925 resultados para De-repression


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The tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) promoter was used to explore the molecular mechanisms of estradiol (E2)-dependent repression of gene transcription. E2 inhibited basal activity and abolished TNF-α activation of the TNF-α promoter. The E2-inhibitory element was mapped to the −125 to −82 region of the TNF-α promoter, known as the TNF-responsive element (TNF-RE). An AP-1-like site in the TNF-RE is essential for repression activity. Estrogen receptor (ER) β is more potent than ERα at repressing the −1044 TNF-α promoter and the TNF-RE upstream of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter, but weaker at activating transcription through an estrogen response element. The activation function-2 (AF-2) surface in the ligand-binding domain is required for repression, because anti-estrogens and AF-2 mutations impair repression. The requirement of the AF-2 surface for repression is probably due to its capacity to recruit p160 coactivators or related coregulators, because overexpressing the coactivator glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein-1 enhances repression, whereas a glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein-1 mutant unable to interact with the AF-2 surface is ineffective. Furthermore, receptor interacting protein 140 prevents repression by ERβ, probably by interacting with the AF-2 surface and blocking the binding of endogenous coactivators. These studies demonstrate that E2-mediated repression requires the AF-2 surface and the participation of coactivators or other coregulatory proteins.


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Nuclear hormone receptors are potent repressors of transcription in the unliganded state. We describe here the cloning of a nuclear receptor corepressor that we call SUN-CoR (Small Unique Nuclear receptor CoRepressor), which shows no homology to previously described nuclear hormone receptor corepressors, N-CoR, or SMRT. SUN-CoR is a highly basic, 16-kDa nuclear protein that is expressed at high levels in adult tissues and is induced during adipocyte and myogenic differentiation. SUN-CoR potentiates transcriptional repression by thyroid hormone receptor and RevErb in vivo, represses transcription when fused to a heterologous DNA binding domain, and interacts with RevErb as well as with thyroid hormone receptor in vitro. SUN-CoR also interacts with N-CoR and SMRT in vitro and with endogenous N-CoR in cells. We conclude that SUN-CoR is a corepressor and may function as an additional component of the complex involved in transcriptional repression by unliganded and orphan nuclear hormone receptors.


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Cells from patients with Cockayne syndrome (CS) are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents and are unable to restore damage-inhibited RNA synthesis. On the basis of repair kinetics of different types of lesions in transcriptionally active genes, we hypothesized previously that impaired transcription in CS cells is a consequence of defective transcription initiation after DNA damage induction. Here, we investigated the effect of UV irradiation on transcription by using an in vitro transcription system that allowed uncoupling of initiation from elongation events. Nuclear extracts prepared from UV-irradiated or mock-treated normal human and CS cells were assayed for transcription activity on an undamaged β-globin template. Transcription activity in nuclear extracts closely mimicked kinetics of transcription in intact cells: extracts from normal cells prepared 1 h after UV exposure showed a strongly reduced activity, whereas transcription activity was fully restored in extracts prepared 6 h after treatment. Extracts from CS cells exhibited reduced transcription activity at any time after UV exposure. Reduced transcription activity in extracts coincided with a strong reduction of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) containing hypophosphorylated C-terminal domain, the form of RNAPII known to be recruited to the initiation complex. These results suggest that inhibition of transcription after UV irradiation is at least partially caused by repression of transcription initiation and not solely by blocked elongation at sites of lesions. Generation of hypophosphorylated RNAPII after DNA damage appears to play a crucial role in restoration of transcription. CS proteins may be required for this process in a yet unknown way.


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Kss1, a yeast mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), in its unphosphorylated (unactivated) state binds directly to and represses Ste12, a transcription factor necessary for expression of genes whose promoters contain filamentous response elements (FREs) and genes whose promoters contain pheromone response elements (PREs). Herein we show that two nuclear proteins, Dig1 and Dig2, are required cofactors in Kss1-imposed repression. Dig1 and Dig2 cooperate with Kss1 to repress Ste12 action at FREs and regulate invasive growth in a naturally invasive strain. Kss1-imposed Dig-dependent repression of Ste12 also occurs at PREs. However, maintenance of repression at PREs is more dependent on Dig1 and/or Dig2 and less dependent on Kss1 than repression at FREs. In addition, derepression at PREs is more dependent on MAPK-mediated phosphorylation than is derepression at FREs. Differential utilization of two types of MAPK-mediated regulation (binding-imposed repression and phosphorylation-dependent activation), in combination with distinct Ste12-containing complexes, contributes to the mechanisms by which separate extracellular stimuli that use the same MAPK cascade can elicit two different transcriptional responses.


