103 resultados para Diphtheria.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle von myelomonozytären Zellen, IFN-gamma (Interferon gamma), MyD88 (myeloid differentiation factor 88) und zugrundeliegenden Signalwege in der Angiotensin II (ATII)-induzierten vaskulären Inflammation, Dysfunktion und arteriellen Hypertonie untersucht. Wie bereits veröffentlichte Vordaten aus meiner Arbeitsgruppe zeigten, schützt die Depletion von Lysozym M (LysM)+ myelomonozytären Zellen (Diphteriatoxin-vermittelt in Mäusen, die transgen für den humanen Diphtheriatoxin-Rezeptor sind, LysMiDTR Mäuse) vor der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion und arterieller Hypertonie, und kann durch adoptiven Zelltransfer von Wildtyp Monozyten wiederhergestellt werden. In meiner Arbeit konnte ich zeigen, dass die Rekonstitution von Monozyten-depletierten LysMiDTR Mäusen mit Wildtyp Monozyten den Phänotyp der vaskulären Dysfunktion wiederherstellen kann, die Rekonstitution mit gp91phox-/y oder Agtr1-/- Monozyten jedoch nicht. Die Hypertonus-mediierenden Effekte dieser infiltrierenden Monozyten scheinen demnach von der intakten ATII und NADPH Oxidase Signalübertragung in diesen Zellen abhängig zu sein. Vermutlich ebenfalls für die Aktivierung der Monozyten funktionell wichtig sind IFN-gamma, produziert durch NK-Zellen, und der Transkriptionsfaktor T-bet (T-box expressed in T cells), exprimiert von NK-Zellen und Monozyten. IFN-gamma-/- Mäuse waren partiell geschützt vor der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion und charakterisiert durch reduzierte Level an Superoxid im Gefäß im Vergleich zu ATII-infundierten Wildtyp Mäusen. IFN-gamma-/- und T-bet defiziente Tbx21-/- Mäuse zeichneten sich ferner durch eine reduzierte ATII-mediierte Rekrutierung von NK1.1+ NK-Zellen, als ein Hautproduzent von IFN-gamma, sowie CD11b+GR-1low Interleukin-12 (IL-12) kompetenten Monozyten aus. Durch Depletions- und adoptive Transferexperimente konnte ich in dieser Arbeit NK-Zellen als essentielle Mitstreiter in der vaskulären Dysfunktion identifizieren und stellte fest, dass T-bet+LysM+ myelomonozytäre Zellen für die NK-Zellrekrutierung in die Gefäßwand und lokale IFN-gamma Produktion benötigt werden. Damit wurde erstmals NK-Zellen eine essentielle Rolle in der ATII-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion zugeschrieben. Außerdem wurde der T-bet-IFN-gamma Signalweg und die gegenseitige Monozyten-NK-Zellaktivierung als ein potentielles therapeutisches Ziel in kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen aufgedeckt. Des Weiteren identifizierte ich in meiner Arbeit MyD88 als ein zentrales Signalmolekül in der ATII-getriebenen Inflammation und vaskulären Gefäßschädigung. MyD88 Defizienz reduzierte den ATII-induzierten Anstieg des systolischen Blutdrucks und die endotheliale und glattmuskuläre vaskuläre Dysfunktion. Zusätzlich waren die vaskuläre Superoxid-Bildung sowie die Expressionslevel der NADPH Oxidase, der wichtigsten Quelle für oxidativem Stress im Gefäß, in ATII-infundierten MyD88-/- Mäusen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp reduziert. Mit Hilfe von durchflusszytometrischen Analysen deckte ich zudem auf, dass die ATII-induzierte Einwanderung von CD45+ Leukozyten, insbesondere CD11b+Ly6G-Ly6Chigh inflammatorischen Monozyten in MyD88-/- Mäusen signifikant abgeschwächt war. Diese Resultate wurden durch immunhistochemische Untersuchung von Aortengewebe auf CD68+, F4/80+ und Nox2+ Makrophagen/Phagozyten sowie Expressionsanalysen von Inflammationsmarkern untermauert. Analysen der mRNA Expression in Aortengewebe zeigten ferner eine in Wildtyp Mäusen nach ATII Infusion tendenziell gesteigerte Expression von inflammatorischen Monozytenmakern sowie eine abnehmende Expression von reparativen Monozytenmarken, während dieser Shift zu einem proinflammatorsichen Phänotyp in MyD88-/- blockiert zu sein schien. Dies zeigt eine Rolle von MyD88 in der terminalen Differenzierung von myelomonozytären Zellen an. Um dies weitergehend zu untersuchen und aufzudecken, ob die MyD88 Effekte abhängig sind von Zellen der hämatopoetischen Linie oder Gewebszellen, wurden Knochenmarktransferexperimente durchgeführt. MyD88 Defizienz in Knochenmark-abstammende Zellen reduzierte die ATII-induzierte vaskuläre Dysfunktion und Infiltration der Gefäßwand mit CD45+ Leukozyten und inflammatorischen myelomonozytären Zellen. Die protektiven Effekte der MyD88 Defizienz in der Angiotensin II-induzierten Inflammation konnten nicht auf Signalwege über die Toll-like Rezeptoren TLR2, -7 oder -9 zurückgeführt werden, wie die Untersuchung der vaskulären Reaktivität entsprechender Knockout Mäuse zeigte. Zusammenfassend konnte ich in meiner Arbeit zeigen, dass die Infiltration der Gefäßwand mit Nox2+AT1R+T-bet+MyD88+ myelomonozytären Zellen und die Wechselwirkung und gegenseitige Aktivierung dieser Zellen mit IFN-gamma produzierenden NK-Zellen eine zentrale Bedeutung in der Pathogenese der Angiotensin II (ATII)-induzierten vaskulären Dysfunktion, Inflammation und arteriellen Hypertonie einnehmen.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Sierra Leone has undergone a decade of civil war from 1991 to 2001. From this period few data on immunization coverage are available, and conflict-related delays in immunization according to the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) schedule have not been investigated. We aimed to study delays in childhood immunization in the context of civil war in a Sierra Leonean community. METHODS: We conducted an immunization survey in Kissy Mess-Mess in the Greater Freetown area in 1998/99 using a two-stage sampling method. Based on immunization cards and verbal history we collected data on immunization for tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and measles by age group (0-8/9-11/12-23/24-35 months). We studied differences between age groups and explored temporal associations with war-related hostilities taking place in the community. RESULTS: We included 286 children who received 1690 vaccine doses; card retention was 87%. In 243 children (85%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 80-89%) immunization was up-to-date. In 161 of these children (56%, 95%CI: 50-62%) full age-appropriate immunization was achieved; in 82 (29%, 95%CI: 24-34%) immunization was not appropriate for age. In the remaining 43 children immunization was partial in 37 (13%, 95%CI: 9-17) and absent in 6 (2%, 95%CI: 1-5). Immunization status varied across age groups. In children aged 9-11 months the proportion with age-inappropriate (delayed) immunization was higher than in other age groups suggesting an association with war-related hostilities in the community. CONCLUSION: Only about half of children under three years received full age-appropriate immunization. In children born during a period of increased hostilities, immunization was mostly inappropriate for age, but recommended immunizations were not completely abandoned. Missing or delayed immunization represents an additional threat to the health of children living in conflict areas.


