332 resultados para DYSPNEA
OBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical and histologic findings of 50 patients with primary neoplams of the heart in a tertiary referral center. METHODS: From 1980 to 1998, we retrospectively analyzed 50 patients, 32 of whom were females, whose ages ranged from 9 to 73 years (mean age = 44.16±18 years). RESULTS: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart (72%), myxoma being the most common (84%) histologic type. The other histologic types found were as follows: fibroma (4%), lipoma (2%), rhabdomyosarcoma (2%), hemangioma (2%), sarcoma (2%), angiosarcoma (2%), and lymphoma (2%). Diagnosis was established by echocardiography in 94% of the cases. Clinical findings were as follows: dyspnea (36%), weight loss (20%), palpitations (18%), chest pain (16%), fever (8%), and arthralgia (6%). All patients with thromboembolic phenomena (10%) had left atrial myxoma. Approximately 20% of the patients were asymptomatic at the initial clinical assessment. CONCLUSION: Primary cardiac tumors are a rare entity with diverse clinical and histologic findings, requiring, therefore, a high level of clinical suspicion.
We report the case of a 42-year-old female with a second recurrence of cardiac myxoma. Her first diagnosis was at the age of 24 years, when cardiac tumors were withdrawn from her right ventricle and left atrium. Her first recurrence was at the age of 36 years, when tumors were removed from the left and right atria, and the right ventricle. Six years later, the patient was admitted to the Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre complaining of sudden dyspnea, dry cough, and pain in the right hypochondrium, which bore no relation to breathing. The transesophageal echocardiography showed a small tumor in the interatrial septum, close to the superior vena cava, and 2 larger tumors in the right ventricle, 1 close to the outflow tract and the other almost completely obstructing the right branch of the pulmonary artery. The patient was referred to surgery, in which myxomas were removed from the right atrium and ventricle with extension to the right pulmonary artery. The postoperative period was uneventful.
We report the case of a 27-year-old male patient with dyspnea on physical exertion. Clinical assessment and various tests led to the diagnosis of aortopulmonary window and double aortic arch. According to a literature search, this may be the first report on such association.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical, electrocardiographic, and electrophysiologic characteristics of patients (pt) with intra-His bundle block undergoing an electrophysiologic study (EPS). METHODS: We analyzed the characteristics of 16 pt with second-degree atrioventricular block and symptoms of syncope or dyspnea, or both, undergoing conventional EPS. RESULTS: Intra-His bundle block was documented in 16 pt during an EPS. In 15 (94%) pt, the atrioventricular block was recorded in sinus rhythm; 4 (25%) pt had intra-His Wenckebach phenomenon, which correlated with Mobitz I (MI) atrioventricular block on the electrocardiogram. Seven (44%) pt had 2:1 atrioventricular block, 2 of whom were asymptomatic (12.5%). One (6%) pt had intra- and infra-His bundle block. Clinically, 11 (68%) pt had syncope or presyncope, 3 (18%) had dyspnea on exertion, and 2 (12.5%) were asymptomatic. Eight (50%) pt had bundle-branch block as follows: 4 (25%) pt had left bundle-branch block, and 4 (25%) had right bundle-branch block. Left anterosuperior divisional block was observed in 3 pt (19%), 2 of whom with associated right bundle-branch block. CONCLUSION: Intra-His bundle block was observed in 11% of the pt with second-degree atrioventricular block, syncope or presyncope, or both, it being the most frequent clinical presentation. Intra-His bundle block was more common in the elderly (> 60 years) and among females. The most frequent electrocardiographic presentations were second-degree Mobitz I or type 2:1 atrioventricular block.
