995 resultados para Drug dosage


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Rapport de synthèseDrug uptake in a rodent sarcoma model after intravenous injection or isolated lungperfusion of free/liposomal doxorubicinIntroductionLa distribution de doxorubicine libre et doxorubicin liposomale pegylée (Liporubicin?) a été comparée après administration intraveineuse ou application via perfusion isolée du poumon (ILP) dans le parenchyme pulmonaire et dans la tumeur des poumons de rongeurs, porteurs d'une tumeur sarcomateuse.Matériel et méthodeUne tumeur sarcomateuse unique a été générée dans le poumon gauche de 36 rongeurs (Fisher rats) suivie, 10 jours plus tard, par application de doxorubicine ou Liporubicin? soit par perfusion isolée du poumon (n = 20) ou administration intraveineuse (n = 12). Deux différentes concentrations ont été utilisées (100 μg et 400 pg) à doses équimolaires pour les deux formulations de doxorubicine. La concentration des agents cytostatiques ont été mesurées dans la tumeur et le parenchyme pulmonaire à l'aide de chromatographic (HPLC).RésultatsLes résultats indiquent que pour doxorubicine libre, le taux de concentration dans la tumeur et le parenchyme pulmonaire est 3 fois (dosage de 100 μ§) et 10 fois (dosage de 400 plus élevé après ILP par rapport à l'administration intraveineuse. En revanche, pour Liporubicin , le taux de concentration est similaire dans la tumeur et le parenchyme pulmonaire entre ILP et administration intraveineuse, pour les deux doses appliquées.ConclusionPour ILP et administration intraveineuse, le ratio entre accumulation de l'agent cytostatique dans la tumeur versus dans le parenchyme pulmonaire a été comparé pour les deux formulations de doxorubicine ainsi que pour les deux dosages. Pour les deux formulations et dosages de doxorubicine, ILP aboutit à un ratio plus élevé par rapport à l'administration intraveineuse. Cependant, pour les deux formulations et dosages de doxorubicine, ILP résulte également en une distribution de l'agent cytostatique plus hétérogène dans le parenchyme pulmonaire comparé à l'administration intraveineuse.En résumé, l'application de doxorubicine par ILP aboutit donc à une accumulation tumorale élevée et à une augmentation du ratio tumeur-parenchyme pulmonaire, mais en même temps également à une distribution plus hétérogène dans le parenchyme pulmonaire par rapport à l'application intraveineuse. Ceci a été observé pour les deux formulations de doxorubicine et pour les deux dosages appliqué.


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BACKGROUND: Potential drug-drug interactions (PDDIs) might expand with new combination antiretroviral therapies (ART) and polypharmacy related to increasing age and comorbidities. We investigated the prevalence of comedications and PDDIs within a large HIV cohort, and their effect on ART efficacy and tolerability. METHODS: All medications were prospectively recorded in 1,497 ART-treated patients and screened for PDDIs using a customized version of the Liverpool drug interactions database. RESULTS: Overall, 68% (1,013/1,497) of patients had a comedication and 40% (599/1,497) had > or = 1 PDDI. Among patients with comedication, 2% (21/1,013) had red-flag interactions (contraindicated) and 59% (597/1,013) had orange-flag interactions (potential dose adjustment and/or close monitoring required). The latter involved mainly central nervous system drugs (49%), cardiovascular drugs (34%) and methadone (19%). In the multivariate analysis, factors associated with having a comedication were advanced age, female gender, obesity and HCV infection. Independent risk factors for PDDIs were regimens combining protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (odds ratio [OR] 3.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.44-6.48), > or = 2 comedications (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.32-2.70), current illicit drug use (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.29-3.10) and patients with HCV infection (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.19-2.56). Viral response was similar in patients with and without PDDIs (84.5% versus 86.4%; P=0.386). During follow-up, ART was modified in 134 patients with comedication regardless of the presence of PDDIs (P=0.524). CONCLUSIONS: PDDIs increase with complex ART and comorbidities. No adverse effect was noted on ART efficacy or tolerability; however, most PDDIs affected comedication but were manageable through dose adjustment or monitoring.


