964 resultados para Direction of measurement properties.


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Pyroclastic and other sediments derived from volcanic terranes are prominent constituents of the sediment column in the central and eastern parts of the Philippine Sea. On the Palau-Kyushu Ridge (Site 448), basement is overlain by over 100 meters of vitric-tuff deposits, which are overlain in turn by about 170 meters of nannofossil chalk and ooze. In contrast, thick accumulations of vitric tuff are overlain by minor accumulations of pelagic clay in the east-central Parece Vela Basin (Sites 53, 54, and 450), (Fischer, Heezen, et al., 1971), and almost 900 meters of vitric tuff, ash, and breccia overlie igneous basement at Site 451 on the adjacent West Mariana Ridge. The seismic velocities of these vitric tuffs at in situ pressures can be usefully applied in the interpretation of seismic-reflection data collected in this region.


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Laboratory measurements of physical properties are important because the results may be applied to the interpretation of seismic and other types of geophysical data, and because they can be used to estimate the in situ physical properties of different lithologies present beneath the sea floor. In this chapter, wet-bulk densities and compressional-wave velocities, measured at elevated confining pressures, are reported for a suite of seven sediment samples recovered on DSDP Leg 60. Of the seven samples studied, two are mudstones, two are vitric tuffs, and three are chalks. All but one of the samples are from Hole 459B, near the eastern limit of the Mariana fore-arc region. In five cases, velocities were measured parallel and perpendicular to bedding to test for velocity anisotropy.


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Photopyroelectric (PPE) spectroscopy, in the 350-1,075 nm wavelength range, was used to study the optical properties of electropolymerized melanin films on indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. The PPE intensity signal as a function of the wavelength lambda, V (n)(lambda) and its phase F (n)(lambda) were independently measured. Using the PPE signal intensity and the thermal and optical properties of the pyroelectric detector, we were able to calculate the optical absorption coefficient beta of melanin in the solid-state. We believe this to be the first such measurement of its kind on this material. Additionally, we found an optical gap in these melanin films at 1.70 eV.


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This investigation originated from work by Dr. A.H. McIlraith of the National Physical Laboratory who, in 1966, described a new type of charged particle oscillator. This makes use of two equal cylindrical electrodes to constrain the particles in such a way that they follow extremely long oscillatory paths between the electrodes under the influence of an electrostatic field alone. The object of this work has been to study the principle of the oscillator in detail and to investigate its properties and applications. Any device which is capable of creating long electron trajectories has potential application in the field of ultra high vacuum technology. It was therefore considered that a critical review of the problems associated with the production and measurement of ultra high vacuum was relevant in the initial stages of the work. The oscillator has been applied with a considerable degree of success as a high energy electrostatic ion source. This offers several advantages over existing ion sources. It can be operated at much lower pressures without the need of a magnetic field. The oscillator principle has also been applied as a thermionic ionization gauge and has been compared with other ionization gauges to pressures as low as 5 x 10- 11 torr.. This new gauge exhibited a number of advantages over most of the existing gauges. Finally the oscillator has been used in an evaporation ion pump and has exhibited fairly high pumping speeds for argon gas relative to those for nitrogen. This investigation supports the original work of Dr. A.H. McIlraith and shows that his proposed oscillator has considerable potential in the fields of vacuum technology and electron physics.


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In the study of complex neurobiological movement systems, measurement indeterminacy has typically been overcome by imposing artificial modelling constraints to reduce the number of unknowns (e.g., reducing all muscle, bone and ligament forces crossing a joint to a single vector). However, this approach prevents human movement scientists from investigating more fully the role, functionality and ubiquity of coordinative structures or functional motor synergies. Advancements in measurement methods and analysis techniques are required if the contribution of individual component parts or degrees of freedom of these task-specific structural units is to be established, thereby effectively solving the indeterminacy problem by reducing the number of unknowns. A further benefit of establishing more of the unknowns is that human movement scientists will be able to gain greater insight into ubiquitous processes of physical self-organising that underpin the formation of coordinative structures and the confluence of organismic, environmental and task constraints that determine the exact morphology of these special-purpose devices.


