164 resultados para EBSD


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High purity Al single crystals of the (011)[011] orientation have been deformed in plane strain compression in a channel die. Deformation was carried out at a strain rate of 0.01 s−1 to true strains of 0.5 and 1.0, and at temperatures of 25, 200 and 300 °C. The as-deformed microstructure has been characterized using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). No recrystallization was detected after deformation, and the deformation texture analysis showed that the stability of the orientation decreased with increasing temperature, contrary to reports for other orientations.

Annealing was carried out for various times at 300 °C. Nucleation of recrystallization exhibited periodicity, with distinct bands of recrystallized grains forming parallel to the transverse direction. This recrystallized microstructure has been examined using EBSD. A model is proposed to account for the origin of the periodicity of nucleation and the retention of rods or cylinders of unrecrystallized material after significant annealing times.


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Single crystal seeds of the nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4 have been partially melted in a temperature gradient and then quenched. Small islands of random orientation are observed throughout the melted-back semi-solid. These random orientations appear to be pinched-off secondary dendrite arms, but there is no evidence that they are transported ahead of the dendrite tips to nucleate stray grains during directional solidification.


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Transformation textures in the two-phase alloy Ti–6Al–4V have been studied. Samples were heated into the fully β phase condition and then slow cooled to allow diffusional transformation to α. This produced a microstructure of grain boundary α encircling colonies of Widmanstätten α. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) texture measurements showed that the α texture was markedly sharper than that calculated on a basis of equal variant probability, indicating that significant variant selection was occurring during diffusional transformation. Investigation of the α variants produced across prior β grain boundaries has shown that the selection of variants during transformation is highly dependant on the crystallography of those boundaries. The effect of this crystallographic variant selection on the transformation texture has been modelled.


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Magnesium alloys are attractive for automotive and aerospace industries, due to their low density. One problem with these alloys is their limited formability at room temperature. Twinning plays a dominant role in deformation behaviour and it can be expected that an increased understanding of twinning will help improve formability. In the present work, the behaviour of different twinning systems in as-cast Mg-3AI-IZn is investigated using in-situ tensile tests in a scanning electron microscope. Electron backscatter diffraction and back scatter electron imaging were carried out during the tests. The results show both "tension" and "compression" twinning are active at room temperature and that twinning and untwinning occur both during loading and unloading.


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A novel single-pass hot strip rolling process has been developed in which ultra-fine (<2 μm) ferrite grains form at the surface of hot rolled strip in two low carbon steels with average austenite grain sizes above 200 μm. Two experiments were performed on strip that had been re-heated to 1250°C for 300 s and air-cooled to the rolling temperatures. The first involved hot rolling a sample of 0.09 wt.%C–1.68Mn–0.22Si–0.27Mo steel (steel A) at 800°C, which was just above the Ar3 of this sample, while the second involved hot rolling a sample of 0.11C–1.68Mn–0.22Si steel (steel B) at 675°C, which is just below the Ar3 temperature of the sample. After air cooling, the surface regions of strip of both steel A and B consisted of ultra-fine ferrite grains which had formed within the large austenite grains, while the central regions consisted of a bainitic microstructure. In the case of steel B, a network of allotriomorphic ferrite delineated the prior-austenite grain boundaries throughout the strip cross-section. Based on results from optical microscopy and scanning/transmission electron microscopy, as well as bulk X-ray texture analysis and microtextural analysis using Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction (EBSD), it is shown that the ultra-fine ferrite most likely forms by a process of rapid intragranular nucleation during, or immediately after, deformation. This process of inducing intragranular nucleation of ferrite by deformation is referred to as strain-induced transformation.


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Magnesium and its alloys do not in general undergo the same extended range of plasticity as their competitor structural metals. The present work presents part II of a study that examines some of the roles deformation twinning might play in the phenomenon. A series of tensile and compression tests results are reported for common wrought alloys: AZ31, ZK60 and ZM20. These data are combined with EBSD analysis and simple flow stress models to argue the following: (i) that “contraction” double twinning (which enables contraction along the c axis) can decrease the uniform elongation, and (ii) that compression double twinning can also account for shear failure at low strains. The last of these is described as a combined consequence of strain softening of the continuum and the local generation of twin sized voids.


