193 resultados para EMT


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Using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), we have measured the optical properties of amorphous carbon (a-C) films ∼ 10-30 nm thick prepared using a filtered beam of C+ ions from a cathodic arc. Such films exhibit a wide range of sp3-bonded carbon contents from 20 to 76 at.% as measured by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and a range of optical gaps from 0.65 eV (20 at.% sp3 C) to 2.25 eV (76 at.% sp3 C) as measured by SE. SE data from 1.5 to 5 eV have been analyzed by applying the most widely used effective medium theory (EMT) namely that of Bruggeman with isotropic screening, assuming a model of the material as a composite with sp2 C and sp3 C components. Although the atomic fractions of sp3 C deduced by SE with the Bruggeman EMT correlate monotonically with those obtained by EELS, the SE results range from 10 to 25 at.% higher. The possible origins of this discrepancy are discussed within the framework of an optical composite. Improved agreement between SE and EELS is obtained by employing a simple form for the EMT, in which the effective dielectric function is determined as a volume-fraction-weighted average of the dielectric functions of the two components. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发现,在爪蟾胚胎中Nkx6.3的过表达或抑制表达都导致神经嵴标记基因表达降低。进一步研究发现,32细胞期在不同部位注射Nkx6.3 mRNA可以异位诱导或抑制Slug的表达。动物帽实验显示,Nkx6.3单独过表达可以诱导神经嵴发生,而迄今为止转录因子中只有Snail1具有这一单独诱导能力。在爪蟾胚胎及动物帽中,过表达Nkx6.3都可以诱导Fgf8、Wnt8而抑制BMP4的转录,而且Nkx6.3对这些分泌因子的调控方式是不同的。4细胞期过表达Nkx6.3的胚胎,在促进Fgf8和Wnt8而抑制BMP4的同时,却抑制神经板边界特异基因Msx1、Pax3和神经嵴特异基因Slug的表达,说明Nkx6.3对神经嵴的诱导调控在神经板边界基因层次还存在抑制作用。32细胞过表达Nkx6.3会细胞自主性抑制以及细胞非自主诱导Msx1、Pax3、Slug的表达。Nkx6.3异位诱导Dlx5却抑制Dlx3的表达,说明Dlx5可能是Nkx6.3负调控的直接靶基因。由此,我们提出Nkx6.3的神经嵴诱导调控分为两个层次:分泌信号分子水平的正调控和神经板边界决定水平的负调控。在脊椎动物的神经发生过程中,神经管背腹不同层次形成不同的神经元。这些神经元细胞的命运由背腹起源的多种形态发生素决定。形态发生素通过浓度梯度确定了一组转录因子在神经管背腹不同层次的特异表达,这些基因的组合调控决定了神经前体细胞的命运。然而,这些转录因子是如何解读形态发生素梯度信号的还不是很清楚。第四章,我们通过对神经管腹侧特异表达的转录因子的调控区进行预测,确定了可能调控这些基因表达的保守区段。此外,我们改进了爪蟾转基因操作,并用这一技术确证了Nkx6.2的调控区域。Dbx1、Nkx2.2及Pax6的转录调控区已在小鼠或爪蟾中报道过。由此我们得到了两对在神经管背腹图式中相互作用的转录因子的调控区域:Nkx6.2和Dbx1、Nkx2.2和Pax6。通过对Nkx6.2和Dbx1的调控保守区的转录因子结合位点的预测,我们发现这四个基因以及Wnt信号之间存在大量的相互调控。然而在这两个基因的调控区,我们没有发现Gli的调控位点,暗示这两个基因可能不受Shh的直接调控。我们还克隆了Dbx家族的两个基因,并检测了它们的时空特异性表达,发现Dbx2是母源性表达的,而Dbx1是合子型基因。这两个基因的表达图式相似,都在神经板中线两侧成线状表达,尾芽期在神经管中部表达。过表达Dbx2抑制神经元的初级分化,说明它可能与Dbx1一样具有维持神经板细胞未分化状态的功能。Dbx2的过表达还抑制Nkx6.2及Dbx1的表达,说明它们可能一起参与了神经管腹侧图式的调控。


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Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) are believed to play a role in invasion and metastasis of many types of tumors. In this issue of the JCI, Chen et al. show that a gene that has been associated with aggressive biology in hepatocellular carcinomas initiates a molecular cascade that results in EMT.


