985 resultados para Dental students


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Objective: To evaluate the intraexaminer reproducibility of static anthropometric measurements of undergraduate dental students as well as the characteristics and regulating measurements of the dental stools used by them. Methods: Forty volunteers and 6 types of dental stools were evaluated. For the anthropometric measurements the employed equipments were: an adapted office chair, aflexible measuring tape with two adapted rods, a metallic device with a 90 degree central angle, string, a 35 x 24 cm rectangular wooden board, isolating tape and crepe tape. In order to standardize the position of the adapted office chair and the volunteers' feet, the floor was marked with the isolating and crepe tapes. A string was attached to the waist of each volunteer to mark the area corresponding to the kidney region making it possible to measure the seat-renal region area. The examined anthropometric measurements were height, trunkcephalic heigh, sacral-popliteal distance (OK?), hip width, popliteal height and the seat-renal region height. The evaluated characteristics of the dental stools relative to the seat were depth, horizontal width and minimum/maximum height. The back of the dental stool was evaluated as for the minimum/ maximum height adjustment. The anthropometric and dental stool measurements were obtained by a single examiner at two moments with a 1-week interval between the evaluations. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ρ) was used to estimate the intraexaminer reproducibility. Results: Excellent reproducibility was observed for all anthropometric measurements obtained (ρ=0.99) as well as for all dental stools evaluated (ρ=0.99). Conclusion: The method used to obtain the anthropometric and dental stools measurements was reproducible and can be used reliably.


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Objective: To identify the perception of undergraduate dental students with respect of the risk factors present at the study/work place that could contribute to the development of musculoskeletal disorders. Method: A total of 348 undergraduate dental students from Araraquara Dental School - UNESP were evaluated. The Portuguese version of the Work-related activities that may contribute to job-related pain and/or injury questionnaire was used. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Results: The mean perception of the undergraduates was 5.68 (SD=1.92). The factors with highest mean values were continue working with some kind of pain or lesion (7.49, SD=2.55), bending or twisting the back in an uncomfortable manner (7.39, SD=2.59), working in uncomfortable/inadequate positions (7.27. SD=2.60) and working in the same position for long periods (7.02. SD=2.53). Overall, female students presented higher mean scores of perception than male students. The body parts with highest prevalence of pain were the neck (67.0%) and lower back (65.8%). Conclusion: The students showed perception in relation to the risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders present at the study/work place.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A seleção de métodos apropriados para a análise estatística pode parecer complexa, principalmente para estudantes de pós-graduação e pesquisadores no início da carreira científica. Por outro lado, a apresentação em PowerPoint é uma ferramenta comum para estudantes e pesquisadores. Assim, um tutorial de Bioestatística desenvolvido em uma apresentação em PowerPoint poderia estreitar a distância entre ortodontistas e a Bioestatística. Esse guia proporciona informações úteis e objetivas a respeito de vários métodos estatísticos empregando exemplos relacionados à Odontologia e, mais especificamente, à Ortodontia. Esse tutorial deve ser empregado, principalmente, para o usuário obter algumas respostas a questões comuns relacionadas ao teste mais apropriado para executar comparações entre grupos, examinar correlações e regressões ou analisar o erro do método. Também pode ser obtido auxílio para checar a distribuição dos dados (normal ou anormal) e a escolha do gráfico mais adequado para a apresentação dos resultados. Esse guia pode ainda ser de bastante utilidade para revisores de periódicos examinarem, de forma rápida, a adequabilidade do método estatístico apresentado em um artigo submetido à publicação.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents the results of an applied qualitative study with dental students and professionals who work with people suffering from temporomandibular disorder. The aim was to investigate the way that dental practitioners and students perceive patients affected by this disorder, how they feel faced with the patients' suffering, and the importance they assign to a multidisciplinary approach, highlighting the treatments used. It is noteworthy that various factors are involved in the temporomandibular disorder framework, including emotional factors, as cited by the majority of the respondents. The data obtained indicated that the knowledge of the professionals and students related to caring for people with temporomandibular disorders was appropriate, however, important inadequacies were highlighted, such as the fact that professionals do not investigate the life history of the person in their psychosocial context.