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Heusler compounds are key materials for spintronic applications. They have attracted a lot of interest due to their half-metallic properties predicted by band structure calculations.rnThe aim of this work is to evaluate experimentally the validity of the predictions of half metallicity by band structure calculations for two specific Heusler compounds, Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa. Two different spectroscopy methods for the analysis of the electronic properties were used: Angular Resolved Ultra-violet Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARUPS) and Tunneling Spectroscopy.rnHeusler compounds are prepared as thin films by RF-sputtering in an ultra-high vacuum system. rnFor the characterization of the samples, bulk and surface crystallographic and magnetic properties of Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa are studied. X-ray and electron diffraction reveal a bulk and surface crossover between two different types of sublattice order (from B2 to L21) with increasing annealing temperature. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism results show that the magnetic properties in the surface and bulk are identical, although the magnetic moments obtained are 5% below from the theoretically predicted.rnBy ARUPS evidence for the validity of the predicted total bulk density of states (DOS) was demonstrated for both Heusler compounds. Additional ARUPS intensity contributions close to the Fermi energy indicates the presence of a specific surface DOS. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the crystallographic order, controlled by annealing, plays an important role on brodening effects of DOS features. Improving order resulted in better defined ARUPS features.rnTunneling magnetoresistance measurements of Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa based MTJ’s result in a Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 spin polarization of 44%, which is the highest experimentally obtained value for this compound, although it is lower than the 100% predicted. For Co2MnGa no high TMR was achieved.rnUnpolarized tunneling spectroscopy reveals contribution of interface states close to the Fermi energy. Additionally magnon excitations due to magnetic impurities at the interface are observed. Such contributions can be the reason of a reduced TMR compared to the theoretical predictions. Nevertheless, for energies close to the Fermi energy and for Co2MnGa, the validity of the band structure calculations is demonstrated with this technique as well.


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Präparation und die ausführliche Charakterisierung epitaktischer Dünnschicht-Proben der Heusler Verbindung Ni2MnGa. Diese intermetallische Verbindung zeigt einen magnetischen Formgedächtnis-Effekt (MFG), der sowohl im Bezug auf mögliche Anwendungen, als auch im Kontext der Grundlagenforschung äußerst interessant ist. In Einkristallen nahe der Stöchiometrie Ni2MnGa wurden riesige magnetfeldinduzierte Dehnungen von bis zu 10 % nachgewiesen. Der zugrundeliegende Mechanismus basiert auf einer Umverteilung von kristallographischen Zwillings-Varianten, die eine tetragonale oder orthorhombische Symmetrie besitzen. Unter dem Einfluss des Magnetfeldes bewegen sich die Zwillingsgrenzen durch den Kristall, was eine makroskopische Formänderung mit sich bringt. Die somit erzeugten reversiblen Längenänderungen können mit hoher Frequenz geschaltet werden, was Ni2MnGa zu einem vielversprechenden Aktuatorwerkstoff macht. rnDa der Effekt auf einem intrinsischen Prozess beruht, eignen sich Bauteile aus MFG Legierungen zur Integration in Mikrosystemen (z.B. im Bereich der Mikrofluidik). rnrnBislang konnten große magnetfeldinduzierte Dehnungen nur für Einkristalle und Polykristalle mit hoher Porosität („foams") nachgewiesen werden. Um den Effekt für Anwendungen nutzbar zu machen, werden allerdings Konzepte zur Miniaturisierung benötigt. Eine Möglichkeit bieten epitaktische dünne Filme, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergestellt und untersucht werden sollen. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Optimierung der Herstellungsparameter, sowie die Präparation von freitragenden Schichten. Zudem werden verschiedene Konzepte zur Herstellung freistehender Mikrostrukturen erprobt. Mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte die komplizierte Kristallstruktur für verschiedene Wachstumsrichtungen verstanden und die genaue Verteilung der Zwillingsvarianten aufgedeckt werden. In Verbindung mit Mikroskopie-Methoden konnte so die Zwillingsstruktur auf verschiedenen Längenskalen geklärt werden. Die Ergebnisse erklären das Ausbleiben des MFG Effekts in den Proben mit (100) Orientierung. Andererseits wurde für Schichten mit (110) Wachstum eine vielversprechende Mikrostruktur entdeckt, die einen guten Ausgangspunkt für weitere Untersuchungen bietet.rnDurch die spezielle Geometrie der Proben war es möglich, Spektroskopie-Experimente in Transmission durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse stellen den ersten experimentellen Nachweis der Änderungen in der elektronischen Struktur einer metallischen Verbindung während des martensitischen Phasenübergangs dar. Durch Messen des magnetischen Zirkulardichroismus in der Röntgenabsorption konnten quantitative Aussagen über die magnetischen Momente von Ni und Mn getroffen werden. Die Methode erlaubt überdies die Beiträge von Spin- und Bahn-Moment separat zu bestimmen. Durch winkelabhängige Messungen gelang es, die mikroskopische Ursache der magnetischen Anisotropie aufzuklären. Diese Ergebnisse tragen wesentlich zum Verständnis der komplexen magnetischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Ni2MnGa bei.rn


