217 resultados para Domestication.
Ce mémoire interroge le rapport développé dans Maîtres anciens de Thomas Bernhard entre l’écriture littéraire, la pensée philosophique et le kitsch. Au-delà de la supposition surprenante que la philosophie puisse être affaire de goût, de séduction et de sentiments, l’analyse de la notion de kitsch philosophique permet d’envisager le discours critique comme une arme à double tranchant qui promet autant l’émancipation que l’autoaliénation du Kitschmensch pensant. C’est à travers la figure de Reger, protagoniste de la comédie orchestrée par Bernhard, que s’incarne cette perspective critique paradoxale qui témoigne de problèmes de légitimation et d’un scepticisme croissant face aux promesses des grands récits émancipateurs. À l’examen de cette mise en scène de la philosophie, apparaît une manière proprement littéraire de « penser la pensée ». Ce mémoire veut rendre compte de ce en quoi la pensée littéraire se distingue de l’essai philosophique mais aussi de tout autre métadiscours. La littérature, car elle montre plus qu’elle n’affirme, conséquemment permet de comprendre les points de contact et de tension entre la philosophie et le kitsch, entre la culture et la barbarie, d’une manière toute particulière. C’est cette particularité qui fait l’objet de cette étude et qui est considérée comme une forme de résistance à la commodification, la vanité, la domestication, bref la kitschification de la pensée critique.
Thèse réalisée en co-tutelle avec le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris.
Cette thèse trace la généalogie culturelle de la jeune fille en Occident en ciblant les moments charnières de son devenir femme au sein de structures de savoir qui ont activement participé à forger cette figure hétéronormative. Mon objectif est de produire une analyse culturelle en forgeant une cartographie des adolescences au féminin. Afin de sortir de la temporalité téléologique de la virginité et de la défloration, j’emprunte un mot étranger, parthénos, qui fait appel à l’idée de la jeune fille, sans nécessairement se limiter à ses connotations conventionnelles. La première partie, intitulée « La virginité, une affaire de jeunes filles », laisse place à une analyse du concept de parthénos à partir d’une lecture au carrefour de la médecine, de la loi et du mythe. Une lecture du traité hippocratique De la maladie des jeunes filles dévoile comment la défloration et la grossesse deviennent une cure érotique, une discipline du corps, qui décide du passage de la jeune fille dans une temporalité utile à la Cité. Un déplacement paradigmatique s’opère au 19e siècle dans les écrits médico-légaux, parce que l’hymen, auparavant inexistant dans la doxa hippocratique, devient le signe matériel par excellence pour examiner le statut de virginité de la fille. L’analyse de ces traités (frères Beck, Ambroise Tardieu, Paulier et Hétet) révèle la configuration de pratiques et de discours d’infantilisation des victimes de viol, et le refus des médecins légistes de reconnaître qu’une femme mariée puisse être violée. À partir d’une lecture contemporaine des tragédies L’Orestie d’Eschyle et Antigone de Sophocle, je montre que les figures d’Antigone et d’Électre constituent des exemples et des symboles convaincants de ce destin funeste de la parthénos qui n’accède jamais au statut de femme mariée. À ces figures mortelles, se télescopent les figures d’Artémis et des Érinyes pour montrer le potentiel de régénération inhérent à la figure de la parthénos. La deuxième partie, qui porte le titre « Le liminaire. Repenser les devenirs de l’adolescence », engage une réflexion à la lisière du contexte contemporain des Girlhood Studies, de la psychanalyse sociale et des études féministes sur le corps et le sexe, pour faciliter le déploiement d’une cartographie plus contextualisée du concept de parthénos. Je montre ici les écueils et les effets du danger qu’engendre la rationalité économique (cf. Henry A. Giroux) pour les espaces de liberté et d’exploration propres à l’adolescence. Cette posture est appuyée sur une lecture des récentes études en psychanalyse sociale (Anne Bourgain, Olivier Douville et Edmond Ortigues). Il est ainsi question d’identifier ce qui marque le passage entre l’adolescence et l’âge adulte : la crainte de la disparition et le fantasme de la naissance de soi. La théorie de la volatilité corporelle qu’élabore Elizabeth Grosz à propos de la sexualité féminine, ainsi que les théories de Michel Foucault, reprises par Judith Butler, en ce qui concerne les disciplines du corps, répondent à mon objectif de sortir de l’écueil d’une temporalité téléologique pour saisir les effets et les ramifications du discours sur la matérialité du corps de la jeune fille, sur ce qui lui arrive lorsqu’elle ne correspond pas tout à fait à l’idéal de