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BACKGROUND Infectious diseases after solid organ transplantation (SOT) are one of the major complications in transplantation medicine. Vaccination-based prevention is desirable, but data on the response to active vaccination after SOT are conflicting. METHODS In this systematic review, we identify the serologic response rate of SOT recipients to post-transplantation vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, hepatitis A and B, influenza, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitides, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, varicella, mumps, measles, and rubella. RESULTS Of the 2478 papers initially identified, 72 were included in the final review. The most important findings are that (1) most clinical trials conducted and published over more than 30 years have all been small and highly heterogeneous regarding trial design, patient cohorts selected, patient inclusion criteria, dosing and vaccination schemes, follow up periods and outcomes assessed, (2) the individual vaccines investigated have been studied predominately only in one group of SOT recipients, i.e. tetanus, diphtheria and polio in RTX recipients, hepatitis A exclusively in adult LTX recipients and mumps, measles and rubella in paediatric LTX recipients, (3) SOT recipients mount an immune response which is for most vaccines lower than in healthy controls. The degree to which this response is impaired varies with the type of vaccine, age and organ transplanted and (4) for some vaccines antibodies decline rapidly. CONCLUSION Vaccine-based prevention of infectious diseases is far from satisfactory in SOT recipients. Despite the large number of vaccination studies preformed over the past decades, knowledge on vaccination response is still limited. Even though the protection, which can be achieved in SOT recipients through vaccination, appears encouraging on the basis of available data, current vaccination guidelines and recommendations for post-SOT recipients remain poorly supported by evidence. There is an urgent need to conduct appropriately powered vaccination trials in well-defined SOT recipient cohorts.


