444 resultados para ENCRYPTION


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A chaotic encryption algorithm is proposed based on the "Life-like" cellular automata (CA), which acts as a pseudo-random generator (PRNG). The paper main focus is to use chaos theory to cryptography. Thus, CA was explored to look for this "chaos" property. This way, the manuscript is more concerning on tests like: Lyapunov exponent, Entropy and Hamming distance to measure the chaos in CA, as well as statistic analysis like DIEHARD and ENT suites. Our results achieved higher randomness quality than others ciphers in literature. These results reinforce the supposition of a strong relationship between chaos and the randomness quality. Thus, the "chaos" property of CA is a good reason to be employed in cryptography, furthermore, for its simplicity, low cost of implementation and respectable encryption power. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Descrizione dell'algoritmo crittografico AES, criteri adottati dal NIST per la scelta di AES e considerazioni sulla sua sicurezza.


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LLas nuevas tecnologías orientadas a la nube, el internet de las cosas o las tendencias "as a service" se basan en el almacenamiento y procesamiento de datos en servidores remotos. Para garantizar la seguridad en la comunicación de dichos datos al servidor remoto, y en el manejo de los mismos en dicho servidor, se hace uso de diferentes esquemas criptográficos. Tradicionalmente, dichos sistemas criptográficos se centran en encriptar los datos mientras no sea necesario procesarlos (es decir, durante la comunicación y almacenamiento de los mismos). Sin embargo, una vez es necesario procesar dichos datos encriptados (en el servidor remoto), es necesario desencriptarlos, momento en el cual un intruso en dicho servidor podría a acceder a datos sensibles de usuarios del mismo. Es más, este enfoque tradicional necesita que el servidor sea capaz de desencriptar dichos datos, teniendo que confiar en la integridad de dicho servidor de no comprometer los datos. Como posible solución a estos problemas, surgen los esquemas de encriptación homomórficos completos. Un esquema homomórfico completo no requiere desencriptar los datos para operar con ellos, sino que es capaz de realizar las operaciones sobre los datos encriptados, manteniendo un homomorfismo entre el mensaje cifrado y el mensaje plano. De esta manera, cualquier intruso en el sistema no podría robar más que textos cifrados, siendo imposible un robo de los datos sensibles sin un robo de las claves de cifrado. Sin embargo, los esquemas de encriptación homomórfica son, actualmente, drás-ticamente lentos comparados con otros esquemas de encriptación clásicos. Una op¬eración en el anillo del texto plano puede conllevar numerosas operaciones en el anillo del texto encriptado. Por esta razón, están surgiendo distintos planteamientos sobre como acelerar estos esquemas para un uso práctico. Una de las propuestas para acelerar los esquemas homomórficos consiste en el uso de High-Performance Computing (HPC) usando FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). Una FPGA es un dispositivo semiconductor que contiene bloques de lógica cuya interconexión y funcionalidad puede ser reprogramada. Al compilar para FPGAs, se genera un circuito hardware específico para el algorithmo proporcionado, en lugar de hacer uso de instrucciones en una máquina universal, lo que supone una gran ventaja con respecto a CPUs. Las FPGAs tienen, por tanto, claras difrencias con respecto a CPUs: -Arquitectura en pipeline: permite la obtención de outputs sucesivos en tiempo constante -Posibilidad de tener multiples pipes para computación concurrente/paralela. Así, en este proyecto: -Se realizan diferentes implementaciones de esquemas homomórficos en sistemas basados en FPGAs. -Se analizan y estudian las ventajas y desventajas de los esquemas criptográficos en sistemas basados en FPGAs, comparando con proyectos relacionados. -Se comparan las implementaciones con trabajos relacionados New cloud-based technologies, the internet of things or "as a service" trends are based in data storage and processing in a remote server. In order to guarantee a secure communication and handling of data, cryptographic schemes are used. Tradi¬tionally, these cryptographic schemes focus on guaranteeing the security of data while storing and transferring it, not while operating with it. Therefore, once the server has to operate with that encrypted data, it first decrypts it, exposing unencrypted data to intruders in the server. Moreover, the whole traditional scheme is based on the assumption the server is reliable, giving it enough credentials to decipher data to process it. As a possible solution for this issues, fully homomorphic encryption(FHE) schemes is introduced. A fully homomorphic scheme does not require data decryption to operate, but rather operates over the cyphertext ring, keeping an homomorphism between the cyphertext ring and the plaintext ring. As a result, an outsider could only obtain encrypted data, making it impossible to retrieve the actual sensitive data without its associated cypher keys. However, using homomorphic encryption(HE) schemes impacts performance dras-tically, slowing it down. One operation in the plaintext space can lead to several operations in the cyphertext space. Because of this, different approaches address the problem of speeding up these schemes in order to become practical. One of these approaches consists in the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) using FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array). An FPGA is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a customer or a designer after manufacturing - hence "field-programmable". Compiling into FPGA means generating a circuit (hardware) specific for that algorithm, instead of having an universal machine and generating a set of machine instructions. FPGAs have, thus, clear differences compared to CPUs: - Pipeline architecture, which allows obtaining successive outputs in constant time. -Possibility of having multiple pipes for concurrent/parallel computation. Thereby, In this project: -We present different implementations of FHE schemes in FPGA-based systems. -We analyse and study advantages and drawbacks of the implemented FHE schemes, compared to related work.