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The cascade that culminates in macrometastases is thought to be mediated by phenotypic plasticity, including epithelial-mesenchymal and mesenchymal-epithelial transitions (EMT and MET). Although there is substantial support for the role of EMT in driving cancer cell invasion and dissemination, much less is known about the importance of MET in the later steps of metastatic colonization. We created novel reporters, which integrate transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, to test whether MET is required for metastasis in multiple in vivo cancer models. In a model of carcinosarcoma, metastasis occurred via an MET-dependent pathway; however, in two prostate carcinoma models, metastatic colonization was MET independent. Our results provide evidence for both MET-dependent and MET-independent metastatic pathways.


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Chronic fibrosis represents the final common pathway in progressive renal disease. Myofibroblasts deposit the constituents of renal scar, thus crippling renal function. It has recently emerged that an important source of these pivotal effector cells is the injured renal epithelium. This review concentrates on the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and its regulation. The role of the developmental gene, gremlin, which is reactivated in adult renal disease, is the subject of particular focus. This member of the cysteine knot protein superfamily is critical to the process of nephrogenesis but quiescent in normal adult kidney. There is increasing evidence that gremlin expression reactivates in diabetic nephropathy, and in the diseased fibrotic kidney per se. Known to antagonize members of the bone morphogenic protein (BMP) family, gremlin may also act downstream of TGF-beta in induction of EMT. An increased understanding of the extracellular modulation of EMT and, in particular, of the gremlin-BMP axis may result in strategies that can halt or reverse the devastating progression of chronic renal fibrosis. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The Jagged/Notch pathway has been implicated in TGFß1 responses in epithelial cells in diabetic nephropathy and other fibrotic conditions in vivo. Here, we identify that Jagged/Notch signalling is required for a subset of TGFß1-stimulated gene responses in human kidney epithelial cells in vitro. TGFß1 treatment of HK-2 and RPTEC cells for 24 h increased Jagged1 (a Notch ligand) and Hes1 (a Notch target) mRNA. This response was inhibited by co-incubation with Compound E, an inhibitor of ?-secretase (GSI), an enzyme required for Notch receptor cleavage and transcription regulation. In both cell types, TGFß1-responsive genes associated with epithelial–mesenchymal transition such as E-cadherin and vimentin were also affected by ?-secretase inhibition, but other TGFß1 targets such as connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and thrombospondin-1 (THBS1) were not. TGFß1-induced changes in Jagged1 expression preceded EMT-associated gene changes, and co-incubation with GSI altered TGFß1-induced changes in cell shape and cytoskeleton. Transfection of cells with the activated, cleaved form of Notch (NICD) triggered decreased expression of E-cadherin in the absence of TGFß1, but did not affect a-smooth muscle actin expression, suggesting differential requirements for Notch signalling within the TGFß1-responsive gene subset. Increased Jagged1 expression upon TGFß1 exposure required Smad3 signalling, and was also regulated by PI3K and ERK. These data suggest that Jagged/Notch signalling is required for a subset of TGFß1-responsive genes, and that complex signalling pathways are involved in the crosstalk between TGFß1 and Notch cascades in kidney epithelia.



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Polyomavirus enhancer activator 3 protein (Pea3), also known as ETV4, is a member of the Ets-transcription factor family, which promotes metastatic progression in various types of solid cancer. Pea3-driven epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has been described in lung and ovarian cancers. The mechanisms of Pea3-induced EMT, however, are largely unknown. Here we show that Pea3 overexpression promotes EMT in human breast epithelial cells through transactivation of Snail (SNAI1), an activator of EMT. Pea3 binds to the human Snail promoter through the two proximal Pea3 binding sites and enhances Snail expression. In addition, knockdown of Pea3 in invasive breast cancer cells results in down-regulation of Snail, partial reversal of EMT, and reduced invasiveness in vitro. Moreover, knockdown of Snail partially rescues the phenotype induced by Pea3 overexpression, suggesting that Snail is one of the mediators bridging Pea3 and EMT, and thereby metastatic progression of the cancer cells. In four breast cancer patient cohorts whose microarray and survival data were obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, Pea3 and Snail expression are significantly correlated with each other and with overall survival of breast cancer patients. We further demonstrate that nuclear localization of Pea3 is associated with Snail expression in breast cancer cell lines and is an independent predictor of overall survival in a Chinese breast cancer patient cohort. In conclusion, our results suggest that Pea3 may be an important prognostic marker and a therapeutic target for metastatic progression of human breast cancer. © 2011 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Although members of the p63 family of transcription factors are known for their role in the development and differentiation of epithelial surfaces, their function in cancer is less clear. Here, we show that depletion of the Delta Np63 alpha and beta isoforms, leaving only Delta Np63 gamma, results in epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the normal breast cell line MCF10A. EMT can be rescued by the expression of the Delta Np63 alpha isoform. We also show that Delta Np63 gamma expressed in a background where all the other Delta Np63 are knocked down causes EMT with an increase in TGF beta-1, -2, and -3 and downstream effectors Smads2/3/4. In addition, a p63 binding site in intron 1 of TGF beta was identified. Inhibition of the TGF beta response with a specific inhibitor results in reversion of EMT in Delta Np63 alpha- and beta-depleted cells. In summary, we show that p63 is involved in inhibiting EMT and reduction of certain p63 isoforms may be important in the development of epithelial cancers.


