140 resultados para Donovani
In several studies reporting cell death (CD) in lower eukaryotes and in the human protozoan parasite Leishmania, proteolytic activity was revealed using pan-caspase substrates or inhibitors such as carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-[O-methyl]-fluoromethylketone (Z-VAD-FMK). However, most of the lower eukaryotes do not encode caspase(s) but MCA, which differs from caspase(s) in its substrate specificity and cannot be accountable for the recognition of Z-VAD-FMK. In the present study, we were interested in identifying which enzyme was capturing the Z-VAD substrate. We show that heat shock (HS) induces Leishmania CD and leads to the intracellular binding of Z-VAD-FMK. We excluded binding and inhibition of Z-VAD-FMK to Leishmania major metacaspase (LmjMCA), and identified cysteine proteinase C (LmjCPC), a cathepsin B-like (CPC) enzyme, as the Z-VAD-FMK binding enzyme. We confirmed the specific interaction of Z-VAD-FMK with CPC by showing that Z-VAD binding is absent in a Leishmania mexicana strain in which the cpc gene was deleted. We also show that parasites exposed to various stress conditions release CPC into a soluble fraction. Finally, we confirmed the role of CPC in Leishmania CD by showing that, when exposed to the oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), cpc knockout parasites survived better than wild-type parasites (WT). In conclusion, this study identified CPC as the substrate of Z-VAD-FMK in Leishmania and as a potential additional executioner protease in the CD cascade of Leishmania and possibly in other lower eukaryotes.
The major macromolecules on the surface of the parasitic protozoan Leishmania major appear to be down-regulated during transformation of the parasite from an insect-dwelling promastigote stage to an intracellular amastigote stage that invades mammalian macrophages. In contrast, the major parasite glycolipids, the glycoinositol phospholipids (GIPLs), are shown here to be expressed at near-constant levels in both developmental stages. The structures of the GIPLs from tissue-derived amastigotes have been determined by h.p.l.c. analysis of the deaminated and reduced glycan head groups, and by chemical and enzymic sequencing. The deduced structures appear to form a complete biosynthetic series, ranging from Man alpha 1-4GlcN-phosphatidylinositol (PI) to Gal alpha 1-3Galf beta 1-3Man alpha 1-3Man alpha 1-4GlcN-PI (GIPL-2). A small proportion of GIPL-2 was further extended by addition of a Gal residue in either alpha 1-6 or beta 1-3 linkage. From g.c.-m.s. analysis and mild base treatment, all the GIPLs were shown to contain either alkylacylglycerol or lyso-alkylglycerol lipid moieties, where the alkyl chains were predominantly C18:0, with lower levels of C20:0, C22:0 and C24:0. L. major amastigotes also contained at least two PI-specific phospholipase C-resistant glycolipids which are absent from promastigotes. These neutral glycolipids were resistant to both mild acid and mild base hydrolysis, contained terminal beta-Gal residues and were not lost during extensive purification of amastigotes from host cell membranes. It is likely that these glycolipids are glycosphingolipids acquired from the mammalian host. The GIPL profile of L. major amastigotes is compared with the profiles found in L. major promastigotes and L. donovani amastigotes.
An increase in the incidence of human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) has been detected in recent years on Margarita Island, located off the NE coast of Venezuela. Recent studies have revealed reactivity to rK39 antigen (Leishmania chagasi) in 20% of 541 sera from domestic dogs in endemic communities; PCR reactions were positive using primers for the L. donovani complex. Here we report that isolates from human and canine infection, identified by isoenzyme analysis, correspond to L. infantum, zymodeme MON-1. This appears to be the first isolation and identification of an isolate from HVL on Margarita Island and demonstrates the presence of this zymodeme in the canine population.
Here we have characterized Leishmania major (Friedlin) telomeric terminus (the very end) using recombinants obtained by a vector-adaptor cloning protocol. As in L. donovani, the last nine nucleotides of L. major terminus are 5'-GGTTAGGGT-OH 3', differing from Trypanosoma cruzi and T. brucei terminus 5'GGGTTAGGG-OH 3', thus indicating that these sequences are genus specific. We have also made a comparative analysis between L. major and L. donovani telomere-associated sequences, and described a novel non-repeated telomeric associated sequence common to L. major low molecular weight chromosomal bands.
