989 resultados para Distinct Populations
Glomerular mesangial cells (MC) are renal vascular cells that regulate the surface area of glomerular capillaries and thus, partly control glomerular filtration rate. Clarification of the signal transduction pathways and ionic mechanisms modulating MC tone are critical to understanding the physiology and pathophysiology of these cells, and the integrative role these cells play in fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. The patch clamp technique and an assay of cell concentration were used to electrophysiologically and pharmacologically analyze the ion channels of the plasmalemmal of human glomerular MC maintained in tissue culture. Moreover, the signal transduction pathways modulating channels involved in relaxation were investigated. Three distinct K$\sp+$-selective channels were identified: two low conductance channels (9 and 65pS) maintained MC at rest, while a larger conductance (206pS) K$\sp+$ channel was quiescent at rest. This latter channel was pharmacologically and biophysically similar to the large, Ca$\sp{2+}$-activated K$\sp+$ channel (BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$) identified in smooth muscle. BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ played an essential role in relaxation of MC. In cell-attached patches, the open probability (P$\rm\sb{o}$) of BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ increased from a basal level of $<$0.05 to 0.22 in response to AII (100nM)-induced mobilization of cytosolic Ca$\sp{2+}$. Activation in response to contractile signals (membrane depolarization and Ca$\sp{2+}$ mobilization) suggests that BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ acts as a low gain feedback regulator of contraction. Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF; 1.0$\mu$M) and nitroprusside (NP; 0.1mM), via the second messenger, cGMP, increase the feedback gain of BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$. In cell-attached patches bathed with physiological saline, these agents transiently activated BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ from a basal $\rm P\sb{o}<0.05$ to peak responses near 0.50. As membrane potential hyperpolarizes towards $\rm E\sb{K}$ (2-3 minutes), BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ inactivates. Upon depolarizing V$\rm\sb{m}$ with 140 mM KCl, db-cGMP (10$\mu$M) activated BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ to a sustained P$\rm\sb{o}$ = 0.51. Addition of AII in the presence of cGMP further increased P$\rm\sb{o}$ to 0.82. Activation of BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ by cGMP occured via an endogenous cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG): in excised, inside-out patches, PKG in the presence of Mg-ATP (0.1mM) and cGMP increased P$\rm\sb{o}$ from 0.07 to 0.39. In contrast, neither PKC nor PKA influenced BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$. Endogenous okadaic acid-sensitive protein phosphatase suppressed BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ activity. Binning the change in P$\rm\sb{o}\ (\Delta P\sb{o}$) of BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ in response to PKG (n = 69) established two distinct populations of channels: one that responded ($\cong$67%, $\rm\Delta P\sb{o} = 0.45 \pm 0.03$) and one that was unresponsive ($\Delta\rm P\sb{o} = 0.00 \pm 0.01$) to PKG. Activation of BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ by PKG resulted from a decrease in the Ca$\sp{2+}$- and voltage-activation thresholds independent of sensitivities. In conclusion, mesangial BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ channels sense both electrical and chemical signals of contraction and act as feedback regulators by repolarizing the plasma membrane. ANF and NO, via cGMP, stimulate endogenous PKG, which subsequently decreases the activation threshold of BK$\rm\sb{Ca}$ to increase the gain of this feedback regulatory signal. ^
Current models of embryological development focus on intracellular processes such as gene expression and protein networks, rather than on the complex relationship between subcellular processes and the collective cellular organization these processes support. We have explored this collective behavior in the context of neocortical development, by modeling the expansion of a small number of progenitor cells into a laminated cortex with layer and cell type specific projections. The developmental process is steered by a formal language analogous to genomic instructions, and takes place in a physically realistic three-dimensional environment. A common genome inserted into individual cells control their individual behaviors, and thereby gives rise to collective developmental sequences in a biologically plausible manner. The simulation begins with a single progenitor cell containing the artificial genome. This progenitor then gives rise through a lineage of offspring to distinct populations of neuronal precursors that migrate to form the cortical laminae. The precursors differentiate by extending dendrites and axons, which reproduce the experimentally determined branching patterns of a number of different neuronal cell types observed in the cat visual cortex. This result is the first comprehensive demonstration of the principles of self-construction whereby the cortical architecture develops. In addition, our model makes several testable predictions concerning cell migration and branching mechanisms.