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o risco de desenvolvimento de desordens músculo-esqueléticas nos membros superiores de graduandos de Odontologia considerando as variáveis sexo, tipo de procedimento clínico executado, região da boca tratada e prática do trabalho a quatro mãos. Foram avaliados alunos, de ambos os sexos, matriculados no oitavo semestre do curso de graduação da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP. Foram efetuadas tomadas fotográficas durante a realização de 283 procedimentos clínicos, utilizando-se máquina fotogrática digital. Para análise das fotografias, utilizou-se o programa Image Tool. As posturas de trabalho adotadas por cada estudante na sua atuação como “operador” foram observadas pelo método RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment), o qual inclui o uso de um diagrama de análise de postura do indivíduo e três tabelas de escores que permitem a avaliação da exposição aos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de desordens músculo-esqueléticas. As fotografias foram analisadas por um professor da área de ergonomia calibrado (_=0,91). Para cada procedimento foi atribuído um escore de risco final. Os procedimentos executados foram classificados em duas grandes categorias: procedimentos preparatórios e procedimentos restauradores/reabilitadores. Os dados de risco de desordens músculoesqueléticas nos membros superiores foram apurados, e sua prevalência foi estimada por ponto e por intervalo de confiança de 95%. O estudo da associação do risco de desordens músculo-esqueléticas às variáveis de interesse foi realizado por meio do Teste de Qui-quadrado (_ 2). O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Observou-se que na maioria dos procedimentos executados o risco de desordens músculo-esqueléticas segundo a classificação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Objective: To evaluate the risk of development of musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs of undergraduate dentistry students during the execution of pre-clinical laboratory activities based on gender, type of dental procedure and area of the mouth under treatment.Methods: Male and female undergraduate students in the second year of the Araraquara Dental School, UNESP, were enrolled in this study. Digital photographs were obtained whilst the subjects performed laboratory activities. The working postures adopted by each student were evaluated using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). The photos were analysed by a calibrated researcher (k = 0.89), and a final risk score was attributed to each analysed procedure (n = 354). Descriptive statistical analyses were performed, and the associations of interest were analysed by the chisquare test (P = 0.05).Results: During most of the laboratory procedures performed, the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders was high (64.7%; - IC95%: 59.7-69.7%), with no significant association between the RULA final score and gender (chi(2) = 1.100; P = 0.577), type of dental procedure (chi(2) = 5.447, P = 0.244) and mouth area treated (chi(2) = 4.150; P = 0.126).Conclusions: The risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders was high in undergraduate dentistry students; this risk was not related to gender, type of dental procedure and region of the mouth being treated.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The dental professionals are exposed to many risks of development of occupational diseases and the musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs are the most common disease. This problem may result in lower productivity and / or early retirement. Therefore, early diagnosis should be done through a reliable and valid system of risk assessment. Because of that, this study set out to conduct a review of the literature on methods of risk assessment of musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs in dental professionals. Conclusion: It was concluded that the available methods for assessing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in dentistry are self-reports, observational and direct. Among these methods, the self-reports were frequently used to detect the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among dentists, dental students and professionals from the dental team. Further studies should be performed in dentistry using observational and direct methods.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present study was to point out the importance of the experience of undergraduate dental students in extra-curricular activities and volunteer work, as a means through which to gain essential knowledge and abilities for their professional lives. A literature review of the Medline, Scielo, and Lilacs databases was carried out in an attempt to select articles related to the university extension and volunteer work of undergraduate dental students. It is still extremely difficult to include university extension and volunteer work as an important activity in Dentistry courses. However, the presentday work market demands professionals who have expertise not only in dental techniques, but also in the socio-cultural characteristics of communities, considering that people need to be comprehensive in their psychosocial aspects in order to be treated as a complete professional. Therefore, university dentistry courses should give equal consideration to both oral rehabilitation skills and the promotion of general healthcare, acquired mainly through extracurricular activities, in an attempt to redeem the integral education of the healthcare professional. Moreover, students should pay closer attention to the opportunities offered during their undergraduate courses, as the work market for dentists is becoming more and more competitive. Moreover, the dentist whose professional life is limited to the dental office will most certainly forgo the opportunity to act in other social areas as well as the recognition that comes with such acts.