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Corynebacterium diphtheriae is the causative agent of cutaneous and pharyngeal diphtheria in humans. While lethality is certainly caused by diphtheria toxin, corynebacterial colonization may primarily require proteinaceous fibers called pili, which mediate adherence to specific tissues. The type strain of C. diphtheriae possesses three distinct pilus structures, namely the SpaA, SpaD, and SpaH-type pili, which are encoded by three distinct pilus gene clusters. The pilus is assembled onto the bacterial peptidoglycan by a specific transpeptidase enzyme called sortase. Although the SpaA pili are shown to be specific for pharyngeal cells in vitro, little is known about functions of the three pili in bacterial pathogenesis. This is mainly due to lack of in vivo models of corynebacterial infection. As an alternative to mouse models as mice do not have functional receptors for diphtheria toxin, in this study I use Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host for C. diphtheriae. A simple C. elegans model would be beneficial in determining the specific role of each pilus-type and the literature suggests that C. elegans infection model can be used to study a variety of bacterial species giving insight into bacterial virulence and host-pathogen interactions. My study examines the hypothesis that pili and toxin are major virulent determinants of C. diphtheriae in the C. elegans model host.


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This study was a further investigation of the 1996 Texas Immunization Survey conducted by the Associateship for Disease Control and Prevention of the Texas Department of Health. The 1996 survey was conducted through 4,599 completed telephone interviews of families with a child between the ages of 3–35 months concerning the immunization status of Texas children. The present study determined differences in immunization rates for children aged 3–35 months for the last shot in the immunization series that should be completed before 2 years of age, a total of four shots, both overall and for different health insurance groups. Life tables were used to determine the percentage and distribution over time of completed vaccination rates for each shot. Emphasis was placed on the proportion of children that were immunized at the end of the recommended range of the immunization schedule, and at 2 years of age. Univariate and multivariate analysis was also performed in order to ascertain which risk factors predict whether or not a child will be immunized. RESULTS: Between 80–90% were immunized for the last shot of Hepatitis B; Measles, Mumps, and Rubella; and Polio at 2 years of age. Approximately 2/3 of the sample was immunized for Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus. Most of the children were immunized by the end of the recommended range of the immunization schedule except for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. Children of parents with private indemnity insurance were significantly more likely to have received two of the four shots; children of uninsured parents were significantly less likely to have received three of the four shots. In multivariate analysis, maternal education was the only variable that consistently predicted immunization status for the different shots. Results indicate that a substantial gap exists for immunization rates between children with private insurance and uninsured children, despite recent policy changes to provide immunizations free of charge. Health care providers should pay extra attention to the poor and uninsured to make sure that all children receive timely immunizations. ^