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Abstract: The improvement in antiretroviral drug therapy has transformed HIV infection into a chronic disease. However, treatment failure and drug toxicity are frequent. Inadequate response to treatment is clearly multifactorial and, therefore, dosage individualisation based on demographic factors, genetic markers and measurement of cellular and plasma drug level may enhance both drug efficacy and tolerability. At present, antiretroviral drugs levels are monitored in plasma, whereas only drugs penetrating into cells are able to exert an antiviral activity, suggesting that cellular drug determination may more confidently reflect drug exposure at the site of pharmacological action. The overall objective of this thesis is to provide a better understanding of the Pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic factors influencing the plasma and cellular disposition of antiretroviral drugs. To that endeavour, analytical methods for the measurements of plasma and cellular drug levels have been developed and validated using liquid chromatography methods coupled with ultraviolet and tandem mass spectrometry detection, respectively. Correlations between plasma and cellular exposures were assessed during observational and experimental studies. Cytochrome (CYP) 2B6, efflux transporters (ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2 and ABCG2) and orosomucoid (ORM) polymorphisms were determined and were related to plasma and cellular exposures, as well as toxicity of antiretroviral drugs. A Pharmacokinetic population model was developed to characterise inter- and intra-patient variability of atazanavir pharmacokinetics, and to identify covariates influencing drug disposition. In that context, a Pharmacokinetic interaction study between atazanavir and lopinavir, both boosted with ritonavir, has beén conducted to assess the safety and pharmacokinetics of this boosted double-protease inhibitors regimen. Well to moderately-correlated cellular and plasma drug levels are .observed or protease inhibitors, whereas for efavirenz and nevirapine these correlations are weak. Cellular exposure, and CYP2B6 genotype (516G>T) are predictors of efavirenz neuropsychological toxicity. Nevirapine plasma exposure is also influenced by CYPZB6 polymorphism. Nelfinavir cellular exposure appears to be significantly associated only with ABCB1 genotype (3435C>T and intron 26 + 80T>C). Indinavir and lopinavir clearance and lopinavir cellular/plasma exposure ratio are influenced by the concentration of the variant S of ORM, suggesting-a specific binding of these drugs to this variant. Nelfinavir and efavirenz are not influenced by ORM concentration and phenotype. The Pharmacokinetic parameters of atazanavir are adequately described by our population model. The atazanavir-lopinavir interaction study indicates no influence on plasma and cellular atazanavir pharmacokinetics, while limited decrease in lopinavir concentrations was observed after atazanavir addition. The residual variability unexplained by the considered variables suggests that other covariates either uncontrolled at present or remaining to be identified, such as genetic and environmental factors influence antiretroviral drug pharmacokinetics, with substantial impact on treatment efficacy and tolerability. In that context, a comprehensive approach taking into account drug pharmacokinetics and patient genetic background is expected to contribute to increase treatment success, and to reduce the occurrence of adverse drug reactions by stratifying patients in an individualised antiretroviral therapy approach. Résumé Facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacogénétiques influençant l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des antirétroviraux Les progrès de la thérapie antirétrovirale ont transformé l'infection par le VIH d'une affection mortelle à une maladie chronique. En dépit de ce succès, l'échec thérapeutique et la toxicité médicamenteuse restent fréquents. Une réponse inadéquate au traitement est clairement multifactorielle et une individualisation de la posologie des médicaments qui se baserait sur les facteurs démographiques et génétiques des patients et sur les taux sanguins des médicaments pourrait améliorer à la fois l'efficacité et la tolérance de la thérapie. Par ailleurs, seules les concentrations plasmatiques sont actuellement considérées pour le suivi thérapeutique des médicaments, alors que les taux cellulaires pourraient mieux refléter l'activité de ses médicaments qui agissent au niveau intracellulaire. L'objectif global de cette thèse était de mieux comprendre les facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacocénétiques influençant l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des médicaments antirétroviraux. A cet effet, des méthodes pour quantifier les concentrations plasmatiques et cellulaires des antirétroviraux ont été développées et validées en utilisant la chromatographie liquide couplée à la détection ultraviolette et la spectrométrie de masse en tandem, respectivement. La corrélation entre l'exposition cellulaire et plasmatique de ces médicaments a été étudiée lors d'études observationnelles et expérimentales. Les polymorphismes du cytochrome (CYP) 2B6, ainsi que des transporteurs d'efflux (ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2 et ABCG2) et de l'orosomucoïde (ORM) ont été déterminés et corrélés avec l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des antirétroviraux, ainsi qu'à leur toxicité. Un modèle de pharmacocinétique de population a été établi afin de caractériser la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle de l'atazanavir, et d'identifier les covariables pouvant influencer le devenir de ce médicament. Dans ce contexte, une étude d'interaction entre l'atazanavir et le lopinavir a été effectuée afin de déterminer la sécurité et le profil pharmacocinétique de ce régime thérapeutique. Des corrélations modérées à bonnes ont été observées entre les taux cellulaires et plasmatiques des inhibiteurs de protéase, alors que pour l'efavirenz et la névirapine ces corrélations sont faibles. L'exposition cellulaire, ainsi que le génotype du CYP2B6 (516G>T) sont des indices de la toxicité neuropsychologique de l'efavirenz. L'exposition plasmatique de la névirapine est également influencée par le polymorphisme du CYPZB6. L'exposition cellulaire du nelfinavir est significativement associée au génotype du ABCB1 (3435C>T et intron 26 + 80T>C). La clairance de l'indinavir et du lopinavir, ainsi que le rapport entre exposition cellulaire et plasmatique du lopinavir sont influencés par la concentration du variant S de l'ORM, suggérant une liaison spécifique de ces médicaments à ce variant. La clairance du nelfinavir et de l'efavirenz n'est pas influencée ni par la concentration ni par le phénotype de l'ORM. Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques de l'atazanavir ont été décrits de façon adéquate par le modèle de population proposé. De plus, le lopinavir n'influence pas les concentrations plasmatiques et cellulaires de l'atazanavir; alors que celui-ci conduit à une baisse limitée des taux de lopinavir. L'importante variabilité pharmacocinétique des antirétroviraux suggère que d'autres facteurs génétiques et environnementaux -qui restent encore à découvrir- influencent également leur disponibilité. Dans un proche futur, une prise en charge qui tienne. compte de la pharmacocinétique des médicaments et des caractéristiques génétiques du patient devrait permettre d'individualiser le traitement, contribuant certainement à une amélioration de la réponse thérapeutique et à une diminution de la toxicité. Résumé grand public Facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacogénétiques influençant l'exposition plasmatique et cellulaire des antirétroviraux Les progrès effectués dans le traitement de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine acquise (VIH), ont permis de transformer une maladie avec un pronostic sombre, en une maladie chronique traitable avec des médicaments de plus en plus efficaces. Malgré ce succès, de nombreux patients ne répondent pas de façon optimale à leur traitement et/ou souffrent d'effets indésirables médicamenteux entraînant fréquemment une modification de leur thérapie. Actuellement, le suivi de la réponse au traitement s'effectue par la mesure chez les patients de la quantité de virus et du nombre des cellules immunitaires dans le sang, ainsi que par la concentration sanguine des médicaments administrés. Cependant, comme le virus se réplique à l'intérieur de la cellule, la mesure des concentrations médicamenteuses au niveau intracellulaire pourrait mieux refléter l'activité pharmacologique au site d'action. De plus, il a été possible de mettre en évidence la grande variabilité des concentrations plasmatiques de médicaments chez des patients prenant pourtant la même dose de médicament. Comme cette variabilité est notamment due à des facteurs génétiques qui sont susceptibles d'influencer la réponse au traitement antirétroviral, des analyses génétiques ont été également effectuées chez ces patients. Cette thèse a eu pour objectif de mieux comprendre les facteurs pharmacologiques et génétiques influençant l'activité et la toxicité des médicaments antirétroviraux afin de réduire la variabilité de la réponse thérapeutique. A cet effet, une méthode de dosage permettant la quantification des médicaments anti-HIV au niveau intracellulaire a été développée. Par ailleurs, nos études ont également porté .sur les variations génétiques influençant la quantité et l'activité des protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme et dans le transport des médicaments antirétroviraux. Enfin, les conséquences de ces variations sur la réponse clinique et la toxicité du traitement ont été évaluées. Nos études ont mis en évidence des associations significatives entre les variations génétiques considérées et la concentration sanguine, cellulaire et la toxicité de quelques médicaments antirétroviraux. La complémentarité des connaissances pharmacologiques, génétiques et virales pourrait aboutir à une stratégie globale permettant d'individualiser le traitement et la dose administrée, en fonction des caractéristiques propres de chaque patient. Cette approche pourrait contribuer à une optimisation du traitement antirétroviral dans la perspective d'une meilleure- efficacité thérapeutique à long terme et d'une diminution des effets indésirables rencontrés.


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Portacaval shunted (PCS) rats, a model of hepatic encephalopathy, and control animals were administered racemic venlafaxine for 14 days (10 mg/kg). The levels of the S- and R-enantiomers and the S/R-enantiomer ratios of venlafaxine and its metabolites were assessed by an enantiomer-selective chromatographic assay in serum, brain parenchyma, and brain dialysate of both groups. Higher levels of the S- and R-enantiomers of venlafaxine were found in serum and brain of PCS vs. normal rats (median values of S- and R-venlafaxine in serum: 290 and 201 nM in PCS; 97 and 66 nM in normal rats; median values of S- and R-venlafaxine in cortex: 956 and 939 nM in PCS; 357 and 318 nM in normal rats). Interestingly, similar S/R-venlafaxine ratios were observed in PCS and normal rats both in serum (S/R = 1.4) and brain compartments (S/R = l.0-1.1). These findings may have clinical relevance for the safety of venlafaxine in chronic hepatic encephalopathy.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate prevalence of transmitted drug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus (TDR) and factors associated with TDR and to compare virological and CD4 count response to combination antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: In this study, 525 mostly chronically infected EuroSIDA patients were included who had genotypic resistance tests performed on plasma samples collected while antiretroviral therapy naive. TDR was defined as at least one resistance mutation from a list proposed for genotypic TDR surveillance. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze factors associated with detection of TDR, with virological (viral load<500 copies/mL) and CD4 count response (>or=50% increase) to combination antiretroviral therapy at months 6-12. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of TDR was 11.4%, which was stable over 1996-2004. There were no significant differences in virological suppression (those resistant to at least one drug prescribed versus susceptible), adjusted odds ratio: 0.68 (95% confidence interval: 0.27 to 1.71; P=0.408) or CD4 count response, adjusted odds ratio: 1.65 (95% confidence interval: 0.73 to 3.73; P=0.231). CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of TDR in antiretroviral-naive patients was found to be in line with other European studies. No significant differences were found in virological and CD4 count response after initiation of first-line combination antiretroviral therapy between resistant and susceptible patients, possibly due to the small number of patients with resistance and consequently low power.


