993 resultados para EC78-1737
The irradiation of selective regions in a polymer gel dosimeter results in an increase in optical density and refractive index (RI) at those regions. An optical tomography-based dosimeter depends on rayline path through the dosimeter to estimate and reconstruct the dose distribution. The refraction of light passing through a dose region results in artefacts in the reconstructed images. These refraction errors are dependant on the scanning geometry and collection optics. We developed a fully 3D image reconstruction algorithm, algebraic reconstruction technique-refraction correction (ART-rc) that corrects for the refractive index mismatches present in a gel dosimeter scanner not only at the boundary, but also for any rayline refraction due to multiple dose regions inside the dosimeter. In this study, simulation and experimental studies have been carried out to reconstruct a 3D dose volume using 2D CCD measurements taken for various views. The study also focuses on the effectiveness of using different refractive-index matching media surrounding the gel dosimeter. Since the optical density is assumed to be low for a dosimeter, the filtered backprojection is routinely used for reconstruction. We carry out the reconstructions using conventional algebraic reconstruction (ART) and refractive index corrected ART (ART-rc) algorithms. The reconstructions based on FDK algorithm for cone-beam tomography has also been carried out for comparison. Line scanners and point detectors, are used to obtain reconstructions plane by plane. The rays passing through dose region with a RI mismatch does not reach the detector in the same plane depending on the angle of incidence and RI. In the fully 3D scanning setup using 2D array detectors, light rays that undergo refraction are still collected and hence can still be accounted for in the reconstruction algorithm. It is found that, for the central region of the dosimeter, the usable radius using ART-rc algorithm with water as RI matched medium is 71.8%, an increase of 6.4% compared to that achieved using conventional ART algorithm. Smaller diameter dosimeters are scanned with dry air scanning by using a wide-angle lens that collects refracted light. The images reconstructed using cone beam geometry is seen to deteriorate in some planes as those regions are not scanned. Refraction correction is important and needs to be taken in to consideration to achieve quantitatively accurate dose reconstructions. Refraction modeling is crucial in array based scanners as it is not possible to identify refracted rays in the sinogram space.
En el mes de junio de 1996, se estableció un experimento de campo en la empresa Frutas Tropicales Ltda, localizada en la comarca de Guanacastillo, departamento de Masaya, con el propósito de evaluar la influencia de cinco leguminosas de cobertura asociadas con el cultivo de la pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus Britt & Rose), como manejo de las malas hierbas y aporte de nutrientes a partir de la materia orgánica incorporada. Al estudio se le aplicó el diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones.Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC., Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet y el tratamiento Testigo, el cual representa el manejo tradicional en el control de las malezas de parte del productor. Los resultados indican que el mayor peso seco acumulado lo presentó C. ensiformis al registrar 7 401 kg/ha. En tanto, V. radiata con 2 331.66 kg/ha presentó el menor valor de peso seco. En el comportamiento del peso seco de las malezas se registró mas alto en M. pruriens con 1 600 kg/ha. En tanto, L. purpureus con 545 kg/ha fue el más bajo.Para medir el aporte de nutrientes a partir de la materia orgánica se hizo un análisis de suelo previo a la siembra de las leguminosas. Un segundo y tercer análisis de suelo se efectuaron 3 meses y 11 meses después de realizado el primer análisis. En nitrógeno el mejor resultado se obtuvo en V. unguiculata al ubicarse como mejor aportador en el primer análisis con 149.60 kg/ha y segundo mejor aportador en el segundo análisis con 113.28 kg/ha.Superado levemente en este caso por el tratamiento testigo con 113.40 kg/ha. En ambos análisis el menor aportador de nitrógeno fue C. ensiformis con 122.40 kg/ha y 103.32 kg/ha para el primer y segundo análisis respectivamente.En cuanto a fósforo, V. radiata se ubicó como mejor aportador en el primer análisis con 16.80 kg/ha, mientras que en el segundo análisis se ubicó como tercero con 26.49 kg/ha, superado por C. ensiformis y V. unguiculata con 40.66 kg/ha y 31.32 kg/ha respectivamente. En cambio M. pruriens se ubicó como el aportador más bajo de fósforo con 6.60 kg/ha en el primer análisis y 3.98 kg/ha en el segundo.En relación al potasio, el mejor resultado se obtuvo en M. pruriens con 567.73 kg/ha y 694.42 hg/ha en el primer y segundo muestreo respectivamente. Mientras que L. purpureus fue el menor aportador con 384.74 kg/ha y 273.70 kg/ha en el primer y segundo muestreo respectivamente.Con respecto a la influencia sobre la dinámica de las malezas el mejor resultado se presentó en M. pruriens, al eliminar por completo la presencia de malezas a los 95 días de establecido el ensayo. Similar comportamiento tuvo C. ensiformis con la diferencia que fue en un período más prolongado. Mayor abundancia de malezas presentaron los tratamiento L. purpureus, V. radiata y V. unguiculata, en los cuales hubo necesidad de acompañarlos con controles mecánicos. Por último, se ubicó el tratamiento Testigo el cual siempre necesito de control mecánico. En relación al mayor número de brotes por planta, los tratamientos implementados no tuvieron diferencias significativas entre ellos, pero en términos numéricos los que presentaron mayor número de brotes fueron V. radiata y Testigo con 4,856 y 4,417 respectivamente, seguidos de V. unguiculata y C. ensiformis con 3,933 y 3,922 respectivamente. Por último se ubicaron M. pruriens y L. purpureus con 3,267 y 3,034 respetivamente.De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en cobertura de suelo, diversidad y abundancia de malezas, biomasa y aporte de nutrientes a partir de residuos vegetales, excepto en fósforo, se recomienda el uso de la leguminosa Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. En asocio con el cultivo de la pitahaya.
