970 resultados para Desenvolvimento e Aprendizado


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A educação ao ar livre, por meio de cursos no formato expedição, ainda acontece de forma tímida no Brasil. Entende-se por expedição uma experiência educacional contínua, de múltiplos dias, em que alunos e instrutores aventuram-se em um trajeto em área remota da natureza de forma autossuficiente. O presente estudo analisa os cursos desse tipo. Por meio de entrevistas e questionários semiestruturados, investigou-se a aprendizagem dos alunos segundo suas próprias percepções e as dos educadores da instituição, com ênfase no desenvolvimento moral do indivíduo. Como parte do estudo de caso sobre um aluno adolescente participante de um dos cursos, entrevistou-se também uma psicóloga que coordena um abrigo para menores. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os cursos de educação ao ar livre caracterizam-se por experiências que estimulam trabalhos em grupo, debates sobre justiça e solidariedade, e reflexões sobre valores e princípios como coragem, esforço pessoal, disciplina, respeito e superação de limites. Os resultados também indicam que tal proposta educacional aufere experiências sensíveis e de conexão do ser humano com a natureza. Muito embora haja potencial educacional para a educação ao ar livre, a atuação do educador perante seus alunos é fundamental para que as experiências sejam física e psicologicamente seguras, alcancem seus potenciais pedagógicos de desenvolvimento da moralidade e ajudem as pessoas a desenvolverem uma consciência ambiental, manifestada por meio de ações concretas ao retornarem dos cursos para suas comunidades.


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A bexiga neurogênica é uma disfunção vesical decorrente principalmente da lesão medular. O cateterismo vesical intermitente é o tratamento mais indicado na atualidade, deve ser realizado de 4 a 6 vezes ao dia, durante toda a vida, visando a proteção do trato urinário superior e a aquisição da continência urinária. Na reabilitação desses indivíduos, a autocateterização vesical é um desafio enfrentado na busca pela autonomia, privacidade, inserção social e participação. Os vídeos educativos são utilizados para o aprendizado do autocateterismo em vários países, por serem de fácil utilização e acesso via internet. Apesar disso, não existem vídeos realizados para o contexto brasileiro, levando em consideração os cateteres urinários e a técnica utilizada no Brasil. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e validar um vídeo educativo para a realização do autocateterismo vesical intermitente limpo. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, desenvolvido em duas fases: 1ª fase com a avaliação de vídeos educativos públicos direcionados para a aprendizagem do autocateterismo vesical intermitente com a técnica limpa; e 2ª Fase, com o desenvolvimento e validação de um vídeo educativo voltado para aprendizagem do autocateterismo. O levantamento dos vídeos utilizou um site de compartilhamento de vídeos utilizando o descritor \"autocateterismo\". Os vídeos foram avaliados por três juízes da área de saúde. O processo de desenvolvimento e validação do roteiro do vídeo educativo utilizou questionários previamente ratificados. Participaram dessas etapas, respectivamente, 18 e 17 juízes experts em reabilitação e/ou no ensino em saúde. O levantamento mostrou que apenas 3,5% (172) do total de vídeos disponíveis no site pesquisado eram voltados para o aprendizado do autocateterismo no contexto brasileiro. Seis vídeos eram específicos para o autocateterismo, dos quais quatro tinham informações desatualizadas ou incorretas, apenas dois atingiram a pontuação aceitável. Na validação do roteiro observou-se um predomínio de participantes do sexo feminino (94,44%), com idade de 30 a 60 anos, dos quais 72,22% possuíam mestrado e 50% atuavam há mais de cinco anos na área de reabilitação. O roteiro foi considerado validado com 96,29% das respostas dos juízes \"concordo\" ou \"concordo totalmente\" nas questões referentes ao quesito objetivo, 91,09% para quesito conteúdo, 98,12% em relação ao quesito relevância, 75% quanto ao quesito ambiente, 71,11% no quesito linguagem verbal e 92,70% referente à inclusão de tópicos. A produção do vídeo contou com uso de tecnologia 3D e apoio de uma equipe técnica especializada. No que se refere à validação do conteúdo do vídeo educativo, o conteúdo do vídeo foi considerado validado com 100% dos juízes que responderam \"concordo\" ou \"concordo totalmente\" nas questões referentes à funcionalidade, 86,27% referentes à usabilidade, 97,06% no quesito eficiência, 100% para técnica audiovisual, 94,11% quanto ao ambiente e 97,05% procedimento. O vídeo educativo foi avaliado positivamente tanto pela qualidade das informações quanto pela didática do ensino, mostrando a relevância da validação de materiais educativos. A expectativa é disseminar o vídeo educativo em diferentes centros de reabilitação e Universidades, visando propagar e tornar o conhecimento sobre a temática mais acessível à sociedade e aos profissionais de saúde, em especial os de reabilitação. Além de incentivar e embasar metodologicamente o desenvolvimento de outros vídeos educativos na área da saúde