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Signalling interplay between transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) and CCN2 [also called connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)] plays a crucial role in the progression of diabetic nephropathy and has been implicated in cellular differentiation. To investigate the potential role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the mediation of this signalling network, we performed miRNA screening in mesangial cells treated with recombinant human CCN2. Analysis revealed a cohort of 22 miRNAs differentially expressed by twofold or more, including members of the miR-302 family. Target analysis of miRNA to 3'-untranslated regions (3'-UTRs) identified TGF beta receptor II (T beta RII) as a potential miR-302 target. In mesangial cells, decreased T beta RII expression was confirmed in response to CCN2 together with increased expression of miR-302d. T beta RII was confirmed as an miR-302 target, and inhibition of miR-302d was sufficient to attenuate the effect of CCN2 on T beta RII. Data from the European Renal cDNA Biopsy Bank revealed decreased T beta RII in diabetic patients, suggesting pathophysiological significance. In a mouse model of fibrosis (UUO), miR-302d was increased, with decreased T beta RII expression and aberrant signalling, suggesting relevance in chronic fibrosis. miR-302d decreased TGF beta-induced epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) in renal HKC8 epithelial cells and attenuated TGF beta-induced mesangial production of fibronectin and thrombospondin. In summary, we demonstrate a new mode of regulation of TGF beta by CCN2, and conclude that the miR-302 family has a role in regulating growth factor signalling pathways, with implications for nephropathic cell fate transitions.


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Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process whereby epithelial cells undergo transition to a mesenchymal phenotype and contribute directly to fibrotic disease. Recent studies support a role for EMT in cutaneous fibrotic diseases including scleroderma and hypertrophic scarring, though there is limited data on the cytokines and signalling mechanisms regulating cutaneous EMT. We investigated the ability of TGF-β and TNF-α, both over-expressed in cutaneous scleroderma and central mediators of EMT in other epithelial cell types, to induce EMT in primary keratinocytes and studied the signalling mechanisms regulating this process. TGF-β induced EMT in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK cells) and this process was enhanced by TNF-α. EMT was characterised by changes in morphology, proteome (down-regulation of E-cadherin and Zo-1, and up-regulation of vimentin and fibronectin), MMP secretion and COL1α1 mRNA expression. TGF-β and TNF-α in combination activated SMAD and p38 signalling in NHEK cells. P38 inhibition with SB203580 partially attenuated EMT, whereas SMAD inhibition using SB431542 significantly inhibited EMT and also reversed established EMT. These data highlight the retained plasticity of adult keratinocytes and support further studies of EMT in clinically relevant in vivo models of cutaneous fibrosis, and investigation of SMAD inhibition as a potential therapeutic intervention. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: This study sought to investigate the effect of endothelial dysfunction on the development of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis.
Background: Endothelial dysfunction accompanies cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, but its contribution to these conditions is unclear. Increased nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase-2 (NOX2) activation causes endothelial dysfunction.
Methods: Transgenic mice with endothelial-specific NOX2 overexpression (TG mice) and wild-type littermates received long-term angiotensin II (AngII) infusion (1.1 mg/kg/day, 2 weeks) to induce hypertrophy and fibrosis.
Results: TG mice had systolic hypertension and hypertrophy similar to those seen in wild-type mice but developed greater cardiac fibrosis and evidence of isolated left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (p < 0.05). TG myocardium had more inflammatory cells and VCAM-1-positive vessels than did wild-type myocardium after AngII treatment (both p < 0.05). TG microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) treated with AngII recruited 2-fold more leukocytes than did wild-type ECs in an in vitro adhesion assay (p < 0.05). However, inflammatory cell NOX2 per se was not essential for the profibrotic effects of AngII. TG showed a higher level of endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) than did wild-type mice after AngII infusion. In cultured ECs treated with AngII, NOX2 enhanced EMT as assessed by the relative expression of fibroblast versus endothelial-specific markers.
Conclusions: AngII-induced endothelial NOX2 activation has profound profibrotic effects in the heart in vivo that lead to a diastolic dysfunction phenotype. Endothelial NOX2 enhances EMT and has proinflammatory effects. This may be an important mechanism underlying cardiac fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction during increased renin-angiotensin activation.