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BACKGROUND Exposure to food allergens through a disrupted skin barrier has been recognized as a potential factor in the increasing prevalence of food allergy. OBJECTIVE We sought to test the immunologic mechanisms by which epicutaneous sensitization to food allergens predisposes to intestinal food allergy. METHODS Mice were epicutaneously sensitized with ovalbumin or peanut on an atopic dermatitis-like skin lesion, followed by intragastric antigen challenge. Antigen-specific serum IgE levels and T(H)2 cytokine responses were measured by ELISA. Expression of type 2 cytokines and mast cell proteases in the intestine were measured by using real-time PCR. Accumulation of basophils in the skin and mast cells in the intestine was examined by using flow cytometry. In vivo basophil depletion was achieved by using diphtheria toxin treatment of Baso-DTR mice. For cell-transfer studies, the basophil population was expanded in vivo by means of hydrodynamic tail vein injection of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) cDNA plasmid. RESULTS Sensitization to food allergens through an atopic dermatitis-like skin lesion is associated with an expansion of TSLP-elicited basophils in the skin that promote antigen-specific T(H)2 cytokine responses, increased antigen-specific serum IgE levels, and accumulation of mast cells in the intestine, promoting the development of intestinal food allergy. Critically, disruption of TSLP responses or depletion of basophils reduced the susceptibility to intestinal food allergy, whereas transfer of TSLP-elicited basophils into intact skin promoted disease. CONCLUSION Epicutaneous sensitization on a disrupted skin barrier is associated with accumulation of TSLP-elicited basophils, which are necessary and sufficient to promote antigen-induced intestinal food allergy.


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Regulatory T cells (T(reg)) have been shown to restrict vaccine-induced T cell responses in different experimental models. In these studies CD4(+)CD25(+) T(reg) were depleted using monoclonal antibodies against CD25, which might also interfere with CD25 on non-regulatory T cell populations and would have no effect on Foxp3(+)CD25(-) T(reg). To obtain more insights in the specific function of T(reg) during vaccination we used mice that are transgenic for a bacterial artificial chromosome expressing a diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor-eGFP fusion protein under the control of the foxp3 gene locus (depletion of regulatory T cell mice; DEREG). As an experimental vaccine-carrier recombinant Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxoid fused with a MHC-class I-restricted epitope of the circumsporozoite protein (ACT-CSP) of Plasmodium berghei (Pb) was used. ACT-CSP was shown by us previously to introduce the CD8+ epitope of Pb-CSP into the MHC class I presentation pathway of professional antigen-presenting cells (APC). Using this system we demonstrate here that the number of CSP-specific T cells increases when T(reg) are depleted during prime but also during boost immunization. Importantly, despite this increase of T effector cells no difference in the number of antigen-specific memory cells was observed.


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This study focuses on the impact of a clinic-based intervention program on the immunization status of limited-income urban children. The intervention program consisted of an information session for clinic health care providers and the placement of individualized immunization information labels on clinic notes at the time of each visit. The degree of impact of the intervention on immunization administration was ascertained through a comparison of two similar groups of infants born in the same months of the year immediately before (N = 201) and after (N = 203) the information session and initiation of the labeling system. The timeliness of administration of each diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and trivalent oral polio vaccine (DPT/TOPV) in the first year series of three was compared pre- to postintervention. Significantly more third immunizations were given the postintervention subjects within ten days of the recommended time of application ( p = .0361). Life table analysis indicated that the probability of an infant's passing one year of age without the administration of the third immunization decreased for postintervention infants (p = .0515). The intervention was most successful in assuring administration of the series of immunizations in those infants who were seen by the health care provider for at least 50% of their first year visits. Results indicate that minor changes in the format of information given a relatively continuous provider can increase completion of immunization series in infants. ^


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In 2004, Houston had one of the lowest childhood immunization levels among major metropolitan cities in the United States at 65% for the 4:3:1:3:3 vaccination series. Delays in the receipt of scheduled vaccinations may be related to missed opportunities due to health care provider lack of knowledge about catch-up regimens and contraindications for pediatric vaccination. The objectives of this study are to identify, measure, and report on VFC provider-practice characteristics, knowledge of catch-up regimens and contraindications, and use of Reminder recall (R/R) and moved or gone elsewhere (MOGE) practices among providers with high (>80%) and low (<70%) immunization coverage among 19-35 month old children. The sampling frame consists of 187 Vaccines for Children (VFC) providers with 2004 clinic assessment software application (CASA) scores. Data were collected by personal interview with each participating practice provider. Only ten VFC providers were successful at maximizing vaccinations for every vignette and no provider administered the maximum possible number of vaccinations at visit 2 for all six vignettes. Both coverage groups administered polio conjugate vaccine (PCV), haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), and diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP) most frequently and omitted most frequently varicella zoster vaccine (VZV) and measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. ^


