymers were complexed with plasmid encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein at three different ratios (1:1, 1:2 and 1:10 w/w DNA to polymer) to form polyplexes and their toxicities and transfection efficiencies were evaluated in HEK 293 cells. Acylation reduced the number of primary amines on the polymer and the surface charge, improving haemocompatibility and reducing cytotoxicity. The reduction in the concentration of amino groups helped to optimise DNA compaction and facilitated polyplex dissociation in the cell, which increased transfection efficiency of the modified polymers compared to the parent polymer. Polymers with buffering capacities greater than 50% and less than 80% relative to PEI, showed higher transfection efficiencies than PEI. The propionic anhydride modified polymers had appropriate interactions with DNA which provided both DNA compaction and polyplex dissociation. These systems interacted better with the cell membrane because of their slightly higher lipophilicity and formed polyplexes which were less cytotoxic than polyplexes of acetic anhydride modified polymers. Among the vectors tested, 1:0.3 mol/mol PEI:propionic anhydride in a 1:2 w/w DNA:polymer composition provided the best transfection system with improved transfection efficiency and reduced cytotoxicity.
A multiple factor parametrization is described to permit the efficient calculation of collision efficiency (E) between electrically charged aerosol particles and neutral cloud droplets in numerical models of cloud and climate. The four-parameter representation summarizes the results obtained from a detailed microphysical model of E, which accounts for the different forces acting on the aerosol in the path of falling cloud droplets. The parametrization's range of validity is for aerosol particle radii of 0.4 to 10 mu m, aerosol particle densities of I to 2.0 g cm(-3), aerosol particle charges from neutral to 100 elementary charges and drop radii from 18.55 to 142 mu m. The parametrization yields values of E well within an order of magnitude of the detailed model's values, from a dataset of 3978 E values. Of these values 95% have modelled to parametrized ratios between 0.5 and 1.5 for aerosol particle sizes ranging between 0.4 and 2.0 mu m, and about 96% in the second size range. This parametrization speeds up the calculation of E by a factor of similar to 10(3) compared with the original microphysical model, permitting the inclusion of electric charge effects in numerical cloud and climate models.
A UK field experiment compared a complete factorial combination of three backgrounds (cvs Mercia, Maris Huntsman and Maris Widgeon), three alleles at the Rht-B1 locus as Near Isogenic Lines (NILs: rht-B1a (tall), Rht-B1b (semi-dwarf), Rht-B1c (severe dwarf)) and four nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates (0, 100, 200 and 350 kg N/ha). Linear+exponential functions were fitted to grain yield (GY) and nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE; GY/available N) responses to N rate. Averaged over N rate and background Rht-B1b conferred significantly (P<0.05) greater GY, NUE, N uptake efficiency (NUpE; N in above ground crop / available N) and N utilization efficiency (NUtEg; GY / N in above ground crop) compared with rht-B1a and Rht-B1c. However the economically optimal N rate (Nopt) for N:grain price ratios of 3.5:1 to 10:1 were also greater for Rht-B1b, and because NUE, NUpE and NUtE all declined with N rate, Rht-Blb failed to increase NUE or its components at Nopt. The adoption of semi-dwarf lines in temperate and humid regions, and the greater N rates that such adoption justifies economically, greatly increases land-use efficiency, but not necessarily, NUE.
Many modern cities locate in the mountainous areas, like Hong Kong, Phoenix City and Los Angles. It is confirmed in the literature that the mountain wind system developed by differential heating or cooling can be very beneficial in ventilating the city nearby and alleviating the UHI effect. However, the direct interaction of mountain wind with the natural-convection circulation due to heated urban surfaces has not been studied, to our best knowledge. This kind of unique interaction of two kinds of airflow structures under calm and neutral atmospheric environment is investigated in this paper by CFD approach. A physical model comprising a simple mountain and three long building blocks (forming two street canyons) is firstly developed. Different airflow structures are identified within the conditions of different mountain-building height ratios (R=Hm/Hb) by varying building height but fixing mountain height. It is found that the higher ventilation rate in the street canyons is expected in the cases of smaller mountain-building ratios, indicating the stronger natural convection due to increasing heated building surfaces. However, there is the highest air change rate (ACH) in the lowest-building-height case and most of the air is advective into the street canyon through the top open area, highlighting the important role played by the mountain wind. In terms of the ventilation efficiency, it is shown that the smallest R case enjoys the best air change efficiency followed by the highest R case, while the worst ventilative street canyons occur at the middle R case. In the end, a gap across the streets is introduced in the modeling. The existence of the gap can greatly channel the mountain wind and distribute the air into streets nearby. Thus the ACH can be doubled and air quality can be significantly improved.