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Introduction: As imatinib pharmacokinetics are highly variable, plasma levels differ largely between patients under the same dosage. Retrospective studies in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients showed significant correlations between low levels and suboptimal response, as well as between high levels and poor tolerability. Monitoring of trough plasma levels, targeting 1000 μg/L and above, is thus increasingly advised. Our study was launched to assess prospectively the clinical usefulness of systematic imatinib TDM in CML patients. This preliminary analysis addresses the appropriateness of the dosage adjustment approach applied in this study, which targets the recommended trough level and allows an interval of 4-24 h after last drug intake for blood sampling. Methods: Blood samples from the first 15 patients undergoing 1st TDM were obtained 1.5-25 h after last dose. Imatinib plasma levels were measured by LC-MS/MS and the concentrations were extrapolated to trough based on a Bayesian approach using a population pharmacokinetic model. Trough levels were predicted to differ significantly from the target in 12 patients (10 <750 μg/L; 2 >1500 μg/L along with poor tolerance) and individual dose adjustments were proposed. 8 patients underwent a 2nd TDM cycle. Trough levels of 1st and 2nd TDM were compared, the sample drawn 1.5 h after last dose (during distribution phase) was excluded from the analysis. Results: Individual dose adjustments were applied in 6 patients. Observed concentrations extrapolated to trough ranged from 360 to 1832 μg/L (median 725; mean 810, CV 52%) on 1st TDM and from 720 to 1187 μg/L (median 950; mean 940, CV 18%) on 2nd TDM cycle. Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest that TDM of imatinib using a Bayesian interpretation is able to target the recommended trough level of 1000 μg/L and to reduce the considerable differences in trough level exposure between patients (with CV decreasing from 52% to 18%). While this may simplify blood collection in daily practice, as samples do not have to be drawn exactly at trough, the largest possible interval to last drug intake yet remains preferable to avoid sampling during distribution phase leading to biased extrapolation. This encourages the evaluation of the clinical benefit of a routine TDM intervention in CML patients, which the randomized Swiss I-COME trial aims to.


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PURPOSE: To study the kinetics of polylactide (PLA) nanoparticle (NP) localization within the intraocular tissues and to evaluate their potential to release encapsulated material. METHODS: A single intravitreous injection (5 micro L) of an NP suspension (2.2 mg/mL) encapsulating either Rh-6G (Rh) or Nile red (Nr) was performed. Animals were killed at various times, and the NPs localization within the intraocular tissues was studied by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), confocal microscopy, light microscopy histology, fluorescence microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. Eyes injected with blank NPs, free Rh, or PBS solution were used as the control. RESULTS: ESEM showed the flow of the NPs from the site of injection into the vitreous cavity and their rapid settling on the internal limiting membrane. Histology demonstrated the anatomic integrity of the injected eyes and showed no toxic effects. A mild inflammatory cell infiltrate was observed in the ciliary body 6 hours after the injection and in the posterior vitreous and retina at 18 to 24 hours. The intensity of inflammation decreased markedly by 48 hours. Confocal and fluorescence microscopy and immunohistochemistry showed that a transretinal movement of the NPs was gradually taking place with a later localization in the RPE cells. Rh encapsulated within the injected NPs diffused and stained the retina and RPE cells. PLA NPs were still present within the RPE cells 4 months after a single intravitreous injection. CONCLUSIONS: Intravitreous injection of PLA NPs appears to result in transretinal movement, with a preferential localization in the RPE cells. Encapsulated Rh diffuses from the NPs and stains the neuroretina and the RPE cells. The findings support the idea that specific targeting of these tissues is feasible. Furthermore, the presence of the NPs within the RPE cells 4 months after a single injection shows that a steady and continuous delivery of drugs can be achieved.


