989 resultados para DOUBLE-MUTANT CYCLES


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An important signaling pathway for the differentiation of T helper type 2 (TH2) cells from uncommitted CD4 T cell precursors is activation of the STAT6 transcription factor by interleukin 4 (IL-4). The protooncogene BCL-6 is also involved in TH2 differentiation, as BCL-6 −/− mice develop an inflammation of the heart and lungs associated with an overproduction of TH2 cells. Surprisingly, IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− and STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− double-mutant mice developed the same TH2-type inflammation of the heart and lungs as is characteristic of BCL-6 −/− mice. Furthermore, a TH2 cytokine response developed in STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− and IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− mice after immunization with a conventional antigen in adjuvant. In contrast to these in vivo findings, STAT6 was required for the in vitro differentiation of BCL-6 −/− T cells into TH2 cells. BCL-6, a transcriptional repressor that can bind to the same DNA binding motifs as STAT transcription factors, seems to regulate TH2 responses in vivo by a pathway independent of IL-4 and STAT6.


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Cysteine mutagenesis and site-directed spin labeling in the C-terminal region of rhodopsin have been used to probe the local structure and proximity of that region to the cytoplasmic loops. Each of the native amino acids in the sequence T335–T340 was replaced with Cys, one at a time. The sulfhydryl groups of all mutants reacted rapidly with the sulfhydryl reagent 4,4′-dithiodipyridine, which indicated a high degree of solvent accessibility. Furthermore, to probe the proximity relationships, a series of double Cys mutants was constructed. One Cys in all sets was at position 338 and the other was at a position in the sequence S240–V250 in the EF interhelical loop, at position 65 in the AB interhelical loop, or at position 140 in the CD interhelical loop. In the dark state, no significant disulfide formation was observed between C338 and C65 or C140 under the conditions used, whereas a relatively rapid disulfide formation was observed between C338 and C242 or C245. Spin labels in the double Cys mutants showed the strongest magnetic interactions between the nitroxides attached to C338 and C245 or C246. Light activation of the double mutant T242C/S338C resulted in slower disulfide formation, whereas interactions between nitroxides at C338 and C245 or C246 decreased. These results suggest the proximity of the C-terminal residue C338 to residues located on the outer face of a cytoplasmic helical extension of the F helix with an apparent increase of distance upon photoactivation.


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Visual transduction in Drosophila is a G protein-coupled phospholipase C-mediated process that leads to depolarization via activation of the transient receptor potential (TRP) calcium channel. Inactivation-no-afterpotential D (INAD) is an adaptor protein containing PDZ domains known to interact with TRP. Immunoprecipitation studies indicate that INAD also binds to eye-specific protein kinase C and the phospholipase C, no-receptor-potential A (NORPA). By overlay assay and site-directed mutagenesis we have defined the essential elements of the NORPA–INAD association and identified three critical residues in the C-terminal tail of NORPA that are required for the interaction. These residues, Phe-Cys-Ala, constitute a novel binding motif distinct from the sequences recognized by the PDZ domain in INAD. To evaluate the functional significance of the INAD–NORPA association in vivo, we generated transgenic flies expressing a modified NORPA, NORPAC1094S, that lacks the INAD interaction. The transgenic animals display a unique electroretinogram phenotype characterized by slow activation and prolonged deactivation. Double mutant analysis suggests a possible inaccessibility of eye-specific protein kinase C to NORPAC1094S, undermining the observed defective deactivation, and that delayed activation may similarly result from NORPAC1094S being unable to localize in close proximity to the TRP channel. We conclude that INAD acts as a scaffold protein that facilitates NORPA–TRP interactions required for gating of the TRP channel in photoreceptor cells.


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In many organisms nonsense mutations decrease the level of mRNA. In the case of mammalian cells, it is still controversial whether translation is required for this nonsense-mediated RNA decrease (NMD). Although previous analyzes have shown that conditions that impede translation termination at nonsense codons also prevent NMD, the residual level of termination was unknown in these experiments. Moreover, the conditions used to impede termination might also have interfered with NMD in other ways. Because of these uncertainties, we have tested the effects of limiting translation of a nonsense codon in a different way, using two mutations in the immunoglobulin μ heavy chain gene. For this purpose we exploited an exceptional nonsense mutation at codon 3, which efficiently terminates translation but nonetheless maintains a high level of μ mRNA. We have shown 1) that translation of Ter462 in the double mutant occurs at only ∼4% the normal frequency, and 2) that Ter462 in cis with Ter3 can induce NMD. That is, translation of Ter462 at this low (4%) frequency is sufficient to induce NMD.


