993 resultados para Dodds,Eric R.


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Esta investigación explora arqueológicamente el saber constituido sobre el campesinado en Colombia, en el perodo de 1965-1975, tomando como material empírico principal un archivo fotogrfico documental que relacionaremos con hemerografía y las reconstrucciones socio-históricas de la década. Nuestro propósito es relacionar el archivo, sus condiciones, su porvenir, medios y definiciones con la constitución de subjetividades políticas. Las subjetividades son entendidas aquí en tanto procesos que al referir universos simbólicos socialmente compartidos, dotan al sujeto de un lenguaje cultural que a continuación internaliza, y adquiere así una singularidad que lo caracteriza y finalmente lo representa como “ser colectivo”. Descifraremos, a través de lo visible y lo oculto de las representaciones fotogrficas, los enunciados posibles y las aproximaciones desde la sociología. Veremos como los discursos, por demás contradictorios, fungen a manera de proyectos de homogeneización de la cultura campesina efectuándose en la esfera de la heterogeneidad: campesinos marcados por diferencias entre sí, multiplicidad de subjetividades implicadas políticamente en los procesos inscritos dentro de la reforma agraria.


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ENGLISH: The Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory of Kochi, Japan conducted a long-line fishery exploration and hydrographic survey in the eastern Pacific Ocean aboard the R/V Shoyo Maru during October 1963- March 1964. An invitation to the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission to participate in the cruise gave its investigators the opportunity to make surface biological observations and to preserve water samples for subsequent analyses of nutrients. The result of this survey is a comprehensive body of physical, chemical and biological data covering a large portion of the eastern half of the Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: El Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory de Rochi, Japón, llevó a cabo una exploración pesquera con palangre y un reconocimiento hidrogrfico en el Océano Pacífico oriental, a bordo del barco de investigación Shoyo Maru, desde octubre de 1963 hasta marzo de 1964. Una invitación dirigida a la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical para participar en el crucero, confirió a sus investigadores la oportunidad de hacer observaciones biológicas superficiales y conservar muestras de agua para el subsiguiente análisis de los nutrientes. El resultado de este reconocimiento es un conjunto de datos físicos, químicos y biológicos que abarcan una gran parte del sector medio oriental del Océano Pacífico. (PDF contains 153 pages.)


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The AINT/ERIC/TACC genes encode novel proteins with a coiled coil domain at their C-terminus. The founding member of this expanding family of genes, transforming acidic coiled coil 1 (TACC1), was isolated from a BAC contig spanning the breast cancer amplicon-1 on 8p11. Transfection of cells in vitro with TACC1 resulted in anchorage-independent growth consistent with a more "neoplastic" phenotype. Database searches employing the human TACC1 sequence revealed other novel genes, TACC2 and TACC3, with substantial sequence homology particularly in the C-terminal regions encoding the coiled coil domains. TACC2, located at 10q26, is similar to anti-zuai-1 (AZU-1), a candidate breast tumour suppressor gene, and ECTACC, an endothelial cell TACC which is upregulated by erythropoietin (Epo). The murine homologue of TACC3, murine erythropoietin-induced cDNA (mERIC-1) was also found to be upregulated by Epo in the Friend virus anaemia (FVA) model by differential display-PCR. Human ERIC-1, located at 4p16.3, has been cloned and encodes an 838-amino acid protein whose N- and C-terminal regions are highly homologous to the shorter 558-amino acid murine protein, mERIC-1. In contrast, the central portions of these proteins differ markedly. The murine protein contains four 24 amino acid imperfect repeats. ARNT interacting protein (AINT), a protein expressed during embryonic development in the mouse, binds through its coiled coil region to the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator protein (ARNT) and has a central portion that contains seven of the 24 amino acid repeats found in mERIC-1. Thus mERIC-1 and AINT appear to be developmentally regulated alternative transcripts of the gene. Most members of the TACC family discovered so far contain a novel nine amino acid putative phosphorylation site with the pattern [R/K]-X(3)-[E]-X(3)-Y. Genes with sequence homology to the AINT/ERIC/TACC family in other species include maskin in Xenopus, D-TACC in Drosophila and TACC4 in the rabbit. Maskin contains a peptide sequence conserved among eIF-4E binding proteins that is involved in oocyte development. D-TACC cooperates with another conserved microtubule-associated protein Msps to stabilise spindle poles during cell division. The diversity of function already attributed to this protein family, including both transforming and tumour suppressor properties, should ensure that a new and interesting narrative is about to unfold.


