997 resultados para DUPLEX DNA


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Aims: Quinolone antibiotics are the agents of choice for treating systemic Salmonella infections. Resistance to quinolones is usually mediated by mutations in the DNA gyrase gene gyrA. Here we report the evaluation of standard HPLC equipment for the detection of mutations (single nucleotide polymorphisms; SNPs) in gyrA, gyrB, parC and parE by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC). Methods: A panel of Salmonella strains was assembled which comprised those with known different mutations in gyrA (n = 8) and fluoroquinolone-susceptible and -resistant strains (n = 50) that had not been tested for mutations in gyrA. Additionally, antibiotic-susceptible strains of serotypes other than Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains were examined for serotype-specific mutations in gyrB (n = 4), parC (n = 6) and parE (n = 1). Wild-type (WT) control DNA was prepared from Salmonella Typhimurium NCTC 74. The DNA of respective strains was amplified by PCR using Optimase (R) proofreading DNA polymerase. Duplex DNA samples were analysed using an Agilent A1100 HPLC system with a Varian Helix (TM) DNA column. Sequencing was used to validate mutations detected by DHPLC in the strains with unknown mutations. Results: Using this HPLC system, mutations in gyrA, gyrB, parC and parE were readily detected by comparison with control chromatograms. Sequencing confirmed the gyrA predicted mutations as detected by DHPLC in the unknown strains and also confirmed serotype-associated sequence changes in non-Typhimurium serotypes. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that a non-specialist standard HPLC machine fitted with a generally available column can be used to detect SNPs in gyrA, gyrB, parC and parE genes by DHPLC. Wider applications should be possible.


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Work conducted in the Millard Biochemistry Research Laboratory examines the dual nature of molecules as carcinogens and anti-tumor agents through the molecular mechanisms of duplex DNA damage by bifunctional alkylating agents. Diepoxybutane (DEB) and epichlorohydrin (ECH) are polar molecules that form covalent DNA interstrand lesions by cross-linking the N7 position of deoxyguanosine residues. A recent experiment indicated that ECH preferentially targets nuclear DNA over mitochondrial DNA, whereas DEB shows similar rates of lesion formation for both loci. It was concluded that preferential targeting of nuclear DNA results from relatively poor uptake of ECH across the mitochondrial membrane. The objective of my honors research was to determine if the cytotoxicities of DEB and ECH vary according to the presence of the nuclear envelope in 6C2 chicken erythro-progenitor cells. The cytotoxicity of DEB and ECH was compared between cells randomly distributed throughout the cell cycle (Go/G, and S » G2/M) and cells enriched in G2/M stages. Results indicated that ECH is more cytotoxic than DEB in both unsynchronized control 6C2 cells and synchronized 6C2 cells enriched in G2/M stages of the cell cycle. Treatment with either bifunctional alkylating agent induced greater cytotoxicity in 6C2 cells enriched in G2/M stages than in unsynchronized control 6C2 cells, suggesting that the presence of the nuclear envelope-or any plasma membrane-may inhibit the reactivity of DEB and ECH.


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Abstract A simple, signal-off and reusable electrochemical biosensor was developed for sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II) based on thymine-mercury(II)-thymine (T-Hg2+-T) complex and the remarkable difference in the affinity of graphene with double strand DNA (ds-DNA) and single strand DNA (ss-DNA). Our system was composed of ferrocene-tagged probe DNA and graphene. Due to the noncovalent assembly, the ferrocene-tagged probe ss-DNA was immobilized on the surface of graphene nanosheets directly and employed to amplify the electrochemical signal. In the presence of Hg2+, the ferrocene-labeled T-rich DNA probe hybridized with target probe to form ds-DNA via the Hg2+-mediated coordination of T-Hg2+-T base pairs. As a result, the duplex DNA complex kept away from the graphene surface due to the weak affinity of graphene and ds-DNA, and the redox current decreased substantially. Meanwhile, the graphene decorated GCE surface was released for the reusability. Under the optimal conditions, the proposed sensor showed a linear concentration range from 25 pM to 10 μM with a detection limit of 5 pM for Hg2+ detection. The strategy afforded exquisite selectivity for Hg2+ against other metal ions in real environmental samples.


