990 resultados para Double-strand breaks
ATM and PARP-1 are two of the most important players in the cell's response to DNA damage. PARP-1 and ATM recognize and bound to both single and double strand DNA breaks in response to different triggers. Here we report that ATM and PARP-1 form a molecular complex in vivo in undamaged cells and this association increases after gamma-irradiation. ATM is also modified by PARP-1 during DNA damage. We have also evaluated the impact of PARP-1 absence or inhibition on ATM-kinase activity and have found that while PARP-1 deficient cells display a defective ATM-kinase activity and reduced gamma-H2AX foci formation in response to gamma-irradiation, PARP inhibition on itself is able to activate ATM-kinase. PARP inhibition induced gamma H2AX foci accumulation, in an ATM-dependent manner. Inhibition of PARP also induces DNA double strand breaks which were dependent on the presence of ATM. As consequence ATM deficient cells display an increased sensitivity to PARP inhibition. In summary our results show that while PARP-1 is needed in the response of ATM to gamma irradiation, the inhibition of PARP induces DNA double strand breaks (which are resolved in and ATM-dependent pathway) and activates ATM kinase.
Résumé Les télomères sont les structures ADN-protéines des extrémités des chromosomes des eucaryotes. L'ADN télomérique est constitué de courtes séquences répétitives. L'intégrité des télomères est essentielle pour protéger les extrémités des chromosomes contre les systèmes de dégradations et pour les distinguer des cassures de l'ADN double brin. Parce que la machinerie de la réplication de l'ADN n'est pas capable de répliquer l'extrémité des chromosomes, les télomères raccourcissent au fur et à mesure des cycles de réplication. Dès que les télomères atteignent une longueur critique, leur structure protectrice est perdue. Cela induit un signal de dommage de l'ADN et l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire. Pour contrebalancer le raccourcissement des télomères, les cellules qui s'auto régénèrent, dont les cellules de la moelle osseuse, les lymphocytes activés et 80-90% des cellules cancéreuses, expriment la télomérase. C'est une ribonucléoprotéine qui a la capacité de synthétiser des séquences télomériques par transcription inverse d'une courte séquence contenue dans sa propre sous-unité ARN avec laquelle elle est associée. La télomérase humaine est une enzyme processive au niveau de l'addition des nucléotides et aussi des répétitions télomériques. La télomérase de levure et la télomérase humaine sont toutes deux dimériques et il a été montré que la télomérase humaine recombinante contient deux ARN qui coopèrent pour fonctionner ainsi que deux sous-unités catalytiques. Cependant, il n'a pas encore été montré quel est le rôle de la dimérisation dans l'activité de la télomérase. Afin d'élucider ce rôle, nous avons exprimé, reconstitué et purifié la télomérase humaine dimérique recombinante. Et pour étudier l'effet d'ARN mutants sur l'activité de la télomérase, nous avons développé une méthode pour reconstituer et enrichir en hétérodimères de télomérase. Les hétérodimères contiennent une sous-unité ARN sauvage et une sous-unité ARN mutée au niveau de la séquence de la matrice. Sur l'ARN muté nous avons introduit une étiquette aptamer ARN-S1 puis nous avons purifié la télomérase via l'etiquette Si. Nous avons montré que la dimérisation est essentielle pour l'activité de la télomérase. Nos données indiquent que chaque télomérase du dimère allonge leur substrat, l'ADN télomérique, indépendamment l'une de l'autre à chaque cycle d'élongation mais que l'addition itérative de répétitions télomériques nécessite une coopération entre les deux télomérases du dimère. Nous proposons donc un modèle dans lequel les deux télomérases du dimères se lient et allongent deux substrats télomères et que pendant l'élongation processive les deux enzymes subissent un changement de conformation de manière coordonnée, ce changement va permettre le repositionnement des substrats pour d'autres cycles d'additions de répétitions télomériques. Dyskeratosis congenita est une maladie mortelle due majoritairement au disfonctionnement de la moelle osseuse. Dans la forme autosomale de la maladie, l'ARN de la télomérase contient des mutations. En utilisant notre système de reconstitution, nous avons montré que ces ARN mutés, qui ont perdu leur activité enzymatique dans le cas d'un homodimère de mutants, sont dominant négatifs quand ils sont présents dans les hétérodimères sauvage/mutant. Cet effet trans-dominant négatif pourrait contribuer à la progression de la maladie. Abstract Telomeres are protein-DNA structures at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. The