977 resultados para Determination of aluminium in water


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Suitable pin-to-hole interference can significantly increase the fatigue life of a pin joint. In practical design, the initial stresses due to interference are high and they are proportional to the effective interference. In experimental studies on such joints, difficulties have been experienced in estimating the interference accurately from physical measurements of pin and hole diameters. A simple photoelastic method has been developed to determine the effective interference to a high degree of accuracy. This paper presents the method and reports illustrative data from a successful application thereof.


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A simple and accurate method for the determination of 0.25 to 1.0 μg. of manganese (in samples containing 1 to 4 μg. of manganese) has been developed by modifying the conditions for the reaction between permanganate and benzidine. Manganese is oxidized with potassium periodate in orthophosphoric acid and selectively estimated in the presence of excess oxidant with benzidine in formic acid. The procedure is applicable for estimation of manganese in biological samples, with recoveries in the range 97.5 to 106.1%.


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The application of holographic interferometry to the measurement of the corrosion rate of aluminium in sodium hydroxide is investigated. Details of the fabrication of the corrosion cell and the experimental procedure are given. Thickness loss of aluminium was found for different dissolution times and compared with the conventional weight-loss method using a microbalance.


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Three compounds have been found to be stable in the pseudobinary system Na2O---(α)Al2O3 between 825 and 1400 K; two nonstoichiometric phases, β-alumina and β″-alumina, and NaAlO2. The homogeneity of β-alumina ranges from 9.5 to 11 mol% Na2O, while that of β″-alumina from 13.3 to 15.9 mol% Na2O at 1173 K. The activity of Na2O in the two-phase fields has been determined by a solid-state potentiometric technique. Since both β- and β″-alumina are fast sodium ion conductors, biphasic solid electrolyte tubes were used in these electrochemical measurements. The open circuit emf of the following cells were measured from 790 to 980 K: [GRAPHICS] The partial molar Gibbs' energy of Na2O relative to gamma-Na2O in the two-phase regions can be represented as: DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(alpha- + beta-alumina) = -270,900 + 24.03 T, DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(beta- + beta"-alumina) = -232,700 + 56.19 T, and DELTA-GBAR(Na2O)(beta"-alumina + NaAlO2) = -13,100 - 4.51 T J mol-1. Similar galvanic cells using a Au-Na alloy and a mixture of Co + CoAl(2+2x)O4+3x + (alpha)Al2O3 as electrodes were used at 1400 K. Thermodynamic data obtained in these studies are used to evaluate phase relations and partial pressure of sodium in the Na2O-(alpha) Al2O3 system as a function of oxygen partial pressure, composition and temperature.


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Reaction of a number of alkyl halides with tetrathiomolybdate in water as the solvent affords the corresponding disulfides in good yields.


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First systematic spin probe ESR study of water freezing has been conducted using TEMPOL and TEMPO as the probes. The spin probe signature of the water freezing has been described in terms of the collapse of narrow triplet spectrum into a single broad line. This spin probe signature of freezing has been observed at an anomalously low temperature when a milimoler solution of TEMPOL is slowly cooled from room temperature. A systematic observation has revealed a spin probe concentration dependence of these freezing and respective melting points. These results can be explained in terms of localization of spin probe and liquid water,most probably in the interstices of ice grains, in an ice matrix. The lowering of spin probe freezing point, along with the secondary evidences, like spin probe concentration dependence of peak-to-peak width in frozen limit signal, indicates a possible size dependence of these localizations/entrapments with spin probe concentration. A weak concentration dependence of spin probe assisted freezing and melting points, which has been observed for TEMPO in comparison to TEMPOL, indicates different natures of interactions with water of these two probes. This view is also supported by the relaxation behavior of the two probes.


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The activity of Cr20~ in Cr20~-A12Oa solid solution has been determined in the temperature range 800~176 from electromotive force measurements on the solid oxide galvanic cell Pt,Cr + Cr2OJY~O~-ThO2/Cr + Cr~A12-xO~,Pt The activities of Cr203 and A120~ in the solid solution show both positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law. The heat and entropy of mixing of the solid Solution obtained from the temperature dependence of the emf can be expressed as AH = XCr203XA1203 [31,700Xcrzo3 -}- 37,470XA1203] J mole -I hS = -- 1.8R [Xcr2o3 In Xcr2o3 + XA12o3 In XAaos]The entropy of mixing is 10% lower than that predicted by the Temkin model.The large positive heat of mixing in the Cr2Os-A12Oa solid solution, however, suggests that this apparent: entropy discrepancy originates with the clustering of positive ions on the cation sublattice. The asymmetric miscibility gap exhibited in the CrzOa-A12Oa system below 900~ is consistent with the thermodynamic data trends recorded at the more elevated temperatures.