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The motion capture is a main tool for quantitative motion analyses. Since the XIX century, several motion caption systems have been developed for biomechanics study, animations, games and movies. The biomechanics and kinesiology involves and depends on knowledge from distinct fields, the engineering and health sciences. A precise human motion analysis requires knowledge from both fields. It is necessary then the use of didactics tools and methods for research and teaching for learning aid. The devices for analysis and motion capture currently that are found on the market and on educational institutes presents difficulties for didactical practice, which are the difficulty of transportation, high cost and limited freedom for the user towards the data acquisition. Therefore, the motion analysis is qualitatively performed or is quantitatively performed in highly complex laboratories. Based is these problems, this work presents the development of a motion capture system for didactic use hence a cheap, light, portable and easily used device with a free software. This design includes the selection of the device, the software development for that and tests. The developed system uses the device Kinect, from Microsoft, for its low cost, low weight, portability and easy use, and delivery tree-dimensional data with only one peripheral device. The proposed programs use the hardware to make motion captures, store them, reproduce them, process the motion data and graphically presents the data.


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Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) are a key component in Ubiquitous Computing Systems and have many applications in different knowledge domains. Programming for such networks is very hard and requires developers to know the available sensor platforms specificities, increasing the learning curve for developing WSAN applications. In this work, an MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) approach for WSAN applications development called ArchWiSeN is proposed. The goal of such approach is to facilitate the development task by providing: (i) A WSAN domain-specific language, (ii) a methodology for WSAN application development; and (iii) an MDA infrastructure composed of several software artifacts (PIM, PSMs and transformations). ArchWiSeN allows the direct contribution of domain experts in the WSAN application development without the need of specialized knowledge on WSAN platforms and, at the same time, allows network experts to manage the application requirements without the need for specific knowledge of the application domain. Furthermore, this approach also aims to enable developers to express and validate functional and non-functional requirements of the application, incorporate services offered by WSAN middleware platforms and promote reuse of the developed software artifacts. In this sense, this Thesis proposes an approach that includes all WSAN development stages for current and emerging scenarios through the proposed MDA infrastructure. An evaluation of the proposal was performed by: (i) a proof of concept encompassing three different scenarios performed with the usage of the MDA infrastructure to describe the WSAN development process using the application engineering process, (ii) a controlled experiment to assess the use of the proposed approach compared to traditional method of WSAN application development, (iii) the analysis of ArchWiSeN support of middleware services to ensure that WSAN applications using such services can achieve their requirements ; and (iv) systematic analysis of ArchWiSeN in terms of desired characteristics for MDA tool when compared with other existing MDA tools for WSAN.