telomeric DNA consists of tandemly repeated sequences. Telomeric integrity is essential to protect chromosomal ends from nucleolytic degradation and to prevent their recognition as DNA double strand breaks. Due to the inability of the conventional DNA replication machinery to replicate terminal DNA stretches, telomeres shorten with continuous rounds of DNA replication. As soon as telomeres reach a critical length, their protective structure is lost and the deprotected telomeres will induce a DNA damage response leading to cell cycle arrest. To counteract telomere shortening, self-renewing cells, including bone marrow cells, activated lymphocytes and 80-90% of cancer cells express the cellular reverse transcriptase telomerase, which has the capacity to synthesize telomeric repeats by reverse transcription of a short template sequence encoded by its stably associated RNA subunit. Human telomerase is a processive enzyme for nucleotide as well as repeat addition. Both yeast and human telomerase are dimeric enzymes and recombinant human telomerase has been shown to contain two functionally cooperating RNAs and most probably also two protein subunits. However, it has remained unclear how dimerization may contribute to telomerase activity. To study the role of dimerization, we expressed, reconstituted and purified recombinant human telomerase. We also developed a new method to reconstitute and enrich for telomerase heterodimers containing wild-type (wt) and mutant telomerase RNA subunits. To this end we introduced an S1-RNA-aptamer tag into telomerase RNA and purified telomerase reconstituted with a mixture of untagged and tagged RNA via the S1-tag. Using this experimental system, we introduced template mutations in the tagged RNA subunit and examined the effect of mutant RNAs on wt telomerase activity in wt/mutant heterodimers. We obtained evidence that dimerization is essential for telomerase activity. Our data indicate that the two subunits elongate telomere substrates independently of each other during single rounds of elongation, but that iterative addition of telomeric repeats requires cooperation between the two subunits. We suggest a model, in which dimeric telomerases bind and elongate two telomere substrates and that the two subunits undergo coordinated conformational changes during processive elongation that enable repositioning the substrates for subsequent rounds of repeat addition. Dyskeratosis congenita is a multisystemic disease with bone marrow failure as the major cause of death. The autosomal form of this disease was found to harbor mutations in the telomerase RNA. Using our reconstitution system, we tested whether mutant dyskeratosis telomerase RNAs behaved in a dominant negative manner. We observed that dyskeratosis telomerase RNA mutants, which lacked enzymatic activity were dominant negative, when present in wt/ mutant heterodimers. The transdominant negative effect of these mutants may contribute to disease progression.
BACKGROUND: Structural mutations (SMs) play a major role in cancer development. In some cancers, such as breast and ovarian, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) occur more frequently in transcribed regions, while in other cancer types such as prostate, there is a consistent depletion of breakpoints in transcribed regions. Despite such regularity, little is understood about the mechanisms driving these effects. A few works have suggested that protein binding may be relevant, e.g. in studies of androgen receptor binding and active chromatin in specific cell types. We hypothesized that this behavior might be general, i.e. that correlation between protein-DNA binding (and open chromatin) and breakpoint locations is common across divergent cancers. RESULTS: We investigated this hypothesis by comprehensively analyzing the relationship among 457 ENCODE protein binding ChIP-seq experiments, 125 DnaseI and 24 FAIRE experiments, and 14,600 SMs from 8 diverse cancer datasets covering 147 samples. In most cancers, including breast and ovarian, we found enrichment of protein binding and open chromatin in the vicinity of SM breakpoints at distances up to 200 kb. Furthermore, for all cancer types we observed an enhanced enrichment in regions distant from genes when compared to regions proximal to genes, suggesting that the SM-induction mechanism is independent from the bias of DSBs to occur near transcribed regions. We also observed a stronger effect for sites with more than one protein bound. CONCLUSIONS: Protein binding and open chromatin state are associated with nearby SM breakpoints in many cancer datasets. These observations suggest a consistent mechanism underlying SM locations across different cancers.