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The effect that long-term use of suppressive acyclovir (ACV) has on both overall herpes simplex virus (HSV) disease and ACV-resistant HSV disease was examined in 3 consecutive cohorts of hematopoietic stem-cell transplant (HCT) recipients (n=2049); cohort 1 received ACV for 30 days after HCT, cohort 2 received it for 1 year after HCT, and cohort 3 received it for an extended period (i.e., >1 year) if the patient's immunosuppression continued after 1 year. The 2-year probability of HSV disease was 31.6% (95% confidence interval [CI], 28.0%-35%) in cohort 1, 3.9% (95% CI, 2.7%-5.2%) in cohort 2, and 0% in cohort 3 (P<.001). ACV-resistant HSV disease developed in 10 patients in cohort 1 (2-year probability, 1.3% [95% CI, 0.8%-2.7%]), in 2 patients in cohort 2 (2-year probability, 0.2% [95% CI, 0%-0.8%]; P=.006), and in 0 patients in cohort 3 (cohort 2 vs. cohort 3, P=.3). Long-term use of suppressive prophylactic ACV appears to prevent the emergence of drug-resistant HSV disease in HCT.


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The widespread use of combination antiretroviral therapy (ARVs) has considerably improved the prognosis of patients infected with HIV. Conversely, considerable advances have been recently realized for the therapy of hepatitis C infection with the recent advent of potent new anti-HCV drugs that allow an increasing rate HCV infection cure. Despite their overall efficacy, a significant number of patients do not achieve or maintain adequate clinical response, defined as an undetectable viral load for HIV, and a sustained virological response (or cure) in HCV infection. Treatment failure therefore still remains an important issue besides drugs toxicities and viral resistance which is not uncommon in a significant percentage of patients who do not reach adequate virological suppression. The reasons of variability in drug response are multifactorial and apart from viral genetics, other factors such as environmental factors, drug- drug interactions, and imperfect compliance may have profound impact on antiviral drugs' clinical response. The possibility of measuring plasma concentration of antiviral drugs enables to guide antiviral drug therapy and ensure optimal drug exposure. The overall objective of this research was to widen up the current knowledge on pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic factors that influence the clinical response and toxicity of current and newly approved antiretroviral and anti-HCV drugs. To that endeavour, analytical methods using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry have been developed and validated for the precise and accurate measurement of new antiretroviral and anti-HCV drugs . These assays have been applied for the TDM of ARVs and anti-HCV in patients infected with either HIV or HCV respectively, and co-infected with HIV- HCV. A pharmacokinetic population model was developed to characterize inter and intra-patient variability of rilpivirine, the latest marketed Non Nucleoside Reverse transcriptase (NNRTI) Inhibitor of HIVand to identify genetic and non genetic covariates influencing rilpivirine exposure. None of the factors investigated so far showed however any influence of RPV clearance. Importantly, we have found that the standard daily dosage regimen (25 mg QD) proposed for rilpivirine results in concentrations below the proposed therapeutic target in about 40% of patients. In these conditions, virologie escape is a potential risk that remains to be further investigated, notably via the TDM approach that can be a useful tool to identify patients who are at risk for being exposed to less than optimal levels of rilpivirine in plasma. Besides the last generation NNRTI rilpivirine, we have studied efavirenz, the major NNRTI clinically used so far. Namely for efavirenz, we aimed at identifying a potential new marker of toxicity that may be incriminated for the neuropsychological sides effects and hence discontinuation of efavirenz therapy. To that endeavour, a comprehensive analysis of phase I and phase II metabolites profiles has been performed in plasma, CSF and in urine from patients under efavirenz therapy. We have found that phase II metabolites of EFV constitute the major species circulating in blood, sometimes exceeding the levels of the parent drug efavirenz. Moreover we have identified a new metabolite of efavirenz in humans, namely the 8-OH-EFV- sulfate which is present at high concentrations in all body compartments from patients under efavirenz therapy. These investigations may open the way to possible alternate phenotypic markers of efavirenz toxicity. Finally, the specific influence of P-glycoprotein on the cellular disposition of a series ARVs (NNRTIs and Pis] has been studies in in vitro cell systems using the siRNA silencing approach. -- Depuis l'introduction de la thérapie antirétrovirale (ARVs) la morbidité et la mortalité liées au VIH ont considérablement diminué. En parallèle le traitement contre le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) a connu récemment d'énormes progrès avec l'arrivée de nouveaux médicaments puissants, ce qui a permis une augmentation considérable de la guérison de l'infection par le VHC. En dépit de l'efficacité de ces traitements antiviraux, les échecs thérapeutiques ainsi que les effets secondaires des traitements restent un problème important. Une réponse imparfaite ou la toxicité du traitement est certainement multifactorielle. Le suivi thérapeutique des médicaments [Therapeutic Drug Monitoring TDM) à travers la mesure des concentrations plasmatiques constitue une approche importante pour guider le traitement médicamenteux et de s'assurer que les patients sont exposés à des concentrations optimales des médicaments dans le sang, et puissent tirer tout le bénéfice potentiel du