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The teaching-learning process requires a constant search on the part of educators for didatic innovations aimed at improving learning. Among these are technological innovations our students are familiar with. In human anatomy teaching, these innovations are increasingly important, since the need for “mechanizing” many structures may make learning tiresome and nonstimulating for students. The search for new technologies may make this process simpler. Another important issue is the need to constantly emphasize applying the knowledge in question, in order for students to better understand the meaning of learning. Accordingly, this project aims to develop an interactive tablet application for neck anatomy. This application will function as a guide to dissection, containing text, photographs, drawings and videos, distributed systematically, with a script emphasizing the clinical and surgical importance of neck anatomy.


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BACKGROUND: Among the wide range of skills displayed by a medical doctor is undoubtedly the need to use cohesive and well grounded clinical reasoning in order for medical care to be indeed effective. It is in this respect that conceptual maps emerge; these are a methodological innovation that allows a comprehensive, panoramic and associative outlook of theoretical content, making it more practical and applicable to the reality of clinical observation. Promoting learning, learning resources and a feedback system between professor and students, as well as assessing and monitoring the performance of students during their academic training, are the main features of this tool. OBJETIVE: Assess the use of conceptual maps as a teaching-learning tool in the training of undergraduate medical students at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). METHODOLOGY: Interventional, randomized, cross-sectional study conducted with students from the 3rd and 5th periods of the medical course at UFRN, during the second semester of 2014, totaling 86 participants, divided into two groups: GI (intervention – clinical case resolution with a conceptual map) and GII (control – clinical case resolution without a conceptual map) in each period. RESULTS: The use of conceptual maps to teach liver failure syndrome resulted in a statistically significant cognitive gain for G1 students from the 5th period (GI: 6.8±1.6 and 8.0±1.5, p = 0.024; GII: 7.2±2.1 and 8.0±1.7, p = 0.125, pre and post-intermediate means, respectively), a result not observed in the period 3rd (GI: 7.7±1.3 and 8.0±1.4, p = 0.501; GII: 6.7±1.8 and 7.8±1.8; p=0.068, pre and post-intermediate means, respectively). Students in the 3 rd period gave better responses to the first clinical case, with a larger number of suitable concepts and crosslinks, when they used conceptual maps (GI: 91.3±13.15 and GII: 64.84±22.84, p=0,002). Students in the 5th period exhibited better clinical reasoning and more complete responses using the tool (p=0,01). Most of the students were not aware of the tool (53.8% from the 3rd period and 65.3% from the 5th period). Among those who knew about conceptual maps, most (59.3%) had only used them during high school, 14.8% had never used them and only seven students (25.9%) used them during the medical course. Analysis of open responses, obtained in process assessment showed clear satisfaction and enthusiasm with learning about the new tool, and frequent suggestions to use it at other moments in the course. Assessment of learning profile, using the VARK questionnaire, showed that most students from both periods exhibited a multimodal style. CONCLUSION: Despite their scant knowledge regarding the tool, good acceptability and understanding was observed in the study participants. The conceptual maps allowed cognitive gains, better responses and clinical reasoning in teaching liver failure syndrome to 5th period students.


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This collection is the result of theoretical considerations made in the education field with emphasis on the teacher’s professional development. The diversity of authors, which came from distinctive higher education institutions located in Brazil and some arising from international context, reveals a multiplicity of relations between the themes that blend the centrality of “Rede de Aprendizado em Foco”. The studies and researches are organized around three themes: teacher’s learning in initial training and professional integration; teacher learning’s evaluations process and policies; and teacher’s professional development. The professionality’s formation in a period of deep and complex transformations in the social and educational scenarios is projected as a big challenge, especially when it is understood that a person is not born as a teacher, but it is constituted as such by processes that occur over a long period. The contact with the professional practice stands as an essential element in the context of teacher training, which in the course of professional learning experience different stages of training. The one that should be highlighted would be the learning moments that involve teaching’s practices. Thus, the main point of this work was based on the reflection of the teacher’s formative processes from the initial training to the professional development going through the teaching practice, which is considered as the beginning of the relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge in the context of educational reality and reporting formative experiences that have contributed to this training.