Background:Cardiovascular urgencies are frequent reasons for seeking medical care. Prompt and accurate medical diagnosis is critical to reduce the morbidity and mortality of these conditions.Objective:To evaluate the use of a pocket-size echocardiography in addition to clinical history and physical exam in a tertiary medical emergency care.Methods:One hundred adult patients without known cardiac or lung diseases who sought emergency care with cardiac complaints were included. Patients with ischemic changes in the electrocardiography or fever were excluded. A focused echocardiography with GE Vscan equipment was performed after the initial evaluation in the emergency room. Cardiac chambers dimensions, left and right ventricular systolic function, intracardiac flows with color, pericardium, and aorta were evaluated.Results:The mean age was 61 ± 17 years old. The patient complaint was chest pain in 51 patients, dyspnea in 32 patients, arrhythmia to evaluate the left ventricular function in ten patients, hypotension/dizziness in five patients and edema in one patient. In 28 patients, the focused echocardiography allowed to confirm the initial diagnosis: 19 patients with heart failure, five with acute coronary syndrome, two with pulmonary embolism and two patients with cardiac tamponade. In 17 patients, the echocardiography changed the diagnosis: ten with suspicious of heart failure, two with pulmonary embolism suspicious, two with hypotension without cause, one suspicious of acute coronary syndrome, one of cardiac tamponade and one of aortic dissection.Conclusion:The focused echocardiography with pocket-size equipment in the emergency care may allow a prompt diagnosis and, consequently, an earlier initiation of the therapy.
Introductions: In the care of hypertension, it is important that health professionals possess available tools that allow evaluating the impairment of the health-related quality of life, according to the severity of hypertension and the risk for cardiovascular events. Among the instruments developed for the assessment of health-related quality of life, there is the Mini-Cuestionario of Calidad de Vida en la Hipertensión Arterial (MINICHAL) recently adapted to the Brazilian culture. Objective: To estimate the validity of known groups of the Brazilian version of the MINICHAL regarding the classification of risk for cardiovascular events, symptoms, severity of dyspnea and target-organ damage. Methods: Data of 200 hypertensive outpatients concerning sociodemographic and clinical information and health-related quality of life were gathered by consulting the medical charts and the application of the Brazilian version of MINICHAL. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare health-related quality of life in relation to symptoms and target-organ damage. The Kruskal-Wallis test and ANOVA with ranks transformation were used to compare health-related quality of life in relation to the classification of risk for cardiovascular events and intensity of dyspnea, respectively. Results: The MINICHAL was able to discriminate health-related quality of life in relation to symptoms and kidney damage, but did not discriminate health-related quality of life in relation to the classification of risk for cardiovascular events. Conclusion: The Brazilian version of the MINICHAL is a questionnaire capable of discriminating differences on the health‑related quality of life regarding dyspnea, chest pain, palpitation, lipothymy, cephalea and renal damage.
Education to a Healthy Lifestyle Improves Symptoms and Cardiovascular Risk Factors – AsuRiesgo Study
Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the current leading causes of death and disability globally. Objective: To assess the effects of a basic educational program for cardiovascular prevention in an unselected outpatient population. Methods: All participants received an educational program to change to a healthy lifestyle. Assessments were conducted at study enrollment and during follow-up. Symptoms, habits, ATP III parameters for metabolic syndrome, and American Heart Association’s 2020 parameters of cardiovascular health were assessed. Results: A total of 15,073 participants aged ≥ 18 years entered the study. Data analysis was conducted in 3,009 patients who completed a second assessment. An improvement in weight (from 76.6 ± 15.3 to 76.4 ± 15.3 kg, p = 0.002), dyspnea on exertion NYHA grade II (from 23.4% to 21.0%) and grade III (from 15.8% to 14.0%) and a decrease in the proportion of current active smokers (from 3.6% to 2.9%, p = 0.002) could be documented. The proportion of patients with levels of triglycerides > 150 mg/dL (from 46.3% to 42.4%, p < 0.001) and LDL cholesterol > 100 mg/dL (from 69.3% to 65.5%, p < 0.001) improved. A ≥ 20% improvement of AHA 2020 metrics at the level graded as poor was found for smoking (-21.1%), diet (-29.8%), and cholesterol level (-23.6%). A large dropout as a surrogate indicator for low patient adherence was documented throughout the first 5 visits, 80% between the first and second assessments, 55.6% between the second and third assessments, 43.6% between the third and fourth assessments, and 38% between the fourth and fifth assessments. Conclusion: A simple, basic educational program may improve symptoms and modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, but shows low patient adherence.
