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It has been suggested that converting, via a process of cross-coding, the listing used by the Swiss Disability Insurance (SDI) for their statistics into codes of the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH) would improve the quality and international comparability of disability statistics for Switzerland. Using two different methods we tested the feasibility of this cross-coding on a consecutive sample of 204 insured persons, examined at one of the medical observation centres of the SDI. Cross-coding is impossible, for all practical purposes, in a proportion varying between 30% and 100%, depending on the method of cross-coding, the level of disablement and the required quality of the resulting codes. Failure is due to lack of validity of the SDI codes: diseases are poorly described, consequences of diseases (disability and handicap, including loss of earning capacity), insufficiently described or not at all. Assessment of disability and handicap would provide necessary information for the SDI. It is concluded that the SDI should promote the use of the ICIDH in Switzerland, especially among medical practitioners whose assessment of work capacity is the key element in the decision to award benefits or propose rehabilitation.
Before making the decision to retire, understand the health insurance options available to you (and your spouse if you are married). Which questions you need to ask depends on: • how old you are. • how old your spouse is. • whether you or your spouse is eligible for Medicare. • whether you or your spouse will continue to be employed. • how many employees the employer has.
Inhalation of fungal particles is a ubiquitous way of exposure to microorganisms during human life; however, this exposure may promote or exacerbate respiratory diseases only in particular exposure conditions and human genetic background. Depending on the fungal species and form, fungal particles can induce symptoms in the lung by acting as irritants, aeroallergens or pathogens causing infection. Some thermophilic species can even act in all these three ways (e.g. Aspergillus, Penicillium), mesophilic species being only involved in allergic and/or non-allergic airway diseases (e.g. Cladosporium, Alternaria, Fusarium). The goal of the present review is to present the current knowledge on the interaction between airborne fungal particles and the host immune system, to illustrate the differences of immune sensing of different fungal species and to emphasise the importance of conducting research on non-conventional mesophilic fungal species. Indeed, the diversity of fungal species we inhale and the complexity of their composition have a direct impact on fungal particle recognition and immune system decision to tolerate or respond to those particles, eventually leading to collateral damages promoting airway pathologies.
A prior long-term and complex evaluation of the already available data on the geophysical prospecting during the first season work carried out at 2006, at the archaeological site of Tchinguiz Tepe of Termez, took place to decide the strategy to follow during the campaign of 2007. This previous evaluation of the information, on one hand, leaded to the decision to increase the geophysical prospecting at Tchinguiz Tepe, on the other hand, to decide the exact location of areas where the archaeological interventions.would carry out. The main objective at the beginning of this new season was to crosscheck the reliabilityof the measurements and, at the same time, to establish the unknown up to the present archaeologicaland chronological sequence of Tchinguiz Tepe. Meanwhile, the geophysical prospecting also wasextended to the outskirts of the city were the localisation of an unknown up to now Buddhist Monasterywas possible.
Measurement of the blood pressure by the physician remains an essential step in the evaluation of cardiovascular risk. Ambulatory measurement and self-measurement of blood pressure are ways of counteracting the "white coat" effect which is the rise in blood pressure many patients experience in the presence of doctors. Thus, it is possible to define the cardiovascular risk of hypertension and identify the patients with the greatest chance of benefiting from antihypertensive therapy. However, it must be realised that normotensive subjects during their everyday activities and becoming hypertensive in the doctor's surgery, may become hypertensive with time, irrespective of the means used to measure blood pressure. These patients should be followed up regularly even if the decision to treat has been postponed.