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This analysis introduces results related to development of teaching experience from two professors of one Federal University who have taken part of one action of continued teacher training. We consider that the interplay among the individual, the language and the world cannot function straightly. It occurs through utterances, defined like real unit discursive communication, and genres of discourse (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). Along the same line, the relation between the employee and his employment do not occur in a direct manner. This relationship takes place through genres of activity (CLOT, 2008/2010). As well as, a domain of speech genres has given possibility to individual an interaction with several discursive fields, a domain of activity genre allows the professional protruding in difficult situations traced in his employment. We know that the drafting for wield the teaching in the Tertiary Education is recommended by LDBEN (9394/96), which suggests that should be done in postgraduate program. In the mean time, what frequently happens an educational background based in a survey and not in the teaching. Thereby, several times we have observed difficulties in the accomplishment of teaching practice. Considering such aspects, this study seeks to comprehend the manner how the lecturers deal with the difficulties encountered in the classroom and how the years of experience have contributed or not for a domain of activity genre. In this regard, we have propped up in the development approach, introduced by Vigotsky, who asserts that the learning suitably organized results in development (VIGOTSKY, 1984/2007) and still explains the development of individual on the basis of relationship that it has with another, the social (VIGOTSKY, 1996b). For this purpose, were accomplished, by means of a snipped filmed lesson from each teacher, four sessions of self-confrontation (FAÏTA, 1996; CLOT, 2008/2010), two Simple and two Crusade, recorded in a visual format. This material was transcribed in accordance with standards from project NURC-SP (PRETI, 1999). For the analysis, we used three mains theories: of Linguistic, is mobilized the concept of speech genres (BAKHTIN) and all discursive topics (JUBRAN; FÁVERO); from Occupational Psychology, is utilized the activity genres (CLOT); from Psychology Historical-Cultural, is adopted the concept from Zone of Proximal Development and another/social in the development of individual (VIGOTSKY). In compliance with the study achieved, was possible to identify the aspects related to development of teaching experience of Tertiary Education. During the classes and reports of self-confrontation, we identify that both the professors, in the beginning of the career, they got more difficulties to deal with hindrances, and which now, with some years of experience, they get to domain better the difficult situations which they come across. They built up, for example, a greater facility in improvise examples in face of students’ difficulties in the comprehension of concepts. These aspects show that the professors have evolved the higher domain of genre, which allow them getting, in addition to turn the unexpected situation around that spring up in the professional context, as well know how to taking action in similar situation, which they have already run into in another moments. This domain enabled and enables the developing of the lecturers over the course of their professional performance.


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A well-developed brand helps to establish a solid identity and creates support to an image that is coherent to the actual motivations in an institution. Educational institutions have inherent characteristics that are diverse from the other sort of institutions, mainly when the focus is set on its internal and external publics. Consequently, these institutions should deal with the development of their brand and identity system also in a different approach. This research aims to investigate the traditional methodology for brand and identity systems development and proposes some modifications in order to allow a broader inclusion of the stakeholders in the process. The implementation of the new Oceanography Course in the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) offered a unique opportunity to investigate and test these new strategies. In order to investigate and relate the image, identity, interaction and experience concepts through a participative methodology, this research project applies the new suggested strategies in the development of a brand and an identity system for the Oceanography Course in UFBA. Open surveys have been carried out between the alumni, lecturers and coordination body, in order to discover and establish a symbol for the course. The statistic analysis of the surveys’ results showed clear aesthetic preferences to some icons and colours to represent the course. The participative methodology celebrated, in this project, a democratization of the generally expert-centred brand development process.


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Textos organizados pela Comissão de Integração Nacional, Desenvolvimento Regional e da Amazônia (CINDRA) como sugestões de fomento para o desenvolvimento das regiões brasileiras.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial e Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIX - Ciência Política, Sociologia Política, História e Relações Internacionais.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVII - Segurança Pública e Defesa Nacional.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área X - Agricultura e Política Rural.