Three phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-related protein kinases implement cellular responses to DNA damage. DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated respond primarily to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Ataxia-telangiectasia and RAD3-related (ATR) signals the accumulation of replication protein A (RPA)-covered single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which is caused by replication obstacles. Stalled replication intermediates can further degenerate and yield replication-associated DSBs. In this paper, we show that the juxtaposition of a double-stranded DNA end and a short ssDNA gap triggered robust activation of endogenous ATR and Chk1 in human cell-free extracts. This DNA damage signal depended on DNA-PKcs and ATR, which congregated onto gapped linear duplex DNA. DNA-PKcs primed ATR/Chk1 activation through DNA structure-specific phosphorylation of RPA32 and TopBP1. The synergistic activation of DNA-PKcs and ATR suggests that the two kinases combine to mount a prompt and specific response to replication-born DSBs.
Homologous recombination is important for the repair of double-strand breaks during meiosis. Eukaryotic cells require two homologs of Escherichia coli RecA protein, Rad51 and Dmc1, for meiotic recombination. To date, it is not clear, at the biochemical level, why two homologs of RecA are necessary during meiosis. To gain insight into this, we purified Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad51 and Dmc1 to homogeneity. Purified Rad51 and Dmc1 form homo-oligomers, bind single-stranded DNA preferentially, and exhibit DNA-stimulated ATPase activity. Both Rad51 and Dmc1 promote the renaturation of complementary single-stranded DNA. Importantly, Rad51 and Dmc1 proteins catalyze ATP-dependent strand exchange reactions with homologous duplex DNA. Electron microscopy reveals that both S. pombe Rad51 and Dmc1 form nucleoprotein filaments. Rad51 formed helical nucleoprotein filaments on single-stranded DNA, whereas Dmc1 was found in two forms, as helical filaments and also as stacked rings. These results demonstrate that Rad51 and Dmc1 are both efficient recombinases in lower eukaryotes and reveal closer functional and structural similarities between the meiotic recombinase Dmc1 and Rad51. The DNA strand exchange activity of both Rad51 and Dmc1 is most likely critical for proper meiotic DNA double-strand break repair in lower eukaryotes.
Homologous recombination provides a major pathway for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells. Defects in homologous recombination can lead to high levels of chromosomal translocations or deletions, which may promote cell transformation and cancer development. A key component of this process is RAD51. In comparison to RecA, the bacterial homologue, human RAD51 protein exhibits low-level strand-exchange activity in vitro. This activity can, however, be stimulated by the presence of high salt. Here, we have investigated the mechanistic basis for this stimulation. We show that high ionic strength favours the co-aggregation of RAD51-single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) nucleoprotein filaments with naked duplex DNA, to form a complex in which the search for homologous sequences takes place. High ionic strength allows differential binding of RAD51 to ssDNA and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), such that ssDNA-RAD51 interactions are unaffected, whereas those between RAD51 and dsDNA are destabilized. Most importantly, high salt induces a conformational change in RAD51, leading to the formation of extended nucleoprotein filaments on ssDNA. These extended filaments mimic the active form of the Escherichia coli RecA-ssDNA filament that exhibits efficient strand-exchange activity.
The gibbon genome exhibits extensive karyotypic diversity with an increased rate of chromosomal rearrangements during evolution. In an effort to understand the mechanistic origin and implications of these rearrangement events, we sequenced 24 synteny breakpoint regions in the white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys, NLE) in the form of high-quality BAC insert sequences (4.2 Mbp). While there is a significant deficit of breakpoints in genes, we identified seven human gene structures involved in signaling pathways (DEPDC4, GNG10), phospholipid metabolism (ENPP5, PLSCR2), beta-oxidation (ECH1), cellular structure and transport (HEATR4), and transcription (ZNF461), that have been disrupted in the NLE gibbon lineage. Notably, only three of these genes show the expected evolutionary signatures of pseudogenization. Sequence analysis of the breakpoints suggested both nonclassical nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and replication-based mechanisms of rearrangement. A substantial number (11/24) of human-NLE gibbon breakpoints showed new insertions of gibbon-specific repeats and mosaic structures formed from disparate sequences including segmental duplications, LINE, SINE, and LTR elements. Analysis of these sites provides a model for a replication-dependent repair mechanism for double-strand breaks (DSBs) at rearrangement sites and insights into the structure and formation of primate segmental duplications at sites of genomic rearrangements during evolution.
DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are mainly repaired via homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). These breaks pose severe threats to genome integrity but can also be necessary intermediates of normal cellular processes such as immunoglobulin class switch recombination (CSR). During CSR, DSBs are produced in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and are repaired by the classical NHEJ machinery. By studying B lymphocytes derived from patients with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, we observed a strong correlation between heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding the cohesin loading protein NIPBL and a shift toward the use of an alternative, microhomology-based end joining during CSR. Furthermore, the early recruitment of 53BP1 to DSBs was reduced in the NIPBL-deficient patient cells. Association of NIPBL deficiency and impaired NHEJ was also observed in a plasmid-based end-joining assay and a yeast model system. Our results suggest that NIPBL plays an important and evolutionarily conserved role in NHEJ, in addition to its canonical function in sister chromatid cohesion and its recently suggested function in HR.
Purpose: Most of the patients with advanced colorectal cancer will develop liver metastasis, even after primary tumor resection. Although surgical resection remains the gold standard treatment of hepatic metastases, only few patients are eligible to curative resection. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is the most common curative alternative. Dbait are new molecules that inhibit DNA double-strand breaks repair. In vitro, Dbait has shown to increase cell death after hyperthermia. Here, we have assessed the combination of Dbait and RFA in the treatment of human colorectal cancer model xenografted in nude mice.Materials: 98 mice were flank-grafted with HT29 (human colon adenocarcinoma). When tumor reached 500 mm3, mice were sham treated (n=19), treated by Dbait via local injections (n=20), treated by RFA using an incomplete ablation scheme (n=20) or treated by combination of Dbait and RFA (n=39 separated in two Dbait regimens). After RFA, 39 mice were sacrificed for blinded pathological study, and 59 others were followed for survival analysis.Results: Mice treated by RFA-Dbait had significantly longer survival as compared to RFA alone (median survival: 56 vs 39 days, p<0.05) while RFA improved survival as compared to controls (median survival: 39 vs 28 days, p<0.05). Pathological studies of tumor slice have demonstrated significant decrease of tumor area and cancer cell viability in the RFA-Dbait group.Conclusions: While the implication of DNA repair activity in heat sensitivity remains unclear, our results show that the addition of Dbait to RFA enhances the antitumor response in this model and provide an experimental basis for the use of Dbait as an additional therapy to RFA.
Abstract : The maintenance of genome stability is a challenge for all living organisms. DNA is regularly subjected to chemical alterations by both endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging agents. If left unrepaired, these lesions will create mutations or lead to chromosomal instability. DNA crosslinking agents probably bring about the most toxic lesions. By linking covalently the two strands of DNA, crosslinking agents will impede essential cellular processes such as replication and transcription. Cells from Fanconi anaemia patients are extremely sensitive to these agents. Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a rare chromosomal instability disorder that leads to developmental defects, pancytopenia and cancer susceptibility. FA is a genetically heterogeneous disease with thirteen complementation groups identified. Proteins encoded by the FA genes work together in the FA pathway. Eight of these proteins form the FA core complex (FANC-A, B, C,E, F, G, L and -M), whose integrity is required to monoubiquitinate FANCD2 and FANCI in response to DNA damage. The hypersensitivity of FA cells to crosslinking agents, which perturb the progression of replication forks, has led to the hypothesis that FA proteins play a crucial role in the response to replication stress. However, at the molecular level, the functions of the FA pathway remain largely unknown. Our efforts were first focused on the characterization of FANCD2, "the key effector of the FA pathway". Using different substrates, we found that in vitro, purified hFANCD2 preferentially binds single strand DNA and double strand DNA extremities. Concomitantly, FANCM was identified as a new component of the FA core complex. Moreover FANCM was shown to have specific branch migration activities and probably a role as a "landing platform" on DNA for the other components of the core complex. By using FANCM mutants carrying deletions within the internal domain, we investigated the role of FANCM as a DNA anchor protein for the core complex. We observed that indeed, a specific part of the internal domain of FANCM interacts with components of the core complex. Finally, in collaboration with Weidong