982 resultados para Dual Specificity Phosphatase 1


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Objetivos : evaluar las características operativas del examen físico en el diagnóstico de neumonía y evaluar su acuerdo inter-observador. Marco de referencia : los estudios que avaluaron al examen físico como prueba diagnóstica en neumonía son metodológicamente deficientes. Diseño : estudio ciego de corte transversal para evaluación de prueba diagnóstica. Pacientes : adultos quienes consultan al servicio de urgencias y hospitalización de la FCI por síntomas respiratorios agudos o exacerbación de los mismos. Mediciones : examen físico por dos observadores independientes, toma de radiografía de tórax y lectura por radiólogo experto. Se tomaron los datos que permitieron calcular el índice de severidad de neumonía (PSI). Resultados : de 198 pacientes, 85(42%) tenían neumonía radiográficamente. Las características operativas del examinador1 fueron: Sensibilidad:63.2%, Especificidad:54,1%, LR(+)=1,36, LR(-)=0,68; para el examinador2: Sensibilidad:34,3%, Especificidad:71,7%, LR(+)=1,17, LR(-)=0,92. La correlación entre diagnóstico clínico para derrame pleural fue k=-0,052, no significativa (p=0,445); y para neumonía k=0.25 significativa (p=0.022). Al medirse la severidad de neumonía por PSI, la sensibilidad aumento estratificada a severidad (II:Sensibilidad:40%; III:Sensibilidad: 57%; IV:Sensibilidad;75%; V:Sensibilidad:80%). Conclusiones : el examen físico no es sensible ni especifico en el diagnóstico de neumonía. Existe un índice de acuerdo débil en el examen físico de tórax para el diagnóstico de derrame pleural y neumonía Es más probable el diagnóstico clínico de neumonía al aumentar la severidad por PSI.


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RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar el comportamiento de la sintomatología de los Desórdenes Músculo-esqueléticos (DME) de miembros superiores y determinar si la dinamometría es predictiva y sirve como soporte para el diagnostico de los mismos. Pacientes y Métodos: Se tomó una cohorte de 400 trabajadores de tres empresas del sector floricultor de la sabana de Bogotá en el año 2006, quienes fueron evaluados clínicamente por un médico especialista en salud ocupacional. Se seleccionaron 105 trabajadores que no presentaban síntomas osteomusculares de miembros superiores, a quienes se realizó seguimiento clínico y dinamometría anual hasta el año 2009. En cada evaluación se realizaron tres mediciones con el dinamómetro Dynatron® midiendo la fuerza de agarre en cada mano, tomando como dato final el promedio obtenido. Los datos fueron digitados en un base de Excel 2003 (Office®) y la depuración y el procesamiento fueron realizados en el programa estadístico de sobrevida. Resultados: El grupo de estudio estaba compuesto por 73 mujeres (69.5%) y 32 hombres (32.5%). La mano dominante fue la derecha en 99 trabajadores (94.3%). El índice de masa corporal (IMC) se encontró alterado revelando sobrepeso en 50 trabajadores (47.6%). Tenían una media de antigüedad en la empresa de 6,48 años y de 14.12 años de exposición en el sector floricultor. El promedio de la fuerza de agarre manual fue mayor para los hombres con respecto a las mujeres. Los primeros presentaron cifras; para la mano derecha de 105 libras y para la izquierda de 102 libras; en las mujeres fue de 62 libras para la mano derecha y de 61 libras para la izquierda. El 38.1% de la población estudiada desarrolló patologías osteomusculares de miembros superiores a lo largo de los 4 años de seguimiento, dentro de las cuales predominó la epicondilitis de miembro superior derecho, presentándose con mayor frecuencia en las mujeres. La probabilidad de supervivencia global para las mujeres fue 46,3% mientras que para los hombres fue de 81,6% a lo largo del tiempo de estudio con una p=0.0107. En el periodo de estudio las mujeres necesitaron aproximadamente de 38 meses para alcanzar el 50% de sobrevida. Para el género femenino el promedio de la fuerza de la mano derecha de 28 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% con una especificidad del 1%. En la mano izquierda el promedio de la fuerza de 30,0 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 1%. En los hombres se encontró que el promedio de fuerza de la mano derecha de 65 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 1% y de la mano izquierda de 66 libras tiene una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 1%. Conclusiones: Las lesiones osteomusculares presentaron altas incidencias en la población estudiada que no se relacionan con aspectos como IMC y tiempo de vida en el sector floricultor y las mujeres presentaron una probabilidad de supervivencia significativamente menor con respecto a los hombres. La dinamometría en valores bajos es un estudio que se correlaciona con la presencia de DME pero no tiene valor predictivo.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the use of 1 kHz tympanometry in young infants. A larger sample will be needed to develop definitive norms and determine the sensitivity and specificity of 1 kHz tympanometry for middle ear pathology in young infants.