BACKGROUND Distinct populations of neutrophils have been identified based on the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1, CD54) and chemokine receptor 1 (CXCR1, interleukin 8 receptor α). AIM We analyzed the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR1), a physiological negative regulator of angiogenesis, on distinct populations of neutrophils from the blood of patients before and after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS Neutrophil populations were distinguished as reverse transmigrated (ICAM1(high)/CXCR1(low)), naïve (ICAM1(low)/CXCR1(high)), or tissue-resident neutrophils (ICAM1(low)/CXCR1(low)), and their VEGFR1 expression quantified. RESULTS Reverse transmigrated ICAM1(high)/CXCR1(low) neutrophilic granulocytes decreased significantly after chemotherapy and these were also the cells with highest mean fluorescence intensity for VEGFR1. CONCLUSION Chemotherapy mainly reduces the number of reverse transmigrated long-lived ICAM1(high)/CXCR1(low) VEGFR1-expressing neutrophils. The decrease of antiangiogenic VEGFR1 may have a potential impact on tumour angiogenesis in patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy.
Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) supports reactions of microsomal cytochrome P450 which metabolize drugs and steroid hormones. Mutations in POR cause disorders of sexual development. P450 oxidoreductase deficiency (PORD) was initially identified in patients with Antley-Bixler syndrome (ABS) but now it has been established as a separate disorder of sexual development (DSD). Here we are summarizing the work on variations in POR related to metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics. We have compiled mutation data on reported cases of PORD from clinical studies. Mutations found in patients with defective steroid profiles impact metabolism of steroid hormones as well as drugs. Some trends are emerging that establish certain founder mutations in distinct populations, with Japanese (R457H), Caucasian (A287P), and Turkish (399-401) populations showing repeated findings of similar mutations. Most other mutations are found as single occurrences. A large number of different variants in POR gene with more than 130 amino acid changes are now listed in databases. Among the polymorphisms, the A503V is found in about 30% of all alleles but there are some differences across different population groups.
Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides that are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract. Notably, TFF1 has been suggested to operate as a neuropeptide, however, its specific cellular expression, regulation and function remain largely unknown. We have previously shown that TFF1 is expressed in developing and adult rat ventral mesencephalic tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) dopaminergic neurons. Here, we investigated the expression of TFF1 in rat ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons (embryonic day 14) grown in culture for 5, 7 or 10 days in the absence (controls) or presence of either glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), Forskolin or the combination. No TFF1-ir cells were identified at day 5 and only a few at day 7, whereas TH was markedly expressed at both time points. At day 10, several TFF1-ir cells were detected, and their numbers were significantly increased after the addition of GDNF (2.2-fold) or Forskolin (4.1-fold) compared to controls. Furthermore, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin had an additive effect and increased the number of TFF1-ir cells by 5.6-fold compared to controls. TFF1 expression was restricted to neuronal cells, and the percentage of TH/TFF1 co-expressing cells was increased to the same extent in GDNF and Forskolin-treated cultures (4-fold) as compared to controls. Interestingly, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin resulted in a significantly increased co-expression (8-fold) of TH/TFF1, which could indicate that GDNF and Forskolin targeted different subpopulations of TH/TFF1 neurons. Short-term treatment with Forskolin resulted in an increased number of TFF1-ir cells, and this effect was significantly reduced by the MEK1 inhibitor PD98059 or the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H89, suggesting that Forskolin induced TFF1 expression through diverse signaling pathways. In conclusion, distinct populations of cultured dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and their numbers can be increased by factors known to influence survival and differentiation of dopaminergic cells.
Analysis of recurrent events has been widely discussed in medical, health services, insurance, and engineering areas in recent years. This research proposes to use a nonhomogeneous Yule process with the proportional intensity assumption to model the hazard function on recurrent events data and the associated risk factors. This method assumes that repeated events occur for each individual, with given covariates, according to a nonhomogeneous Yule process with intensity function λx(t) = λ 0(t) · exp( x′β). One of the advantages of using a non-homogeneous Yule process for recurrent events is that it assumes that the recurrent rate is proportional to the number of events that occur up to time t. Maximum likelihood estimation is used to provide estimates of the parameters in the model, and a generalized scoring iterative procedure is applied in numerical computation. ^ Model comparisons between the proposed method and other existing recurrent models are addressed by simulation. One example concerning recurrent myocardial infarction events compared between two distinct populations, Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic Whites in the Corpus Christi Heart Project is examined. ^
Many recent studies have found genetically differentiated populations in microorganisms despite potentially high dispersal. We designed a study to specifically examine the importance of physical dispersal barriers, i.e. geographic distance and lack of hydrological connectivity, in restricting gene flow and enhancing divergence in limnic microorganisms. We focused on the nuisance microalga Gonyostomum semen, which has recently expanded in northern Europe and differentiated into genetically distinct populations. Gonyostomum semen was sampled from six lakes distributed in two adjacent watersheds, which thereby comprised, both connected and non-connected lakes. The individual isolates were genotyped by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism. Several lake populations were differentiated from each other, but connectivity within watersheds could not explain the observed population genetic pattern. However, isolation by distance was moderate and might limit the gene flow among distant populations. In addition, we found low, but significant linkage disequilibrium, which indicates regular sexual recombination in this species, despite its high degree of asexual reproduction. Therefore, we conclude that the genetic properties of microalgae with occasional sexual reproduction essentially mirror regularly recombining species. Furthermore, the data indicated bottlenecks supporting the hypothesized recent range expansion of this species.