Parasites belonging to Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania donovani, Leishmania mexicana complexes and Trypanosoma cruzi (clones 20 and 39) were searched in blood, lesions and strains collected from 28 patients with active cutaneous leishmaniasis and one patient with visceral leishmaniasis. PCR-hybridization with specific probes of Leishmania complexes (L. braziliensis, L. donovani and L. mexicana) and T. cruzi clones was applied to the different DNA samples. Over 29 patients, 8 (27.6%) presented a mixed infection Leishmania complex species, 17 (58.6%) a mixed infection Leishmania-T. cruzi, and 4 (13.8%) a multi Leishmania-T. cruzi infection. Several patients were infected by the two Bolivian major clones 20 and 39 of T. cruzi (44.8%). The L. braziliensis complex was more frequently detected in lesions than in blood and a reverse result was observed for L. mexicana complex. The polymerase chain reaction-hybridization design offers new arguments supporting the idea of an underestimated rate of visceral leishmanisis in Bolivia. Parasites were isolated by culture from the blood of two patients and lesions of 10 patients. The UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages) dendrogram computed from Jaccard's distances obtained from 11 isoenzyme loci data confirmed the presence of the three Leishmania complexes and undoubtedly identified human infections by L. (V.) braziliensis, L. (L.) chagasi and L. (L.) mexicana species. Additional evidence of parasite mixtures was visualized through mixed isoenzyme profiles, L. (V.) braziliensis-L. (L.) mexicana and Leishmania spp.-T. cruzi.The epidemiological profile in the studied area appeared more complex than currently known. This is the first report of parasitological evidence of Bolivian patients with trypanosomatidae multi infections and consequences on the diseases' control and patient treatments are discussed.
The ancestors of present-day man (Homo sapiens sapiens) appeared in East Africa some three and a half million years ago (Australopithecs), and then migrated to Europe, Asia, and later to the Americas, thus beginning the differentiation process. The passage from nomadic to sedentary life took place in the Middle East in around 8000 BC. Wars, spontaneous migrations and forced migrations (slave trade) led to enormous mixtures of populations in Europe and Africa and favoured the spread of numerous parasitic diseases with specific strains according to geographic area. The three human plasmodia (Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, and P. malariae) were imported from Africa into the Mediterranean region with the first human migrations, but it was the Neolithic revolution (sedentarisation, irrigation, population increase) which brought about actual foci for malaria. The reservoir for Leishmania infantum and L. donovani - the dog - has been domesticated for thousands of years. Wild rodents as reservoirs of L. major have also long been in contact with man and probably were imported from tropical Africa across the Sahara. L. tropica, by contrast, followed the migrations of man, its only reservoir. L. infantum and L. donovani spread with man and his dogs from West Africa. Likewise, for thousands of years, the dog has played an important role in the spread and the endemic character of hydatidosis through sheep (in Europe and North Africa) and dromadary (in the Sahara and North Africa). Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni have existed since prehistoric times in populations living in or passing through the Sahara. These populations then transported them to countries of Northern Africa where the specific, intermediary hosts were already present. Madagascar was inhabited by populations of Indonesian origin who imported lymphatic filariosis across the Indian Ocean (possibly of African origin since the Indonesian sailors had spent time on the African coast before reaching Madagascar). Migrants coming from Africa and Arabia brought with them the two African forms of bilharziosis: S. haematobium and S. mansoni.
The side effects and the emerging resistance to the available drugs against leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis led to the urgent need for new therapeutic agents against these diseases. Thirty one extracts of thirteen medicinal plants from the Brazilian Cerrado were therefore evaluated in vitro for their antiprotozoal activity against promastigotes of Leishmania donovani, and amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Among the selected plants, Casearia sylvestris var. lingua was the most active against both L. donovani and T. cruzi. Fifteen extracts were active against promastigotes of L. donovani with concentrations inhibiting 50% of parasite growth (IC50) between 0.1-10 µg/ml, particularly those of Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae), Himatanthus obovatus (Apocynaceae), Guarea kunthiana (Meliaceae), Cupania vernalis (Sapindaceae), and Serjania lethalis (Sapindaceae). With regard to amastigotes of T. cruzi, extracts of A. crassiflora, Duguetia furfuracea (Annonaceae), and C. sylvestris var. lingua were active with IC50 values between 0.3-10 µg/ml. Bioassay fractionations of the more active extracts are under progress to identify the active antiparasite compounds.