Introduction: Surgical decision making in lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) takes into account primarily clinical symptoms as well as concordant radiological findings. We hypothesized that a wide variation of operative threshold would be found in particular as far as judgment of severity of radiological stenosis is concerned. Patients and methods: The number of surgeons who would proceed to decompression was studied relative to the perceived severity of radiological stenosis based either on measurements of dural sac cross sectional area (DSCA) or on the recently described morphological grading as seen on axial T2 MRI images. A link to an electronic survey page with a set of ten axial T2 MRI images taken from ten patients with either low back pain or LSS were sent to members of three national or international spine societies. Those 10 images were randomly presented initially and re-shuffled on a second page including this time DSCA measurements in mm2, ranging from 14 to 226 mm2, giving a total of 20 images to appraise. Morphological grades were ranging from grade A to D. Surgeons were asked if they would consider decompression given the radiological appearance of stenosis and that symptoms of neurological claudication were severe in patients who were otherwise fit for surgery. Fisher's exact test was performed following dichotomization of data when appropriate. Results: A total of 142 spine surgeons (113 orthopedic spine surgeons, 29 neurosurgeons) responded from 25 countries. A substantial agreement was observed in operating patients with severe (grade C) or extreme (grade D) stenosis as defined by the morphological grade compared to lesser stenosis (A&B) grades (p<0.0001). Decision to operate was not dependent on number of years in practice, medical density in practicing country or specialty although more neurosurgeons would operate on grade C stenosis (p<0.005). Disclosing the DSCA measurement did not alter the decision to operate. Although 20 surgeons only had prior knowledge of the description of the morphological grading, their responses showed no statistically significant difference with those of the remaining 122 physicians. Conclusions: This study showed that surgeons across borders are less influenced by DSCA in their decision making than by the morphological appearance of the dural sac. Classifying LSS according to morphology rather than surface measurements appears to be consistent with current clinical practice.
BACKGROUND: No prior studies have identified which patients with deep vein thrombosis in the lower limbs are at a low risk for adverse events within the first week of therapy. METHODS: We used data from the Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad TromboEmbólica (RIETE) to identify patients at low risk for the composite outcome of pulmonary embolism, major bleeding, or death within the first week. We built a prognostic score and compared it with the decision to treat patients at home. RESULTS: As of December 2013, 15,280 outpatients with deep vein thrombosis had been enrolled. Overall, 5164 patients (34%) were treated at home. Of these, 12 (0.23%) had pulmonary embolism, 8 (0.15%) bled, and 4 (0.08%) died. On multivariable analysis, chronic heart failure, recent immobility, recent bleeding, cancer, renal insufficiency, and abnormal platelet count independently predicted the risk for the composite outcome. Among 11,430 patients (75%) considered to be at low risk, 15 (0.13%) suffered pulmonary embolism, 22 (0.19%) bled, and 8 (0.07%) died. The C-statistic was 0.61 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.57-0.65) for the decision to treat patients at home and 0.76 (95% CI, 0.72-0.79) for the score (P = .003). Net reclassification improvement was 41% (P < .001). Integrated discrimination improvement was 0.034 for the score and 0.015 for the clinical decision (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Using 6 easily available variables, we identified outpatients with deep vein thrombosis at low risk for adverse events within the first week. These data may help to safely treat more patients at home. This score, however, should be validated.
The use of multiple legal and illegal substances by adolescents is a growing concern in all countries, but since no consensus about a taxonomy did emerge yet, it is difficult to understand the different patterns of consumption and to implement tailored prevention and treatment programs directed towards specific subgroups of the adolescent population. Using data from a Swiss survey on adolescent health, we analyzed the age at which ten legal and illegal substances were consumed for the first time ever by applying a method combining the strength of both automatic clustering and use of substance experts. Results were then compared to 30 socio-economic factors to establish the usefulness of and to validate our taxonomy. We also analyzed the succession of substance first use for each group. The final taxonomy consists of eight groups ranging from non-consumers to heavy drug addicts. All but four socio-economic factors were significantly associated with the taxonomy, the strongest associations being observed with health, behavior, and sexuality factors. Numerous factors influence adolescents in their decision to first try substances or to use them on a regular basis, and no factor alone can be considered as an absolute marker of problematic behavior regarding substance use. Different processes of experimentation with substances are associated with different behaviors, therefore focusing on only one substance or only one factor is not efficient. Prevention and treatment programs can then be tailored to address specific issues related to different youth subgroups.