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The class I myosins play important roles in controlling many different types of actin-based cell movements. Dictyostelium cells either lacking or overexpressing amoeboid myosin Is have significant defects in cortical activities such as pseudopod extension, cell migration, and macropinocytosis. The existence of Dictyostelium null mutants with strong phenotypic defects permits complementation analysis as a means of exploring important functional features of the myosin I heavy chain. Mutant Dictyostelium cells lacking two myosin Is exhibit profound defects in growth, endocytosis, and rearrangement of F-actin. Expression of the full-length myoB heavy chain in these cells fully rescues the double mutant defects. However, mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain in which a serine at the consensus phosphorylation site has been altered to an alanine or in which the C-terminal SH3 domain has been removed fail to complement the null phenotype. The wild-type and mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain appeared to be properly localized when they were expressed in the myosin I null mutants. These results suggest that the amoeboid myosin I consensus phosphorylation site and SH3 domains do not play a role in the localization of myosin I, but are absolutely required for in vivo function.


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CWH41, a gene involved in the assembly of cell wall β-1,6-glucan, has recently been shown to be the structural gene for Saccharomyces cerevisiae glucosidase I that is responsible for initiating the trimming of terminal α-1,2-glucose residue in the N-glycan processing pathway. To distinguish between a direct or indirect role of Cwh41p in the biosynthesis of β-1,6-glucan, we constructed a double mutant, alg5Δ (lacking dolichol-P-glucose synthase) cwh41Δ, and found that it has the same phenotype as the alg5Δ single mutant. It contains wild-type levels of cell wall β-1,6-glucan, shows moderate underglycosylation of N-linked glycoproteins, and grows at concentrations of Calcofluor White (which interferes with cell wall assembly) that are lethal to cwh41Δ single mutant. The strong genetic interactions of CWH41 with KRE6 and KRE1, two other genes involved in the β-1,6-glucan biosynthetic pathway, disappear in the absence of dolichol-P-glucose synthase (alg5Δ). The triple mutant alg5Δcwh41Δkre6Δ is viable, whereas the double mutant cwh41Δkre6Δ in the same genetic background is not. The severe slow growth phenotype and 75% reduction in cell wall β-1,6-glucan, characteristic of the cwh41Δkre1Δ double mutant, are not observed in the triple mutant alg5Δcwh41Δkre1Δ. Kre6p, a putative Golgi glucan synthase, is unstable in cwh41Δ strains, and its overexpression renders these cells Calcofluor White resistant. These results demonstrate that the role of glucosidase I (Cwh41p) in the biosynthesis of cell wall β-1,6-glucan is indirect and that dolichol-P-glucose is not an intermediate in this pathway.


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Topoisomerase II is able to break and rejoin double-strand DNA. It controls the topological state and forms and resolves knots and catenanes. Not much is known about the relation between the chromosome segregation and condensation defects as found in yeast top2 mutants and the role of topoisomerase II in meiosis. We studied meiosis in a heat-sensitive top2 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Topoisomerase II is not required until shortly before meiosis I. The enzyme is necessary for condensation shortly before the first meiotic division but not for early meiotic prophase condensation. DNA replication, prophase morphology, and dynamics of the linear elements are normal in the top2 mutant. The top2 cells are not able to perform meiosis I. Arrested cells have four spindle pole bodies and two spindles but only one nucleus, suggesting that the arrest is nonregulatory. Finally, we show that the arrest is partly solved in a top2 rec7 double mutant, indicating that topoisomerase II functions in the segregation of recombined chromosomes. We suggest that the inability to decatenate the replicated DNA is the primary defect in top2. This leads to a loss of chromatin condensation shortly before meiosis I, failure of sister chromatid separation, and a nonregulatory arrest.


