982 resultados para Deck carriage


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Salmonella is distributed worldwide and is a pathogen of economic and public health importance. As a multi-host pathogen with a long environmental persistence, it is a suitable model for the study of wildlife-livestock interactions. In this work, we aim to explore the spill-over of Salmonella between free-ranging wild boar and livestock in a protected natural area in NE Spain and the presence of antimicrobial resistance. Salmonella prevalence, serotypes and diversity were compared between wild boars, sympatric cattle and wild boars from cattle-free areas. The effect of age, sex, cattle presence and cattle herd size on Salmonella probability of infection in wild boars was explored by means of Generalized Linear Models and a model selection based on the Akaike’s Information Criterion. Prevalence was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle (35.67%, CI 95% 28.19–43.70) than in wild boar from cattle-free areas (17.54%, CI 95% 8.74–29.91). Probability of a wild boar being a Salmonella carrier increased with cattle herd size but decreased with the host age. Serotypes Meleagridis, Anatum and Othmarschen were isolated concurrently from cattle and sympatric wild boars. Apart from serotypes shared with cattle, wild boars appear to have their own serotypes, which are also found in wild boars from cattle-free areas (Enteritidis, Mikawasima, 4:b:- and 35:r:z35). Serotype richness (diversity) was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle, but evenness was not altered by the introduction of serotypes from cattle. The finding of a S. Mbandaka strain resistant to sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin and chloramphenicol and a S. Enteritidis strain resistant to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid in wild boars is cause for public health concern.


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UNLABELLED: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of 228 isolates was used to elucidate the origin and dynamics of a long-term outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) sequence type 228 (ST228) SCCmec I that involved 1,600 patients in a tertiary care hospital between 2008 and 2012. Combining of the sequence data with detailed metadata on patient admission and movement confirmed that the outbreak was due to the transmission of a single clonal variant of ST228, rather than repeated introductions of this clone into the hospital. We note that this clone is significantly more frequently recovered from groin and rectal swabs than other clones (P < 0.0001) and is also significantly more transmissible between roommates (P < 0.01). Unrecognized MRSA carriers, together with movements of patients within the hospital, also seem to have played a major role. These atypical colonization and transmission dynamics can help explain how the outbreak was maintained over the long term. This "stealthy" asymptomatic colonization of the gut, combined with heightened transmissibility (potentially reflecting a role for environmental reservoirs), means the dynamics of this outbreak share some properties with enteric pathogens such as vancomycin-resistant enterococci or Clostridium difficile. IMPORTANCE: Using whole-genome sequencing, we showed that a large and prolonged outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was due to the clonal spread of a specific strain with genetic elements adapted to the hospital environment. Unrecognized MRSA carriers, the movement of patients within the hospital, and the low detection with clinical specimens were also factors that played a role in this occurrence. The atypical colonization of the gut means the dynamics of this outbreak may share some properties with enteric pathogens.


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Due to functional requirement of a structural detail brackets with and without scallop are frequently used in bridges, decks, ships and offshore structure. Scallops are designed to serve as passage way for fluids, to reduce weld length and plate distortions. Moreover, scallops are used to avoid intersection of two or more welds for the fact that there is the presence of inventible inherent initial crack except for full penetrated weld and the formation of multi-axial stress state at the weld intersection. Welding all around the scallop corner increase the possibility of brittle fracture even for the case the bracket is not loaded by primary load. Avoiding of scallop will establish an initial crack in the corner if bracket is welded by fillet welds. If the two weld run pass had crossed, this would have given a 3D residual stress situation. Therefore the presences and absence of scallop necessitates the 3D FEA fatigue resistance of both types of brackets using effective notch stress approach ( ). FEMAP 10.1 with NX NASTRAN was used for the 3D FEA. The first and main objective of this research was to investigate and compare the fatigue resistance of brackets with and without scallop. The secondary goal was the fatigue design of scallops in case they cannot be avoided for some reason. The fatigue resistance for both types of brackets was determined based on approach using 1 mm fictitiously rounded radius based on IIW recommendation. Identical geometrical, boundary and loading conditions were used for the determination and comparison of fatigue resistance of both types of brackets using linear 3D FEA. Moreover the size effect of bracket length was also studied using 2D SHELL element FEA. In the case of brackets with scallop the flange plate weld toe at the corner of the scallop was found to exhibit the highest and made the flange plate weld toe critical for fatigue failure. Whereas weld root and weld toe at the weld intersections were the highly stressed location for brackets without scallop. Thus weld toe for brackets with scallop, and weld root and weld toe for brackets without scallop were found to be the critical area for fatigue failure. Employing identical parameters on both types of brackets, brackets without scallop had the highest except for full penetrated weld. Furthermore the fatigue resistance of brackets without scallop was highly affected by the lack of weld penetration length and it was found out that decreased as the weld penetration was increased. Despite the fact that the very presence of scallop reduces the stiffness and also same time induce stress concentration, based on the 3D FEA it is worth concluding that using scallop provided better fatigue resistance when both types of brackets were fillet welded. However brackets without scallop had the highest fatigue resistance when full penetration weld was used. This thesis also showed that weld toe for brackets with scallop was the only highly stressed area unlike brackets without scallop in which both weld toe and weld root were the critical locations for fatigue failure when different types of boundary conditions were used. Weld throat thickness, plate thickness, scallop radius, lack of weld penetration length, boundary condition and weld quality affected the fatigue resistance of both types of brackets. And as a result, bracket design procedure, especially welding quality and post weld treatment techniques significantly affect the fatigue resistance of both type of brackets.