The present study aimed to identify key parameters influencing N utilization and develop prediction equations for manure N output (MN), feces N output (FN), and urine N output (UN). Data were obtained under a series of digestibility trials with nonpregnant dry cows fed fresh grass at maintenance level. Grass was cut from 8 different ryegrass swards measured from early to late maturity in 2007 and 2008 (2 primary growth, 3 first regrowth, and 3 second regrowth) and from 2 primary growth early maturity swards in 2009. Each grass was offered to a group of 4 cows and 2 groups were used in each of the 8 swards in 2007 and 2008 for daily measurements over 6 wk; the first group (first 3 wk) and the second group (last 3 wk) assessed early and late maturity grass, respectively. Average values of continuous 3-d data of N intake (NI) and output for individual cows ( = 464) and grass nutrient contents ( = 116) were used in the statistical analysis. Grass N content was positively related to GE and ME contents but negatively related to grass water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), NDF, and ADF contents ( < 0.01), indicating that accounting for nutrient interrelations is a crucial aspect of N mitigation. Significantly greater ratios of UN:FN, UN:MN, and UN:NI were found with increased grass WSC contents and ratios of N:WSC, N:digestible OM in total DM (DOMD), and N:ME ( < 0.01). Greater NI, animal BW, and grass N contents and lower grass WSC, NDF, ADF, DOMD, and ME concentrations were significantly associated with greater MN, FN, and UN ( < 0.05). The present study highlighted that using grass lower in N and greater in fermentable energy in animals fed solely fresh grass at maintenance level can improve N utilization, reduce N outputs, and shift part of N excretion toward feces rather than urine. These outcomes are highly desirable in mitigation strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from livestock. Equations predicting N output from BW and grass N content explained a similar amount of variability as using NI and grass chemical composition (excluding DOMD and ME), implying that parameters easily measurable in practice could be used for estimating N outputs. In a research environment, where grass DOMD and ME are likely to be available, their use to predict N outputs is highly recommended because they strongly improved of the equations in the current study.
This work was conducted to evaluate food intake and digestive efficiency of temperate wool and tropic semi-arid hair lambs, according to different concentrate: forage ratios in diet. Twenty-four lambs, averaging 90 +/- 1.8 days old and a mean body weight of 20 +/- 0.69 kg, 12 of them wool lambs, F, from Ideal x Ile de France crossing, and 12 others pure Santa Ines hair lambs, were distributed into a four replication 3 x 2 factorial arrangement consisting of three diets and two genotypes. Experimental diets consisted of: D1 = 60% concentrate mix (C) and 40% Cynodon sp. cv. Tifton-85 hay (F), D2 = 40% C and 60% F, and D3 = 20% C and 80% F. D1 was formulated for a daily gain of 300g per animal. Increasing forage levels in diets resulted in linear reductions (P < 0.01) in DM, OM, CP, TCH and metabolizable energy (ME) intake, and a linear increase (P < 0.01) in NDF ingestion. Tropic semi-arid hair lambs had higher DM, OM, NDF, CP, and TCH intake than temperate wool lambs. Although there were no genotype effects in OM and GE coefficient of digestibility, hair lambs showed more efficient (P < 0.05) digestibility of DM, CP, NDF and TCH. Increases in forage levels of diets corresponded to a negative linear effect (P < 0.01) in the apparent digestibility of DM, OM, CP, TCH and GE, while apparent digestibility of NDF increased linearly (P < 0.01). Total endogenous nitrogen (fecal plus urinary N) for F(1) Ideal x Ilede France wool and Santa Ines hair lambs were, respectively, 182 and 312 mg/kg(0.75) per day. Thus, Santa Ines tropic semi-arid hair lambs showed to be more responsive than F(1) Ideal x Ile de France temperate wool lambs to low quality fibrous diets. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study suggests the use of high energy ball milling to mix (to dope) the phase MgB2 with the AlB2 crystalline structure compound, ZrB2, with the same C32 hexagonal structure than MgB 2, in different concentrations, enabling the maintenance of the crystalline phase structures practically unaffected and the efficient mixture with the dopant. The high energy ball milling was performed with different ball-to-powder ratios. The analysis of the transformation and formation of phases was accomplished by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), using the Rietveld method, and scanning electron microscopy. As the high energy ball milling reduced the crystallinity of the milled compounds, also reducing the size of the particles, the XRD analysis were influenced, and they could be used as comparative and control method of the milling. Aiming the recovery of crystallinity, homogenization and final phase formation, heat treatments were performed, enabling that crystalline phases, changed during milling, could be obtained again in the final product. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