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The canonical pathway of regulation of the germinal centre kinase (GCK) III subgroup member, mammalian Sterile20-related kinase 3 (MST3), involves a caspase-mediated cleavage between N-terminal catalytic and C-terminal regulatory domains with possible concurrent autophosphorylation of the activation loop MST3(Thr178-), induction of Ser-/Thr-protein kinase activity and nuclear localisation. We identified an alternative ‘non-canonical’ pathway of MST3 activation (regulated primarily through dephosphorylation) which may also be applicable to other GCKIII (and GCKVI) subgroup members. In the basal state, inactive MST3 co-immunoprecipitated with the Golgi protein, GOLGA2/gm130. Activation of MST3 by calyculin A (a protein Ser-/Thr- phosphatase 1/2A inhibitor) stimulated (auto)phosphorylation of MST3(Thr178-) in the catalytic domain with essentially simultaneous cis-autophosphorylation of MST3(Thr328-) in the regulatory domain, an event also requiring the MST3(341-376) sequence which acts as a putative docking domain. MST3(Thr178-) phosphorylation increased MST3 kinase activity but this activity was independent of MST3(Thr328-) phosphorylation. Interestingly, MST3(Thr328-) lies immediately C-terminal to a STRAD pseudokinase-like site recently identified as being involved in binding of GCKIII/GCKVI members to MO25 scaffolding proteins. MST3(Thr178- /Thr328-) phosphorylation was concurrent with dissociation of MST3 from GOLGA2/gm130 and association of MST3 with MO25, and MST3(Thr328-) phosphorylation was necessary for formation of the activated MST3-MO25 holocomplex.


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Aim To develop a brief, parent-completed instrument (‘ERIC’) for detection of cognitive delay in 10-24 month-olds born preterm, or with low birth weight, or with perinatal complications, and to establish its diagnostic properties. Method Scores were collected from parents of 317 children meeting ≥1 inclusion criteria (birth weight <1500g; gestational age <34 completed weeks; 5-minute Apgar <7; presence of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy) and meeting no exclusion criteria. Children were assessed for cognitive delay using a criterion score on the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Cognitive Scale III1 <80. Items were retained according to their individual associations with delay. Sensitivity, specificity, Positive and Negative Predictive Values were estimated and a truncated ERIC was developed for use <14 months. Results ERIC detected 17 out of 18 delayed children in the sample, with 94.4% sensitivity (95% CI [confidence interval] 83.9-100%), 76.9% specificity (72.1-81.7%), 19.8% positive predictive value (11.4-28.2%); 99.6% negative predictive value (98.7-100%); 4.09 likelihood ratio positive; and 0.07 likelihood ratio negative; the associated Area under the Curve was .909 (.829-.960). Interpretation ERIC has potential value as a quickly-administered diagnostic instrument for the absence of early cognitive delay in preterm or premature infants of 10-24 months, and as a screen for cognitive delay. Further research may be needed before ERIC can be recommended for wide-scale use.


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Background Epidemiological studies indicate that the prevalence of psychological problems in patients attending primary care services may be as high as 25%. Aim To identify factors that influence the detection of psychological difficulties in adolescent patients receiving primary care in the UK. Design of study A prospective study of 13-16 year olds consecutively attending general practices. Setting General practices, Norfolk, UK. Method Information was obtained from adolescents and parents using the validated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and from GF`s using the consultation assessment form. Results Ninety-eight adolescents were recruited by 13 GPs in Norfolk (mean age = 14.4 years, SD = 1.08; 38 males, 60 females). The study identified psychological difficulties in almost one-third of adolescents (31/98, 31.6%). Three factors significant to the detection of psychological disorders in adolescents were identified: adolescents' perceptions of difficulties according to the self-report SDQ, the severity of their problems as indicated by the self-report SDQ, and whether psychological issues were discussed in the consultation. GPs did not always explore psychological problems with adolescents, even if GPs perceived these to be present. Nineteen of 31 adolescents with psychological difficulties were identified by GPs (sensitivity = 61.2%, specificity = 85.1%). A management plan or follow-up was made for only seven of 19 adolescents identified, suggesting that ongoing psychological difficulties in many patients are not being addressed. Conclusions GPs are in a good position to identify psychological issues in adolescents, but GPs and adolescents seem reluctant to explore these openly. Open discussion of psychological issues in GP consultations was found to be the most important factor in determining whether psychological difficulties in adolescents are detected by GPs.