Benard-Marangoni convections of two-layer fluids heated from the bottom are investigated experimentally with a particle imagine velocimetry. The flows are visualized from the side, and various velocity fields near the onset of convection, such as three-layer vortex convective patterns, are observed when the depth ratio varies in a wide range. A new classification of the convective patterns is proposed with more detail than in previous studies. The analysis of the results indicates that the interface tension greatly influences the motion intensities of the bottom and top layers. The dimensionless wave number increases with the Bond number when the motion in the top layer is not more intense than that in the bottom layer, which agrees with the theoretical prediction.
We analyzed long-term submersed macrophyte presence-absence data collected from 15 stations in Kings Bay/Crystal River, Florida in relation to three major storm events. The percent occurrence of most species declined immediately after storm events but the recovery pattern after the storm differed among species. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle)and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) exhibited differing recolonization behaviors. Eurasian watermilfoil recolonized quickly after storms but declined in abundance as hydrilla began to increase in abundance. Natural catastrophic events restructure submersed macrophyte communities by eliminating the dominate species, and allowing revegetation and restructuring of communities. Tidal surges may also act to maintain species diversity in the system. In addition, catastrophic events remove dense nuisance plant growth for several years, altering the public's perception of the nuisance plant problem of Kings Bay/Crystal River.
The geometric mean regression equation for the weight; length relationship of Cynoglossus canariensis was W = 0.0025 L super(3.1770). The Von Bertalanffy constants Woo, Loo, K, and to were 507.5852 g, 47.3683 cm, 0.3333 and 0.1397 for males and 839.0753 g, 54.4720 cm, 0.3062 and 0.1737 for females. Total mortality coefficient Z ranged from 0.6482 and 0.8021