Chitosan has been indicated as a safe and promising polycation vector for gene delivery. However its low transfection efficiency has been a challenging obstacle for its application. To address this limitation, we synthesized chitosan derivatives which had increasing amounts of diethylethylamine groups (DEAE) attached to the chitosan main chain. The plasmid DNA VR1412 (pDNA), encoding the ß-galactosidase (ß-gal) reporter gene was used to prepare nanoparticles with the chitosan derivatives, and the transfection studies were performed with HeLa cells. By means of dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements, it was shown that diethylethylamine-chitosan derivatives (DEAEx-CH) were able to condense DNA into small particles having a surface charge depending on the polymer/DNA ratio (N/P ratio). Nanoparticles prepared with derivatives containing 15 and 25% of DEAE groups (DEAE15-CH and DEAE25-CH) exhibited transfection efficiencies ten times higher than that observed with deacetylated chitosan (CH). For derivatives with higher degrees of substitution (DS), transfection efficiency decreased. The most effective carriers showed low cytotoxicity and good transfection activities at low charge ratios (N/P). Vectors with low DS were easily degraded in the presence of lysozyme at physiological conditions in vitro and the nontoxicity displayed by these vectors opens up new opportunities in the design of DEAE-chitosan-based nanoparticles for gene delivery. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.
One of the consequences of the opening of the worlds economies - an integral part of globalization - is increased focus on the efficiency and costs of transport services (on which competitiveness is largely dependent). Countries with inefficient and costly transport services lose out, in terms of economic activity and income, to those with more appropriate transport services. The issue is particularly important in Latin America, where exports mainly consist of bulk consignments of products with comparatively low value/quantity ratios and transport costs are a major determining factor of c.i.f. prices.The determination of competitiveness indices in the long term, however, also needs to include the costs of pollution, congestion and accidents, in addition to the transport costs usually considered as part of the price of freight. Competitiveness, efficiency and the global costs of transport were the main subjects of an international seminar organized in conjunction with the Chilean Institute of Engineers and held on 9 and 10 September 2004 at the Headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
[EN] Information about anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency that occurs over time during short-lasting maximal exercise is scarce and controversial. Bilateral leg press is an interesting muscle contraction model to estimate anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency during maximal exercise because it largely differs from the models used until now. This study examined the changes in muscle metabolite concentration and power output production during the first and the second half of a set of 10 repetitions to failure (10RM) of bilateral leg press exercise. On two separate days, muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis prior and immediately after a set of 5 or a set of 10 repetitions. During the second set of 5 repetitions, mean power production decreased by 19% and the average ATP utilisation accounted for by phosphagen decreased from 54% to 19%, whereas ATP utilisation from anaerobic glycolysis increased from 46 to 81%. Changes in contraction time and power output were correlated to the changes in muscle Phosphocreatine (PCr; r = -0.76; P<0.01) and lactate (r = -0.91; P<0.01), respectively, and were accompanied by parallel decreases (P<0.01-0.05) in muscle energy charge (0.6%), muscle ATP/ADP (8%) and ATP/AMP (19%) ratios, as well as by increases in ADP content (7%). The estimated average rate of ATP utilisation from anaerobic sources during the final 5 repetitions fell to 83% whereas total anaerobic ATP production increased by 9% due to a 30% longer average duration of exercise (18.4 +/- 4.0 vs 14.2 +/- 2.1 s). These data indicate that during a set of 10RM of bilateral leg press exercise there is a decrease in power output which is associated with a decrease in the contribution of PCr and/or an increase in muscle lactate. The higher energy cost per repetition during the second 5 repetitions is suggestive of decreased mechanical efficiency.