Size measurements of the calcareous nannofossil taxon Discoaster multiradiatus were carried out across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in Ocean Drilling Program Holes 690B (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea) and 1209B (Shatsky Rise, Pacific Ocean). Morphometric investigations show that D. multiradiatus specimens are generally larger at ODP Site 1209 than at ODP Site 690. A limited increase in size of D. multiradiatus is recorded at ODP Site 1209, whereas significant enlargements characterize ODP Site 690. Preservation is comparable at both sites: nannofossils are moderately preserved with some evidence of etching/overgrowth in the PETM interval. Yet, D. multiradiatus variations do not correlate with preservation state and morphometric data most likely represent primary signals rather than diagenetic artifacts. There is a direct relationship between D. multiradiatus size and paleotemperatures: largest specimens are coeval with global warming associated with the PETM, inferred to result from excess atmospheric CO2 due to (partial) oxidation of massive quantities of methane. Size increases and largest specimens of D. multiradiatus occur at different stratigraphic levels within PETM at ODP Sites 690 and 1209. A marked shift in diameter size was observed at the onset and peak of the Carbon Isotopic Excursion (CIE) at ODP Site 690, but only at the end of CIE and initial recovery interval at ODP Site 1209. This diachroneity is puzzling, but indeed correlates well with reconstructed changes in surface and thermocline water masses temperature and salinity in the PETM interval at low and high latitudes. The presumed high concentrations of carbon dioxide seem to have not influenced the morphometry of D. multiradiatus. The major size increase of D. multiradiatus in the CIE of ODP Site 690 could represent the migration of larger-sized allochtonus specimens that moved from peri-equatorial/subtropical areas to higher latitudes during the warmest interval of the PETM, although no direct evidence of distinct populations/subpopulations has been obtained from the frequency diagrams. As a result, we infer that D. multiradiatus is a proxy of water masses stratification and might be used for deriving temperature-salinity-nutrient conditions in the mixed layer and thermocline and their dynamics.
THE chemical, mineralogical and isotopic characteristics of deposits at the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary are suggestive of a large impact event, the prime candidate (Sharpton et al., 1992, doi:10.1038/359819a0) being the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan, Mexico. Spinel-bearing spherules, which may be associated with such impacts, have been reported (Smit and Romein, 1985, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(85)90019-6) at several K/T boundary sites worldwide, but their origin is still uncertain. We have examined the spinel-bearing material recovered from K/T boundary deposits at site 577 in the Pacific Ocean (Heath et al., 1985, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.86.104.1985) and find two distinct populations of particles: spherules with dendritic spinel textures dispersed throughout the grains and irregularly shaped fragments with spinels essentially confined to the rim. The morphology and composition of the particles are characteristic of melted and partially melted meteoritic ablation debris, but their location is difficult to reconcile with an impact on the Yucatan peninsula, some 10,000 km away. We suggest instead that the spinel-bearing particles at site 577 are derived from the impact of a 2-km asteroid in the Pacific Ocean, and that several accretionary events of this type are required to explain the global distribution of spinel-bearing spherules at the K/T boundary.
Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium acuminatum are toxigenic species that contaminate cereal crops from diverse climatic regions. They are common in Spanish cereals. The information available on their phylogenetics and toxigenic profiles is, however, insufficient to assist risk evaluation. In this work, phylogenetic analyses were performed using partial sequences of the translation elongation factor gene (EF-1a) of F. equiseti and F. acuminatum strains isolated from barley and wheat from Spain and other countries. The Northern and Southern European F. equiseti strains largely separated into two phylogenetically distinct clusters. This suggests the existence of two distinct populations within this species, explaining its presence in these regions of markedly different climate. Production of type A and B trichothecenes by the Spanish strains, examined in wheat cultures using a multitoxin analytical method, indicated that F. equiseti could produce deoxynivalenol and nivalenol and other trichothecenes, at concentrations that might represent a significant risk of toxin contamination for Southern European cereals. F. acuminatum showed low intraspecific genetic variability and 58% of the strains could produce deoxynivalenol at low level. Neither species was found to produce T-2 or HT-2 toxins. The present results provide important phylogenetic and toxigenic information essential for the accurate prediction of toxigenic risk.