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Glucocorticoids exert multiple anti-inflammatory activities, one of which is the inhibition of transcription dependent on the nuclear factor (NF)-κB. It has been suggested that the effect of dexamethasone (DEX), a glucocorticoid analog, is attributed to an increased production of the inhibitory IκB molecule, which in turn would bind and remove activated, DNA-bound NF-κB complexes in the cell nucleus. Upon investigating DEX-mediated repression of interleukin-6 expression induced by tumor necrosis factor, DEX treatment was found to act directly on NF-κB-dependent transcription, without changing the expression level of IκB. Neither the mRNA of IκB nor the protein was significantly elevated by a combined treatment with tumor necrosis factor and DEX of murine endothelial or fibroblast cells. The DNA-binding activity of induced NF-κB also remained unchanged after stimulation of cells with DEX. Evidence for a direct nuclear mechanism of action was obtained by analysis of cell lines stably expressing a fusion protein between the DNA-binding domain of the yeast Gal4 protein and the transactivating p65 subunit of NF-κB. Expression of a Gal4-dependent luciferase reporter gene activated by this nuclear fusion protein was also strongly repressed after addition of DEX. Because the DNA-binding activity of the Gal4 fusion protein was not affected by DEX, it can be concluded that the reduction of gene activation was caused by interference of the activated glucocorticoid receptor with the transactivation potential of the NF-κB p65 subunit.


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During adipocyte differentiation, the expression of C/EBPα is activated, which in turn serves to transcriptionally activate numerous adipocyte genes. A previous search for cis elements that regulate transcription of the C/EBPα gene led to the identification of a potential repressive element within the proximal 5′ flanking region of the gene. Nuclear extracts from 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, but not adipocytes, were found to contain a factor, CUP (C/EBPα undifferentiated protein), that binds to this site (the CUP-1 site). In the present investigation, we show that C/EBPα promoter-luciferase constructs containing both the proximal 5′ flanking and the entire 5′ untranslated regions of the gene exhibit an expression pattern during adipocyte differentiation comparable to that of the endogenous C/EBPα gene. Mutation of the CUP-1 site in these constructs had little effect on reporter gene expression; however, when this mutation was combined with deletion of the 5′ untranslated region, reporter gene expression by preadipocytes was dramatically up-regulated. Consistent with this finding, a second CUP binding site (the CUP-2 site) was identified in the 5′ untranslated region. Although mutation of either CUP element in constructs containing both the 5′ flanking and 5′ untranslated region had little effect on reporter gene transcription, mutation of both CUP elements markedly activated transcription. Thus, it appears that dual CUP regulatory elements repress transcription of the C/EBPα gene prior to induction of the adipocyte differentiation program.


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The yeast transcriptional repressor Tup1, tethered to DNA, represses to strikingly different degrees transcription elicited by members of two classes of activators. Repression in both cases is virtually eliminated by mutation of either member of the cyclin-kinase pair Srb10/11. In contrast, telomeric chromatin affects both classes of activators equally, and in neither case is that repression affected by mutation of Srb10/11. In vitro, Tup1 interacts with RNA polymerase II holoenzyme bearing Srb10 as well as with the separated Srb10. These and other findings indicate that at least one aspect of Tup1's action involves interaction with the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme.


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The DAN/TIR mannoprotein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DAN1, DAN2, DAN3, DAN4, TIR1, TIR2, TIR3 and TIR4) are expressed in anaerobic cells while the predominant cell wall proteins Cwp1 and Cwp2 are down-regulated. Elements involved in activation and repression of the DAN/TIR genes were defined in this study, using the DAN1 promoter as a model. Nested deletions in a DAN1/lacZ reporter pinpointed regions carrying activation and repression elements. Inspection revealed two consensus sequences subsequently shown to be independent anaerobic response elements (AR1, consensus TCGTTYAG; AR2, consensus AAAAATTGTTGA). AR1 is found in all of the DAN/TIR promoters; AR2 is found in DAN1, DAN2 and DAN3. A 120 bp segment carrying two copies of AR1 preferentially activated transcription of lacZ under anaerobic conditions. A fusion of three synthetic copies of AR1 to MEL1 was also expressed anaerobically. Mutations in either AR1 site within the 120 bp segment caused a drastic loss of expression, indicating that both are necessary for activation and implying cooperativity between adjacent transcriptional activation complexes. A single AR2 site carried on a 46 bp fragment from the DAN1 promoter activated lacZ transcription under anaerobic conditions, as did a 26 bp synthetic AR2 fragment fused to MEL1. Nucleotide substitutions within the AR2 sequence eliminated the activity of the 46 bp segment. Ablation of the AR2 sequences in the full promoter caused a partial reduction of expression. The presence of the ATTGTT core (recognized by HMG proteins) in the AR2 sequence suggests that an HMG protein may activate through AR2. One region was implicated in aerobic repression of DAN1. It contains sites for the heme-induced Mot3 and Rox1 repressors.