A prior long-term and complex evaluation of the already available data on the geophysical prospecting during the first season work carried out at 2006, at the archaeological site of Tchinguiz Tepe of Termez, took place to decide the strategy to follow during the campaign of 2007. This previous evaluation of the information, on one hand, leaded to the decision to increase the geophysical prospecting at Tchinguiz Tepe, on the other hand, to decide the exact location of areas where the archaeological interventions.would carry out. The main objective at the beginning of this new season was to crosscheck the reliabilityof the measurements and, at the same time, to establish the unknown up to the present archaeologicaland chronological sequence of Tchinguiz Tepe. Meanwhile, the geophysical prospecting also wasextended to the outskirts of the city were the localisation of an unknown up to now Buddhist Monasterywas possible.
Le programme cantonal vaudois de dépistage du cancer colorectal vise à faciliter ce dépistage pour la population de 50 à 69 ans. Les deux modalités retenues sont la recherche immunologique de sang dans les selles (FIT) et la coloscopie. La décision de réaliser un test de dépistage et la modalité de dépistage s'appuient sur une consultation individuelle avec un médecin de famille. L'assurance de base prend en charge le remboursement. Le programme vaudois permet l'exemption de la franchise pour la consultation médicale d'information et les deux modalités de dépistage, ainsi que pour la coloscopie de confirmation en cas de test FIT positif. La quote-part de 10 % reste à charge des participants. Des outils de communication ont été développés pour faciliter un entretien de décision partagée dans le cadre d'une consultation médicale. The colorectal cancer screening program of the canton of Vaud aims to facilitate screening for this cancer for the population aged 50 to 69 years old. The two screening modalities offered are fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) and colonoscopy. The decision to undergo screening and the screening modality is based on an individual medical encounter with a primary care physician. Both screening modalities are reimbursed through basic health coverage in Switzerland. The participation to the screening program allows the exemption of the deductible for the medical encounter and the chosen screening modality. A copay of 10% is maintained for all costs. Communication tools were developed on the basis of recommendations in the literature to facilitate shared decision-making in a medical encounter.
Using packaging and labels to lure consumers and to communicate product benefits directly on the shelf is a competitive advantage factor in the food industry sector. The label is especially effective since besides supplying basic details, such as weight, ingredients, and instructions in compliance with governmental regulations, it attracts consumers' attention and the desire to buy and which often becomes synonymous to the brand name. The objective of this study was to obtain detailed information on consumers' attitudes, opinions, behavior, and concepts regarding guava jam packaging using the focus group technique. The results showed that label color and design, packaging type and information, and brand name and price are determinant attributes in the consumers' decision to buy guava jam.