AbstractBackground:Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death in the world and in Brazil. Myocardial scintigraphy is an important noninvasive method for detecting ischemia in symptomatic patients, but its use in asymptomatic ones or those with atypical symptoms is yet to be defined.Objective:To verify the presence of major cardiac events in asymptomatic patients or those with atypical symptoms (atypical chest pain or dyspnea) that underwent myocardial scintigraphy (MS), over a period of 8 years. Secondary objectives were to identify cardiac risk factors associated with myocardial scintigraphy abnormalities and possible predictors for major cardiac events in this group.Methods:This was a retrospective, observational study using the medical records of 892 patients that underwent myocardial scintigraphy between 2005 and 2011 and who were followed until 2013 for assessment of major cardiac events and risk factors associated with myocardial scintigraphy abnormalities. Statistical analysis was performed by Fisher’s exact test, logistic regression and Kaplan-Meyer survival curves, with statistical significance being set at p ≤ 0.05.Results:Of the total sample, 52.1% were men, 86.9% were hypertensive, 72.4% had hyperlipidemia, 33.6% were diabetic, and 12.2% were smokers; 44.5% had known coronary artery disease; and 70% had high Framingham score, 21.8% had moderate and 8% had low risk. Of the myocardial scintigraphies, 58.6% were normal, 26.1% suggestive of fibrosis and 15.3% suggestive of ischemia. At evolution, 13 patients (1.5%) had non-fatal myocardial infarction and six individuals (0.7%) died. The group with normal myocardial scintigraphy showed longer period of time free of major cardiac events, non-fatal myocardial infarction (p = 0.036) and death. Fibrosis in the myocardial scintigraphy determined a 2.4-fold increased risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction and five-fold higher risk of death (odds ratio: 2.4 and 5.7, respectively; p = 0.043).Conclusion:The occurrence of major cardiac events in 8 years was small. Patients with fibrosis at MS had more major events, whereas patients with normal MS result had fewer major cardiac events, with higher survival.
The combination of skin induration with clinical features such as dyspnea, facial telangiectasia, digital infarctions and/or dysphagia supports the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis. The oesophageal dysmotility is associated with symptoms which may delay the diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal cancer. Herein we report a case of long standing systemic sclerosis with heartburn and dysphagia symptoms which were monitored closely. Unfortunately, these symptoms delayed the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma. This case prompted us to review the evidence of the association of cancer and systemic sclerosis and if any oncologic evaluation is required during the follow-up of patients affected with systemic sclerosis.
Background: Acrylates and methacrylates (salts and esters of acrylic and metacrylic acid respectively), are monomers commonly found in polymer plastics, resins and glues, and are widely used in many industry sectors. The first adverse health effects described were skin reactions and asthma. Exposure to acrylates, for instance when using multicomponent glues, is now a well known cause of occupational asthma. Methods: We report the case of a rhinitis - and possible asthma - to acrylates, in a 38-year-old woman, working in a nail beauty salon. She was currently treated for hypertension, and otherwise known for obesity and seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis, but did not have any respiratory problem. Two years after starting this activity, she progressively started to complain of anosmia, rhinitis, and intermittent dyspnea. Her job consisted in decorating nails with a mixture of a polymer powder and a liquid monomer, after removing the previous artificial nail with a small sander. We assessed exposure to acrylates at her working place, both as dust (from sanded nails) and volatile compound (from the mixture described above), and she was asked to measure her peak flow values twice a day for ten days, in order to detect a possible relationship between her occupational activities, the symptoms and the peak flow values. Results: Measures made during the visit of the patient's place of work showed that the existing aspiration system was efficient for eliminating the dust produced by nail sanding, but not for eliminating the volatile components. Thus, occupational exposure to acrylates was demonstrated. Moreover, the peak flow measures showed an average decrease of almost 10 percent when the patient was at work, compared to when she stayed home. We concluded that she actually suffered from professional rhinitis and, possibly, professional asthma (not certain because of the limited number of peak flow measures per day). Conclusion: Although exposure to acrylates is a well known cause of occupational asthma, it should be emphasized that the exact mechanisms of action remain unknown, despite the abundant literature about it. Some professions, which tend to be more frequent nowadays (such as working in a nail beauty salon), can expose the worker to particular risks. This highlights the need of always inquiring not only about the profession, but also the related activities, when facing a case of suspected asthma.