Fusarium equiseti is a toxigenic species that often contaminates ce real crops from diverse climatic regions such as Northern and Southern Europe. Previous results suggested the existence of two distinct populations within this species with differences in toxin pro file which largely corresponded to North and South Europe (Spain). In this work, growth rate profiles of 4 F. equiseti strains isolated from different cereals and distinct Spanish regions were determined on wheat and barley based media at a range of temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 °C) and water potentialregimens(−0.7,−2.8,−7.0,and −9.8MPa,correspondingto 0.99,0.98,0.95 and 0.93aw values).Growth was observed at all temperatures except at 40 °C, and at all the solute potential values except at−9.8 MPa when combined with 15 °C. Optimal growth was observed at 20– 30 °C and −0.7/−2.8 MPa. The effect of these factors on trichothecene biosynthesis was examined on a F. equiseti strain using a newly developed real time RT-PCR protocol to quantify TRI5 gene expression at 15, 25 and 35 °C and −0.7, −2.8, − 7.0 and −9.8 MPa on wheat and barley based media. Induction of TRI5 expression was detected between 25 and 35 °C and −0.7 and − 2.8 MPa, with maximum values at 35 °C and −2.8 MPa being higher in barley than in wheat medium. These results appeared to be consistent with a population well adapted to the present climatic conditions and predicted scenarios for Southern Europe and suggested some differences depending on the cereal considered. These are also discussed in relation to other Fusarium species co-occurring in cereals grown in this region and to their significance for prediction and control strategies of toxigenic risk in future scenarios of climate change for this region.
We have developed a modified rhodamine (Rho) staining procedure to study uptake and efflux in murine hematopoietic stem cells. Distinct populations of Rho++ (bright), Rho+ (dull), and Rho- (negative) cells could be discriminated. Sorted Rho- cells were subjected to a second Rho staining procedure with the P-glycoprotein blocking agent verapamil (VP). Most cells became Rho positive [Rho-/Rho(VP)+ cells] and some remained Rho negative [Rho-/Rho(VP)- cells]. These cell fractions were characterized by their marrow-repopulating ability in a syngeneic, sex-mismatch transplantation model. Short-term repopulating ability was determined by recipient survival for at least 6 weeks after lethal irradiation and transplantation--i.e., radioprotection. Long-term repopulating ability at 6 months after transplantation was measured by fluorescence in situ hybridization with a Y-chromosome-specific probe, by graft function and recipient survival. Marrow-repopulating cells were mainly present in the small Rho- cell fraction. Transplantation of 30 Rho- cells resulted in 50% radioprotection and > 80% donor repopulation in marrow, spleen, and thymus 6 months after transplantation. Cotransplantation of cells from both fractions in individual mice directly showed that within this Rho- cell fraction, the Rho-/Rho(VP)+ cells exhibited mainly short-term and the Rho-/Rho(VP)- cells exhibited mainly long-term repopulating ability. Our results indicate that hematopoietic stem cells have relatively high P-glycoprotein expression and that the cells responsible for long-term repopulating ability can be separated from cells exhibiting short-term repopulating ability, probably by a reduced mitochondrial Rho-binding capacity.
Population synthesis studies constitute a powerful method to reconstruct the birth distribution of periods and magnetic fields of the pulsar population. When this method is applied to populations in different wavelengths, it can break the degeneracy in the inferred properties of initial distributions that arises from single-band studies. In this context, we extend previous works to include X-ray thermal emitting pulsars within the same evolutionary model as radio-pulsars. We find that the cumulative distribution of the number of X-ray pulsars can be well reproduced by several models that, simultaneously, reproduce the characteristics of the radio-pulsar distribution. However, even considering the most favourable magneto-thermal evolution models with fast field decay, lognormal distributions of the initial magnetic field overpredict the number of visible sources with periods longer than 12 s. We then show that the problem can be solved with different distributions of magnetic field, such as a truncated lognormal distribution, or a binormal distribution with two distinct populations. We use the observational lack of isolated neutron stars (NSs) with spin periods P > 12 s to establish an upper limit to the fraction of magnetars born with B > 1015 G (less than 1 per cent). As future detections keep increasing the magnetar and high-B pulsar statistics, our approach can be used to establish a severe constraint on the maximum magnetic field at birth of NSs.