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RecA is a 38-kDa protein from Escherichia coli that polymerizes on single-stranded DNA, forming a nucleoprotein filament that pairs with homologous duplex DNA and carries out strand exchange in vitro. To observe the effects of mismatches on the kinetics of the RecA-catalyzed recombination reaction, we used assays based upon fluorescence energy transfer that can differentiate between the pairing and strand displacement phases. Oligonucleotide sequences that produced 2–14% mismatches in the heteroduplex product of strand exchange were tested, as well as completely homologous and heterologous sequences. The equilibrium constant for pairing decreased as the number of mismatches increased, which appeared to result from both a decrease in the rate of formation and an increase in the rate of dissociation of the intermediates. In addition, the rate of strand displacement decreased with increasing numbers of mismatches, roughly in proportion to the number of mismatches. The equilibrium constant for pairing and the rate constant for strand displacement both decreased 6-fold as the heterology increased to 14%. These results suggest that discrimination of homology from heterology occurs during both pairing and strand exchange.


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To initiate homologous recombination, sequence similarity between two DNA molecules must be searched for and homology recognized. How the search for and recognition of homology occurs remains unproven. We have examined the influences of DNA topology and the polarity of RecA–single-stranded (ss)DNA filaments on the formation of synaptic complexes promoted by RecA. Using two complementary methods and various ssDNA and duplex DNA molecules as substrates, we demonstrate that topological constraints on a small circular RecA–ssDNA filament prevent it from interwinding with its duplex DNA target at the homologous region. We were unable to detect homologous pairing between a circular RecA–ssDNA filament and its relaxed or supercoiled circular duplex DNA targets. However, the formation of synaptic complexes between an invading linear RecA–ssDNA filament and covalently closed circular duplex DNAs is promoted by supercoiling of the duplex DNA. The results imply that a triplex structure formed by non-Watson–Crick hydrogen bonding is unlikely to be an intermediate in homology searching promoted by RecA. Rather, a model in which RecA-mediated homology searching requires unwinding of the duplex DNA coupled with local strand exchange is the likely mechanism. Furthermore, we show that polarity of the invading RecA–ssDNA does not affect its ability to pair and interwind with its circular target duplex DNA.


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Human c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene has been shown to be overexpressed in a large percentage of human tumor cells establishing a growth-promoting, autocrine growth circuit. Triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) can recognize and bind sequences in duplex DNA, and have received considerable attention because of their potential for targeting specific genomic sites. The c-sis/PDGF-B promoter contains a unique homopurine/homopyrimidine sequence (SIS proximal element, SPE), which is crucial for binding nuclear factors that provoke transcription. In order to develop specific transcriptional inhibitors of the human c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene, 20 potential TFOs targeting part or all of the SPE were screened by gel mobility analysis. DNase I footprinting shows that the TFOs we designed can form a sequence-specific triplex with the target. Protein binding assays demonstrate that triplex formation inhibits nuclear factors binding the c-sis/PDGF-B promoter. Both transient and stable transfection experiments demonstrate that the transcriptional activity of the promoter is considerably inhibited by the TFOs. We propose that TFOs represent a therapeutic potential to specifically diminish the expression of c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene in various pathologic settings where constitutive expression of this gene has been observed.


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The RecQ helicases constitute a small but highly conserved helicase family. Proteins in this family are of particular interest because they are critical to maintenance of genomic stability in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Eukaryotic RecQ helicase family members have been shown to unwind not only DNA duplexes but also DNAs with alternative structures, including structures stabilized by G quartets (G4 DNAs). We report that Escherichia coli RecQ can also unwind G4 DNAs, and that unwinding requires ATP and divalent cation. RecQ helicase is comparably active on duplex and G4 DNA substrates, as measured by direct comparison of protein activity and by competition assays. The porphyrin derivative, N-methyl mesoporphyrin IX (NMM), is a highly specific inhibitor of RecQ unwinding activity on G4 DNA but not duplex DNA: the inhibition constant (Ki) for NMM inhibition of G4 DNA unwinding is 1.7 µM, approximately two orders of magnitude below the Ki for inhibition of duplex DNA unwinding (>100 µM). NMM may therefore prove to be a valuable compound for substrate-specific inhibition of other RecQ family helicases in vitro and in vivo.