Background: Thaumatin is a protein originally isolated from an African fruit (the "katemfe"), but various thaumatin-like proteins have been found in apples, grapes, kiwis and olives, etc. Thaumatin has natural sweetening properties and is about 2000 to 3000 times more potent than sucrose. It is therefore used in the food industry, particularly in the processing of low-calories sweeteners. Recently, thaumatin-like proteins have been described as a new family of allergens. Methods: We report the case of a 44-year-old woman occupationally exposed to thaumatin, who developed an allergy to it. The first symptom was an urticaria, which she presented two years after the factory she was working in (a sweeteners manufacturer), started to use thaumatin. Later on, she perceived an acute episode of a sensation of lump in the throat, persisting mild dyspnea, dysphonia and cough. Despite normal peak flow values and a normal chest examination, her general practitioner treated her with local corticoids and systemic antihistaminic drugs, which improved the symptoms. As occupational physicians, we were asked about the likelihood of an occupational disease. We visited her working place, and assessed the exposure to thaumatin. We concluded that the probability for a delayed asthma related to a thaumatin exposure was high, despite the lack of an exposure test. Results: The case was submitted to the insurance company as an occupational disease, and was accepted as such. It was therefore decided not to perform the exposure test, given the absence of true benefit for the patient, who was advised to switch job, and to avoid any exposure to thaumatin in the future. A few months later, the symptoms had completely disappeared. Conclusion: Some molecules only used in specific industry sectors, can cause health problems, such as allergy, but also toxic impairments, etc. The occupational physician, trained to find out which products and identify which molecules are involved, can contribute to the diagnosis, and help make possible a safe return to work for the patient.
Until recently, cricotracheal resection (CTR) has not been commonly accepted as a treatment modality for severe subglottic stenosis in the pediatric age group. The reasons have included the risk of a possible dehiscence at the site of the anastomosis, the likelihood of injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerves, and the interference with normal growth of the larynx. Thirty-eight infants and children with a severe subglottic stenosis underwent a partial cricoid resection with primary thyrotracheal anastomosis. Thirty-three patients were tracheotomy-dependent at the time of surgery and 34 were referred cases; 27 were classified as grade III, and 10 as grade IV stenoses according to new Cotton's classification. Nineteen patients were younger than 3 years of age at the time of surgery. The tracheotomy was resected during the surgical procedure in 21 cases. Decannulation was achieved in 36/38 cases after an open procedure. There is one complete restenosis and one good result awaiting decannulation after further surgery for a Pierre Robin syndrome. The authors experienced no lesion of the recurrent laryngeal nerves and no fatality. Thirty-one patients show no exertional dyspnea, three a slight stridor while exercising, and two patients are not decannulated. The postoperative follow-up in longer than 10 years in eight cases. All patients show a normal growth of the larynx and trachea. Compared to laryngotracheoplasties, CTR gives better results for severe subglottic stenosis. This operation should become the treatment of choice for severe (grade III and IV) subglottic stenosis in infants and children.
Fifty-eight infants and children with a severe subglottic stenosis underwent a partial cricotracheal resection with primary thyrotracheal anastomosis. There were 2 grade II, 40 grade III, and 16 grade IV stenoses according to the Myer-Cotton classification. A 100% subglottic lumen was formed in 34 cases and a better than 80% lumen in 23 cases. Fifty-four of the 58 (93%) patients are presently decannulated; one patient sustained a complete restenosis and three patients with a better than 80% subglottic airway still await decannulation for the following reasons: severe tracheomalacia, bilateral cricoarytenoïd joint fixation and laryngeal malformation with fusion of the vocal cords in each case respectively. Forty-four patients have no exercise intolerance, 8 live fully normally but present a slight exertional dyspnea, one patient with a laryngeal malformation is decannulated but suffers from a severe exertional dyspnea, and 4 patients are still not decannulated. The voice is normal in 20 cases, a slight dysphonia is present in 17, a moderate to severe dysphonia in another 17 and 4 patients are still not decannulated.