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Herpes simplex -virus 1 (HSV-1) ja ihmisen papilloomavirus (HPV) infektoivat suun epiteelisoluja. Useimmissa tapauksissa näiden virusten infektio on kliinisesti oireeton. Suun limakalvojen oireeton HPV-infektio on aikuisilla yleinen, ja valtaosa näistä infektioista ovat ohimeneviä ja vain pieni osa johtaa krooniseen HPV-infektioon. Krooninen HPV-infektio lisää riskiä epiteelisolujen transformoitumiseen kohti syöpäsolua. HPV infektio ei ole yksinään riittävä aiheuttamaan syöpäsolun, vaan siihen tarvitaan myös muita riskitekijöitä.. Muut infektiot, kuten esimerkiksi HSV-1-infektio saattaa olla yksi näistä riskitekijöistä. Tämän syventävän opinnäytetyön tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää HSV-1-infektion esiintymistä naisten suun limakalvonäytteissä kuuden vuoden seurannassa. Toinen tavoitteemme oli selvittää HSV-1 ja HPV -yhteisinfektion esiintymistä suun epiteelisoluissa, erityisesti naisilla joilla havaittiin suun krooninen HPV-infektio. Tämä tutkimus on osa kuusivuotista seurantatutkimusta (Finnish Family HPV -tutkimus), joka suunniteltiin selvittämään HPV-infektioiden dynamiikkaa ja riskitekijöitä 329 suomalaisperheessä. Suun limakalvoilta otettiin harjausnäyte ennen synnytystä ja kuusi kertaa synnytyksen jälkeen kuuden vuoden aikana. Näytteistä eristettyä DNA:ta oli saatavilla riittävästi HSV-1-analyysiä varten yhteensä 304 naiselta (keski-ikä 25.6 vuotta). Kaikkiaan tutkittavia näytteitä oli 1,873, joista HSV-1:n esiintyminen tutkittiin käyttäen kvantitatiivista PCR:ää. Lisäksi epävarmat PCR-tulokset varmistettiin PCR-tuotteen Southern Blot hybridisaatiolla. HSV-1 tuloksia verrattiin aikaisemmin saatuihin HPV-tuloksiin. Suun limakalvonäytteistä 2.2% oli HSV-1-positiivisia ja 19.6% oli HPV-positiivisia. Yhteensä 11.8%:lla äideistä suunäyte oli HSV-1-DNA -positiivinen ainakin kerran seurannan aikana. HSV-1 ja HPV -yhteisinfektio löydettiin vain neljältä äidiltä. Suurin osa äideistä, jotka olivat HSV-1-positiivisia ennen syntymää, pysyivät HSV-1-positiivisina myös synnytyksen jälkeen. Kolmella naisella todettiin persistentti HPV-16 infektio ja kahdella heistä oli samanaikainen HSV-1 infektio. Tuloksemme osoittaa, että HSV-1:n ja HPV:n esiintyminen yhtä aikaa nuorten naisten suun limakalvolla on harvinaista. On suositeltavaa, että yhteisinfektion omaavia äitejä seurataan myös tulevaisuudessa, sillä HSV-1-infektio saattaa olla yksi riskitekijä suun limakalvon malignissa muutoksessa kroonisen HPV-infektion yhteydessä.