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"Issued August 1980."


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Online multimedia data needs to be encrypted for access control. To be capable of working on mobile devices such as pocket PC and mobile phones, lightweight video encryption algorithms should be proposed. The two major problems in these algorithms are that they are either not fast enough or unable to work on highly compressed data stream. In this paper, we proposed a new lightweight encryption algorithm based on Huffman error diffusion. It is a selective algorithm working on compressed data. By carefully choosing the most significant parts (MSP), high performance is achieved with proper security. Experimental results has proved the algorithm to be fast. secure: and compression-compatible.


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Streaming video application requires high security as well as high computational performance. In video encryption, traditional selective algorithms have been used to partially encrypt the relatively important data in order to satisfy the streaming performance requirement. Most video selective encryption algorithms are inherited from still image encryption algorithms, the encryption on motion vector data is not considered. The assumption is that motion vector data are not as important as pixel image data. Unfortunately, in some cases, motion vector itself may be sufficient enough to leak out useful video information. Normally motion vector data consume over half of the whole video stream bandwidth, neglecting their security may be unwise. In this paper, we target this security problem and illustrate attacks at two different levels that can restore useful video information using motion vectors only. Further, an information analysis is made and a motion vector information model is built. Based on this model, we describe a new motion vector encryption algorithm called MVEA. We show the experimental results of MVEA. The security strength and performance of the algorithm are also evaluated.


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In this thesis we present an overview of sparse approximations of grey level images. The sparse representations are realized by classic, Matching Pursuit (MP) based, greedy selection strategies. One such technique, termed Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), is shown to be suitable for producing sparse approximations of images, if they are processed in small blocks. When the blocks are enlarged, the proposed Self Projected Matching Pursuit (SPMP) algorithm, successfully renders equivalent results to OMP. A simple coding algorithm is then proposed to store these sparse approximations. This is shown, under certain conditions, to be competitive with JPEG2000 image compression standard. An application termed image folding, which partially secures the approximated images is then proposed. This is extended to produce a self contained folded image, containing all the information required to perform image recovery. Finally a modified OMP selection technique is applied to produce sparse approximations of Red Green Blue (RGB) images. These RGB approximations are then folded with the self contained approach.


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Encryption of personal data is widely regarded as a privacy preserving technology which could potentially play a key role for the compliance of innovative IT technology within the European data protection law framework. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the new EU General Data Protection Regulation’s relevant provisions regarding encryption – such as those for anonymisation and pseudonymisation – and assess whether encryption can serve as an anonymisation technique, which can lead to the non-applicability of the GDPR. However, the provisions of the GDPR regarding the material scope of the Regulation still leave space for legal uncertainty when determining whether a data subject is identifiable or not. Therefore, we inter alia assess the Opinion of the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) regarding a preliminary ruling on the interpretation of the dispute concerning whether a dynamic IP address can be considered as personal data, which may put an end to the dispute whether an absolute or a relative approach has to be used for the assessment of the identifiability of data subjects. Furthermore, we outline the issue of whether the anonymisation process itself constitutes a further processing of personal data which needs to have a legal basis in the GDPR. Finally, we give an overview of relevant encryption techniques and examine their impact upon the GDPR’s material scope.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Transmitting sensitive data over non-secret channels has always required encryption technologies to ensure that the data arrives without exposure to eavesdroppers. The Internet has made it possible to transmit vast volumes of data more rapidly and cheaply and to a wider audience than ever before. At the same time, strong encryption makes it possible to send data securely, to digitally sign it, to prove it was sent or received, and to guarantee its integrity. The Internet and encryption make bulk transmission of data a commercially viable proposition. However, there are implementation challenges to solve before commercial bulk transmission becomes mainstream. Powerful have a performance cost, and may affect quality of service. Without encryption, intercepted data may be illicitly duplicated and re-sold, or its commercial value diminished because its secrecy is lost. Performance degradation and potential for commercial loss discourage the bulk transmission of data over the Internet in any commercial application. This paper outlines technical solutions to these problems. We develop new technologies and combine existing ones in new and powerful ways to minimise commercial loss without compromising performance or inflating overheads.