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Iron is an essential nutrient for the survival of most organisms and has played a central role in the virulence of many infectious disease pathogens. Mycobacterial IdeR is an iron-dependent repressor that shows 80% identity in the functional domains with its corynebacterial homologue, DtxR (diphtheria toxin repressor). We have transformed Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a vector expressing an iron-independent, positive dominant, corynebacterial dtxR hyperrepressor, DtxR(E175K). Western blots of whole-cell lysates of M. tuberculosis expressing the dtxR(E175K) gene revealed the stable expression of the mutant protein in mycobacteria. BALB/c mice were infected by tail vein injection with 2 × 105 organisms of wild type or M. tuberculosis transformed with the dtxR mutant. At 16 weeks, there was a 1.2 log reduction in bacterial survivors in both spleen (P = 0.0002) and lungs (P = 0.006) with M. tuberculosis DtxR(E175K). A phenotypic difference in colonial morphology between the two strains also was noted. A computerized search of the M. tuberculosis genome for the palindromic consensus sequence to which DtxR and IdeR bind revealed six putative “iron boxes” within 200 bp of an ORF. Using a gel-shift assay we showed that purified DtxR binds to the operator region of five of these boxes. Attenuation of M. tuberculosis can be achieved by the insertion of a plasmid containing a constitutively active, iron-insensitive repressor, DtxR(E175K), which is a homologue of IdeR. Our results strongly suggest that IdeR controls genes essential for virulence in M. tuberculosis.


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The root cap is increasingly appreciated as a complex and dynamic plant organ. Root caps sense and transmit environmental signals, synthesize and secrete small molecules and macromolecules, and in some species shed metabolically active cells. However, it is not known whether root caps are essential for normal shoot and root development. We report the identification of a root cap-specific promoter and describe its use to genetically ablate root caps by directing root cap-specific expression of a diphtheria toxin A-chain gene. Transgenic toxin-expressing plants are viable and have normal aerial parts but agravitropic roots, implying loss of root cap function. Several cell layers are missing from the transgenic root caps, and the remaining cells are abnormal. Although the radial organization of the roots is normal in toxin-expressing plants, the root tips have fewer cytoplasmically dense cells than do wild-type root tips, suggesting that root meristematic activity is lower in transgenic than in wild-type plants. The roots of transgenic plants have more lateral roots and these are, in turn, more highly branched than those of wild-type plants. Thus, root cap ablation alters root architecture both by inhibiting root meristematic activity and by stimulating lateral root initiation. These observations imply that the root caps contain essential components of the signaling system that determines root architecture.


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Okadaic acid (OA) is a strong tumor promoter of mouse skin carcinogenesis and also a potent inhibitor of serine/threonine protein phosphatases. OA induces various genetic alterations in cultured cells, such as diphtheria-toxin-resistance mutations, sister chromatid exchange, exclusion of exogenous transforming oncogenes, and gene amplification. The present study revealed that it caused minisatellite mutation (MSM) at a high frequency in NIH 3T3 cells, although no microsatellite mutation was found. Nine of 31 clones (29%) exhibited MSM after 6 days of OA treatment, as opposed to only 1 of 30 clones (3%) without OA exposure. Moreover, NIH 3T3 cells treated with OA acquired tumorigenicity in nude mice, giving rise to 7 tumors within 25 weeks in 20 sites where 3 × 106 cells were injected. In contrast, the same numbers of untreated cells gave rise to only one tumor, and the tumor grew much slower. All of three OA-induced tumors examined manifested the MSM. The findings thus point to a molecular mechanism by which OA could function as a tumor promoter, and also the biological relevance of the induction of MSM in the tumorigenic process by OA.