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he microstructural evolution is examined during the hot compression of magnesium alloy AZ31 for both wrought and as-cast initial microstructures. The influences of strain, temperature, and strain rate on the dynamically recrystallized microstructures are assessed. Both the percentage dynamic recrysallization (DRX) and the dynamically recrystallized grain size were found to be sensitive to the initial microstructure and the applied deformation conditions. Lower Z conditions (lower strain rates and higher temperatures) yield larger dynamically recrystallized grain sizes and increased percentages of DRX, as expected. The rate with which the percentage DRX increases for the as-cast material is considerably lower than for the wrought material. Also, in the as-cast samples, the percentage DRX does not continue to increase toward complete DRX with decreasing Z. These observations may be attributed to the deformation becoming localized in the DRX fraction of the material. Also, the dynamically recrystallized grain size is generally larger in as-cast material than in wrought material, which may be attributed to DRX related to twins and the inhomogeneity of deformation. Orientation maps of the as-cast material (from electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) data) reveal evidence of discontinuous DRX (DDRX) and DRX related to twins as predominant mechanisms, with some manifestation of continuous DRX (CDRX) and particle-stimulated nucleation (PSN).


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The microstructure evolution during hot deformation of a 23Cr-5Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steel was investigated in torsion. The presence of a soft δ ferrite phase in the vicinity of austenite caused strain partitioning, with accommodation of more strain in the δ ferrite. Furthermore, owing to the limited number of austenite/austenite grain boundaries, the kinetics of dynamic recrystallisation (DRX) in austenite was very slow. The first DRX grains in the austenite phase formed at a strain beyond the peak and proceeded to <15% of the microstructure at the rupture strain of the sample. On the other hand, the microstructure evolution in δ ferrite started by formation of low angle grain boundaries at low strains and the density of these boundaries increased with increasing strain. There was clear evidence of continuous dynamic recrystallisation in this phase at strains beyond the peak. However, in the δ ferrite phase at high strains, most grains consisted of δ/δ and δ/γ boundaries.


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The mechanical anisotropy of wrought Mg alloys is very high. For example the yield stress of extruded Mg-3Al-1Zn tested in tension can be as high as twice that obtained in compression [1]. To solve the problems this creates for product design it is necessary to understand the sensitivity of texture to processing parameters. Uniaxial compression tests at different temperatures were performed on cylindrical samples of an extruded Mg-3Al-1Zn bar. The texture
during this deformation changes from a situation where all crystal c-axes are nearly perpendicular to the sample axis to one where the c-axes are all nearly parallel to this axis. Compression was stopped at different strains to examine the rate of this texture change. Textures were examined using EBSD measurements. It was found that different mechanisms operate depending on the temperature of deformation and that a variety of textures can be created. Also it was seen that an annealing treatment performed after compression has an influence on the texture. Afterwards the samples were subjected to another uniaxial compression test to examine the influence of texture on room temperature properties.


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Ferrite grain/subgrain structures evolution during the extended dynamic softening of a plain low carbon steel was investigated throughout the large strain warm deformation by hot torsion. Microstructural analysis with electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) scanning electron microscope (FEG/SEM) was carried out on the ferrite microstructural parameters. The results showed that the warm flow stress–strain curves are similar to those affected only by dynamic softening and an extended warm flow softening is seen during large strain deformation up to 30. Furthermore, with an increase in strain up to ~ vert, similar1 the grain size of ferrite, misorientation angle and fraction of high-angle boundaries gradually decrease and fraction of low-angle boundaries increases. With a further increase in the strain beyond ~, vert, similar2, these parameters remain approximately unchanged. No evidence of discontinuous dynamic recrystallisation involving nucleation and growth of new grains was found within ferrite. Therefore, the dynamic softening mechanism observed during large strain ferritic deformation is explained by continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX).