traitement. L'objectif global de cette thèse était d'étudier les facteurs pharmacocinétiques et pharmacogénétiques qui influencent l'exposition des médicaments antiviraux (ARVs et anti- VHC) récemment approuvés. A cet effet, des méthodes de quantification des concentrations plasmatiques des médicaments antirétroviraux, anti-VHC ainsi que pour certains métabolites ont été développées et validées en utilisant la Chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse tandem. Ces méthodes ont été utilisées pour le TDM des ARVs et pour les agents anti-VHC chez les patients infectés par le VIH, et le VHC, respectivement, mais aussi chez les patients co-infectés par le VIH-VHC. Un modèle de pharmacocinétique de population a été développé pour caractériser la variabilité inter-et intra-patient du médicament rilpivirine, un inhibiteur non nucléosidique de la transcriptase de VIH et d'identifier les variables génétiques et non génétiques influençant l'exposition au médicament. Aucun des facteurs étudiés n'a montré d'influence notable sur la clairance de la rilpivirine. Toutefois, la concentration résiduelle extrapolée selon le modèle de pharmacocinétique de population qui a été développé, a montré qu'une grande proportion des patients présente des concentrations minimales inférieures à la cible thérapeutique proposée. Dans ce contexte, la relation entre les concentrations minimales et l'échappement virologique nécessite une surveillance étroite des taux sanguins des patients recevant de la rilpivirine. A cet effet, le suivi thérapeutique est un outil important pour l'identification des patients à risque soient sous-exposés à lai rilpivirine. Pour identifier de nouveaux marqueurs de la toxicité qui pourraient induire l'arrêt du traitement, le profil des métabolites de phase I et de phase II a été étudié dans différentes matrices [plasma, LCR et urine) provenant de patients recevant de l'efavirenz. Les métabolites de phase II, qui n'avaient à ce jour jamais été investigués, constituent les principales espèces présentes dans les matrices étudiées. Au cours de ces investigations, un nouveau métabolite 8- OH-EFV-sulfate a été identifié chez l'homme, et ce dernier est. présent à des concentrations importantes. L'influence de certains facteurs pharmacogénétique des patients sur le profil des métabolites a été étudiée et ouvre la voie à de possibles nouveaux marqueurs phénotypiques alternatifs qui pourraient possiblement mieux prédire la toxicité associée au traitement par l'efavirenz. Finalement, nous nous sommes intéressés à étudier dans un modèle in vitro certains facteurs, comme la P-glycoprotéine, qui influencent la disposition cellulaire de certains médicaments antirétroviraux, en utilisant l'approche par la technologie du siRNA permettant de bloquer sélectivement l'expression du gène de cette protéine d'efflux des médicaments. -- Depuis l'introduction de la thérapie antiretrovirale (ARVs] la morbidité et la mortalité liées au VIH ont considérablement diminué. En parallèle le traitement contre le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) a connu récemment d'énormes progrès avec l'arrivée de nouveaux médicaments puissants, ce qui a permis une augmentation considérable de la guérison de l'infection par le VHC. En dépit de l'efficacité de ces traitements antiviraux, les échecs thérapeutiques ainsi que les effets secondaires des traitements restent un problème important. Il a pu être démontré que la concentration de médicament présente dans l'organisme est corrélée avec l'efficacité clinique pour la plupart des médicaments agissant contre le VIH et contre le VHC. Les médicaments antiviraux sont généralement donnés à une posologie fixe et standardisée, à tous les patients, il existe cependant une importante variabilité entre les concentrations sanguines mesurées chez les individus. Cette variabilité peut être expliquée par plusieurs facteurs démographiques, environnementaux ou génétiques. Dans ce contexte, le suivi des concentrations sanguines (ou Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, TDM) permet de contrôler que les patients soient exposés à des concentrations suffisantes (pour bloquer la réplication du virus dans l'organisme) et éviter des concentrations excessives, ce qui peut entraîner l'apparition d'intolérence au traitement. Le but de ce travail de thèse est d'améliorer la compréhension des facteurs pharmacologiques et génétiques qui peuvent influencer l'efficacité et/ou la toxicité des médicaments antiviraux, dans le but d'améliorer le suivi des patients. A cet effet, des méthodes de dosage très sensibles et ont été mises au point pour permettre de quantifier les médicaments antiviraux dans le sang et dans d'autres liquides biologiques. Ces méthodes de dosage sont maintenant utilisées d'une part dans le cadre de la prise en charge des patients en routine et d'autre part pour diverses études cliniques chez les patients infectés soit par le HIV, le HCV ou bien coinfectés par les deux virus. Une partie de ce travail a été consacrée à l'investigation des différents facteurs démographiques, génétiques et environnementaux qui pourraient l'influencer la réponse clinique à la rilpivirine, un nouveau médicament contre le VIH. Toutefois, parmi tous les facteurs étudiés à ce jour, aucun n'a permis d'expliquer la variabilité de l'exposition à la rilpivirine chez les patients. On a pu cependant observer qu'à la posologie standard recommandée, un pourcentage relativement élevé de patients pourrait présenter des concentrations inférieures à la concentration sanguine minimale actuellement proposée. Il est donc utile de surveiller étroitement les concentrations de rilpivirine chez les patients pour identifier sans délai ceux qui risquent d'être sous-exposés. Dans l'organisme, le médicament subit diverses transformations (métabolisme) par des enzymes, notamment dans le foie, il est transporté dans les cellules et tissus par des protéines qui modulent sa concentration au site de son action pharmacologique. A cet effet, différents composés (métabolites) produits dans l'organisme après l'administration d'efavirenz, un autre médicament anti-VIH, ont été étudiés. En conclusion, nous nous sommes intéressés à la fois aux facteurs pharmacologiques et génétiques des traitements antiviraux, une approche qui s'inscrit dans l'optique d'une stratégie globale de prise en charge du patient. Dans ce contexte, le suivi des concentrations sanguines de médicaments constitue une des facettes du domaine émergent de la Médecine Personnalisée qui vise à maximiser le bénéfice thérapeutique et le profil de tolérance des médicaments antiviraux


