996 resultados para Dinoflagellate Symbionts


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Cores from Leg 122, Sites 762 and 763, were sampled at intervals of one sample per 1.5-m section in the Lower Cretaceous sequences. More than 400 samples were studied, most of which contained dinoflagellate cysts, spores, pollen, and various types of palynoclasts. From the entire palynomorph assemblage mainly dinoflagellate cysts were studied to give a stratigraphic outline for the Lower Cretaceous. Stratigraphic units were interpreted in terms of zones in use for the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Australia. At both sites a condensed Valanginian to Aptian sequence and an expanded middle to late Berriasian sequence containing a rich microplankton assemblage were recovered. Sites 762 and 763 can be correlated with each other and with the wells Eendracht-1 and Vinck-1.


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Palynomorphs were studied in samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189, Holes 1172A and 1172D (East Tasman Plateau; 2620 m water depth). Besides organic walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts), broad categories of other palynomorphs were quantified in terms of relative abundance. In this contribution, we provide an overview of the dinocyst distribution from the Maastrichtian to lowermost Oligocene and Quaternary intervals and illustrate main trends in palynomorph distribution. The uppermost Cretaceous-lowermost Oligocene succession of Site 1172 has a confident biomagnetostratigraphy, enabling us to tie early Paleogene Southern Hemisphere dinocyst events to the geomagnetic polarity timescale for the first time. Dinocyst species from the Maastrichtian to earliest Oligocene at Site 1172 are largely endemic ("Transantarctic Flora") or bipolar; cosmopolitan taxa are present in the background as well. The Maastrichtian-early late Eocene dinocyst assemblages are indicative of shallow-marine to restricted marine, pro-deltaic conditions, closely tied to a massive siliciclastic sequence. By middle late Eocene times (~35.5 Ma), the siliciclastic sequence gave way to a thin glauconitic unit, considered to reflect the deepening of the Tasmanian Gateway. This transition coincides with the most prominent change in dinocyst associations of the Paleogene. The turnover is inferred to reflect a change from marginal marine to more offshore conditions, with increased winnowing and oxidation. Overlying pelagic carbonate ooze of middle early Oligocene and younger age is virtually barren of organic microfossils, although Quaternary assemblages have been recovered. This aspect is taken to reflect average low sedimentation rates and well-oxygenated water masses during most of the Oligocene and Neogene. The few palynologically productive samples from the Oligocene-Quaternary interval have a stronger cosmopolitan to subtropical signature, with warm-water species being common to abundant.


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The 'Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum' or PETM (~55 Ma) was associated with dramatic warming of the oceans and atmosphere, pronounced changes in ocean circulation and chemistry, and upheaval of the global carbon cycle. Many relatively complete PETM sequences have by now been reported from around the world, but most are from ancient low- to midlatitude sites. ODP Leg 189 in the Tasman Sea recovered sediments from this critical phase in Earth history at Sites 1171 and 1172, potentially representing the southernmost PETM successions ever encountered (at ~70° to 65° S paleolatitude). Downhole and core logging data, in combination with dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, magneto-stratigraphy, and stable isotope geochemistry indicate that the sequences at both sites were deposited in a high accumulation-rate, organic rich, marginal marine setting. Furthermore, Site 1172 indeed contains a fairly complete P-E transition, whereas at Site 1171, only the lowermost Eocene is recovered. However, at Site 1172, the typical PETM-indicative acme of the dinocyst Apectodinium was not recorded. We conclude that unfortunately, the critical latest Paleocene and PETM intervals are missing at Site 1172. We relate the missing section to a sea level driven hiatus and/or condensed section and recovery problems. Nevertheless, our integrated records provide a first-ever portrait of the trend toward, and aftermath of, the PETM in a marginal marine, southern high-latitude setting.


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Using principal component analysis and cyst diversity and equity trends, we can recognize four distinct dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages from four Rupelian (Early Oligocene) cores in the Mainz Embayment of the northern Rhine Graben (SW Germany). These assemblages are the Spiniferites ramosus (PC1), Thalassiphora pelagica (PC2), Homotryblium tenuispinosum (PC3), and Vozzhennikovia spinula (PC4) assemblages. The four cores provide an onshore-offshore transect in the Mainz Embayment. The H. tenuispinosum assemblage shows high factor loadings in proximal to intermediate cores, which is interpreted to reflect temporary high-salinity conditions. Mean dinocyst diversity and equity increase with distance from the Mid-Rupelian shoreline, indicating increasingly stable paleoenvironmental conditions towards the center of the Mainz Embayment. Within individual cores, changes in dinocyst assemblages through time are related to paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatological changes. The three proximal to intermediate cores show dominance of the H. tenuispinosum assemblage repeatedly alternating with high factor loadings of the T. pelagica assemblage. In both cases, dinocyst diversity and equity tend to be reduced. Highest factor loadings of the S. ramosus assemblage occur in intervals where neither of the above assemblages is dominant and tend to coincide with dinocyst diversity and equity maxima. We interpret this distribution pattern to denote different paleoceanographic conditions, reflecting drier and more humid phases in the Early Oligocene of Central Europe. During relatively dry periods, increased salinity conditions prevailed in proximal to intermediate settings of the Mainz Embayment, as reflected by the dominance of the H. tenuispinosum assemblage. During more humid periods, increased runoff led to higher nutrient availability and the formation of a pycnocline separating slightly less saline surface waters from higher saline deeper waters, thus impeding vertical circulation. These environmental conditions are documented in high loadings of the T. pelagica assemblage which is indicative of increased eutrophication and/or oxygen-depleted bottom waters. Transitions between drier and more humid periods, i.e. episodes of normal marine conditions, are characterized by high loadings predominantly of the S. ramosus assemblage as well as increased dinocyst diversity and equity values. We propose that the alternations between drier and more humid phases may be related to variations in the ocean-atmosphere moisture flux from the North Atlantic into Central Europe bearing a high-latitude climate signal.


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An overview is presented of the current state of knowledge on paleo-ecological aspects of calcareous dinoflagellate resting cysts. Apart from literature-based information, a discussion of new results is also provided from Equatorial Atlantic surface plankton samples, surface sediment samples and Late Quaternary sediments from two gravity cores. With the aid of redundancy analysis statistics, variations in the calcareous cyst content of both cores are correlated to variations in total organic carbon (TOC). On a global scale, the calcareous cyst distribution in bottom sediments varies with latitude and inshore-offshore gradients. In the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, enhanced calcareous cyst production can be observed in regions and time intervals with stratified, oligotrophic conditions in the upper water masses.