Leishmaniasis is one of the most important parasitic infections, but current treatments are unsatisfactory due to their toxicity, cost and resistance. Therefore, the development of new antileishmanial compounds is imperative. Many people who live in endemic areas use plants as an alternative to treat the disease. In this paper, we characterised the essential oil from Piper auritum, evaluated its cytotoxicity and determined its antileishmanial activity. The chromatogram obtained by gas chromatography revealed 60 peaks and we found that safrole was the most abundant compound, composing 87% of the oil. The oil was active against the promastigotes of Leishmania major, Leishmania mexicana, Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania donovani with a favourable selectivity index against peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c mice. The Piper-oil inhibited the growing of intracellular amastigotes of L. donovani with an IC50 value of 22.3 ± 1.8 μg/mL. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the essential oils as a promising alternative to treat leishmaniasis.
The in vitro leishmanicidal activity of miltefosine® (Zentaris GmbH) was assessed against four medically relevant Leishmania species of Brazil: Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis and Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. The activity of miltefosine against these New World species was compared to its activity against the Old World strain, Leishmania (Leishmania) donovani, which is known to be sensitive to the effects of miltefosine. The IC50 and IC90 results suggested the New World species harboured similar in vitro susceptibilities to miltefosine; however, miltefosine was approximately 20 times more active against the Old World L. (L.) donovani than against the New World L. (L.) chagasi species. The selectivity index varied from 17.2-28.9 for the New World Leishmania species and up to 420.0 for L. (L.) donovani. The differences in susceptibility to miltefosine suggest that future clinical trials with this drug should include a laboratory pre-evaluation and a dose-defining step.
In the current study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of miltefosine, which is the first effective and safe oral treatment for visceral leishmaniasis, in Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes. Miltefosine induced a process of programmed cell death, which was determined by the externalization of phosphatidylserine, the incorporation of propidium iodide, cell-cycle arrest at the sub-G0/G1 phase and DNA fragmentation into oligonucleosome-sized fragments. Despite the intrinsic variation that is detected in Leishmania spp, our results indicate that miltefosine causes apoptosis-like death in L. amazonensis promastigote cells using a similar process that is observed in Leishmania donovani.
Although the reported aetiological agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Sri Lanka is Leishmania donovani, the sandfly vector remains unknown. Ninety-five sandflies, 60 females and 35 males, collected in six localities in the district of Matale, central Sri Lanka, close to current active transmission foci of CL were examined for taxonomically relevant characteristics. Eleven diagnostic morphological characters for female sandflies were compared with measurements described for Indian and Sri Lankan sandflies, including the now recognised Phlebotomus argentipes sensu lato species complex. The mean morphometric measurements of collected female sandflies differed significantly from published values for P. argentipes morphospecies B, now re-identified as Phlebotomus annandalei from Delft Island and northern Sri Lanka, from recently re-identified P. argentipes s.s. sibling species and from Phlebotomus glaucus. Furthermore, analysis of underlying variation in the morphometric data through principal component analysis also illustrated differences between the population described herein and previously recognised members of the P. argentipes species complex. Collectively, these results suggest that a morphologically distinct population, perhaps most closely related to P. glaucus of the P. argentipess. I. species complex, exists in areas of active CL transmission. Thus, research is required to determine the ability of this population of flies to transmit cutaneous leishmaniasis.