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During last decades there has been a continuous growth of aquaculture industries all over the world and taking into consideration the spurt in freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture and trade in Kerala, the present study was aimed to assess the prevalence of various motile Aeromonas spp. in fresh water ornamental fishes and associated carriage water. The extracellular virulence factors and the antibiogram of the isolates were also elucidated. Various species of motile aeromonads such as Aeromonas caviae, A. hydrophila, A. jandaei, A. schubertii, A. sobria, A. trota and A. veronii were detected. Aeromonas sobria predominated both fish and water samples. Extracellular enzymes and toxins produced by motile aeromonds are important elements of bacterial virulence. The production of extracellular virulence factors - proteases, lipase, DNase and haemolysin by the isolates were studied. All the isolates from both fish and water samples produced gelatinase and nuclease but the ability to produce lipase, caseinase and haemolysins was found to vary among isolates from different sources. Among the 15 antibiotics to which the isolates were tested, all the isolates were found to be sensitive to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin and gentamicin and resistant to amoxycillin. Local aquarists maintain the fish in crowded stressful conditions, which could trigger infections by the obligate/ opportunistic pathogenic members among motile aeromonads


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Cincuenta y dos cartas que ponen de manifiesto todo sobre el estudio de las estrellas. Paso a paso enseña cómo elegir estrellas mirando los equipos, identificar las constelaciones, y grabar lo visto usando astrofotografía.


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The increasing burden of emerging infectious diseases worldwide confronts us with numerous challenges, including the imperative to design research and responses that are commensurate to understanding the complex social and ecological contexts in which infectious diseases occur. A diverse group of scientists met in Hawaii in March 2005 to discuss the linked social and ecological contexts in which infectious diseases emerge. A subset of the meeting was a group that focused on ‘‘transdisciplinary approaches’’ to integrating knowledge across and beyond academic disciplines in order to improve prevention and control of emerging infections. This article is based on the discussions of that group. Here, we outline the epidemiological legacy that has dominated infectious disease research and control up until now, and introduce the role of new, transdisciplinary and systems-based approaches to emerging infectious diseases.Wedescribe four cases of transboundary health issues and use them to discuss the potential benefits, as well as the inherent difficulties, in understanding the social–ecological contexts in which infectious diseases occur and of using transdisciplinary approaches to deal with them.


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Background: Antimicrobials are used to directly control bacterial infections in pet (ornamental) fish and are routinely added to the water these fish are shipped in to suppress the growth of potential pathogens during transport. Methodology/Principal Findings: To assess the potential effects of this sustained selection pressure, 127 Aeromonas spp. isolated from warm and cold water ornamental fish species were screened for tolerance to 34 antimicrobials. Representative isolates were also examined for the presence of 54 resistance genes by a combination of miniaturized microarray and conventional PCR. Forty-seven of 94 Aeromonas spp. isolates recovered from tropical ornamental fish and their carriage water were tolerant to >= 15 antibiotics, representing seven or more different classes of antimicrobial. The quinolone and fluoroquinolone resistance gene, qnrS2, was detected at high frequency (37% tested recent isolates were positive by PCR). Class 1 integrons, IncA/C broad host range plasmids and a range of other antibiotic resistance genes, including floR, blaTEM21, tet(A), tet(D), tet(E), qacE2, sul1, and a number of different dihydrofolate reductase and aminoglycoside transferase coding genes were also detected in carriage water samples and bacterial isolates. Conclusions: These data suggest that ornamental fish and their carriage water act as a reservoir for both multi-resistant bacteria and resistance genes.


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Whole-genome sequencing offers new insights into the evolution of bacterial pathogens and the etiology of bacterial disease. Staph- ylococcus aureus is a major cause of bacteria-associated mortality and invasive disease and is carried asymptomatically by 27% of adults. Eighty percent of bacteremias match the carried strain. How- ever, the role of evolutionary change in the pathogen during the progression from carriage to disease is incompletely understood. Here we use high-throughput genome sequencing to discover the genetic changes that accompany the transition from nasal carriage to fatal bloodstream infection in an individual colonized with meth- icillin-sensitive S. aureus. We found a single, cohesive population exhibiting a repertoire of 30 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and four insertion/deletion variants. Mutations accumulated at a steady rate over a 13-mo period, except for a cluster of mutations preceding the transition to disease. Although bloodstream bacteria differed by just eight mutations from the original nasally carried bacteria, half of those mutations caused truncation of proteins, including a prema- ture stop codon in an AraC-family transcriptional regulator that has been implicated in pathogenicity. Comparison with evolution in two asymptomatic carriers supported the conclusion that clusters of pro- tein-truncating mutations are highly unusual. Our results demon- strate that bacterial diversity in vivo is limited but nonetheless detectable by whole-genome sequencing, enabling the study of evolutionary dynamics within the host. Regulatory or structural changes that occur during carriage may be functionally important for pathogenesis; therefore identifying those changes is a crucial step in understanding the biological causes of invasive bacterial disease.