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The aim of the present study is to determine the chemical structure and conformation of DNA adducts formed by incubation of the bioactive form of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), N-acetoxy-PhIP, with a single-stranded 11mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide. Using conditions optimized to give the C8-dG-PhIP adduct as the major product, sufficient material was synthesized for NMR solution structure determination. The NMR data indicate that in duplex DNA this adduct exists in equilibrium between two different conformational states. In the main conformer, the covalently bound PhIP molecule intercalates in the helix, whilst in the minor conformation the PhIP ligand is probably solvent exposed. In addition to the C8-dG-PhIP adduct, at least eight polar adducts are found after reaction of N-acetoxy-PhIP with the oligonucleotide. Three of these were purified for further characterization and shown to exhibit lowest energy UV absorption bands in the range 342–347 nm, confirming the presence of PhIP or PhIP derivative. Accurate mass determination of two of the polar adducts by negative ion MALDI-TOF MS revealed ions consistent with a spirobisguanidino-PhIP derivative and a ring-opened adduct. The third adduct, which has the same mass as the C8-dG-PhIP oligonucleotide adduct, may contain PhIP bound to the N2 position of guanine.


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In vertebrates, the RAD51 protein is required for genetic recombination, DNA repair, and cellular proliferation. Five paralogs of RAD51, known as RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3, have been identified and also shown to be required for recombination and genome stability. At the present time, however, very little is known about their biochemical properties or precise biological functions. As a first step toward understanding the roles of the RAD51 paralogs in recombination, the human RAD51C and XRCC3 proteins were overexpressed and purified from baculovirus-infected insect cells. The two proteins copurify as a complex, a property that reflects their endogenous association observed in HeLa cells. Purified RAD51C–XRCC3 complex binds single-stranded, but not duplex DNA, to form protein–DNA networks that have been visualized by electron microscopy.


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We have previously shown that three distinct DNA-binding activities, in crude form, are necessary for the ATP-dependent assembly of a specific and stable multiprotein complex at a yeast origin of replication. Here we show the purification of one of these DNA binding activities, referred to as origin binding factor 2 (OBF2). The purified protein is a heterodimer composed of two polypeptides with molecular mass values of 65 and 80 kDa as determined by SDS/PAGE. Purified OBF2 not only binds DNA but also supports the formation of a protein complex at essential sequences within the ARS121 origin of replication. Interestingly, OBF2 binds tightly and nonspecifically to both duplex DNA and single-stranded DNA. The interaction with duplex DNA occurs at the termini. N-terminal sequencing of the 65-kDa subunit has revealed that this polypeptide is identical to the previously identified HDF1 peptide, a yeast homolog of the small subunit of the mammalian Ku autoantigen. Although the potential involvement of Ku in DNA metabolic events has been proposed, this is the first requirement for a Ku-like protein in the assembly of a protein complex at essential sequences within a eukaryotic origin of replication.


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Eukaryotic homologs of Escherichia coli Rec-A protein have been shown to form nucleoprotein filaments with single-stranded DNA that recognize homologous sequences in duplex DNA. Several recent reports in four widely diverse species have demonstrated the association of RecA homologs with meiotic prophase chromatin. The current immunocytological study on mouse spermatocytes and oocytes shows that a eukaryotic homolog, Rad5l, associates with a subset of chromatin sites as early as premeiotic S phase, hours before either the appearance of precursors of synaptonemal complexes or the initiation of synapsis. When homologous chromosomes do begin to pair, the Rad5l-associated sequences are sites of initial contact between homologues and of localized DNA synthesis. Distribution of Rad5l foci on the chromatin of fully synapsed bivalents at early pachynema corresponds to an R-band pattern of mitotic chromosomes. R-bands are known to be preferred sites of both synaptic initiation and recombination. The time course of appearance of Rad51 association with chromatin, its distribution, and its interaction with other Rad5l-associated sequences suggests that it plays an important role preselection of sequences and synaptic initiation.


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Long CTG triplet repeats which are associated with several human hereditary neuromuscular disease genes are stabilized in ColE1-derived plasmids in Escherichia coli containing mutations in the methyl-directed mismatch repair genes (mutS, mutL, or mutH). When plasmids containing (CTG)180 were grown for about 100 generations in mutS, mutL, or mutH strains, 60-85% of the plasmids contained a full-length repeat, whereas in the parent strain only about 20% of the plasmids contained the full-length repeat. The deletions occur only in the (CTG)180 insert, not in DNA flanking the repeat. While many products of the deletions are heterogeneous in length, preferential deletion products of about 140, 100, 60, and 20 repeats were observed. We propose that the E. coli mismatch repair proteins recognize three-base loops formed during replication and then generate long single-stranded gaps where stable hairpin structures may form which can be bypassed by DNA polymerase during the resynthesis of duplex DNA. Similar studies were conducted with plasmids containing CGG repeats; no stabilization of these triplets was found in the mismatch repair mutants. Since prokaryotic and human mismatch repair proteins are similar, and since several carcinoma cell lines which are defective in mismatch repair show instability of simple DNA microsatellites, these mechanistic investigations in a bacterial cell may provide insights into the molecular basis for some human genetic diseases.