ABSTRACT: The execution of the apoptotic death program in metazoans is characterized by a sequence of morphological and biochemical changes that include cell shrinkage, presentation of phosphatidylserine at the cell surface, mitochondrial alterations, chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation, membrane blebbing and the formation of apoptotic bodies. Methodologies for measuring apoptosis are based on these markers. Except for membrane blebbing and formation of apoptotic bodies, all other events have been observed in most protozoan parasites undergoing cell death. However, while techniques exist to detect these markers, they are often optimised for metazoan cells and therefore may not pick up subtle differences between the events occurring in unicellular organisms and multi-cellular organisms.In this review we discuss the markers most frequently used to analyze cell death in protozoan parasites, paying special attention to changes in cell morphology, mitochondrial activity, chromatin structure and plasma membrane structure/permeability. Regarding classical regulators/executors of apoptosis, we have reviewed the present knowledge of caspase-like and nuclease activities.
A 11 months old female infant from Portugal, free of family history, consults for apathy, weight loss, tachycardia, tachypnea, petechiae, pallor without icterus and hepatoslenomegaly. Seven months earlier, while being in Portugal, she presented a persistent bluish pimple on her buttock. Laboratory results showed anemia (35 g/l), leucopenia (3.3 G/l), thrombocytopenia (13 G/l), impaired coagulation (INR 1.4, PTT 41 sec.), hyponatremia (124 mmol/l), elevated CRP (139 mg/l), high ferritin (34.775 μg/l) and high triglycerides (5.22 mmol/l). After correction of vital parameters, a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy (BMB) revealed both the etiological diagnosis, namely a visceral leishmaniasis (VL) as well as one of its potential complications, the hemophagocytic syndrome (HS). Transfusions of whole blood, platelets and fresh frozen plasma were immediately started. Dexamethasone (10 mg/m2) and amphotericin B (3 mg/kg/day) have also been administrated. Visceral leishmaniasis is caused by a protozoan (Leishmania donovani) transmitted by the female sandfly. It is endemic in the Mediterranean basin (including France, Italy, Spain and Portugal), South America, sub-Saharan Africa as well as in India and Bangladesh. The parasite infects macrophages and, after several weeks of incubation, the disease occurs by affection of bloodlines (anemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia), hepatosplenomegaly, cachexia, gastrointestinal damage. The complications of the disease may lead to death. Liposomal amphotericin B is the currently recommended treatment. HS is caused by the proliferation and activation of macrophages in the marrow in response to a cytokine storm. It may be of primary cause. When it is secondary, it may be related to infections such as leishmaniasis. Patients present with fever and laboratory diagnostic criteria include cytopenia, hypertriglyceridemia, high ferritin and hemophagocytosis in the BMB. The treatment consists among other in the administration of high doses corticosteroids and, in secondary cases, in the treatment of the underlying cause. In conclusion, the clinical and biological features of VL may mimic haematological disorders as leukemia, but an enlargement of the liver and especially of the spleen should remind in this parasitic infection and its potential fatal complication, the HS.
The antigen-presenting cell-expressed CD40 is implied in the regulation of counteractive immune responses such as induction of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-10, respectively. The mechanism of this duality in CD40 function remains unknown. Here, we investigated whether such duality depends on ligand binding. Based on CD40 binding, we identifed two dodecameric peptides, peptide-7 and peptide-19, from the phage peptide library. Peptide-7 induces IL-10 and increases Leishmania donovani infection in macrophages, whereas peptide-19 induces IL-12 and reduces L. donovani infection. CD40-peptide interaction analyses by surface plasmon resonance and atomic force microscopy suggest that the functional differences are not associated with the studied interaction parameters. The molecular dynamic simulation of the CD40-peptides interaction suggests that these two peptides bind to two different places on CD40. Thus, we suggest for the first time that differential binding of the ligands imparts functional duality to CD40.