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Introduction: Imatinib trough plasma concentrations (Cmin) have been correlated with treatment response in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. The use of Cmin monitoring for optimizing imatinib dosage (therapeutic drug monitoring [TDM]) is therefore proposed for patients with unsatisfying response or tolerance ("rescue TDM"). A cycle of "routine TDM" for dosage individualization could also be beneficial to prevent unfavorable events, yet its clinical usefulness has not been evaluated. We aimed to assess prospectively whether a "routine TDM" intervention targeting imatinib Cmin of 1000 ng/mL (tolerance, 750-1500 ng/mL) could improve efficacy, tolerance, and persistence on treatment compared with "rescue TDM" use only. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: The Swiss Imatinib COncentration Monitoring Evaluation (I-COME) study was a multicenter randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN31181395). Adult patients in chronic or accelerated phase CML receiving imatinib ≤5 years were eligible. Patients were randomly (1:1) allocated to receive "routine TDM" intervention or to serve as controls with access only to "rescue TDM". All had 1-year follow-up. The primary endpoint was a combined efficacy-safety outcome (failure- and toxicity-free survival without imatinib discontinuation), analyzed in intention-to-treat. Results: Among 56 CML recruited patients, 55 had their molecular and cytogenetic response measured. 14/27 of patients receiving "routine TDM" (52% [33%-71%]) remained event-free versus 16/28 of control patients with "rescue TDM" only (57% [39%-75%]; P=0.69). In the "routine TDM" group, dosage recommendations were adopted entirely in 50% of patients (median Cmin at study end, 895 ng/mL; CV = 33%). These patients had fewer unfavorable events (28% [5%-52%]) compared with patients not receiving the advised dosage (77% [54%-99%]; P = 0.03; median Cmin at study end, 648 ng/mL; CV = 38%). Conclusion: This first prospective target concentration intervention trial could not formally demonstrate a benefit of "routine TDM" of imatinib, especially due to a small patient number and limited prescriber's adherence to dosage recommendations. Nevertheless, the patients receiving the advised dosage more often met target concentrations and the combined outcome (efficacy, tolerance, and persistence). A cycle of routine TDM could thus be favorable, at least in patients eligible for dosage adjustment. Its usefulness should, however, be further confirmed in larger trials.


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Introduction: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) aims at optimizing treatment by individualizing dosage regimen based on measurement of blood concentrations. Maintaining concentrations within a target range requires pharmacokinetic and clinical capabilities. Bayesian calculation represents a gold standard in TDM approach but requires computing assistance. In the last decades computer programs have been developed to assist clinicians in this assignment. The aim of this benchmarking was to assess and compare computer tools designed to support TDM clinical activities.¦Method: Literature and Internet search was performed to identify software. All programs were tested on common personal computer. Each program was scored against a standardized grid covering pharmacokinetic relevance, user-friendliness, computing aspects, interfacing, and storage. A weighting factor was applied to each criterion of the grid to consider its relative importance. To assess the robustness of the software, six representative clinical vignettes were also processed through all of them.¦Results: 12 software tools were identified, tested and ranked. It represents a comprehensive review of the available software's characteristics. Numbers of drugs handled vary widely and 8 programs offer the ability to the user to add its own drug model. 10 computer programs are able to compute Bayesian dosage adaptation based on a blood concentration (a posteriori adjustment) while 9 are also able to suggest a priori dosage regimen (prior to any blood concentration measurement), based on individual patient covariates, such as age, gender, weight. Among those applying Bayesian analysis, one uses the non-parametric approach. The top 2 software emerging from this benchmark are MwPharm and TCIWorks. Other programs evaluated have also a good potential but are less sophisticated (e.g. in terms of storage or report generation) or less user-friendly.¦Conclusion: Whereas 2 integrated programs are at the top of the ranked listed, such complex tools would possibly not fit all institutions, and each software tool must be regarded with respect to individual needs of hospitals or clinicians. Interest in computing tool to support therapeutic monitoring is still growing. Although developers put efforts into it the last years, there is still room for improvement, especially in terms of institutional information system interfacing, user-friendliness, capacity of data storage and report generation.