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The activation of slip and twinning deformation modes in Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy was investigated by means of both in-situ and ex-situ methods at ambient temperature using electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD). The results confirm the importance of non-basal slip and c-axis compression double twinning. During tensile deformation of rolled sheet, 63% of the observed slip traces were ascribed to prismatic slip, 33% to basal slip and 4% to <c+a> slip. Prismatic slip was frequently observed in grain interiors. The density of twinning was quantified in samples tested along transverse, extrusion and rolling directions at failure. The values in the range of 0.02-0.18 twins per square micron were found depending on sample orientation. The results show the effect of twinning on failure.


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In order to improve the understanding of the dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization behaviours of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel, a series of hot torsion test have been performed under a range of deformation conditions. The mechanical and microstructural features of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) were characterized to compare and contrast them with those of the post-dynamic recrystallization. A necklace type of dynamically recrystallized microstructure was observed during hot deformation at 900 °C and at a strain rate of 0.01 s−1. Following deformation, the dependency of time for 50% recrystallization, t50, changed from “strain dependent” to “strain independent” at a transition strain (ε*), which is significantly beyond the peak. This transition strain was clearly linked to the strain for 50% dynamic recrystallization during deformation. The interrelations between the fraction of dynamically recrystallized microstructure, the evolution of post-dynamically recrystallized microstructure and the final grain size have been established. The results also showed an important role of grain growth on softening of deformed austenite.


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Air-atomized pure aluminium powder with 15 at.% MgB2 was mechanically milled (MMed) by using a vibrational ball mill, and MMed powders were consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) to produce composite materials with high specific strength. Solid-state reactions of MMed powders have been examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and mechanical properties of the SPSed materials have been evaluated by hardness measurements and compression tests. Orientation images of microstructures were obtained via the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique.

The solid-state reactions in the Al–15 at.% MgB2 composite materials occurred between the MMed powders and process control agent (PCA) after heating at 773–873 K for 24 h. The products of the solid-state reaction were a combination of AlB2, Al3BC and spinel MgAl2O4. Mechanical milling (MM) processing time and heating temperatures affect the characteristics of those intermetallic compounds. As the result of the solid-state reactions in MMed powders, a hardness increase was observed in MMed powders after heating at 573–873 K for 24 h. The full density was attained for the SPSed materials from 4 h or 8 h MMed powders in the Al–15 at.% MgB2 composite materials under an applied pressure of 49 MPa at 873 K for 1 h. The microstructure of the SPSed materials fabricated from the MMed powders presented the bimodal aluminium matrix grain structure with the randomly distributions. The Al–15 at.% MgB2SPSed material from powder MMed for 8 h exhibited the highest compressive 0.2% proof strength of 846 MPa at room temperature.


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The magnesium alloy Mg–5%Y–2%Nd–2%RE–0.5Zr, known as WE54, was heat treated to produce different particle dispersions. Specimens were then compressed to a strain of 8%, and this resulted in prolific mechanical twinning.EBSD analysis revealed that {1121} twins were operative in this alloy, a twinning mode not reported before in magnesium alloys. Activation of this twinning mode is ascribed to the presence of alloying elements in solution. Removal of alloying elements from solution by precipitation treatments completely inhibited this twin mode.


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The electron backscattering diffraction technique was used to analyse the nature of carbides present in an ancient wootz steel blade. Bulky carbides, pro-eutectoid carbide along the prior austenite grain boundaries and fine spheroidized carbides were detected. Electron backscattering diffraction was employed to understand the texture of these carbides. The orientations of the cementite frequently occur in clusters, which points to a common origin of the members of the cluster. For the bands of coarse cementite, the origin is probably large coarse particles formed during the original cooling of the wootz cake. Pearlite formed earlier in the forging process has led to groups of similarly oriented fine cementite particles. The crystallographic texture of the cementite is sharp whereas that of the ferrite is weak. The sharp cementite textures point to the longevity of the coarse cementite throughout the repeated forging steps and to the influence of existing textured cementite on the nucleation of new cementite during cooling.