Wang's lab we characterized two new components of the FA pathway: FAAP10 and FAAP16. As a heterodimer these two proteins show affinity for dsDNA, and anneal complementary oligonucleotides in vitro. Moreover these proteins can associate with FANCM via a part of its internal domain. We find that FANCM, FAAP 10 and FAAP 16 can co-exist on the branch point of replication and recombination intermediates, and that FAAP10 and FAAP16 stimulate replication fork reversal by FANCM. These results suggest that FANCM may function as a landing platform for the core complex. After loading on DNA, the core complex can activate FANCD2 through monoubiquitination leading to its recruitment to the site of damage. Since ssDNA and double strand breaks are intermediates that are generated as a consequence of collapsed replication forks, FANCD2 by binding to ds DNA ends and ssDNA could protect such structures from the recombination repair machinery and prevent unscheduled recombination events. Alternatively, FANCD2 could avoid nucleases from gaining access to collapsed forks, preserving the DNA in state that can be used as a starting point for resumption of DNA synthesis. The overall comprehension of the FA pathway is far from been complete. Our results unravel new aspects of Fanconi Anaemia, which hopefully in the near future will address keys questions leading to a better understanding of the fascinating Fanconi Anaemia. Résumé : Le maintien de l'intégrité du génome est fondamentale chez tous les organismes vivants. L'ADN est constamment altéré par des composés aussi bien endogènes qu'exogènes. Si ces altérations ne sont pas réparées, elles peuvent conduire à l'apparition de mutations, ainsi qu'à une instabilité génomique accrue. Les lésions les plus sévères qui peuvent survenir sur l'ADN, sont les pontages inter caténaires. Des agents pontants en liant de façon covalente les deux brins d'ADN, vont empêcher le déroulement normal de processus cellulaires essentiels tels que la réplication ou la transcription. La compréhension des mécanismes permettant à la cellule de tolérer et réparer ces lésions est primordiale, notamment dans le cas des patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi qui présentent une très grande sensibilité à ces composés pontants. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétique rare appartenant à un groupe de pathologies associées à une grande instabilité chromosomique. Les patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi présentent des malformations du squelette, une pancytopénie et une forte propension à la survenue de cancer. L'anémie de Fanconi est génétiquement très hétérogène. À ce jour, 13 gènes codant pour 13 protéines FANC différentes ont été identifiés. Huit de ces protéines fonctionnent ensemble au sein d'un complexe (nommé le complexe FANC) ayant pour but de monoubiquitiner FANCD2 et FANCI en réponse à la formation de lésions sur l'ADN. L'extrême sensibilité des cellules de patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi à ces agents pontant l'ADN suggère l'implication des protéines FANC dans la réponse cellulaire suite à une stress réplicatif. Cependant, le rôle moléculaire exact de ces protéines demeure encore inconnu. Après purification, nous avons observé que FANCD2 était capable de lier l'ADN simple brin, ainsi que les extrémités d'ADN in vitro. Dans le même temps, FANCM fut identifié comme appartenant au complexe FANC. FANCM est décrit comme une translocase capable de promouvoir le déplacement de point de jonction dans des structures d'ADN spécifiques in vitro. De plus, en se liant à l'ADN, FANCM peut agir comme une plateforme pour les autres protéines FANC, leur permettant ainsi d'être adressées à l'ADN. En créant des protéines FANCM recombinantes ayant des délétions dans le domaine interne, nous avons pu observer que certaines protéines du complexe FANC se fixent à des sites spécifiques sur le domaine interne de FANCM. Enfin, au travers d'une collaboration, nous avons été amenés à caractériser deux nouvelles protéines appartenant au complexe FANC : FAAP 10 et FAAP16. Elles s'associent à FANCM par l'intermédiaire du domaine interne, et forment ainsi un hétérotrimére. La présence de FAAP10 et FAAP16 n'affecte pas la liaison de FANCM à l'ADN, mais semble potentialiser son activité de régression in vitro. FANCM semble donc fonctionner comme une plateforme pour les autres composants du complexe FANC. Ces derniers, une fois liés à l'ADN permettent la monoubiquitination de FANCD2 et son recrutement au site lésé de l'ADN. FANCD2 en se liant de façon préférentielle à l'ADN simple brin et aux extrémités d'ADN qui sont générés lors de l'arrêt et du démantèlement d'une fourche de réplication, pourrait protéger ces même fourches de réplication arrêtées, d'évènements de recombinaison aléatoires. Nos résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments concernant les mécanismes moléculaires de l'anémie de Fanconi. Enfin, l'étude de l'anémie de Fanconi permet aussi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en place par la cellule pour tolérer des lésions survenant lors de la réplication.