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X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) is one of the most universal and powerful tools for investigation of chemical states and electronic structures of materials. The application of hard x-rays increases the inelastic mean free path of the emitted electrons within the solid and thus makes hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) a bulk sensitive probe for solid state research and especially a very effective nondestructive technique to study buried layers.rnThis thesis focuses on the investigation of multilayer structures, used in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), by a number of techniques applying HAXPES. MTJs are the most important components of novel nanoscale devices employed in spintronics. rnThe investigation and deep understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the high performance of such devices and properties of employed magnetic materials that are, in turn, defined by their electronic structure becomes feasible applying HAXPES. Thus the process of B diffusion in CoFeB-based MTJs was investigated with respect to the annealing temperature and its influence on the changes in the electronic structure of CoFeB electrodes that clarify the behaviour and huge TMR ratio values obtained in such devices. These results are presented in chapter 6. The results of investigation of the changes in the valence states of buried off-stoichiometric Co2MnSi electrodes were investigated with respect to the Mn content α and its influence on the observed TMR ratio are described in chapter 7.rnrnMagnetoelectronic properties such as exchange splitting in ferromagnetic materials as well as the macroscopic magnetic ordering can be studied by magnetic circular dichroism in photoemission (MCDAD). It is characterized by the appearance of an asymmetry in the photoemission spectra taken either from the magnetized sample with the reversal of the photon helicity or by reversal of magnetization direction of the sample when the photon helicity direction is fixed. Though recently it has been widely applied for the characterization of surfaces using low energy photons, the bulk properties have stayed inaccessible. Therefore in this work this method was integrated to HAXPES to provide an access to exploration of magnetic phenomena in the buried layers of the complex multilayer structures. Chapter 8 contains the results of the MCDAD measurements employing hard x-rays for exploration of magnetic properties of the common CoFe-based band-ferromagnets as well as half-metallic ferromagnet Co2FeAl-based MTJs.rnrnInasmuch as the magnetoresistive characteristics in spintronic devices are fully defined by the electron spins of ferromagnetic materials their direct measurements always attracted much attention but up to date have been limited by the surface sensitivity of the developed techniques. Chapter 9 presents the results on the successfully performed spin-resolved HAXPES experiment using a spin polarimeter of the SPLEED-type on a buried Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 magnetic layer. The measurements prove that a spin polarization of about 50 % is retained during the transmission of the photoelectrons emitted from the Fe 2p3/2 state through a 3-nm-thick oxide capping layer.rn


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Three-dimensional oxalate-based {[Ru(bpy)3][Cu2xNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n (0≤ x ≤ 1, ox = C2O42-, bpy = 2,2‘bipyridine) were synthesized. The structure was determined for x = 1 by X-ray diffraction on single crystal. The compound crystallizes in the cubic space group P4132. It shows a three-dimensional 10-gon 3-connected (10,3) anionic network where copper(II) has an unusual tris(bischelated) environment. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and their Rietveld refinement show that all the compounds along the series are isostructural and single-phased. According to X-ray absorption spectroscopy, copper(II) and nickel(II) have an octahedral environment, respectively elongated and trigonally distorted. As shown by natural circular dichroism, the optically active forms of {[Ru(bpy)3][CuxNi2(1-x)(ox)3]}n are obtained starting from resolved Δ- or Λ-[Ru(bpy)3]2+. The Curie−Weiss temperatures range between −55 (x = 1) and −150 K (x = 0). The antiferromagnetic exchange interaction thus decreases when the copper contents increases in agreement with the crystallographic structure of the compounds and the electronic structure of the metal ions. At low temperature, the compounds exhibit complex long-range ordered magnetic behavior.