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Modification of exfoliated graphite (EG) electrode with generation 2 poly(propylene imine) dendrimer by electrodeposition resulted in an electrochemical sensor which was used to detect lead ions in water to a limit of 1 ppb and a linear response between 2.5 and 40 ppb using square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SW-ASV). Pb(II) was also removed from spiked water sample using a 40-mm diameter unmodified EG electrode with an applied potential of -1,000 mV for 180 min. A removal efficiency of 99% was calculated from a 150 mL sample. The results obtained in both cases using SW-ASV, correlated with atomic absorption spectroscopy.


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A sensitive and selective liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS-MS) method was developed to determine olanzapine (OLZ) in human urine. After solid-phase extraction with SPE cartridge, the urine sample was analysed on a C-18 column (Symmetry 3.5 mu m, 50 x 4.6 mm i.d) interfaced with a triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer. Positive electrospray ionization was employed as the ionization source. The mobile phase consisted of ammonium acetate (pH 7.8)-acetonitrile (10:90, v/v). The method was linear over a concentration range of 1-100 ngml(-1). The lower limit of quantitation was 1 ngml(-1). The intra-day and inter-day relative standard deviation across three validation runs over the entire concentration range was < 11.5 %. The accuracy determined at three concentrations (8.0, 50.0 and 85.0 ngml(-1) OLZ) was within +/- 1.21 % in terms of relative errors.


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Experimental and simulation studies have uncovered at least two anomalous concentration regimes in water-dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) binary mixture whose precise origin has remained a subject of debate. In order to facilitate time domain experimental investigation of the dynamics of such binary mixtures, we explore strength or extent of influence of these anomalies in dipolar solvation dynamics by carrying out long molecular dynamics simulations over a wide range of DMSO concentration. The solvation time correlation function so calculated indeed displays strong composition dependent anomalies, reflected in pronounced non-exponential kinetics and non-monotonous composition dependence of the average solvation time constant. In particular, we find remarkable slow-down in the solvation dynamics around 10%-20% and 35%-50% mole percentage. We investigate microscopic origin of these two anomalies. The population distribution analyses of different structural morphology elucidate that these two slowing down are reflections of intriguing structural transformations in water-DMSO mixture. The structural transformations themselves can be explained in terms of a change in the relative coordination number of DMSO and water molecules, from 1DMSO:2H(2)O to 1H(2)O:1DMSO and 1H(2)O:2DMSO complex formation. Thus, while the emergence of first slow down (at 15% DMSO mole percentage) is due to the percolation among DMSO molecules supported by the water molecules (whose percolating network remains largely unaffected), the 2nd anomaly (centered on 40%-50%) is due to the formation of the network structure where the unit of 1DMSO:1H(2)O and 2DMSO:1H(2)O dominates to give rise to rich dynamical features. Through an analysis of partial solvation dynamics an interesting negative cross-correlation between water and DMSO is observed that makes an important contribution to relaxation at intermediate to longer times.


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A molecular dynamics (MD) investigation of LiCl in water, methanol, and ethylene glycol (EG) at 298 K is reported. Several; structural and dynamical properties of the ions as well as the solvent such as self-diffusivity, radial distribution functions, void and neck distributions, velocity autocorrelation functions, and mean residence times of solvent in the first solvation shell have been computed. The results show that the reciprocal relationship between the self-diffusivity of the ions and the viscosity is valid in almost all solvents with the exception of water. From an analysis of radial distribution functions and coordination numbers the nature of hydrogen bonding within the solvent and its influence on the void and neck distribution becomes evident. It is seen that the solvent solvent interaction is important in EG while solute solvent interactions dominate in water and methanol. From Voronoi tessellation, it is seen that the voids and necks within methanol are larger as compared to those within water or EG. On the basis of the void and neck distributions obtained from MD simulations and literature experimental data of limiting ion conductivity for various ions of different sizes we show that there is a relation between the void and neck radius on e one hand and dependence of conductivity on the ionic radius on the other. It is shown that the presence of large diameter voids and necks in methanol is responsible for maximum in limiting ion conductivity (lambda(0)) of TMA(+), while in water in EG, the maximum is seen for Rb+. In the case of monovalent anions, maximum in lambda(0) as a function ionic radius is seen for Br- in water EG but for the larger ClO4- ion in methanol. The relation between the void and neck distribution and the variation in lambda(0) with ionic radius arises via the Levitation effect which is discussed. These studies show the importance of the solvent structure and the associated void structure.