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Although silencing is a significant form of transcriptional regulation, the functional and mechanistic limits of its conservation have not yet been established. We have identified the Schizosaccharomyces pombe hst4+ gene as a member of the SIR2/HST silencing gene family that is defined in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. hst4Δ mutants grow more slowly than wild-type cells and have abnormal morphology and fragmented DNA. Mutant strains show decreased silencing of reporter genes at both telomeres and centromeres. hst4+ appears to be important for centromere function as well because mutants have elevated chromosome-loss rates and are sensitive to a microtubule-destabilizing drug. Consistent with a role in chromatin structure, Hst4p localizes to the nucleus and appears concentrated in the nucleolus. hst4Δ mutant phenotypes, including growth and silencing phenotypes, are similar to those of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSTs, and at a molecular level, hst4+ is most similar to HST4. Furthermore, hst4+ is a functional homologue of S. cerevisiae HST3 and HST4 in that overexpression of hst4+ rescues the temperature-sensitivity and telomeric silencing defects of an hst3Δ hst4Δ double mutant. These results together demonstrate that a SIR-like silencing mechanism is conserved in the distantly related yeasts and is likely to be found in other organisms from prokaryotes to mammals.


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The conidiation rhythm in the fungus Neurospora crassa is a model system for investigating the genetics of circadian clocks. Null mutants at the frq (frequency) locus (frq9 and frq10) make no functional frq gene products and are arrhythmic under standard conditions. The white-collar strains (wc-1 and wc-2) are insensitive to most effects of light, and are also arrhythmic. All three genes are proposed to be central components of the circadian oscillator. We have been investigating two mutants, cel (chain-elongation) and chol-1 (choline-requirer), which are defective in lipid synthesis and affect the period and temperature compensation of the rhythm. We have constructed the double mutant strains chol-1 frq9, chol-1 frq10, chol-1 wc-1, chol-1 wc-2, cel frq9, cel frq10, and cel wc-2. We find that these double mutant strains are robustly rhythmic when assayed under lipid-deficient conditions, indicating that free-running rhythmicity does not require the frq, wc-1, or wc-2 gene products. The rhythms in the double mutant strains are similar to the cel and chol-1 parents, except that they are less sensitive to light. This suggests that the frq, wc-1, and wc-2 gene products may be components of a pathway that normally supplies input to a core oscillator to transduce light signals and sustain rhythmicity. This pathway can be bypassed when lipid metabolism is altered.


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Mutations in the human presenilin genes PS1 and PS2 cause early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Studies in Caenorhabditis elegans and in mice indicate that one function of presenilin genes is to facilitate Notch-pathway signaling. Notably, mutations in the C. elegans presenilin gene sel-12 reduce signaling through an activated version of the Notch receptor LIN-12. To investigate the function of a second C. elegans presenilin gene hop-1 and to examine possible genetic interactions between hop-1 and sel-12, we used a reverse genetic strategy to isolate deletion alleles of both loci. Animals bearing both hop-1 and sel-12 deletions displayed new phenotypes not observed in animals bearing either single deletion. These new phenotypes—germ-line proliferation defects, maternal-effect embryonic lethality, and somatic gonad defects—resemble those resulting from a reduction in signaling through the C. elegans Notch receptors GLP-1 and LIN-12. Thus SEL-12 and HOP-1 appear to function redundantly in promoting Notch-pathway signaling. Phenotypic analyses of hop-1 and sel-12 single and double mutant animals suggest that sel-12 provides more presenilin function than does hop-1.


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Two arginine residues, Arg-181 and Arg-268, are conserved throughout the known family of FMN-containing enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of α-hydroxyacids. In the lactate oxidase from Aerococcus viridans, these residues have been changed to lysine in two single mutations and in a double mutant form. In addition, Arg-181 has been replaced by methionine to determine the effect of removing the positive charge on the residue. The effects of these replacements on the kinetic and thermodynamic properties are reported. With all mutant forms, there are only small effects on the reactivity of the reduced flavin with oxygen. On the other hand, the efficiency of reduction of the oxidized flavin by l-lactate is greatly reduced, particularly with the R268K mutant forms. The results demonstrate the importance of the two arginine residues in the binding of substrate and its interaction with the flavin, and are consistent with a previous hypothesis that they also play a role of charge neutralization in the transition state of substrate dehydrogenation. The replacement of Arg-268 by lysine also results in a slow conversion of the 8-CH3- substituent of FMN to yield 8-formyl-FMN, still tightly bound to the enzyme, and with significantly different physical and chemical properties from those of the FMN-enzyme.


