977 resultados para Diversidades afetivo-sexuais


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This study, of theoretical nature, aims to analyse some propositions of Historic and Cultural psychology about human psyche, especially regarding the constitution of affective processes in relation to child development. Therefore, brings together some principles of Spinozist philosophy that underlie the Vigotskian thought about affections and postulates that, for this school of psychology, on the basis of human development are the social experience and subject-object relation, constitutive of cognitive and affective processes. The analyses developed over the text indicate that social mediators - signs and instruments - subsidize the formation of activity and consciousness in a process that legitimizes the historic and social origin of affective functions. The paper aims to highlight the role of education as a privileged place of access to knowledge capable of transforming ways of thinking, feeling and acting of children through the processes of teaching and learning.


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The relationship between affective-emotional problems and school learning is present in areas of Psychology and Education. In the present study, of theoretical and bibliographic characteristics, we investigated elements that might confirm the thesis of the historicity of cognitive and affective processes, giving to these processes a social and symbolic connotation . Through the Historic-Cultural Psychology we approached the subject-object relationship and affective-cognitive unit proposing to overcome the subjectivist and organicist thinking. The study suggested the importance for us to (re) think the relationships that the subject establishes with the environment, the role of knowledge and practical conditions of life and education. Besides, it highlighted the activity as a main category in the constitution of needs and motives, as well in the formation of desires and the objectification of them. In this way, it enhances the learning and promotes the development, considering that the formation of subjectivity in each subject is the effect of an educative process that shall be object of study of both Psychology and Education.


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Estudos comprovam que os fetos desde o útero já respondem a estímulos sonoros e que a música, por sua vez, pode influenciar no desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e social do individuo. É a partir de tais considerações que o presente trabalho identifica, através de levantamento bibliográfico mais aprofundado, quais os fatores que a linguagem musical pode desenvolver nas crianças e como tal linguagem se constitui num “treinamento” para o cérebro, visando, primordialmente, a busca de novas práticas de aprendizagem. Analisamos, ainda, o currículo de formação dos professores do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia das universidades federais e estaduais brasileiras, observando a ênfase dada à modalidade do ensino de música nos cursos de formação de professores unidocentes. Por fim buscamos oferecer subsídios metodológicos, dos quais os professores unidocentes possam lançar mão para o desenvolvimento de atividades destinadas ao trabalho com musicalização infantil


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Cultural-Historical Psychology alleges the thesis of social experience as the basis of human formation and points the affective-cognitive unity as the intermediate in subject relations with the knowledge on the development of psychological functions. This article presents some elements that indicate the constitution of affective processes from the relations the subject maintains with human objectifications. Part of the critics to the organismic and subjectivist thought that, both in Psychology and in Education, separates emotions from other functions of human consciousness – treating them as deterrents in the teaching and school learning processes – and signs the importance of (re) thinking the relations the subject establishes with reality, the role of knowledge and of the concrete conditions of life and education that produce the affective processes. It defends that thinking and feeling are psychological processes developed from history of appropriation and objectification of signs and instruments that each subject realizes and affirms in scholar education, and the intentional character of teaching – in the organizational and pedagogical practice – as determinant elements in the transformation of the ways of thinking and feeling.


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This paper presents a non-heterosexual young lady s Narrative Life History. By presenting it, we aim to understanding how desire, (in)visibility and the processes of exclusion are articulated in relation to the experience of homoeroticism, especially within the family. By this, we are able to point out some homophobic aspects, modes of how the device of closet operates and how some expectations and demands exert pressures over a non-heterosexual member in the family. In this case study, the way her family lived her sexuality depended on a strong family ties, such as: the secret about sexuality. Such secret, according to our hypothesis, was produced and preserved by homophobia which served as the major aspect on the construction of gender and (dis)unity of the family. This work is part of a in progress doctoral thesis, sponsored by FAPESP Fundação para o Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo.


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The authors present data obtained from the analysis of a questionnaire regarding sexuality among 1,437 adolescent students in the Botucatu municipal district. The student's age varied from 15 to 19 years. The results demonstrate the evolving characteristics of the student's sexuality and suggest that sexual orientation and guidance should be part of the child and adolescent educational process. The authors pointed out that the members of Health care team should stimulate the discussion of sexuality while providing medical advice.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This cross-sectional and descriptive study aimed to verify the adherence of patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) to medication and to identify possible causes of adherence and non-adherence to medication according to the pharmacotherapeutic profile. The study was carried out in a mental health service in a city in the interior of the state of Sao Paulo. Participants included 101 patients with BAD. Structured interviews and the Morisky-Green test were used for data collection, and the Statistical Package for Social Science was employed for data analysis. Most subjects (63%) did not adhere to medication. Although there were no significant differences between the adherent and non-adherent groups for the researched variables, the use of polypharmacotherapy and complex treatment regimens was observed in treatment for BAD. In practice, implementing strategies to improve the adherence of patients to medication treatment remains a challenge.


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Há evidências crescentes de que o curso Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB) pode ser modificado por abordagens psicoterápicas, tais como a Psicoeducação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as implicações do grupo de Psicoeducação no cotidiano dos portadores. Para tanto, optou-se pelo estudo qualitativo, do tipo Estudo de Caso. Foram incluídos doze portadores de TAB que tiveram pelo menos seis participações no Grupo de Psicoeducação desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP). Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas, transcritas e trabalhadas por meio da Análise Temática. Este estudo demonstrou que tal experiência grupal favoreceu a aquisição de conhecimento; a conscientização da doença e adesão ao tratamento; a realização de mudanças positivas na vida; a possibilidade de ajudar outros portadores a se beneficiarem do aprendizado construído no grupo; a descoberta de outras realidades e estratégias de enfrentamento, obtidas por meio da troca de experiências entre os participantes.


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