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Partial reduction of racemic methoxysilanes by 1:1 complexes of lithium aluminium hydride with optically active cinchona and ephedra alkaloids give optically active silanes and methoxysilanes. Optical yields depend on the groups attached to silicon and the alkaloid used but in some cases approach 50%, The method has been used to prepare novel optically active organosilanes, possessing an asymmetric silicon centre, which are either inaccessible by any of the other available routes or would require a time consuming preparation. Such compounds are of use in the study of the mechanism of substitutions at silicon. Attempts have been made to rationalize the results of the asymmetric reductions in terms of differences in sterio and electronic interactions in diastereoisomeric transition states. Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion spectra have been obtained for the optically active products in an attempt to elucidate the absolute configurations of the novel asymmetric organosilanes. The results from these studies provide a useful addition to the data so far accumulated for asymmetrically perturbed aromatic chromophores. Nuclear magnetic resonanoe studies of diastereoisomaric (-)-menthoxysilanes show that these compounds possess resonances extremely useful in the determination of optical purities for asymmetric organosilanes which possess an aromatic group. The effect of variable temperature on the spectra has revealed evidence for the conformational preferences in these compounds. Other diastereoisomeric alkoxysilanes have been prepared and their n.m.r.spectra studied in the hope of establishing trends. Exploratory studies for other asymmetric reactions proceeding at silicon have proved unfruitful.


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High pressure homogenization (HPH) is a non-thermal method, which has been employed to change the activity and stability of biotechnologically relevant enzymes. This work investigated how HPH affects the structural and functional characteristics of a glucose oxidase (GO) from Aspergillus niger. The enzyme was homogenized at 75 and 150 MPa and the effects were evaluated with respect to the enzyme activity, stability, kinetic parameters and molecular structure. The enzyme showed a pH-dependent response to the HPH treatment, with reduction or maintenance of activity at pH 4.5-6.0 and a remarkable activity increase (30-300%) at pH 6.5 in all tested temperatures (15, 50 and 75°C). The enzyme thermal tolerance was reduced due to HPH treatment and the storage for 24 h at high temperatures (50 and 75°C) also caused a reduction of activity. Interestingly, at lower temperatures (15°C) the activity levels were slightly higher than that observed for native enzyme or at least maintained. These effects of HPH treatment on function and stability of GO were further investigated by spectroscopic methods. Both fluorescence and circular dichroism revealed conformational changes in the molecular structure of the enzyme that might be associated with the distinct functional and stability behavior of GO.


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G-quadruplexes are secondary structures present in DNA and RNA molecules, which are formed by stacking of G-quartets (i.e., interaction of four guanines (G-tracts) bounded by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding). Human PAX9 intron 1 has a putative G-quadruplex-forming region located near exon 1, which is present in all known sequenced placental mammals. Using circular dichroism (CD) analysis and CD melting, we showed that these sequences are able to form highly stable quadruplex structures. Due to the proximity of the quadruplex structure to exon-intron boundary, we used a validated double-reporter splicing assay and qPCR to analyze its role on splicing efficiency. The human quadruplex was shown to have a key role on splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1, as a mutation that abolished quadruplex formation decreased dramatically the splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. The less stable, rat quadruplex had a less efficient splicing when compared to human sequences. Additionally, the treatment with 360A, a strong ligand that stabilizes quadruplex structures, further increased splicing efficiency of human PAX9 intron 1. Altogether, these results provide evidences that G-quadruplex structures are involved in splicing efficiency of PAX9 intron 1.