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A one year mathematics project that focused on measurement was conducted with six Torres Strait Islander schools and communities. Its key focus was to contextualise the teaching and learning of measurement within the students’ culture, communities and home languages. There were six teachers and two teacher aides who participated in the project. This paper reports on the findings from the teachers’ and teacher aides’ survey questionnaire used in the first Professional Development session to identify: a) teachers’ experience of teaching in Torres Strait Islands, b) teachers’ beliefs about effective ways to teach Torres Strait Islander students, and c) contexualising measurement within Torres Strait Islander culture, Communities and home languages. A wide range of differing levels of knowledge and understanding about how to contextualise measurement to support student learning were identified and analysed. For example, an Indigenous teacher claimed that mathematics and the environment are relational, that is, they are not discrete and in isolation from one another, rather they interconnect with mathematical ideas emerging from the environment of the Torres Strait Communities.


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After bone fracture, various cellular activities lead to the formation of different tissue types, which form the basis for the process of secondary bone healing. Although these tissues have been quantified by histology, their material properties are not well understood. Thus, the aim of this study is to correlate the spatial and temporal variations in the mineral content and the nanoindentation modulus of the callus formed via intramembranous ossification over the course of bone healing. Midshaft tibial samples from a sheep osteotomy model at time points of 2, 3, 6 and 9 weeks were employed. PMMA embedded blocks were used for quantitative back scattered electron imaging and nanoindentation of the newly formed periosteal callus near the cortex. The resulting indentation modulus maps show the heterogeneity in the modulus in the selected regions of the callus. The indentation modulus of the embedded callus is about 6 GPa at the early stage. At later stages of mineralization, the average indentation modulus reaches 14 GPa. There is a slight decrease in average indentation modulus in regions distant to the cortex, probably due to remodelling of the peripheral callus. The spatial and temporal distribution of mineral content in the callus tissue also illustrates the ongoing remodelling process observed from histological analysis. Most interestingly the average indentation modulus, even at 9 weeks, remains as low as 13 GPa, which is roughly 60% of that for cortical sheep bone. The decreased indentation modulus in the callus compared to cortex is due to the lower average mineral content and may be perhaps also due to the properties of the organic matrix which might be different from normal bone.


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Hydrogels provide a 3-dimensional network for embedded cells and offer promise for cartilage tissue engineering applications. Nature-derived hydrogels, including alginate, have been shown to enhance the chondrocyte phenotype but are variable and not entirely controllable. Synthetic hydrogels, including polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based matrices, have the advantage of repeatability and modularity; mechanical stiffness, cell adhesion, and degradability can be altered independently. In this study, we compared the long-term in vitro effects of different hydrogels (alginate and Factor XIIIa-cross-linked MMP-sensitive PEG at two stiffness levels) on the behavior of expanded human chondrocytes and the development of construct properties. Monolayer-expanded human chondrocytes remained viable throughout culture, but morphology varied greatly in different hydrogels. Chondrocytes were characteristically round in alginate but mostly spread in PEG gels at both concentrations. Chondrogenic gene (COL2A1, aggrecan) expression increased in all hydrogels, but alginate constructs had much higher expression levels of these genes (up to 90-fold for COL2A1), as well as proteoglycan 4, a functional marker of the superficial zone. Also, chondrocytes expressed COL1A1 and COL10A1, indicative of de-differentiation and hypertrophy. After 12 weeks, constructs with lower polymer content were stiffer than similar constructs with higher polymer content, with the highest compressive modulus measured in 2.5% PEG gels. Different materials and polymer concentrations have markedly different potency to affect chondrocyte behavior. While synthetic hydrogels offer many advantages over natural materials such as alginate, they must be further optimized to elicit desired chondrocyte responses for use as cartilage models and for development of functional tissue-engineered articular cartilage.