Résumé : Dans le modèle murin d'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major (L. major), la souche de souris C57BL/6 est résistante a |'infection et développe une réponse protectrice Thelper (Th) 1. Inversement, les souris de la souche BALB/c développent une réponse Th2 et sont sensibles a cette infection. A la suite d'une infection avec ce parasite, les neutrophiles sont les premières cellules présentes au site d'infection et sont recrutées de manière égale dans les souches résistantes et sensibles à L. major, Néanmoins, trois jours après l'infection, la majorité des neutrophiles disparaissent du site d'infection chez les souris C57BL/6, tandis que ils restent jusqu'a dix jours chez les souris BALB/c. Un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré durant l'infection avec L. major. En effet, la déplétion de ces cellules avant |'infection dans les souris BALB/c, conduit a une réduction du développement des lésions, associée à une baisse de la charge parasitaire et a une modification de la réponse immunitaire vers une réponse Th1 dans des souris normalement sensibles a |'infection, suggérant un rôle immunorégulateur de ces neutrophiles durant les premiers jours de l'infection. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'infection avec L. major. Nous avons démontré que le parasite induisait des phénotypes de neutrophiles distincts chez les souris résistantes ou sensibles à L. major. Suite à l'exposition au parasite, les neutrophiles de souris C57BL/6 ont montré une expression élevée des récepteurs Toll-like 2, 7 et 9 ainsi que la sécrétion d'lL-12p7O et d'lL-10, alors que ceux de souris BALB/c sécrétaient de l'IL-12p40 et du TGFB. Nous avons ensuite démontré qu'en réponse à L. major, au contraire des neutrophiles de BALB/c, les neutrophiles de souris résistantes C57BL/6, libéraient la chimiokine CCL3 attirant les cellules dendritiques. Le rôle crucial de cette chimiokine dans la migration de la première de vague de cellules dendritiques au site d'infection ainsi que son rôle dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire subséquente a été établi. Ces résultats démontrent que les neutrophiles, suite a |'infection avec le parasite L. major, créent un microenvironnement capable de déterminer le développement d'une réponse immunitaire spécifique a un antigène. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des neutrophiles suite a l'infection avec d'autres espèces de Leishmania: L, doriovani et L. mexicaria, agents responsables de leishmaniose viscérale et cutanée chronique respectivement. Un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré dans la réponse protectrice suite a l'infection avec L. donovani, l'absence de ces cellules amenant à une susceptibilité au parasite accrue, associée avec une induction préférentielle d'une réponse Th2. Inversement, la déplétion des neutrophiles lors de l'infection avec L. mexicaria aboutit a une résistance accrue, comme constaté par la baisse dela charge parasitaire, la hausse de la réponse Th1 ainsi la baisse de la réponse Th2 dans les souris déplétées en neutrophiles. Néanmoins, malgré le rôle délétère des neutrophiles sur le développement d'une réponse protectrice suite à |'infection avec L. mexicana, ces cellules sont nécessaires pour une résolution correcte dela réponse inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle un rôle majeur des neutrophiles lors de |'infection avec plusieurs especes de Leishmania. Résumé pour un large public : Les neutrophiles font partie de la famille des globules blancs. A la suite d'une infection, ces cellules sont les premières a être recrutées au site d'infection et sont impliquées dans |'élimination des pathogènes. Dans cette thèse, nous nous somme donc intéressés au rôle que pouvaient jouer ces neutrophiles durant l'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major (L. major). Dans le modèle murin d'infection avec L. major, la majorité des souches de souris utilisées dans la recherche, dont les souris de la souche C57BL/6, développent de petites lésions qui guérissent spontanément après quelques semaines (souris résistantes). ll existe néanmoins, quelques souches de souris, dont la souche de souris BALB/c, qui développent des lésions qui ne guérissent pas (souris sensibles). Il a été observé que lors de l'lnfection avec ce parasites les neutrophiles étaient les premières cellules recrutées au site de l'lnfection dans toutes les souches de souris, toutefois trois jours après le début dela réaction immunitaire, la majorité des neutrophiles disparaissent chez les souris C57BL/6, tandis qu'ils restent jusqu'à dix jours chez les souris BALB/c. De plus, un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré durant l'infection avec L. major. En effet, l'absence de neutrophiles durant les trois premiers jours de l'infection chez les souris sensibles à |'infection, rend ces souris résistantes. Ces résultats suggèrent donc un rôle régulateur de la réponse immunitaire des neutrophiles durant les premiers jours de l'infection. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'infection avec L. major. Nous avons donc analysé la sécrétion des cytokines, molécules essentielles qui déterminent la réponse immunitaire, par les neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré que le parasite induisait une sécrétion de cytokines différente entre les souris résistantes ou sensibles a L. major. Nous avons ensuite démontré que seule la souche de souris résistante sécrétait la chimiokine CCL3, connue pour être impliquée dans le recrutement de différentes cellules au site d'infecti0n, dont les cellules dendritiques. Les cellules dendritiques sont un élément fondamental pour un bon déroulement d'une réponse immunitaire, de par leur rôle décisif de liaison entre une réponse précoce non-spécifique au pathogène et une réponse plus tardive spécifique au pathogène et nécessaire pour |'élimination de dernier. Nous avons démontré que les neutrophiles de souris résistantes sécrétaient CCL3 et recrutaient les cellules dendritiques au site d'infecti0n, jouant de ce fait un rôle essentiel dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire. Ces résultats démontrent que les neutrophiles, suite à l'infection avec le parasite L. major, créent un microenvironnement capable de déterminer le développement d'une réponse immunitaire. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'lnfection avec d'autres espèces de Leishmania, L. donovani et L. mexicana. Nous avons pu montrer un rôle crucial de ces cellules dans la réponse à ces deux parasites. En effet, suite à |'infection avec L. donovani, un rôle protecteur des neutrophiles a été observé, leur absence menant à une susceptibilité accrue aux parasites. Dans le cas de l'infection avec L. mexicana, une réduction de |'infection a été observée en absence de neutrophiles, avec néanmoins une augmentation de la lésion, suggérant un rôle important de ces cellules dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire ainsi que dans le contrôle de la réponse inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle un rôle majeur des neutrophiles lors de l'lnfection avec plusieurs membres de la famille Leishrnania. Summary : Upon infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major (L. major), C57BL/6 mice show a resistant phenotype, developing a protective Thelper (Th) 1 response. ln contrast, BALB/c mice develop a Th2 response and are susceptible to infection. Following inoculation with the parasite, neutrophils are the first cells migrating at the site of infection and are equally recruited in both L. major- resistant and susceptible mouse strains. However, after three days of infection, almost all neutrophils disappear from the site of infection in C57BL/6 mice, while they persist until ten days in BALB/c mice. Neutrophils were shown to play a crucial role during infection with L. major. indeed, depletion of these cells in BALB/c mice prior to infection with the parasite led to a lower Iesion development, associated with a lower parasite burden and a modification in the immune response towards a Th1 response in these otherwise susceptible mice, suggesting an immunomodulatory role for neutrophils during the first days of infection. ln the first part of this thesis, we were interested in better understanding the role of neutrophils in infection with L. major. \/\/e found that this parasite was inducing distinct neutrophil phenotypes in L. major-resistant and susceptible mice. Upon exposition with L. major, C57BL/6 neutrophils were reported to express high level of Toll-like receptors 2, 7, 9 mRNA and secrete IL-12p70 and IL-10, while BALB/c neutrophils secreted homodimers of IL-12p40, and TGFB. We then demonstrated that in response to L. major, neutrophils from L. major-resistant C57BL/6 mice release the CCL3 dendritic cell attracting chemokine, which is critical for the first wave of dendritic cell migration to the site of infection and in the development of the subsequent immune response. Altogether, these results demonstrated that upon infection with L. major, neutrophils create a microenvironment that can determine the development of an antigen-specific immune response. ln the second part of the thesis we were interested in understanding the role of neutrophils upon infection with of other species of Leishmania: L. donovani causing visceral leishmaniasis and L. mexicana, agent of chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis. Upon infection with L. donovani, neutrophils were found to play a crucial role in the early protective response, their absence leading to an increased susceptibility to the parasite, associated with the preferential induction of a Th2 response. ln contrast, depletion of these cells early in infection with L. mexicana was leading to an increased resistance, as observed by a decreased parasite burden, increased Th1 and decreased Th2 response in neutrophil-depleted mice. However, despite the deleterious role of neutrophils on the development of a protective immune response upon L. mexicana infection, these cells were required for the proper resolution of the inflammatory response. Altogether, these results highlight a major immunomodulatory role for neutrophils in infection with several species of Leishmania.