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Objectives: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) aims at optimizing treatment by individualizing dosage regimen based on blood concentrations measurement. Maintaining concentrations within a target range requires pharmacokinetic (PK) and clinical capabilities. Bayesian calculation represents a gold standard in TDM approach but requires computing assistance. The aim of this benchmarking was to assess and compare computer tools designed to support TDM clinical activities.¦Methods: Literature and Internet were searched to identify software. Each program was scored against a standardized grid covering pharmacokinetic relevance, user-friendliness, computing aspects, interfacing, and storage. A weighting factor was applied to each criterion of the grid to consider its relative importance. To assess the robustness of the software, six representative clinical vignettes were also processed through all of them.¦Results: 12 software tools were identified, tested and ranked. It represents a comprehensive review of the available software characteristics. Numbers of drugs handled vary from 2 to more than 180, and integration of different population types is available for some programs. Nevertheless, 8 programs offer the ability to add new drug models based on population PK data. 10 computer tools incorporate Bayesian computation to predict dosage regimen (individual parameters are calculated based on population PK models). All of them are able to compute Bayesian a posteriori dosage adaptation based on a blood concentration while 9 are also able to suggest a priori dosage regimen, only based on individual patient covariates. Among those applying Bayesian analysis, MM-USC*PACK uses a non-parametric approach. The top 2 programs emerging from this benchmark are MwPharm and TCIWorks. Others programs evaluated have also a good potential but are less sophisticated or less user-friendly.¦Conclusions: Whereas 2 software packages are ranked at the top of the list, such complex tools would possibly not fit all institutions, and each program must be regarded with respect to individual needs of hospitals or clinicians. Programs should be easy and fast for routine activities, including for non-experienced users. Although interest in TDM tools is growing and efforts were put into it in the last years, there is still room for improvement, especially in terms of institutional information system interfacing, user-friendliness, capability of data storage and automated report generation.


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No consensus exists on whether acyclovir prophylaxis should be given for varicella-zoster virus (VZV) prophylaxis after hematopoietic cell transplantation because of the concern of "rebound" VZV disease after discontinuation of prophylaxis. To determine whether rebound VZV disease is an important clinical problem and whether prolonging prophylaxis beyond 1 year is beneficial, we examined 3 sequential cohorts receiving acyclovir from day of transplantation until engraftment for prevention of herpes simplex virus reactivation (n = 932); acyclovir or valacyclovir 1 year (n = 1117); or acyclovir/valacyclovir for at least 1 year or longer if patients remained on immunosuppressive drugs (n = 586). In multivariable statistical models, prophylaxis given for 1 year significantly reduced VZV disease (P < .001) without evidence of rebound VZV disease. Continuation of prophylaxis beyond 1 year in allogeneic recipients who remained on immunosuppressive drugs led to a further reduction in VZV disease (P = .01) but VZV disease developed in 6.1% during the second year while receiving this strategy. In conclusion, acyclovir/valacyclovir prophylaxis given for 1 year led to a persistent benefit after drug discontinuation and no evidence of a rebound effect. To effectively prevent VZV disease in long-term hematopoietic cell transplantation survivors, additional approaches such as vaccination will probably be required.


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Pharmacokinetic variability in drug levels represent for some drugs a major determinant of treatment success, since sub-therapeutic concentrations might lead to toxic reactions, treatment discontinuation or inefficacy. This is true for most antiretroviral drugs, which exhibit high inter-patient variability in their pharmacokinetics that has been partially explained by some genetic and non-genetic factors. The population pharmacokinetic approach represents a very useful tool for the description of the dose-concentration relationship, the quantification of variability in the target population of patients and the identification of influencing factors. It can thus be used to make predictions and dosage adjustment optimization based on Bayesian therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). This approach has been used to characterize the pharmacokinetics of nevirapine (NVP) in 137 HIV-positive patients followed within the frame of a TDM program. Among tested covariates, body weight, co-administration of a cytochrome (CYP) 3A4 inducer or boosted atazanavir as well as elevated aspartate transaminases showed an effect on NVP elimination. In addition, genetic polymorphism in the CYP2B6 was associated with reduced NVP clearance. Altogether, these factors could explain 26% in NVP variability. Model-based simulations were used to compare the adequacy of different dosage regimens in relation to the therapeutic target associated with treatment efficacy. In conclusion, the population approach is very useful to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of drugs in a population of interest. The quantification and the identification of the sources of variability is a rational approach to making optimal dosage decision for certain drugs administered chronically.