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Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies worldwide. It consists of a group of tumor cells that have the ability to grow uncontrollably, overcome replicative senescence (tumor progression) and metastasize within the body. Metastases are processes that consist of an array of complex gene dysregulation events. Although these processes are still not fully understood, the dysregulation of a number of key proteins must take place if the tumor cells are to disseminate and metastasize. It is now widely accepted that future effective and innovative treatments of cancer metastasis will have to encompass all the major components of malignant transformation. For this reason, much research is now being carried out into the mechanisms that govern the malignant transformation processes. Recent research has identified key genes involved in the development of metastases, as well as their mechanisms of action. A detailed understanding of the encoded proteins and their interrelationship generates the possibility of developing novel therapeutic approaches. This review will focus on a select group of proteins, often deregulated in breast cancer metastasis, which have shown therapeutic promise, notably, EMT, E-cadherin, Osteopontin, PEA3, Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-β) and Ran.


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BACKGROUND: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a lethal disease with 5-year survival of less than 5%. 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is a principal first-line therapy, but treatment only extends survival modestly and is seldom curative. Drug resistance and disease recurrence is typical and there is a pressing need to overcome this. To investigate acquired 5-FU resistance in pancreatic adenocarcinoma, we established chemoresistant monoclonal cell lines from the Panc 03.27 cell line by long-term exposure to increasing doses of 5-FU.

RESULTS: 5-FU-resistant cell lines exhibited increased expression of markers associated with multidrug resistance explaining their reduced sensitivity to 5-FU. In addition, 5-FU-resistant cell lines showed alterations typical for an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), including upregulation of mesenchymal markers and increased invasiveness. Microarray analysis revealed the L1CAM pathway as one of the most upregulated pathways in the chemoresistant clones, and a significant upregulation of L1CAM was seen on the RNA and protein level. In pancreatic cancer, expression of L1CAM is associated with a chemoresistant and migratory phenotype. Using esiRNA targeting L1CAM, or by blocking the extracellular part of L1CAM with antibodies, we show that the increased invasiveness observed in the chemoresistant cells functionally depends on L1CAM. Using esiRNA targeting β-catenin and/or Slug, we demonstrate that in the chemoresistant cell lines, L1CAM expression depends on Slug rather than β-catenin.

CONCLUSION: Our findings establish Slug-induced L1CAM expression as a mediator of a chemoresistant and migratory phenotype in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells.


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A number of independent gene expression profiling studies have identified transcriptional subtypes in colorectal cancer (CRC) with potential diagnostic utility, culminating in publication of a CRC Consensus Molecular Subtype classification. The worst prognostic subtype has been defined by genes associated with stem-like biology. Recently, it has been shown that the majority of genes associated with this poor prognostic group are stromal-derived. We investigated the potential for tumor misclassification into multiple diagnostic subgroups based on tumoral region sampled.

Experimental Design:
We performed multi-region tissue RNA extraction/transcriptomic analysis using Colorectal Specific Arrays on invasive front, central tumor and lymph node regions selected from tissue samples from 25 CRC patients.

We identified a consensus 30 gene list which represents the intratumoral heterogeneity within a cohort of primary CRC tumors. Using a series of online datasets, we showed that this gene list displays prognostic potential (HR=2.914 (CI 0.9286-9.162) in stage II/III CRC patients, but in addition we demonstrated that these genes are stromal derived, challenging the assumption that poor prognosis tumors with stem-like biology have undergone a widespread Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). Most importantly, we showed that patients can be simultaneously classified into multiple diagnostically relevant subgroups based purely on the tumoral region analysed.

Gene expression profiles derived from the non-malignant stromal region can influence assignment of CRC transcriptional subtypes, questioning the current molecular classification dogma and highlighting the need to consider pathology sampling region and degree of stromal infiltration when employing transcription-based classifiers to underpin clinical decision-making in CRC.