五味子属隶属于木兰亚纲八角目五味子科,全属共15种,呈东亚一北美间断分布,东亚是其分布中心。五味子科因花部器官数目多而不定,螺旋状排列等特征,被确认为原始多心皮类的一员,与八角科、木兰科、Winteraceae等有亲缘关系。同时,因为它具有一些特化的性状,如具3沟或异极6沟型花粉、花单性,而常被视为木兰亚纲中进化水平较高的类群。然而,近年来分子系统学的研究结果显示,五味子科是被子植物最基部的分支之一。这使得该科成为解决原始被子植物起源与演化问题的重要类群之一,而倍受关注。中国是五味子属植物分布最集中的地区,有着得天独厚的资源优势。在论述了该属研究现状和存在问题的基础上,作者重点从花发育形态学和分子系统学,对该类群进行了较为深入的研究,发现了一些重要的新的性状,为该类群的系统发育分析提供了有力的证据。 1. 借助于扫描电镜,对全属成熟雄花的6种变异类型的代表种,进行了全面细致的花形态建成的观察和分析。首次发现该属雄花形态建成的式样有3类,并分别将之命名为柱托型、平托型和球托型,它们的主要特征如下:柱托型在花发育的全过程里,花托部分保持柱状,雄蕊始终螺旋状排列;平托型的花原端在分化出雄蕊原基后,向上的生长减弱而侧向的生长增强,最终形成扁平五边形的花托,雄蕊先螺旋状排列后轮状排列:球托型的雄蕊原基仍是螺旋状向顶发生,但与此同时,雄花花托部分球形膨大,并逐渐在雄蕊着生处产生浅凹和孔穴。显然,这3种式样在花形态发生的早前期相一致,而在雄蕊原基萌动后并开始分化时,它们之间发生分异,导致成熟雄花的形态显著不同。作者认为,雄花形态式样反映了五味子属系统发育的渊源,柱托型是原始类型,平托型和球托型是衍生类型,它们可能在系统发育的较早期就已分异,各自朝不同的方向演化。根据这一新的证据,将五味子属分成3亚属:大花五味子亚属、五味子亚属和团蕊五味子亚属。它们雄花的形态发生式样分别为柱托型、平托型和球托型。还发现在雄花的形态发生同为柱托型的类群中,大花五味子群和少蕊五味子群的雄蕊在成熟时,药室由初始时位于药隔两侧的位置逐渐外转至药隔的背面或侧背面,造成开裂时呈外向或外侧向纵裂:而华中五味子群的雄蕊成熟后,药室仍位于药隔的两侧面,呈侧向纵裂。 南五味子属是五味子属最近缘的类群,以南五味子为代表种,进行了雄花形态发生的研究,该种雄花的形态建成式样属于柱托型,但又不同于五味子属的柱托型,其主要的区别表现在南五味子的雄蕊在成熟时变成轮状排列,该特征使它似乎界于大花五味子群和五味子群之间,呈过渡类型。因而,对于传统分类学中,依据果实的形态将五味子科划分为五味子属和南五味子属,需要重新审视。 2. 根据对花形态发生的观察和分析,文章提出五味子属中雄花形态发生式样为柱托型的大花五味子亚属是最原始的类群,而具平托型和球托型式样的类群演化程度都相对较高。五味子属雄花的演化趋势主要表现在花托从柱状向扁平状和球状演化:雄蕊数目由多数变为少数并最终向定数演化:雄蕊群由螺旋状排列向轮状排列演化。有性生殖过程中的传粉习性可能是导致五味子属雄花形态产生变异的原因。在白垩纪,鞘翅目昆虫仍是最主要的传粉媒介,它们在起到传粉作用的同时,也对植物的花器官造成严重损害。五味子属植物的祖先类群为了适应这种传粉习性,采取了不同的策略。雄花花托柱状,雄蕊螺旋状排列的类群,以多数雄蕊保证传粉得以完成:而在雄蕊数目少的类群中,则补偿性地增大花器官的营养组织部分,达到保护花药的目的。 关于五味子属植物单性花的性质,常被认为是较进化的性状。本研究结果显示,雄花中未出现雌性部分的残存,雌花中也未出现雄性部分的痕迹。因此,在形态上,五味子属表现出完全单性的特征。作者认为,五味子属的单性花性质不同于由两性花退化所形成的单性花,它可能反映了被子植物祖先类群花的另一种演化路线。 另外,作者通过对五味子属雌花形态发生的研究,比较和分析了诸多原始被子植物类群心皮的形态及其发生过程,赞成Endress认为离生多心皮类中既有对折心皮,也有囊状心皮,它们在原始类群中并存的观点。五味子属植物雌花的形态较一致,心皮在原基腹面基部的活动不明显,成熟心皮具明显的腹缝,腹缝两侧形成柱头脊,在类型上属于对折型心皮,体现了该属的原始性。 3. 作者选取了核基因组的rrs区和叶绿体基因组的trnL-F区,对五昧子属的10个种(代表了全部雄花类型)和南五味子属的4个种(分属2个组)以及作为外类群的华中八角,首次进行了序列分析。结果表明,从代表不同基因组的两个片段得到的分支图非常一致,都显示出:a) 五味子属的类群分别聚在3个不同的支上,并且这3个支完全对应于花形态发生的3种式样:b) 南五味子属的成员与五味子群聚在一起并得到Bootstrap分析很高的支持率,说明它们可能是单系的。该结果支持基于花形态发生研究所得到的结论。作者认为过去的分类中,将五味子属和南五味子属分割成两个属可能是不妥当的,值得深入研究。 4. 通过花发育形态学和分子系统学的研究,结合其它方面的资料,作者认为传统分类依据果实形态划分成的五味子属和南五味子属,可能都不是严格的单系类群。南五味子属的类群与五味子属中雄花花托为扁平五边形的类群显示出有很强的相关性。将两个属共同处理,分为3个亚属,似较适宜。由于尚需对南五味子属扩大取样研究,目前暂不对它进行处理。本文仅对传统意义上的五味子属的系统处理如下: 五味子属Schisandra Michx. 亚属1大花五味子亚属 Subgen.1 Pleiostema (Smith)Law 组1大花五味子组 Sect.1 PleiostemaSmith 组2华中五味子组 Sec.2 Sinoschisandra(Law)Liu 组3少蕊五味子组 Secc.3 Maximowiczia(Rupr.)Nakai 亚属2五味子亚属 Subgen.2 Schismxtm 亚属3团蕊五味子亚属 Subgen.3 Sphaerostema(Bl.)Law 5. 五味子科(或包括南五味子属在内的广义五味子属)现代分布格局显示,中国华中、华东和西南至印度支那北部的地域是该类群的多样性中心,而在整个分布区的外围,则零星散布着一些演化水平较高的类群。因此,五味子科很可能是在东亚大陆起源、分化后,往四周扩散。通过白令陆桥或欧美大陆到达北美:受第四纪冰川影响,形成东亚一北美间断分布。在东喜马拉雅、印度尼西亚的分布也都是扩散的结果。