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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of two imaging methods in diagnosing apical periodontitis (AP) using histopathological findings as a gold standard. Methods: The periapex of 83 treated or untreated roots of dogs` teeth was examined using periapical radiography (PR), cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, and histology. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and accuracy of PR and CBCT diagnosis were calculated. Results: PR detected AP in 71% of roots, a CBCT scan detected AP in 84%, and AP was histologically diagnosed in 93% (p = 0.001). Overall, sensitivity was 0.77 and 0.91 for PR and CBCT, respectively. Specificity was 1 for both. Negative predictive value was 0.25 and 0.46 for PR and CBCT, respectively. Positive predictive value was 1 for both. Diagnostic accuracy (true positives + true negatives) was 0.78 and 0.92 for PR and CBCT (p = 0.028), respectively. Conclusion: A CBCT scan was more sensitive in detecting AP compared with PR, which was more likely to miss AP when it was still present. (J Endod 2009;35:1009-1012)


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Although the anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids (GCs) are well established, evidence has accumulated showing that proinflammatory GC effects can occur in the brain, in a poorly understood manner. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assay, real-time PCR, and immunoblotting, we investigated the ability of varying concentrations of corticosterone (CORT, the GC of rats) to modulate lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced activation of NF-kappa B (nuclear factor kappa B), expression of anti- and proinflammatory factors and of the MAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinase family [ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase), p38, and JNK/ SAPK (c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase/ stress-activated protein kinase)], and AKT. In the frontal cortex, elevated CORT levels were proinflammatory, exacerbating LPS effects on NF-kappa B, MAP kinases, and proinflammatory gene expression. Milder proinflammatory GCs effects occurred in the hippocampus. In the absence of LPS, elevated CORT levels increased basal activation of ERK1/ 2, p38, SAPK/ JNK, and AKT in both regions. These findings suggest that GCs do not uniformly suppress neuroinflammation and can even enhance it at multiple levels in the pathway linking LPS exposure to inflammation.


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Hypertension is one of many side effects of oral contraceptive use in a small percentage of women. Although the underlying pathology has yet to be fully resolved, alterations in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis, sympathetic nervous system/ renal and cardiac function have been implicated. In the thesis to be presented, the possible involvement of alterations in renal and myocardial adrenoceptor characteristics in the pathogenesis of steroid contraceptive-induced hypertension in rats was examined by radioligand binding techniques. In Chapter 2, a rat model of OC hypertension is described. Chronic low-dose administration of ethynyloestradiol (EE2), levonorgestrel (NG) or a combination of both steroids (EE2/NG) to female Sprague-Dawley rats was shown to significantly increase systolic blood pressure (SBP). Renal and cardiac hypertrophy developed in association with EE2-, EE2/NG- but not NG-induced hypertension. Moreover, whereas administration of NG alone attenuated body weight gain, combined EE2/NG administration increased body weight gain from the second week of treatment onwards. Based on the above observations, it is proposed that EE2 and NG induce hypertension in rats via different mechanisms. Although SBP was elevated to a similar maximum in all steroid-treated groups (+ 20 mmHg compared to controls), only with EE2 administration did SBP remain elevated for the duration of the 17 week treatment regimen. NG may therefore have a protective effect on blood pressure with long-term combined steroid contraceptive treatment. In Chapter 4, renal adrenoceptors were characterized using radioactively labelled adrenocephor antagonists. Under appropriate conditions, binding of [3H]-prazosin and [3H]-rauwolscine to membrane preparations of whole rat kidney displayed the kinetics, saturability and specificity of α1- and α2 -adrenoceptors respectively, which were present in a ratio 3:1. In contrast, [3H]-dihydroergocryptine ([3H]-DHE) apparently bound to both α1 and α2-adrenoceptors. Binding sites identified by [125I] –iodocyanopindolol (ICYP) had the recognition characteristics of β-adrenoceptors. In drug competition studies using the subtype-selective antagonists practolol (β1) and ICI 118,551 (β2)/ the ratio of β1- to β2 -adrenoceptors was found to be approximately 2:1. Subsequently, renal adrenoceptors were investigated at various stages during the development of hypertension with the different steroid contraceptive treatments (Chapters 5 and 6). Preliminary binding studies with [3H]-DHE and [3H]-prazosin suggested that the number of renal α2 - but not α1-adrenoceptors was reduced in rats with established EE2-induced hypertension (17 weeks treatment). This was subsequently confirmed using [3H]-rauwolscine, which in addition showed that the reduction in renal α2 -adrenoceptor number occurred during the developmental stage of EE2/NG~induced hypertension (6 weeks treatment) and established EE2-induced hypertension (12 weeks treatment). NG induced hypertension was unassociated with changes in renal α1- and α2-adrenoceptor characteristics. Renal β-adrenoceptor affinity was reduced in established EE2-, but not NG- or EE2/NG- induced hypertension. Moreover, the β-adrenoceptor agonist (-)-isoprenaline bound to renal β-adrenoceptors with reduced affinity following EE2 administration. Several endogenous and synthetic steroids were found to be ineffective inhibitors of [3H] –prazosin, [3H] –rauwolscine and ICYP binding excluding a direct interaction of these steroids with renal α1-, α2- and β -adrenoceptors. In Chapter 7, myocardial adrenoceptors were characterized and investigated in steroid-treated rats. In membrane preparations of whole myocardium, [3H]-prazosin binding was characteristically to α1- adrenoceptors, whereas there was a notable absence of [3H]-rauwolscine binding. Using ICYP, β-adrenoceptors were also detected, the ratio of β1- to β2~adrenoceptors being 3:1. Steroid contraceptive-induced hypertension was not associated with myocardial α1-adrenoceptor changes. Similarly, myocardial β-adrenoceptors were unchanged in established EE2-, NG- and EE2/NG-induced hypertension (12 weeks treatment). The affinity of (-)-isoprenaline for myocardial β-adrenoceptors was unaffected by EE2 aditiinistration. These studies suggest that established EE2- but not NG-induced hypertension in rats is associated with selective alterations in renal α2- and (β-adrenoceptors. These adrenoceptor changes may help to maintain elevated blood pressure by affecting the control of renal function by the sympathetic nervous system, catecholamines and several hormones which affect renin release and the transport of fluid and electrolytes in the nephron.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dexmedetomidina, agonista alfa2-adrenérgico com especificidade alfa1:alfa2 1:1620, não determina depressão respiratória, sendo utilizada no intra-operatório como sedativo e analgésico. Esse fármaco tem sido empregado com os opióides em anestesia de procedimentos com elevado estímulo doloroso, como os abdominais intraperitoneais, não havendo referências sobre seu uso como analgésico único. Comparou-se a dexmedetomidina ao sufentanil em procedimentos intraperitoneais, de pacientes com mais de 60 anos de idade. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 41 pacientes divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: GS (n = 21), que recebeu sufentanil, e GD (n = 20), dexmedetomidina, ambos na indução e manutenção da anestesia. Os pacientes receberam etomidato (GS e GD) com midazolam (GD) na indução, isoflurano e óxido nitroso na manutenção da anestesia. Foram avaliados os atributos hemodinâmicos (pressão arterial média e freqüência cardíaca), tempos de despertar e de extubação ao final da anestesia, locais onde os pacientes foram extubados - sala de operação (SO) ou sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA), tempo de permanência na SRPA, necessidade de analgesia suplementar e antiemético na SRPA, complicações apresentadas na SO e SRPA, índice de Aldrete-Kroulik na alta da SRPA e a necessidade de máscara de oxigênio na alta da SRPA. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença quanto à estabilidade hemodinâmica e GD apresentou menor tempo de permanência na SRPA e menor necessidade de máscara de oxigênio na alta da SRPA. CONCLUSÕES: A dexmedetomidina pode ser utilizada como analgésico isolado em operações intraperitoneais em pacientes com mais de 60 anos, determinando estabilidade hemodinâmica semelhante à do sufentanil, com melhores características de recuperação.