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The oligopeptide-binding protein, OppA, binds and ushers oligopeptide substrates to the membrane-associated oligopeptide permease (Opp), a multi-component ABC-type transporter involved in the uptake of oligopeptides expressed by several bacterial species. In the present study, we report the cloning, purification, refolding and conformational analysis of a recombinant OppA protein derived from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (X. citri), the etiological agent of citrus canker. The oppA gene was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) strain under optimized inducing conditions and the recombinant protein remained largely insoluble. Solubilization was achieved following refolding of the denatured protein. Circular dichroism analysis indicated that the recombinant OppA protein preserved conformational features of orthologs expressed by other bacterial species. The refolded recombinant OppA represents a useful tool for structural and functional analyses of the X. citri protein.


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In this perspectives article, we reflect upon the existence of chirality in atmospheric aerosol particles. We then show that organic particles collected at a field site in the central Amazon Basin under pristine background conditions during the wet and dry seasons consist of chiral secondary organic material. We show how the chiral response from the aerosol particles can be imaged directly without the need for sample dissolution, solvent extraction, or sample preconcentration. By comparing the chiral-response images with optical images, we show that chiral responses always originate from particles on the filter, but not all aerosol particles produce chiral signals. The intensity of the chiral signal produced by the size resolved particles strongly indicates the presence of chiral secondary organic material in the particle. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings on chiral atmospheric aerosol particles in terms of climate-related properties and source apportionment.


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Second harmonic generation is strictly forbidden in centrosymmetric materials, within the electric dipole approximation. Recently, it was found that the centrosymmetric magnetic semiconductors EuTe and EuSe can generate near-gap second harmonics, if the system is submitted to an external magnetic field. Here, a theoretical model is presented, which well describes the observed phenomena. The model shows that second harmonic generation becomes efficient when the magnetic dipole oscillations between the band-edge excited states of the system, induced by the excitation light, enter the in-phase regime, which can be achieved by applying a magnetic field to the material.


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The free H(2)xspa ligands [xspa = pspa, Clpspa, tspa or fspa where p = 3-(phenyl), Clp = 3-(2-chlorophenyl), t = 3-(2-thienyl), f = 3-(2-furyl) and spa = 2-sulfanylpropenoato], their Zn(II) complexes of formula [HQ](2)[Zn(xspa)(2)] (HQ=diisopropylammonium) and the Cd(II) equivalents were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis and by IR, Raman and NMR ((1)H, (13)C) spectroscopy. X-Ray studies of the crystal structures of [HQ](2)[Zn(pspa)(2)], [HQ](2)[Zn(Clpspa)2], [HQ](2)[Zn(tspa)(2)] and [HQ](2)[Zn(fspa)(2)] show that the zinc atom is coordinated to two O atoms and two S atoms of the ligands in a distorted tetrahedral ZnO(2)S(2) environment. In the structures of [HQ](2)[Cd(pspa)(2)] and [HQ](2)[Cd(Clpspa)(2)] the cadmium atom is coordinated to three S atoms and two carboxylato O atoms of the ligands in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal environment. The interchange of ligands between Zn( II) and Cd( II) was studied by (113)Cd NMR spectroscopy. The in vitro protective effect of H(2)xspa and their Zn( II) complexes against Cd toxicity was investigated using the human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cell line and the pig renal proximal tubule LLC-PK1 cell line. The incorporation of Zn( II) was found to be relevant in the case of H(2)pspa, with an increase observed in the cell viability of the LCC-PK1 cells with respect to the value for the free ligand.


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Background: The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is the primary vector for the viruses that cause yellow fever, mostly in tropical regions of Africa and in parts of South America, and human dengue, which infects 100 million people yearly in the tropics and subtropics. A better understanding of the structural biology of olfactory proteins may pave the way for the development of environmentally-friendly mosquito attractants and repellents, which may ultimately contribute to reduction of mosquito biting and disease transmission. Methodology: Previously, we isolated and cloned a major, female-enriched odorant-binding protein (OBP) from the yellow fever mosquito, AaegOBP1, which was later inadvertently renamed AaegOBP39. We prepared recombinant samples of AaegOBP1 by using an expression system that allows proper formation of disulfide bridges and generates functional OBPs, which are indistinguishable from native OBPs. We crystallized AaegOBP1 and determined its three-dimensional structure at 1.85 angstrom resolution by molecular replacement based on the structure of the malaria mosquito OBP, AgamOBP1, the only mosquito OBP structure known to date. Conclusion: The structure of AaegOBP1 (= AaegOBP39) shares the common fold of insect OBPs with six alpha-helices knitted by three disulfide bonds. A long molecule of polyethylene glycol (PEG) was built into the electron-density maps identified in a long tunnel formed by a crystallographic dimer of AaegOBP1. Circular dichroism analysis indicated that delipidated AaegOBP1 undergoes a pH-dependent conformational change, which may lead to release of odorant at low pH (as in the environment in the vicinity of odorant receptors). A C-terminal loop covers the binding cavity and this ""lid"" may be opened by disruption of an array of acid-labile hydrogen bonds thus explaining reduced or no binding affinity at low pH.