龙门河地区地处湖北省的西部,神农架的南坡,处于中亚热带向北亚热带过渡的地带。对其植物与植物群落的研究得到如下结果: 龙门河地区共有维管植物160科724属1737种,其中种了植物140科692属共1686种。其植物区系有显著的温带性,温带分布属共380属,占总属数的54.9%,这可能和该地区的地理位置,海拔及人为活动的影响有关,该地区的植物区系还具有古老性,特有属丰富特点,且有较多的珍稀濒危植物分布。 龙门河地区的植被共划分三个自然植被型共16个群系。在高海拔地区保存有较原始的落叶阔叶林,低海拔地区多为人为破坏后的次生类型。这些植被类型随环境条件的变化呈现较有规律的分布,依照其垂直分布的情况,可以将该地区植被划为三个带,即常绿阔叶林带低于海拔900(-1300)m;常绿落叶阔叶混交林位于海拔900(-1300)-600m之间;落叶阔叶林带在海拔1600(-1300)-2200m之间,无针叶林带在龙门河地区分布。应用TWINSPAN和DCA程序对各调查样地进行数量分类和排序结果说明,植物群落的分布与环境因子明显相关,但排序轴不能用海拔等单个的因子来解释。对各群落乔木层的Gleason丰富度指数,Shannon-Wiener指数及Pielou均匀度指数对比后发现,各种指数在不同的群落之间及不同海拔高度上没有明显的规律,这可能是由于人类活动混淆了群落成分及结构的结果。 锐齿槲栎林是神农架地区一种重要的落叶阔叶林,其分布广泛,保存较好。通过对锐齿槲栎种群大小结构的研究发现,中等大小的锐齿槲栎个体数量较多,幼苗与幼树的数量在不同样地间变化很大,其大小结构分布图中多有一定程度的缺失。锐齿槲栎种群多呈现聚集分布,不同的尺度下其聚集程序不同。在大多数尺度下,幼苗幼树的聚集程度比相同尺度下成体的聚集程序高。幼苗更新是锐齿槲栎更新的一种主要形式,其幼苗的出现与林窗的形成有密切的关系。在锐齿槲栎幼苗成长为幼树的过程中,同于种内与种间竞争的影响。导致了许多幼树的死亡。正是由于林窗形成等干扰因素的影响才使锐齿槲栎幼树得以进入群落上层。
Monkeys with lesions of areas 9 and 46 performed three variants of the spatial delayed response (SDR) task. There were no impairments in allocentric spatial memory in which geometrical relationships between environmental cues were used to identify spatial location; thus, memory of a 3D environmental map is intact. In contrast, there were severe impairments in egocentric spatial memory guided by visual or tactile cues that monkeys can relate to their viewing perspective during testing. These results strongly suggest that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex selectively mediates spatial memory tasks that are solved by referencing the location of targets to the body's orientation. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Clinorotation experiments were established to simulate microgravity on ground. It was found that there were obvious changes of Dunaliella salina FACHB435 cells and their metabolic characteristics during clinorotation. The changes included the increases of glycerol content, the rate of H+ secretion and PM H+-ATPase activity, and the decrease of ratio of the plasma membrane (PM) phospholipid to PM protein. These results indicated that microgravity was a stress environment to Dunaliella salina. It is deduced that it would be possible to attribute the effect of microgravity on algal cells to the secondary activation of water stress.