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Background Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of healthcare associated mortality, but like many important bacterial pathogens, it is a common constituent of the normal human body flora. Around a third of healthy adults are carriers. Recent evidence suggests that evolution of S. aureus during nasal carriage may be associated with progression to invasive disease. However, a more detailed understanding of within-host evolution under natural conditions is required to appreciate the evolutionary and mechanistic reasons why commensal bacteria such as S. aureus cause disease. Therefore we examined in detail the evolutionary dynamics of normal, asymptomatic carriage. Sequencing a total of 131 genomes across 13 singly colonized hosts using the Illumina platform, we investigated diversity, selection, population dynamics and transmission during the short-term evolution of S. aureus. Principal Findings We characterized the processes by which the raw material for evolution is generated: micro-mutation (point mutation and small insertions/deletions), macro-mutation (large insertions/deletions) and the loss or acquisition of mobile elements (plasmids and bacteriophages). Through an analysis of synonymous, non-synonymous and intergenic mutations we discovered a fitness landscape dominated by purifying selection, with rare examples of adaptive change in genes encoding surface-anchored proteins and an enterotoxin. We found evidence for dramatic, hundred-fold fluctuations in the size of the within-host population over time, which we related to the cycle of colonization and clearance. Using a newly-developed population genetics approach to detect recent transmission among hosts, we revealed evidence for recent transmission between some of our subjects, including a husband and wife both carrying populations of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Significance This investigation begins to paint a picture of the within-host evolution of an important bacterial pathogen during its prevailing natural state, asymptomatic carriage. These results also have wider significance as a benchmark for future systematic studies of evolution during invasive S. aureus disease.


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The reputation of The Phantom Carriage (Körkarlen) as one of the major films of Swedish silent cinema is in some respects securely established. Yet the film has attracted surprisingly little detailed discussion. It may be that its most striking stylistic features have deflected or discouraged closer scrutiny. Tom Gunning, for instance, in making the case for Sjöström’s Masterman, argues that ‘Körkarlen wears its technique on its sleeve, overtly displays its unquestionable mastery of superimposition and complex narrative structure. Mästerman tucks its mastery of editing and composition up its sleeve, so to speak’. This article makes an argument for a different evaluation of The Phantom Carriage, bringing a critical and interpretative understanding of the film’s style into conversation with the historical accounts of film form which predominate in the scholarship around silent cinema. It suggests that the film achieves ‘mastery of editing and composition’ with a flexibility and fluidity in the construction of dramatic space that is in itself remarkable for its period, but that Sjöström’s achievements extend well beyond his handling of film space. Specifically, it discusses a segment which is in several respects at the heart of the film: the first meeting between the two central characters, David Holm (Victor Sjöström) and Sister Edit (Astrid Holm); it spans the film’s exact mid-point; and at almost twelve and a half minutes it is the longest uninterrupted passage to take place in a single setting. The chapter argues that the dramatic and structural centrality of the hostel segment is paralleled by its remarkably rich articulation of the relationships between action, character and space. We show how Sjöström’s creation of a three-dimensional filmic space - with no hint of frontality - becomes the basis for a reciprocal relationship between spatial naturalism and performance style, and for a mise-en-scene that can take on discrete interpretive force. The argument also places the hostel sequences within the film as a whole in order to show how relationships articulated through the detailed decisions in this section take on their full resonance within patterns and motifs that develop across the film.


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This is a two-part audiovisual essay on Victor Sjöström’s extraordinary film The Phantom Carriage (Körkarlen), which was released on New Year’s Day 1921. Part 1 explores a sequence in detail, revealing a mastery of three-dimensional film space which is remarkable for its period; the essay then look at the ways in which this handling of space is integral to the film’s rich articulation of character and action. Part 2 considers aspects of the film’s mise-en-scène and shows how the features of the sequence explored in Part 1 take on their full resonance within patterns and motifs that develop across the film. Published by Movie: a journal of film criticism, the essay complements our chapter on the film in the volume Silent Features, edited by Steve Neale (Exeter University Press, 2016).