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Using both dynamical and chemical modelling, we derive an accurate abundance profile for the molecule SiO in the stellar wind of R Dor, an O-rich AGB star. SiO plays a key role in the dust formation process in O-rich AGB stars. This method will be applied to additional molecules, with the aim to achieve a detailed overview of the molecular abundance pattern in the wind of R Dor.


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This study examined how the athletic career of Roderick R. McLennan contributed to the popularization and subsequent development of Caledonian games in Ontario during the latter nineteenth century. Initially, the development of Caledonian games during the 1800s was examined to provide a contextual framework for McLennan's career. This investigation revealed that the games emerged from rural athletic events at pioneer working bees in the first quarter of the nineteenth century to regional sporting events by the mid-1800s, and finally into annual federated Caledonian games in 1870. Noteworthy primary source material for this chapter included the John MacGillivray Papers at the National Archives of Canada, the Scottish American Journal (NY) and the files retained by the Glengarry Sport Hall of Fame in Maxville, Ontario. Following the investigation of Caledonian games, McLennan's early athletic career was studied. Analysis of the Roderick and Farquhar McLennan Papers at the Archives of Ontario and the newspapers from the period revealed that McLennan rose to popularity in 1865 through a "Championship of the World" hammer throwing match in Cornwall and two "Starring Tours". The next chapter examined the height of McLennan's career through an investigation of the Roderick McLennan versus Donald Dinnie rivalry of the early .. n 1870s. It was detennined that the rivalry between McLennan and Dinnie, the champion athlete of Highland games in Scotland, was a popular attraction and had an impact on the Toronto and Montreal games of 1870 and the Toronto games of 1872. Finally, the athletic records established by McLennan during the 1860s and 1870s were investigated. These records were examined through the context of a media controversy over McLennan's feats that developed in the early 1880s between two newspapers. This controversy erupted between the Toronto Mail and the Spirit of the Times. Caledonian games in Canada have only been briefly examined and a thorough examination of prominent Canadian figures in this context has yet to be undertaken. This study unearths a prominent Canadian athlete of Scottish decent and details his involvement in the Caledonian games of nineteenth century Ontario.


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Syftet med den här studien har varit att undersöka vad tidigare forskning beskriver som betydelsefullt i NO-undervisningen för att elever i årskurs F-6 ska erbjudas kunskaper i naturvetenskap. För att besvara studiens frgeställningar har en systematisk litteraturstudie genomförts. Med det menas att en systematisk genomgång av tidigare genomförd och publicerad forskning som är relevant för studiens frgeställningar har utförts. Sökningar efter relevant svensk och internationell forskning har skett i databaserna Eric (Proquest), Google Scholar, Summon, avhandlingar.se och NorDiNa. Resultatet av litteraturstudien visar att det finns flera faktorer som är betydelsefulla för att eleverna ska erbjudas kunskaper i naturvetenskap. De som tas upp i denna litteraturstudie är diskussioner, vardagsbegrepp som kopplas till naturvetenskapliga begrepp, hur begrepp som används i olika sammanhang, att skapa sammanhang, tidig undervisning, praktiska experiment och undersökningar, arbetssätt och samband mellan intresse och kunskap. När litteraturstudien genomförts dras slutsatsen att tidigare forskning anser att ett undersökande arbetssätt är betydelsefullt för att elever ska erbjudas kunskaper i NO och att elevernas intresse påverkar kunskapsutvecklingen.