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We used 2D protein gel electrophoresis and DNA microarray technologies to systematically analyze genes under glucose repression in Bacillus subtilis. In particular, we focused on genes expressed after the shift from glycolytic to gluconeogenic at the middle logarithmic phase of growth in a nutrient sporulation medium, which remained repressed by the addition of glucose. We also examined whether or not glucose repression of these genes was mediated by CcpA, the catabolite control protein of this bacterium. The wild-type and ccpA1 cells were grown with and without glucose, and their proteomes and transcriptomes were compared. 2D gel electrophoresis allowed us to identify 11 proteins, the synthesis of which was under glucose repression. Of these proteins, the synthesis of four (IolA, I, S and PckA) was under CcpA-independent control. Microarray analysis enabled us to detect 66 glucose-repressive genes, 22 of which (glmS, acoA, C, yisS, speD, gapB, pckA, yvdR, yxeF, iolA, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, R, S and yxbF ) were at least partially under CcpA-independent control. Furthermore, we found that CcpA and IolR, a repressor of the iol divergon, were involved in the glucose repression of the synthesis of inositol dehydrogenase encoded by iolG included in the above list. The CcpA-independent glucose repression of the iol genes appeared to be explained by inducer exclusion.


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TFII-I is an unusual transcription factor possessing both basal and signal-induced transcriptional functions. Here we report the characterization of a TFII-I-related factor (MusTRD1/BEN) that regulates transcriptional functions of TFII-I by controlling its nuclear residency. MusTRD1/BEN has five or six direct repeats, each containing helix–loop–helix motifs, and, thus, belongs to the TFII-I family of transcription factors. TFII-I and MusTRD1/BEN, when expressed individually, show predominant nuclear localization. However, when the two proteins are coexpressed ectopically, MusTRD1/BEN locates almost exclusively to the nucleus, whereas TFII-I is largely excluded from the nucleus, resulting in a loss of TFII-I-dependent transcriptional activation of the c-fos promoter. Mutation of a consensus nuclear localization signal in MusTRD1/BEN results in a reversal of nuclear residency of the two proteins and a concomitant gain of c-fos promoter activity. These data suggest a means of transcriptional repression by competition at the level of nuclear occupancy.


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The Id family of helix–loop–helix (HLH) transcriptional regulatory proteins does not possess a basic DNA-binding domain and functions as a negative regulator of basic HLH transcription factors. Id proteins coordinate cell growth and differentiation pathways within mammalian cells and have been shown to regulate G1-S cell-cycle transitions. Although much recent data has implicated Id1 in playing a critical role in modulating cellular senescence, no direct genetic evidence has been reported to substantiate such work. Here we show that Id1-null primary mouse embryo fibroblasts undergo premature senescence despite normal growth profiles at early passage. These cells possess increased expression of the tumor-suppressor protein p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF, and have decreased cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 and cdk4 kinase activity. We also show that Id1 is able to directly inhibit p16/Ink4a but not p19/ARF promoter activity via its HLH domain, and that Id1inhibits transcriptional activation at E-boxes within the p16/Ink4a promoter. Our data provide, to our knowledge, the first genetic evidence for a role for Id1 as an inhibitor of cellular senescence and suggest that Id1 functions to delay cellular senescence through repression of p16/Ink4a. Because epigenetic and genetic abrogation of p16/Ink4a function has been implicated in the evolution of several human malignancies, we propose that transcriptional regulation of p16/Ink4a may also provide a mechanism for the dysregulation of normal cellular growth controls during the evolution of human malignancies.


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We have developed a yeast model system to address transcriptional repression by the retinoblastoma protein (pRB). When fused to the DNA-binding domain of Gal4p (DB-pRB), pRB can repress transcription of reporter genes containing Gal4p binding sites; the histone deacetylase activity encoded by yeast RPD3 is required for DB-pRB repression. Mutation of the LXCXE binding cleft in pRB, a region reported to be required for histone deacetylase recruitment, does not interfere with pRB-mediated repression. From these findings based on yeast experiments, we surmise that the small pocket region of pRB must contain an additional domain that confers histone deacetylase-dependent transcriptional repression. This hypothesis was verified by experiments examining pRB-dependent histone deacetylase association in mammalian cells. In addition to RPD3, repression by pRB in yeast requires MSI1, an ortholog of RbAp48, but not SIN3 or SAP30. By comparing the genetic requirements of DB-pRB repression in yeast to those of other DB-repressor fusions, we can suggest a mechanism by which pRB recruits histone deacetylase activity.


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Transcriptional repressors can be characterized by their range of action on promoters and enhancers. Short-range repressors interact over distances of 50-150 bp to inhibit, or quench, either upstream activators or the basal transcription complex. In contrast, long-range repressors act over several kilobases to silence basal promoters. We describe recent progress in characterizing the functional properties of one such long-range element in the Drosophila embryo and discuss the contrasting types of gene regulation that are made possible by short- and long-range repressors.