régulation. Enfin, la dernière partie, qui porte le titre « Temporalités de la parthénos en tant que sujet liminaire », est traversée par les modalités particulières de la parthénia qui semble désincarnée dans la littérature contemporaine. L’objectif est de prouver que la virginité est toujours un marqueur symbolique qui déploie le destin de la fille dans un horizon particulier, trop souvent celui de la disparition. En proposant un éventail de cinq textes littéraires que j’inscris au sein d’une posture généalogique, je souhaite voir dans la littérature contemporaine, une volonté, parfois aussi un échec, dans cette pensée de la parthénos en tant que sujet liminaire. Le récit Vu du ciel de Christine Angot montre que l’ascension vers le statut d’ange concerne seulement les victimes enfants. Le récit d’Angot met donc en lumière la distinction entre la vraie victime, toujours innocente et pré-pubère, et la fausse victime, l’adolescente. Contrairement à Vu du ciel, The Lovely Bones d’Alice Sebold met en scène la possibilité d’une communauté politique de filles qui sera en fait limitée par le refus du potentiel lesbien. La question du viol sera ici centrale et sera abordée à partir de l’insistance sur la voix de la narratrice Susan. La littérature devient un espace propice à la survie de la jeune fille, puisqu’elle admet la reprise de l’expérience de la première relation sexuelle. Si la communauté est convoquée dans The Lovely Bones, elle est associée à l’image de l’identité sororale dans le roman Virgin Suicides de Jeffrey Eugenides. La pathologie virale et la beauté virginale que construit le narrateur polyphonique et anonyme font exister le discours médical sur la maladie des vierges dans un contexte contemporain. Le récit médical rejoint alors le récit érotique puisque le narrateur devient médecin, détective et voyeur. À la différence de ces trois récits, Drames de princesses d’Elfriede Jelinek montre une parthénos, Blanche Neige, qui fait face à son agresseur pour s’inscrire dans une historicité discursive. Cette collision dialogique ranime le cycle tragique (celui d’une Antigone confrontant Créon) et traduit de nouveau le danger d’une superstructure sociétale composée d’images et de discours où la fille est construite comme un accessoire pour le plaisir éphémère de l’homme. À l’inverse de l’image de la vierge sacrée et désincarnée que proposent les récits d’Angot, de Sebold, d’Eugenides et de Jelinek, Virginie Despentes offre une autre réflexion dans Apocalypse bébé. Le personnage de Valentine est configuré comme une sœur des parthénoi qui préfère le suicide et la terreur à la domestication, faisant ainsi appel à une temporalité radicale et inachevable, celle de la fin de la jeune fille. Mon souhait est enfin de souligner la nécessité de penser au mérite autant épistémologique, intime que politique, d’explorer le temps des éclosions sexuelles de la fille par delà l’idée de la première relation sexuelle.
The previous faunistic studies were concentrated.on the taxonomical and zoogeo— graphical aspects. These studies contributed to many new additions to the fish fauna of Kerala meanwhile many species described earlier are reported missing in recent years. Many fish species were collected only once or twice by scientists. Detailed information on distribution, habitat, feeding habits, reproduction, population size, etc. are available only with regard to a very few fish species. A meaningful assessment on the biodiversity status of the majority of freshwater fishes cannot be done for want of sufficient data base and therefore, no suitable conservation and management programmes are forthcoming for the protection and preservation of the unique fish germplasm resources of Kerala. The present study was conceptualised and undertaken mostly aiming at bridging these gaps by generating an authentic data base on the distribution, resource characteristics and bionomics of the threatened fishes inhabiting the rivers of Kerala. Osteobrama bakeri (Day) is an endemic fish having a very highly restricted and fragmented distribution in Periyar, Chalakudy, Kabini, Kallada and Meenachil rivers of Kerala. This belongs to vulnerable category and is locally known as Mullanpaval which is valued as food fish. Besides, due to its vibrant and attractive colouration and easiness for domestication, it has great potential for being propagated as an ornamental fish. Hitherto, no information is available on the bionomics and resource characteristics of this species. Studies on detailed life history traits are indispensable for fishery management, development of captive breeding technique and implementation of various conservation programmes. In the present study, a pioneer attempt is also made to investigate the life history traits, resource characteristics, proximate composition, etc. of O.baken'.