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Sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen har varit under utveckling en längre tid. Frn att upplysa befolkningen om riskerna med sex, och olika ”sexuella störningar som homosexualitet, har fokus flyttat till att bejaka människors olika sexualiteter och få alla människor att känna sig trygga i sin identitet. Syftet med den här systematiska litteraturstudien är att få en fördjupad kunskap kring vad som är och anses viktigt vid sex- och samlevnadsundervisning i svensk skola och hur man kan arbeta med de rdande normer som finns. Litteraturstudien har hämtat aktuell litteratur inom forskningsomrdet frn databaserna Eric, Summon och Libris. Litteraturen har granskats och valts ut för att svara mot studiens frgeställningar. Resultatet frn studien visar vilket gemensamt ansvar rektorer och lärare har r att sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen ska integreras i fler skolämnen, samt att man bör arbeta med mål och bedömning för att få ett gynnsamt lärande och få delaktiga elever som kan påverka undervisningen. Det är viktigt för att undervisningen ska utgå frn elevernas behov och funderingar samtidigt som både ett riskperspektiv och ett njutningsperspektiv lyfts. Lärarna bör arbeta objektivt och lyfta frgor som avviker frn den heterosexuella normen, bland annat Hbt- frgor, detta för att inkludera alla elever i sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen.


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Editors: -1902, Augustana theological faculty.--1903-12, Nils Forsander (with Eric Norelius, 1903-09).--1913- S.G. Youngert.


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[L-r: Jon Urbanchek, Jon Arndt, Eric Namesnik]


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Recent evidence suggests that - in addition to 17p deletion - TP53 mutation is an independent prognostic factor in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Data from retrospective analyses and prospective clinical trials show that ∼5% of untreated CLL patients with treatment indication have a TP53 mutation in the absence of 17p deletion. These patients have a poor response and reduced progression-free survival and overall survival with standard treatment approaches. These data suggest that TP53 mutation testing warrants integration into current diagnostic work up of patients with CLL. There are a number of assays to detect TP53 mutations, which have respective advantages and shortcomings. Direct Sanger sequencing of exons 4-9 can be recommended as a suitable test to identify TP53 mutations for centers with limited experience with alternative screening methods. Recommendations are provided on standard operating procedures, quality control, reporting and interpretation. Patients with treatment indications should be investigated for TP53 mutations in addition to the work-up recommended by the International workshop on CLL guidelines. Patients with TP53 mutation may be considered for allogeneic stem cell transplantation in first remission. Alemtuzumab-based regimens can yield a substantial proportion of complete responses, although of short duration. Ideally, patients should be treated within clinical trials exploring new therapeutic agents.


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The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) provides power, communications, sensors, and data infrastructure for continuous, high-resolution, (near-)real-time, interactive ocean observations across a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary range of research areas including biology, geology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and computer science, from polar to subtropical environments, through the water column down to the abyss. Eleven deep-sea and four shallow nodes span from the Arctic through the Atlantic and Mediterranean, to the Black Sea. Coordination among the consortium nodes is being strengthened through the EMSOdev project (H2020), which will produce the EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM). Early installations are now being upgraded, for example, at the Ligurian, Ionian, Azores, and Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) nodes. Significant findings have been flowing in over the years; for example, high-frequency surface and subsurface water-column measurements of the PAP node show an increase in seawater pCO2 (from 339 μatm in 2003 to 353 μatm in 2011) with little variability in the mean air-sea CO2 flux. In the Central Eastern Atlantic, the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands open-ocean canary node (aka ESTOC station) has a long-standing time series on water column physical, biogeochemical, and acidification processes that have contributed to the assessment efforts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). EMSO not only brings together countries and disciplines but also allows the pooling of resources and coordination to assemble harmonized data into a comprehensive regional ocean picture, which will then be made available to researchers and stakeholders worldwide on an open and interoperable access basis.


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A presente pesquisa visa analisar a diversidade genética De F. decemcellulare isolado de mudas e plantas adultas de guaranazeiro com sintomas de superbrotamento, hipertrofia floral ou galhas por meio do marcador molecular ERIC-PCR.