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A mutation in RPB5 (rpb5–9), an essential RNA polymerase subunit assembled into RNA polymerases I, II, and III, revealed a role for this subunit in transcriptional activation. Activation by GAL4-VP16 was impaired upon in vitro transcription with mutant whole-cell extracts. In vivo experiments using inducible reporter plasmids and Northern analysis support the in vitro data and demonstrate that RPB5 influences activation at some, but not all, promoters. Remarkably, this mutation maps to a conserved region of human RPB5 implicated by others to play a role in activation. Chimeric human-yeast RPB5 containing this conserved region now can function in place of its yeast counterpart. The defects noted with rpb5–9 are similar to those seen in truncation mutants of the RPB1-carboxyl terminal domain (CTD). We demonstrate that RPB5 and the RPB1-CTD have overlapping roles in activation because the double mutant is synthetically lethal and has exacerbated activation defects at the GAL1/10 promoter. These studies demonstrate that there are multiple activation targets in RNA polymerase II and that RPB5 and the CTD have similar roles in activation.


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Cytokines are critically important for the growth and development of a variety of cells. Janus kinases (JAKs) associate with cytokine receptors and are essential for transmitting downstream cytokine signals. However, the regulation of the enzymatic activity of the JAKs is not well understood. Here, we investigated the role of tyrosine phosphorylation of JAK3 in regulating its kinase activity by analyzing mutations of tyrosine residues within the putative activation loop of the kinase domain. Specifically, tyrosine residues 980 and 981 of JAK3 were mutated to phenylalanine individually or doubly. We found that JAK3 is autophosphorylated on multiple sites including Y980 and Y981. Compared with the activity of wild-type (WT) JAK3, mutant Y980F demonstrated markedly decreased kinase activity, and optimal phosphorylation of JAK3 on other sites was dependent on Y980 phosphorylation. The mutant Y980F also exhibited reduced phosphorylation of its substrates, γc and STAT5A. In contrast, mutant Y981F had greatly increased kinase activity, whereas the double mutant, YY980/981FF, had intermediate activity. These results indicate that Y980 positively regulates JAK3 kinase activity whereas Y981 negatively regulates JAK3 kinase activity. These observations in JAK3 are similar to the findings in the kinase that is closely related to the JAK family, ZAP-70; mutations of tyrosine residues within the putative activation loop of ZAP-70 also have opposing actions. Thus, it will be important to determine whether this feature of regulation is unique to JAK3 or if it is also a feature of other JAKs. Given the importance of JAKs and particularly JAK3, it will be critical to fully dissect the positive and negative regulatory function of these and other tyrosine residues in the control of kinase activity and hence cytokine signaling.


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Xanthophyll pigments have critical structural and functional roles in the photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes of algae and vascular plants. Genetic dissection of xanthophyll metabolism in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii revealed functions for specific xanthophylls in the nonradiative dissipation of excess absorbed light energy, measured as nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence. Mutants with a defect in either the α- or β-branch of carotenoid biosynthesis exhibited less nonphotochemical quenching but were still able to tolerate high light. In contrast, a double mutant that was defective in the synthesis of lutein, loroxanthin (α-carotene branch), zeaxanthin, and antheraxanthin (β-carotene branch) had almost no nonphotochemical quenching and was extremely sensitive to high light. These results strongly suggest that in addition to the xanthophyll cycle pigments (zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin), α-carotene-derived xanthophylls such as lutein, which are structural components of the subunits of the light-harvesting complexes, contribute to the dissipation of excess absorbed light energy and the protection of plants from photo-oxidative damage.


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Mnt, a tetrameric repressor encoded by bacteriophage P22, uses N-domain dimers to contact each half of its operator site. Experiments with a double mutant and structural homology with the P22 Arc repressor suggest that contacts made by Arg-28 and stabilized by Glu-33 are largely responsible for dimer–dimer cooperativity in Mnt. These dimer–dimer contacts are energetically more important for operator binding than solution tetramerization, which is mediated by an independent C-terminal coiled-coil domain. Indeed, once one dimer of the Mnt tetramer contacts an operator half site, binding of the second dimer occurs with an effective concentration much lower than that expected if both dimers were flexibly tethered. These results suggest that binding of the second dimer introduces some strain into the protein–DNA complex, a mechanism that could serve to limit the affinity of operator binding and to prevent strong binding of the Mnt tetramer to nonoperator sites.