From the point of view of rational exploitation and proper management of the fishery resources as well as for the development of intensive aquaculture of fishes through selective breeding, brood stock development, domestication and genetic improvement, a sound knowledge of reproductive biology and physiology of the candidate species is of great importance. In recent times, a wealth of information on maturity, spawning habits, spawning periodicity, spawning season, size at maturity and fecundity of commercially important fishes has been generated. Gametogenesis involves the transformation of Primordial germ cells in the gonads into specialised cells or gametes, namely ova in the female and sperms in male, through a series of complex morphological and cytological events. The formation of male gamete is known as spermatogenesis. In the female, the primary growth phase involving the formation of primary oocyte from oogonia is known as oogenesis, which would be followed by the secondary growth phase, in which considerable increase in the size of the oocyte occurs, due mainly to accumulation of yolk. This process is known as vitellogenesis, which would be followed by final maturation and ovulation of the ova. In the present work, basic aspects of maturation and spawning, salient features of gametogenesis and associated biochemical changes occurring during these processes in an important cultivable fish, Sillago sihama belonging to the family Sillaginidae have been investigated.
Wheat as the major cereal crop in Egypt is the core of the government's food security policy. But there are rapid losses of the genetic resources of the country as a result of ongoing modernization and development. Thus we compiled the largest possible number of Egyptian accessions preserved in the world gene banks. In the present study we collected nearly 1000 Egyptian wheat accessions. A part from the Triticum species of the Egyptian flora four species have been found, which were recorded for the first time T. turanicum, T. compactum, T. polonicum and T. aethiopicum. To classify the Egyptian wheat species using morphological studies, 108 accessions were selected. Thereafter, these accessions were cultivated and evaluated morphologically to confirm the validity of the classified species. During the morphological evaluation study, a new case was noticed for the number of glumes in one of the Egyptian wheat accessions. Three glumes per spikelet were observed in a branched spike. This led us to assess the phenomenon in all varieties with branching spikes within the genus Triticum. All varieties which have branching spikes at least in some spikletes have three glumes. We considered the case of the third glume as indicator for the domestication syndrome. Also, a new case of other forms of branching in the genus Triticum was investigated, which was a compromise between true and false-branching. We called it true-false branching. Comparative anatomical studies were carried out between Egyptian Triticum species to investigate the possibility of using anatomical features to classify the Egyptian wheat species. It was concluded that it is difficult to use anatomical features alone to differentiate between two Triticum species, especially when they belong to the same ploidy level. A key for the identification of Egyptian Triticum taxa was established.
The Sultanate of Oman is located on the south-eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, which lies on the south-western tip of the Asian continent. The strategic geographical locations of the Sultanate with its many maritime ports distributed on the Indian Ocean have historically made it one of the Arabian Peninsula leaders in the international maritime trade sector. Intensive trading relationships over long time periods have contributed to the high plant diversity seen in Oman where agricultural production depends entirely on irrigation from groundwater sources. As a consequence of the expansion of the irrigated area, groundwater depletion has increased, leading to the intrusion of seawater into freshwater aquifers. This phenomenon has caused water and soil salinity problems in large parts of the Al-Batinah governorate of Oman and threatens cultivated crops, including banana (Musa spp.). According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the majority of South Al-Batinah farms are affected by salinity (ECe > 4 dS m-1). As no alternative farmland is available, the reclamation of salt-affected soils using simple cultural practices is of paramount importance, but in Oman little scientific research has been conducted to develop such methods of reclamation. This doctoral study was initiated to help filling this research gap, particularly for bananas. A literature review of the banana cultivation history revealed that the banana germplasm on the Arabian Peninsula is probably introduced from Indonesia and India via maritime routes across the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. In a second part of this dissertation, two experiments are described. A laboratory trial conducted at the University of Kassel, in Witzenhausen, Germany from June to July 2010. This incubation experiment was done to explore how C and N mineralization of composted dairy manure and date palm straw differed in alkaline non-saline and saline soils. Each soil was amended with four organic fertilizers: 1) composted dairy manure, 2) manure + 10% date palm straw, 3) manure + 30% date palm straw or 4) date palm straw alone, in addition to un-amended soils as control. The results showed that the saline soil had a lower soil organic C content and microbial biomass C than the non-saline soil. This led to lower mineralization rates of manure and date palm straw in the saline soil. In the non-saline