In Canada freedom of information must be viewed in the context of governing -- how do you deal with an abundance of information while balancing a diversity of competing interests? How can you ensure people are informed enough to participate in crucial decision-making, yet willing enough to let some administrative matters be dealt with in camera without their involvement in every detail. In an age when taxpayers' coalition groups are on the rise, and the government is encouraging the establishment of Parent Council groups for schools, the issues and challenges presented by access to information and protection of privacy legislation are real ones. The province of Ontario's decision to extend freedom of information legislation to local governments does not ensure, or equate to, full public disclosure of all facts or necessarily guarantee complete public comprehension of an issue. The mere fact that local governments, like school boards, decide to collect, assemble or record some information and not to collect other information implies that a prior decision was made by "someone" on what was important to record or keep. That in itself means that not all the facts are going to be disclosed, regardless of the presence of legislation. The resulting lack of information can lead to public mistrust and lack of confidence in those who govern. This is completely contrary to the spirit of the legislation which was to provide interested members of the community with facts so that values like political accountability and trust could be ensured and meaningful criticism and input obtained on matters affecting the whole community. This thesis first reviews the historical reasons for adopting freedom of information legislation, reasons which are rooted in our parliamentary system of government. However, the same reasoning for enacting such legislation cannot be applied carte blanche to the municipal level of government in Ontario, or - ii - more specifially to the programs, policies or operations of a school board. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989 (MFIPPA) was a neccessary step to ensure greater openness from school boards. Based on a review of the Orders made by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario, it also assesses how successfully freedom of information legislation has been implemented at the municipal level of government. The Orders provide an opportunity to review what problems school boards have encountered, and what guidance the Commissioner has offered. Reference is made to a value framework as an administrative tool in critically analyzing the suitability of MFIPPA to school boards. The conclusion is drawn that MFIPPA appears to have inhibited rather than facilitated openness in local government. This may be attributed to several factors inclusive of the general uncertainty, confusion and discretion in interpreting various provisions and exemptions in the Act. Some of the uncertainty is due to the fact that an insufficient number of school board staff are familiar with the Act. The complexity of the Act and its legalistic procedures have over-formalized the processes of exchanging information. In addition there appears to be a concern among municipal officials that granting any access to information may be violating personal privacy rights of others. These concerns translate into indecision and extreme caution in responding to inquiries. The result is delay in responding to information requests and lack of uniformity in the responses given. However, the mandatory review of the legislation does afford an opportunity to address some of these problems and to make this complex Act more suitable for application to school boards. In order for the Act to function more efficiently and effectively legislative changes must be made to MFIPPA. It is important that the recommendations for improving the Act be adopted before the government extends this legislation to any other public entities.
This paper examines the factors associated with Canadian firms voluntarily disclosing climate change information through the Carbon Disclosure Project. Five hypotheses are presented to explain the factors influencing management's decision to disclose this information. These hypotheses include a response to shareholder activism, domestic institutional investor shareholder activism, signalling, litigation risk, and low cost publicity. Both binary logistic regressions as well as a cross-sectional analysis of the equity market's response to the environmental disclosures being made were used to test these hypotheses. Support was found for shareholder activism, low cost publicity, and litigation risk. However, the equity market's response was not found to be statistically significant.
A letter from Niagara College President, Dan Patterson, sharing a Board of Governors decision to name the Niagara on the Lake campus vineyard "Donald Ziraldo Vineyard". The letter is dated March 7, 2006.