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A 3-yr-old female patient exhibited interleukin 12 (IL-12) deficiency that was associated with recurrent episodes of pneumococcal pneumonia with sepsis and other infections in the absence of fevers. The patient’s peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) exhibited normal proliferative responses to antigens. Immune responses, including in vivo production of antibodies to diphtheria, tetanus, or pneumococcal antigens, were normal. Ig levels and B cell and T cell phenotypes were also normal. In contrast, IL-12 p70 heterodimer production was undetectable by using supernatants of the patient’s stimulated PBMCs when compared with control cells treated similarly. Although present, interferon γ (IFN-γ) was reduced. The addition of recombinant IFN-γ to control cells enhanced the production of IL-12 by up to sixfold. By contrast, IL-12 was undetectable in supernatants of the patient’s cells in the presence of recombinant IFN-γ. IL-12 p40 subunit mRNA by using the patient’s PBMCs after stimulation with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain 1 or lipopolysaccharide was also undetectable by reverse transcription–PCR when compared with control cells. Production of IL-2, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor α, or IFN-γ of the patient’s PBMCs after appropriate stimulation was observed. This patient has either a defect in Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain 1-lipopolysaccharide- or staphylococcal enterotoxin A-induced signaling pathways for the activation of IL-12 p40 gene expression, or an abnormality in the IL-12 p40 gene itself.


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Bcl-2 is the prototypical member of a large family of apoptosis-regulating proteins, consisting of blockers and promoters of cell death. The three-dimensional structure of a Bcl-2 homologue, Bcl-XL, suggests striking similarity to the pore-forming domains of diphtheria toxin and the bacterial colicins, prompting exploration of whether Bcl-2 is capable of forming pores in lipid membranes. Using chloride efflux from KCl-loaded unilamellar lipid vesicles as an assay, purified recombinant Bcl-2 protein exhibited pore-forming activity with properties similar to those of the bacterial toxins, diphtheria toxin, and colicins, i.e., dependence on low pH and acidic lipid membranes. In contrast, a mutant of Bcl-2 lacking the two core hydrophobic α-helices (helices 5 and 6), predicted to be required for membrane insertion and channel formation, produced only nonspecific effects. In planar lipid bilayers, where detection of single channels is possible, Bcl-2 formed discrete ion-conducting, cation-selective channels, whereas the Bcl-2 (Δh5, 6) mutant did not. The most frequent conductance observed (18 ± 2 pS in 0.5 M KCl at pH 7.4) is consistent with a four-helix bundle structure arising from Bcl-2 dimers. However, larger channel conductances (41 ± 2 pS and 90 ± 10 pS) also were detected with progressively lower occurrence, implying the step-wise formation of larger oligomers of Bcl-2 in membranes. These findings thus provide biophysical evidence that Bcl-2 forms channels in lipid membranes, suggesting a novel function for this antiapoptotic protein.


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Endothelial barrier function is regulated at the cellular level by cytoskeletal-dependent anchoring and retracting forces. In the present study we have examined the signal transduction pathways underlying agonist-stimulated reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Receptor activation by thrombin, or the thrombin receptor (proteinase-activated receptor 1) agonist peptide, leads to an early increase in stress fiber formation followed by cortical actin accumulation and cell rounding. Selective inhibition of thrombin-stimulated signaling systems, including Gi/o (pertussis toxin sensitive), p42/p44, and p38 MAP kinase cascades, Src family kinases, PI-3 kinase, or S6 kinase pathways had no effect on the thrombin response. In contrast, staurosporine and KT5926, an inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase, effectively blocked thrombin-induced cell rounding and retraction. The contribution of Rho to these effects was analyzed by using bacterial toxins that either activate or inhibit the GTPase. Escherichia coli cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1, an activator of Rho, induced the appearance of dense actin cables across cells without perturbing monolayer integrity. Accordingly, lysophosphatidic acid, an activator of Rho-dependent stress fiber formation in fibroblasts, led to reorganization of polymerized actin into stress fibers but failed to induce cell rounding. Inhibition of Rho with Clostridium botulinum exoenzyme C3 fused to the B fragment of diphtheria toxin caused loss of stress fibers with only partial attenuation of thrombin-induced cell rounding. The implication of Rac and Cdc42 was analyzed in transient transfection experiments using either constitutively active (V12) or dominant-interfering (N17) mutants. Expression of RacV12 mimicked the effect of thrombin on cell rounding, and RacN17 blocked the response to thrombin, whereas Cdc42 mutants were without effect. These observations suggest that Rho is involved in the maintenance of endothelial barrier function and Rac participates in cytoskeletal remodeling by thrombin in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.