soil, the application of manure and straw resulted in significant increases of CO2 emissions, equivalent to 2.5 and 30% of the added C, respectively. In the non-amended control treatment of the saline soil, the sum of CO2-C reached only 55% of the soil organic C in comparison with the non-saline soil. In which 66% of the added manure and 75% of the added straw were emitted, assuming that no interactions occurred between soil organic C, manure C and straw C during microbial decomposition. The application of straw always led to a net N immobilization compared to the control. Salinity had no specific effect on N mineralization as indicated by the CO2-C to Nmin ratio of soil organic matter and manure. However, N immobilization was markedly stronger in the saline soil. Date palm straw strongly promoted saprotrophic fungi in contrast to manure and the combined application of manure and date palm straw had synergistic positive effects on soil microorganisms. In the last week of incubation, net-N mineralization was observed in nearly all treatments. The strongest increase in microbial biomass C was observed in the manure + straw treatment. In both soils, manure had no effect on the fungi-specific membrane component ergosterol. In contrast, the application of straw resulted in strong increases of the ergosterol content. A field experiment was conducted on two adjacent fields at the Agricultural Research Station, Rumais (23°41’15” N, 57°59’1” E) in the South of Al-Batinah Plain in Oman from October 2007 to July 2009. In this experiment, the effects of 24 soil and fertilizer treatments on the growth and productivity of Musa AAA cv. 'Malindi' were evaluated. The treatments consisted of two soil types (saline and amended non-saline), two fertilizer application methods (mixed and ring applied), six fertilizer amendments (1: fresh dairy manure, 2: composted dairy manure, 3: composted dairy manure and 10% date palm straw, 4: composted dairy manure and 30% date palm straw, 5: only NPK, and 6: NPK and micronutrients). Sandy loam soil was imported from another part of Oman to amended the soil in the planting holes and create non-saline conditions in the root-zone. The results indicate that replacing the saline soil in the root zone by non-saline soil improved plant growth and yield more than fertilizer amendments or application methods. Particularly those plants on amended soil where NPK was applied using the ring method and which received micronutrients grew significantly faster to harvest (339 days), had a higher average bunch weight (9.5 kg/bunch) and were consequently more productive (10.6 tonnes/hectare/cycle) compared to the other treatments.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) occupies almost three percent of the total worldwide cultivated area, with an annual production of seven million tonnes (t). Pakistan is an ideal place for the cultivation of date palm due to its sandy loam soil and semi-arid climate. In 2012, Pakistan produced 600,000 t of dates, on an area of 95,000 ha. Baluchistan province is the country’s top date producer, followed by Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) provinces. More than 300 date varieties are known to exist in Pakistan and some commercially important cultivars are: Karbalaen, Aseel, Muzawati, Fasli, Begum Jhangi, Hillawi, Dashtiari, Sabzo, Koharaba, Jaan Swore, Rabai and Dhakki. Six districts from the four provinces of Pakistan (Jhang, Muzaffargarh and Bahawalpur (Punjab), Dera Ismail Khan (KPK), Khairpur (Sindh) and Panjgur (Baluchistan)) with largest area under date palm cultivation were selected to conduct socio-economic surveys including the income sources of date palm growers. A structured questionnaire with open-ended and closed questions was used for face-to-face interviews of 170 date palm growers. At each location after selection of a first farmer through a local guide, the former was requested to provide names and addresses of three other date growers in his area. From these three names, one was randomly selected for the next sampling. Additionally, date palm fronds and fruits of all available cultivars were collected for morphological and nutritional analyses. Soil samples were collected from the groves for subsequent chemical and physical analyses. Almost all farmers used dates as a food item for their families and some were using low quality dates as a feed for their livestock. Apart from dates, other date palm components (trunk, spadix, frond, inflorescence and seed) were used by date palm growers as a raw material for making many by-products for their families. Date palm had a major contribution in the income of households, 24% received 91-100% of their income from date palms. More than half of the surveyed farmers had date palm groves, but scattered plantations, home gardens and intercropping systems with cereal and other fruits were also present. Dhakki, Muzawati, Aseel, and Karbalaen were the most important commercial cultivars grown in the provinces of KPK, Baluchistan, and Sindh. Aseel, Karoch, Haleni, Karbalaen, and Muzawati cultivars had the most firm fruit and good total soluble sugar, calcium and magnesium contents. The amount of magnesium found in dates of studied cultivars ranged from 0.143 to 0.876 mg g-1. A great variation in frond morphology was recorded among the cultivars. Fruit length and fruit weight was highest in Dhakki date, making it visually more attractive for customers in addition to its good nutritional properties. The seed weight of the studied cultivars ranged from 0.7-2.0 g, while Desi dates had largest seed, making them less attractive for marketing. However, in terms of nutritional value and fruit size, most of the investigated varieties can compete with globally important commercial dates.