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The alternative low-spin states of Fe3+ and Fe2+ cytochrome c induced by SDS or AOT/hexane reverse micelles exhibited the heme group in a less rhombic symmetry and were characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance, UV-visible, CD, magnetic CD, fluorescence, and Raman resonance. Consistent with the replacement of Met 80 by another strong field ligand at the sixth heme iron coordination position, Fe3+ ALSScytc exhibited 1-nm Soret band blue shift and e enhancement accompanied by disappearance of the 695-nm charge transfer band. The Raman resonance, CD, and magnetic CD spectra of Fe3+ and Fe2+ ALSScytc exhibited significant changes suggestive of alterations in the heme iron microenvironment and conformation and should not be assigned to unfold because the Trp(59) fluorescence remained quenched by the neighboring heme group. ALSScytc was obtained with His(33) and His(26) carboxyethoxylated horse cytochrome c and with tuna cytochrome c (His(33) replaced by Asn) pointing out Lys(79) as the probable heme iron ligand. Fe3+ ALSScytc retained the capacity to cleave tert-butylhydroperoxide and to be reduced by dithiothreitol and diphenylacetaldehyde but not by ascorbate. Compatible with a more open heme crevice, ALSScytc exhibited a redox potential similar to 200 mV lower than the wild-type protein (1220 mV) and was more susceptible to the attack of free radicals.


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Plasmodium vivax Merozoite Surface Protein-3 alpha and 3 beta are members of a family of related merozoite surface proteins that contain a central alanine-rich domain with heptad repeats that is predicted to form alpha-helical secondary and coiled-coil tertiary structures. Seven recombinant proteins representing different regions of MSP-3 alpha and MSP-3 beta of P. vivax were generated to investigate their structure. Circular dichroism spectra analysis revealed that some proteins are folded with a high degree of alpha-helices as secondary structure, whereas other products contain a high content of random coil. Using size exclusion chromatography, we found that the two smaller fragments of the MSP-3 alpha, named CC4 and CC5, predicted to form coiled-coil (CC) structures, eluted at volumes corresponding to molecular weights larger than their monomeric masses. This result suggests that both proteins are oligomeric molecules. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments showed that the CC5 oligomers are elongated molecules. Together, these data may help to understand important aspects of P. vivax biology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Many therapeutic agents are commercialized under their racemic form. The enantiomers can show differences in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile. The use of a pure enantiomer in pharmaceutical formulations may result in a better therapeutic index and fewer adverse effects. Atropine, an alkaloid of Atropa belladonna, is a racemic mixture of l-hyoscyamine and d-hyoscyamine. It is widely used to dilate the pupil. To quantify these enantiomers in ophthalmic solutions, an HPLC method was developed and validated using a Chiral AGP (R) column at 20 degrees C. The mobile phase consisted of a buffered phosphate solution (containing 10 mM 1-octanesulfonic acid sodium salt and 7.5 mM triethylamine, adjusted to pH 7.0 with orthophosphoric acid) and acetonitrile (99 + 1, v/v). The flow rate was 0.6 mL/min, with UV detection at 205 nm. In the concentration range of 14.0-26.0 mu g/mL, the method was found to be linear (r > 0.9999), accurate (with recovery of 100.1-100.5%), and precise (RSD system: <= 0.6%; RSD intraday: <= 1.1%; RSD interday: <= 0.9%). The method was specific, and the standard and sample solutions were stable for up to 72 h. The factorial design assures robustness with a variation of +/-10% in the mobile phase components and 2 degrees C of column temperature. The complete validation, including stress testing and factorial design, was studied and is presented in this research.