Les changements évolutifs nous instruisent sur les nombreuses innovations permettant à chaque organisme de maximiser ses aptitudes en choisissant le partenaire approprié, telles que les caractéristiques sexuelles secondaires, les patrons comportementaux, les attractifs chimiques et les mécanismes sensoriels y répondant. L'haploïde de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae distingue son partenaire en interprétant le gradient de la concentration d'une phéromone sécrétée par les partenaires potentiels grâce à un réseau de protéines signalétiques de type kinase activées par la mitose (MAPK). La décision de la liaison sexuelle chez la levure est un événement en "tout–ourien", à la manière d'un interrupteur. Les cellules haploïdes choisissent leur partenaire sexuel en fonction de la concentration de phéromones qu’il produit. Seul le partenaire à proximité sécrétant des concentrations de phéromones égales ou supérieures à une concentration critique est retenu. Les faibles signaux de phéromones sont attribués à des partenaires pouvant mener à des accouplements infructueux. Notre compréhension du mécanisme moléculaire contrôlant cet interrupteur de la décision d'accouplement reste encore mince. Dans le cadre de la présente thèse, je démontre que le mécanisme de décision de la liaison sexuelle provient de la compétition pour le contrôle de l'état de phosphorylation de quatre sites sur la protéine d'échafaudage Ste5, entre la MAPK, Fus3, et la phosphatase,Ptc1. Cette compétition résulte en la dissociation de type « intérupteur » entre Fus3 et Ste5, nécessaire à la prise de décision d'accouplement en "tout-ou-rien". Ainsi, la décision de la liaison sexuelle s'effectue à une étape précoce de la voie de réponse aux phéromones et se produit rapidement, peut-être dans le but de prévenir la perte d’un partenaire potentiel. Nous argumentons que l'architecture du circuit Fus3-Ste5-Ptc1 génère un mécanisme inédit d'ultrasensibilité, ressemblant à "l'ultrasensibilité d'ordre zéro", qui résiste aux variations de concentration de ces protéines. Cette robustesse assure que l'accouplement puisse se produire en dépit de la stochasticité cellulaire ou de variations génétiques entre individus.Je démontre, par la suite, qu'un évènement précoce en réponse aux signaux extracellulaires recrutant Ste5 à la membrane plasmique est également ultrasensible à l'augmentation de la concentration de phéromones et que cette ultrasensibilité est engendrée par la déphosphorylation de huit phosphosites en N-terminal sur Ste5 par la phosphatase Ptc1 lorsqu'elle est associée à Ste5 via la protéine polarisante, Bem1. L'interférence dans ce mécanisme provoque une perte de l'ultrasensibilité et réduit, du même coup, l'amplitude et la fidélité de la voie de réponse aux phéromones à la stimulation. Ces changements se reflètent en une réduction de la fidélité et de la précision de la morphologie attribuable à la réponse d'accouplement. La polarisation dans l'assemblage du complexe protéique à la surface de la membrane plasmique est un thème général persistant dans tous les organismes, de la bactérie à l'humain. Un tel complexe est en mesure d'accroître l'efficacité, la fidélité et la spécificité de la transmission du signal. L'ensemble de nos découvertes démontre que l'ultrasensibilité, la précision et la robustesse de la réponse aux phéromones découlent de la régulation de la phosphorylation stoichiométrique de deux groupes de phosphosites sur Ste5, par la phosphatase Ptc1, un groupe effectuant le recrutement ultrasensible de Ste5 à la membrane et un autre incitant la dissociation et l'activation ultrasensible de la MAPK terminal Fus3. Le rôle modulateur de Ste5 dans la décision de la destinée cellulaire étend le répertoire fonctionnel des protéines d'échafaudage bien au-delà de l'accessoire dans la spécificité et l'efficacité des traitements de l'information. La régulation de la dynamique des caractères signal-réponse à travers une telle régulation modulaire des groupes de phosphosites sur des protéines d'échafaudage combinées à l'assemblage à la membrane peut être un moyen général par lequel la polarisation du destin cellulaire est obtenue. Des mécanismes similaires peuvent contrôler les décisions cellulaires dans les organismes complexes et peuvent être compromis dans des dérèglements cellulaires, tel que le cancer. Finalement, sur un thème relié, je présente la découverte d'un nouveau mécanisme où le seuil de la concentration de phéromones est contrôlé par une voie sensorielle de nutriments, ajustant, de cette manière, le point prédéterminé dans lequel la quantité et la qualité des nutriments accessibles dans l'environnement déterminent le seuil à partir duquel la levure s'accouple. La sous-unité régulatrice de la kinase à protéine A (PKA),Bcy1, une composante clé du réseau signalétique du senseur aux nutriments, interagit directement avec la sous-unité α des petites protéines G, Gpa1, le premier effecteur dans le réseau de réponse aux phéromones. L'interaction Bcy1-Gpa1 est accrue lorsque la cellule croit en présence d'un sucre idéal, le glucose, diminuant la concentration seuil auquel la décision d'accouplement est activée. Compromettre l'interaction Bcy1-Gpa1 ou inactiver Bcy1 accroît la concentration seuil nécessaire à une réponse aux phéromones. Nous argumentons qu'en ajustant leur sensibilité, les levures peuvent intégrer le stimulus provenant des phéromones au niveau du glucose extracellulaire, priorisant la décision de survie dans un milieu pauvre ou continuer leur cycle sexuel en choisissant un accouplement.