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The RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli promotes recombination preferentially at chi nucleotide sequences and has in vivo helicase and strong duplex DNA exonuclease (exoV) activities. The enzyme without the RecD subunit, as in a recD null mutant, promotes recombination efficiently but independently of chi and has no nucleolytic activity. Employing phage lambda red gam crosses, phage T4 2- survival measurements, and exoV assays, it is shown that E. coli cells in which RecBCD has extensive opportunity to interact with linear chi-containing DNA (produced by rolling circle replication of a plasmid with chi or by bleomycin-induced fragmentation of the cellular chromosome) acquire the phenotype of a recD mutant and maintain this for approximately 2 h. It is concluded that RecBCD is converted into RecBC during interaction with chi by irreversible inactivation of RecD. After conversion, the enzyme is released and initiates recombination on other DNA molecules in a chi-independent fashion. Overexpression of recD+ (from a plasmid) prevented the phenotypic change and providing RecD after the change restored chi-stimulated recombination. The observed recA+ dependence of the downregulation of exoV could explain the previously noted "reckless" DNA degradation of recA mutants. It is proposed that chi sites are regulatory elements for the RecBCD to RecBC switch and thereby function as cis- and trans-acting stimulators of RecBC-dependent recombination.


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Covalent attachment of the anticancer drugs temozolomide (Temodal) and mitozolomide to triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) is a potential way of targeting these alkylating agents to specific gene sequences to maximise site-selectivity. In this work, polypyrimidine TFO conjugates of both drugs were synthesised and targeted to duplex DNA in an attempt to effect site-specific alkylation of guanine residues. Concurrently, in an attempt to enhance the triple helix stability of TFOs at neutral pH, the thermal stabilities of triplexes formed from TFOs containing isoguanine, 2-O-benzyl- and 2-O-allyl-adenine were evaluated. A novel cleavage and deprotection procedure was developed which allowed for the solid phase synthesis of the base-sensitive TFO-drug conjugates using a recently developed silyl-linked controlled pore glass (SLCPG) support. Covalent attachment of either temozolomide or mitozolomide at the 5'-end of TFO conjugates caused no destabilisation of the triplexes studied. The synthesis of a phosphoramidite derivative of mitozolomide enabled direct incorporation of this reagent into a model sequence during DNA synthesis. After cleavage and deprotection of the TFO-drug conjugate, the 5'-end mitozolomide residue was found to have decomposed presumably as a result of ring-opening of the tetrazinone ring. The base-sensitive antibacterial and antitumour agent, metronidazole, was also successfully incorporated at the 5'-end of the oligonucleotide d(T8) using conventional methods. Two C2-substituted derivatives of 2'-deoxyadenosine containing 2-O-benzyl and 2-O-allyl groups were synthesised. Hydrogenolysis of the 2-O-benzyl analogue provided a useful route, amenable to scale-up, for the synthesis of the rare nucleoside 2'-deoxyisoguanosine (isoG). Both the 2-O-allyl and 2-O-benzyl derivatives were incorporated into TFO sequences using phosphoramidite methodology. Thermal melting experiments showed that the 2-O-allyl and 2-O-benzyl groups caused marked destabilisation of the triple helices studied, in contrast to hexose-DNA duplexes, where aralkyl substituents caused significant stabilisation of duplexes. TFOs containing isoG were synthesised by Pd(O)-catalysed deallylation of 2-0-allyl adenine residues. These sequences containing isoG, in its N3- or 02-H tautomeric form, formed triple helices which were equally as stable as those containing adenine.


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The chemistry used in key bond-forming steps to prepare nucleobases with designed patterns of hydrogen bonding is surveyed. Incorporation of the nucleobases into DNA and RNA oligomers is achieved either chemically using building blocks such as nucleoside phosphoramidites or enzymatically using nucleotide triphosphates. By varying the hydrogen bonding pattern within nucleobases, and by incorporating additional substituents, new structures have been designed that "reach over" so that contacts with both strands in targeted duplex DNA can be made in antigene strategies to control gene expression. Various new base-pairing systems have been evaluated that expand the genetic alphabet beyond Watson-Crick base pairs A.T and G.C. For example, benzo-homologated analogs of the natural DNA bases represent a new genetic set of orthogonal, size-expanded derivatives that have been shown to encode amino acids of a protein in a living organism.