Il est reconnu que la protéine filamenteuse intermédiaire Nestine est exprimée lors du processus de cicatrisation et du remodelage fibrotique. De plus, nous avons identifié l’expression de la Nestine au sein de deux populations distinctes qui sont directement impliquées dans les réponses de fibroses réparative et réactive. Ainsi, une population de cellules souches neurales progénitrices résidentes du coeur de rat adulte exprime la Nestine et a été identifiée à titre de substrat de l’angiogenèse et de la neurogenèse cardiaque. Également, la Nestine est exprimée par les myofibroblastes cicatriciels cardiaques et il a été établi que la protéine filamenteuse intermédiaire joue un rôle dans la prolifération de ces cellules. Ainsi, l’objectif général de cette thèse était de mieux comprendre les évènements cellulaires impliqués dans la réponse neurogénique des cellules souches neurales progénitrices résidentes cardiaques Nestine(+) (CSNPRCN(+)) lors de la fibrose réparative cardiaque et d’explorer si l’apparition de fibroblastes Nestine(+) est associée avec la réponse de fibrose réactive secondaire du remodelage pulmonaire. Une première publication nous a permis d’établir qu’il existe une régulation à la hausse de l’expression de la GAP43 (growth associated protein 43) et que cet événement transitoire précède l’acquisition d’un phénotype neuronal par les CSNPRCN(+) lors du processus de cicatrisation cardiaque chez le rat ayant subi un infarctus du myocarde. De plus, la surimposition de la condition diabétique de type 1, via l’injection unique de Streptozotocine chez le rat, abolit la réponse neurogénique des CSNPRCN(+), qui est normalement induite à la suite de l’ischémie cardiaque ou de l’administration de 6-hydroxydopamine. Le second article a démontré que le développement aigu de la fibrose pulmonaire secondaire de l’infarctus du myocarde chez le rat est associé avec une augmentation de l’expression protéique de la Nestine et de l’apparition de myofibroblastes pulmonaires Nestine(+). Également, le traitement de fibroblastes pulmonaires avec des facteurs de croissances peptidiques pro-fibrotiques a augmenté l’expression de la Nestine par ces cellules. Enfin, le développement initial de la condition diabétique de type 1 chez le rat est associé avec une absence de fibrose réactive pulmonaire et à une réduction significative des niveaux protéiques et d’ARN messager de la Nestine pulmonaire. Finalement, la troisième étude représentait quant à elle un prolongement de la deuxième étude et a alors examiné le remodelage pulmonaire chronique chez un modèle établi d’hypertension pulmonaire. Ainsi, les poumons de rats adultes mâles soumis à l’hypoxie hypobarique durant 3 semaines présentent un remodelage vasculaire, une fibrose réactive et une augmentation des niveaux d’ARN messager et de la protéine Nestine. De plus, nos résultats ont démontré que la Nestine, plutôt que l’alpha-actine du muscle lisse, est un marqueur plus approprié des diverses populations de fibroblastes pulmonaires activés. Également, nos données suggèrent que les fibroblastes pulmonaires activés proviendraient en partie de fibroblastes résidents, ainsi que des processus de transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse et de transition endothélio-mésenchymateuse. Collectivement, ces études ont démontré que des populations distinctes de cellules Nestine(+) jouent un rôle majeur dans la fibrose réparative cardiaque et la fibrose réactive pulmonaire.
A classic T-cell phenotype in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the downregulation and replacement of the CD3ζ chain that alters T-cell receptor signaling. However, genetic associations with SLE in the human CD247 locus that encodes CD3ζ are not well established and require replication in independent cohorts. Our aim was therefore to examine, localize and validate CD247-SLE association in a large multiethnic population. We typed 44 contiguous CD247 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 8922 SLE patients and 8077 controls from four ethnically distinct populations. The strongest associations were found in the Asian population (11 SNPs in intron 1, 4.99 × 10(-4) < P < 4.15 × 10(-2)), where we further identified a five-marker haplotype (rs12141731-rs2949655-rs16859085-rs12144621-rs858554; G-G-A-G-A; P(hap) = 2.12 × 10(-5)) that exceeded the most associated single SNP rs858554 (minor allele frequency in controls = 13%; P = 4.99 × 10(-4), odds ratio = 1.32) in significance. Imputation and subsequent association analysis showed evidence of association (P < 0.05) at 27 additional SNPs within intron 1. Cross-ethnic meta-analysis, assuming an additive genetic model adjusted for population proportions, showed five SNPs with significant P-values (1.40 × 10(-3) < P< 3.97 × 10(-2)), with one (rs704848) remaining significant after Bonferroni correction (P(meta) = 2.66 × 10(-2)). Our study independently confirms and extends the association of SLE with CD247, which is shared by various autoimmune disorders and supports a common T-cell-mediated mechanism.