995 resultados para Du Barry, Ctesse
Background Psychological tests can be useful to record adaptive and maladaptive behaviours of children with intellectual disability. The objective of this study was to describe the adaptive and maladaptive behaviour of children and adolescents with Cri-du-chat syndrome. Methods The sample consisted of 10 children and adolescents with Cri-du-chat syndrome (mean chronological age = 11.3 years, mean mental age = 18 months). The developmental quotient was calculated through the Psychoeducational Profile - Revised. An observational protocol was used to record adaptive and maladaptive behaviours. Results The number of maladaptive behaviours observed was different among participants. However, all of them had high rates of adaptive behaviours, such as rule-following. Conclusions These results, though preliminary, justify that we continue to think about the need for psychoeducational interventions aimed at stimulating the repertoire of adaptive behaviours, in people with Cri-du-chat syndrome.
Revista Lusófona de Ciências Sociais
Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução
RESUMO: Este trabalho descreve pormenorizadamente as valências do projecto «XL» da Associação Solidariedade e Desenvolvimento do Laranjeiro direccionado para a população jovem, multiétnica e multicultural, bem como as diversas actividades e parcerias. Em forma de conclusão apresentamos o caso de sucesso de um jovem entrevistado por um dos técnicos do «XL». ABSTRACT:This work describes on details about the «XL» project of the Associação Solidariedade e Desenvolvimento do Laranjeiro, directed for multiethnic and multicultural teenagers. It’s about their activities and partnerships, followed with the interview conducted by a «XL» worker of a young man, a successful case of this project.