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Oxacillin is the main drug of choice for the treatment of S. aureus infections. However, S. aureus resistance to oxacillin has become a major problem in the recent decades. The study aimed assess the rates of oxacillin resistance in S. aureus samples obtained at the Botucatu Medical School Hospital, UNESP, and to compare phenotypic techniques for the detection of MRSA against the gold standard method (mecA gene detection) in these samples. A total of 102 samples, previously isolated between 2002 and 2006, and kept at the Culture Collection of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, in the Botucatu Biosciences Institute, UNESP, were included. Oxacillin resistance was assessed by oxacillin and cefoxitin disk diffusion and agar dilution tests, screening tests using Mueller-Hinton agar with 6 mu g/mL of oxacillin and 4% NaCl, E-test, and mecA gene detection. of the samples analyzed, 46 (45.1%) were mecA-positive. Oxacillin disk sensitivity and specificity were 86.9% and 91.1%, respectively. Cefoxitin disk sensitivity and specificity were respectively 91.3% and 91.1%. The screening test with the cefoxitin disk showed almost the same level of sensitivity (91.3%) and specificity (91.1%). With E-test strips, sensitivity was higher (97.8%) and specificity was comparable to that found with the other methods (91.1%). Ninety-three percent of the samples produced beta-lactamase and five of them were mecA-negative. There was a gradual increase in the number of oxacillin-resistant S. aureus samples between 2002 and 2004. However, from 2004 to 2006, the number of resistant samples dropped from 55% of MRSA in 2004, to 45% in 2005 and 34.6% in 2006. The data obtained reveal that, among phenotypic methods, the E-test yielded the best results, with higher sensitivity levels when compared to the other methods. The decreased resistance rate observed over the most recent years may be explained by the rational use of antimicrobial agents associated with good practices in the control of hospital infection, or may be related to the diminished use of oxacillin as a treatment option.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)