Chemical reactions in living cells are under strict enzyme control and conform to a tightly regulated metabolic program. However, uncontrolled and potentially deleterious endogenous reactions occur, even under physiological conditions. Aging, in this chemical context, could be viewed as an entropic process, the result of chemical side reactions that chronically and cumulatively degrade the function of biological systems. Mitochondria are a main source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and chemical sidereactions in healthy aerobic tissues and are the only known extranuclear cellular organelles in animal cells that contain their own DNA (mtDNA). ROS can modify mtDNA directly at the sugar-phosphate backbone or at the bases, producing many different oxidatively modified purines and pyrimidines, as well as single and double strand breaks and DNA mutations. In this scenario, natural selection tends to decrease the mitochondrial ROS generation, the oxidative damage to mtDNA, and the mitochondrial mutation rate in long-lived species, in agreement with the mitochondrial oxidative stress theory of aging.
Fluorescence microscopy has enabled the analysis of both the spatial distribution of DNA damage and its dynamics during the DNA damage response (DDR). Three microscopic techniques can be used to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of DNA damage. In the first part we describe how we determine the position of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) relative to the nuclear envelope. The second part describes how to quantify the co-localization of DNA DSBs with nuclear pore clusters, or other nuclear subcompartments. The final protocols describe methods for the quantification of locus mobility over time.
Exposing the human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B to the nitric oxide (NO) donor sodium 1-(N,N-diethylamino)diazen-1-ium-1, 2-diolate (DEA/NO) at an initial concentration of 0.6 mM while generating superoxide ion at the rate of 1 microM/min with the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase (HX/XO) system induced C:G-->T:A transition mutations in codon 248 of the p53 gene. This pattern of mutagenicity was not seen by 'fish-restriction fragment length polymorphism/polymerase chain reaction' (fish-RFLP/PCR) on exposure to DEA/NO alone, however, exposure to HX/XO led to various mutations, suggesting that co-generation of NO and superoxide was responsible for inducing the observed point mutation. DEA/NO potentiated the ability of HX/XO to induce lipid peroxidation as well as DNA single- and double-strand breaks under these conditions, while 0.6 mM DEA/NO in the absence of HX/XO had no significant effect on these parameters. The results show that a point mutation seen at high frequency in certain common human tumors can be induced by simultaneous exposure to reactive oxygen species and a NO source.
The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may be both beneficial to cells, performing functions in intracellular signaling and detrimental, modifying cellular biomolecules. ROS can cause DNA damage, such as base damage and strand breaks. Organisms respond to chromosome insults by activation of a complex and hierarchical DNA-damage response pathway. The extent of DNA damages determines cell fate: cell cycle arrest and DNA repair or cell death. The ATM is a central protein in the response to DNA double-strand breaks by acting as a transducer protein. Collected evidences suggest that ATM is also involved in the response to oxidative DNA damage.
DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) represent a major threat to the genomic stability of eukaryotic cells. DNA repair mechanisms such as non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) are responsible for the maintenance of eukaryotic genomes. Dysfunction of one or more of the many protein complexes that function in NHEJ can lead to sensitivity to DNA damaging agents, apoptosis, genomic instability, and severe combined immunodeficiency. One protein, Pso2p, was shown to participate in the repair of DSBs induced by DNA inter-strand cross-linking (ICL) agents such as cisplatin, nitrogen mustard or photo-activated bi-functional psoralens. The molecular function of Pso2p in DNA repair is unknown, but yeast and mammalian cell line mutants for PSO2 show the same cellular responses as strains with defects in NHEJ, e.g., sensitivity to ICLs and apoptosis. The Pso2p human homologue Artemis participates in V(D)J recombination. Mutations in Artemis induce a variety of immunological deficiencies, a predisposition to lymphomas, and an increase in chromosomal aberrations. In order to better understand the role of Pso2p in the repair of DSBs generated as repair intermediates of ICLs, an in silico approach was used to characterize the catalytic domain of Pso2p, which led to identification of novel Pso2p homologues in other organisms. Moreover, we found the catalytic core of Pso2p fused to different domains. In plants, a specific ATP-dependent DNA ligase I contains the catalytic core of Pso2p, constituting a new DNA ligase family, which was named LIG6. The possible functions of Pso2p/Artemis/Lig6p in NHEJ and V(D)J recombination and in other cellular metabolic reactions are discussed.