This article examines two genres of text which were extremely popular in the late-medieval and early modern periods, and it pays particular attention to women users. The printed almanacs of sixteenth-century England were enormously influential; yet their contents are so formulaic and repetitive as to appear almost empty of valuable information. Their most striking feature is their astrological guidance for the reader, and this has led to them being considered 'merely' the repository of popular superstition. Only in the last decade have themes of gender and medicine been given serious consideration in relation to almanacs; but this work has focused on the seventeenth century. This chapter centres on a detailed analysis of sixteenth-century English almanacs, and the various kinds of scientific and household guidance they offered to women readers. Both compilers and users needed to chart a safe course through the religious and scientific battles of the time; and the complexities involved are demonstrated by considering the almanacs in relation to competing sources of guidance. These latter are Books of Hours and 'scientific' works such as medical calendars compiled by Oxford scholars in the late middle ages. A key feature of this chapter is that it gives practical interpretations of this complex information, for the guidance of modern readers unfamiliar with astrology.
Diversity in the chloroplast genome of 171 accessions representing the Brassica 'C' (n = 9) genome, including domesticated and wild B. oleracea and nine inter-fertile related wild species, was investigated using six chloroplast SSR (microsatellite) markers. The lack of diversity detected among 105 cultivated and wild accessions of B. oleracea contrasted starkly with that found within its wild relatives. The vast majority of B. oleracea accessions shared a single haplotype, whereas as many as six haplotypes were detected in two wild species, B. villosa Biv. and B. cretica Lam.. The SSRs proved to be highly polymorphic across haplotypes, with calculated genetic diversity values (H) of 0.23-0.87. In total, 23 different haplotypes were detected in C genome species, with an additional five haplotypes detected in B. rapa L. (A genome n = 10) and another in B. nigra L. (B genome, n = 8). The low chloroplast diversity of B. oleracea is not suggestive of multiple domestication events. The predominant B. oleracea haplotype was also common in B. incana Ten. and present in low frequencies in B. villosa, B. macrocarpa Guss, B. rupestris Raf. and B. cretica. The chloroplast SSRs reveal a wealth of diversity within wild Brassica species that will facilitate further evolutionary and phylogeographic studies of this important crop genus.
Fifty years ago Carl Sauer suggested, controversially and on the basis of theory rather than evidence, that Southeast Asia was the source area for agriculture throughout the Old World, including the Pacific. Since then, the archaeobotanical record (macroscopic and microscopic) from the Pacific islands has increased, leading to suggestions, also still controversial, that Melanesia was a center of origin of agriculture independent of South-east Asia, based on tree fruits and nuts and vegetatively propagated starchy staples. Such crops generally lack morphological markers of domestication, so exploitation, cultivation and domestication cannot easily be distinguished in the archaeological record. Molecular studies involving techniques such as chromosome painting, DNA fingerprinting and DNA sequencing, can potentially complement the archaeological record by suggesting where species which were spread through the Pacific by man originated and by what routes they attained their present distributions. A combination of archaeobotanical and molecular studies should therefore eventually enable the rival claims of Melanesia versus South-east Asia as independent centers of invention of agriculture to be assessed.
The development of architecture and the settlement is central to discussions concerning the Neolithic transformation asthe very visible evidence for the changes in society that run parallel to the domestication of plants and animals. Architecture hasbeen used as an important aspect of models of how the transformation occurred, and as evidence for the sharp difference betweenhunter-gatherer and farming societies. We suggest that the emerging evidence for considerable architectural complexity from theearly Neolithic indicates that some of our interpretations depend too much on a very basic understanding of structures which arenormally seen as being primarily for residential purposes and containing households, which become the organising principle for thenew communities which are often seen as fully sedentary and described as villages. Recent work in southern Jordan suggests that inthis region at least there is little evidence for a standard house, and that structures are constructed for a range of diverse primary purposes other than simple domestic shelters.