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Secure transmission of bulk data is of interest to many content providers. A commercially-viable distribution of content requires technology to prevent unauthorised access. Encryption tools are powerful, but have a performance cost. Without encryption, intercepted data may be illicitly duplicated and re-sold, or its commercial value diminished because its secrecy is lost. Two technical solutions make it possible to perform bulk transmissions while retaining security without too high a performance overhead. These are: 1. a) hierarchical encryption - the stronger the encryption, the harder it is to break but also the more computationally expensive it is. A hierarchical approach to key exchange means that simple and relatively weak encryption and keys are used to encrypt small chunks of data, for example 10 seconds of video. Each chunk has its own key. New keys for this bottom-level encryption are exchanged using a slightly stronger encryption, for example a whole-video key could govern the exchange of the 10-second chunk keys. At a higher level again, there could be daily or weekly keys, securing the exchange of whole-video keys, and at a yet higher level, a subscriber key could govern the exchange of weekly keys. At higher levels, the encryption becomes stronger but is used less frequently, so that the overall computational cost is minimal. The main observation is that the value of each encrypted item determines the strength of the key used to secure it. 2. b) non-symbolic fragmentation with signal diversity - communications are usually assumed to be sent over a single communications medium, and the data to have been encrypted and/or partitioned in whole-symbol packets. Network and path diversity break up a file or data stream into fragments which are then sent over many different channels, either in the same network or different networks. For example, a message could be transmitted partly over the phone network and partly via satellite. While TCP/IP does a similar thing in sending different packets over different paths, this is done for load-balancing purposes and is invisible to the end application. Network and path diversity deliberately introduce the same principle as a secure communications mechanism - an eavesdropper would need to intercept not just one transmission path but all paths used. Non-symbolic fragmentation of data is also introduced to further confuse any intercepted stream of data. This involves breaking up data into bit strings which are subsequently disordered prior to transmission. Even if all transmissions were intercepted, the cryptanalyst still needs to determine fragment boundaries and correctly order them. These two solutions depart from the usual idea of data encryption. Hierarchical encryption is an extension of the combined encryption of systems such as PGP but with the distinction that the strength of encryption at each level is determined by the "value" of the data being transmitted. Non- symbolic fragmentation suppresses or destroys bit patterns in the transmitted data in what is essentially a bit-level transposition cipher but with unpredictable irregularly-sized fragments. Both technologies have applications outside the commercial and can be used in conjunction with other forms of encryption, being functionally orthogonal.


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Homomorphic encryption is a particular type of encryption method that enables computing over encrypted data. This has a wide range of real world ramifications such as being able to blindly compute a search result sent to a remote server without revealing its content. In the first part of this thesis, we discuss how database search queries can be made secure using a homomorphic encryption scheme based on the ideas of Gahi et al. Gahi’s method is based on the integer-based fully homomorphic encryption scheme proposed by Dijk et al. We propose a new database search scheme called the Homomorphic Query Processing Scheme, which can be used with the ring-based fully homomorphic encryption scheme proposed by Braserski. In the second part of this thesis, we discuss the cybersecurity of the smart electric grid. Specifically, we use the Homomorphic Query Processing scheme to construct a keyword search technique in the smart grid. Our work is based on the Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search (PEKS) method introduced by Boneh et al. and a Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption scheme proposed by L´opez-Alt et al. A summary of the results of this thesis (specifically the Homomorphic Query Processing Scheme) is published at the 14th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory (CWIT).