A new technique for on-line high resolution isotopic analysis of liquid water, tailored for ice core studies is presented. We built an interface between a Wavelength Scanned Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (WS-CRDS) purchased from Picarro Inc. and a Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system. The system offers the possibility to perform simultaneuous water isotopic analysis of δ18O and δD on a continuous stream of liquid water as generated from a continuously melted ice rod. Injection of sub μl amounts of liquid water is achieved by pumping sample through a fused silica capillary and instantaneously vaporizing it with 100% efficiency in a~home made oven at a temperature of 170 °C. A calibration procedure allows for proper reporting of the data on the VSMOW–SLAP scale. We apply the necessary corrections based on the assessed performance of the system regarding instrumental drifts and dependance on the water concentration in the optical cavity. The melt rates are monitored in order to assign a depth scale to the measured isotopic profiles. Application of spectral methods yields the combined uncertainty of the system at below 0.1‰ and 0.5‰ for δ18O and δD, respectively. This performance is comparable to that achieved with mass spectrometry. Dispersion of the sample in the transfer lines limits the temporal resolution of the technique. In this work we investigate and assess these dispersion effects. By using an optimal filtering method we show how the measured profiles can be corrected for the smoothing effects resulting from the sample dispersion. Considering the significant advantages the technique offers, i.e. simultaneuous measurement of δ18O and δD, potentially in combination with chemical components that are traditionally measured on CFA systems, notable reduction on analysis time and power consumption, we consider it as an alternative to traditional isotope ratio mass spectrometry with the possibility to be deployed for field ice core studies. We present data acquired in the field during the 2010 season as part of the NEEM deep ice core drilling project in North Greenland.
Distribution, density, and feeding dynamics of the pelagic tunicate Salpa thompsoni have been investigated during the expedition ANTARKTIS XVIII/5b to the Eastern Bellingshausen Sea on board RV Polarstern in April 2001. This expedition was the German contribution to the field campaign of the Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics Study (SO-GLOBEC). Salps were found at 31% of all RMT-8 and Bongo stations. Their densities in the RMT-8 samples were low and did not exceed 4.8 ind/m**2 and 7.4 mg C/m**2. However, maximum salp densities sampled with the Bongo net reached 56 ind/m**2 and 341 mg C/m**2. A bimodal salp length frequency distribution was recorded over the shelf, and suggested two recent budding events. This was also confirmed by the developmental stage composition of solitary forms. Ingestion rates of aggregate forms increased from 2.8 to 13.9 µg (pig)/ind/day or from 0.25 to 2.38 mg C/ind/day in salps from 10 to 40 mm oral-atrial length, accounting for 25-75% of body carbon per day. Faecal pellet production rates were on average 0.08 pellet/ind/h with a pronounced diel pattern. Daily individual egestion rates in 13 and 30 mm aggregates ranged from 0.6 to 4.8 µg (pig)/day or from 164 to 239 µg C/day. Assimilation efficiency ranged from 73 to 90% and from 65 to 76% in 13 and 30 mm aggregates, respectively. S. thompsoni exhibited similar ingestion and egestion rates previously estimated for low Antarctic (~50°S) habitats. It has been suggested that the salp population was able to develop in the Eastern Bellingshausen Sea due to an intrusion into the area of the warm Upper Circumpolar Deep Water