982 resultados para DNA delivery


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In this present work we describe a poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticle formulation for intracellular delivery of plasmid DNA. This formulation was developed to encapsulate DNA within PLGA nanoparticles that combined salting out and emulsion evaporation processes. This process reduced the requirement for sonication which can induce degradation of the DNA. A monodispersed nanoparticle population with a mean diameter of approximately 240 nm was produced, entrapping a model plasmid DNA in both supercoiled and open circular structures. To induce endosomal escape of the nanoparticles, a superficial cationic charge was introduced using positively charged surfactants cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and dimethyldidodecylammonium bromide (DMAB), which resulted in elevated zeta potentials. As expected, both cationic coatings reduced cell viability, but at equivalent positive zeta potentials, the DMAB coated nanoparticles induced significantly less cytotoxicity than those coated with CTAB. Fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the DMAB coated cationic nanoparticles were able to evade the endosomal lumen and localise in the cytosol of treated cells. Consequently, DMAB coated PLGA nanoparticles loaded with a GFP reporter plasmid exhibited significant improvements in transfection efficiencies with comparison to non-modified particles, highlighting their functional usefulness. These nanoparticles may be useful in delivery of gene therapies to targeted cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During the delivery of advanced radiotherapy treatment techniques modulated beams are utilised to increase dose conformity across the target volume. Recent investigations have highlighted differential cellular responses to modulated radiation fields particularly in areas outside the primary treatment field that cannot be accounted for by scattered dose alone. In the present study, we determined the DNA damage response within the normal human fibroblast AG0-1522B and the prostate cancer cell line DU-145 utilising the DNA damage assay. Cells plated in slide flasks were exposed to 1 Gy uniform or modulated radiation fields. Modulated fields were delivered by shielding 25%, 50% or 75% of the flask during irradiation. The average number of 53BP1 or ?H2AX foci was measured in 2 mm intervals across the slide area. Following 30 minutes after modulated radiation field exposure an increase in the average number of foci out-of-field was observed when compared to non-irradiated controls. In-field, a non-uniform response was observed with a significant decrease in the average number of foci compared to uniformly irradiated cells. Following 24 hrs after exposure there is evidence for two populations of responding cells to bystander signals in-and out-of-field. There was no significant difference in DNA damage response between 25%, 50% or 75% modulated fields. The response was dependent on cellular secreted intercellular signalling as physical inhibition of intercellular communication abrogated the observed response. Elevated residual DNA damage observed within out-of-field regions decreased following addition of an inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (Aminoguanidine). These data show, for the first time, differential DNA damage responses in-and out-of-field following modulated radiation field delivery. This study provides further evidence for a role of intercellular communication in mediating cellular radiobiological response to modulated radiation fields and may inform the refinement of existing radiobiological models for the optimization of advanced radiotherapy treatment plans. © 2012 Trainor et al.


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Recent progress in plasma science and technology has enabled the development of a new generation of stable cold non-equilibrium plasmas operating at ambient atmospheric pressure. This opens horizons for new plasma technologies, in particular in the emerging field of plasma medicine. These non-equilibrium plasmas are very efficient sources for energy transport through reactive neutral particles (radicals and metastables), charged particles (ions and electrons), UV radiation, and electro-magnetic fields. The effect of a cold radio frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on plasmid DNA has been investigated. The formation of double strand breaks correlates well with the atomic oxygen density. Taken with other measurements, this indicates that neutral components in the jet are effective in inducing double strand breaks. Plasma manipulation techniques for controlled energy delivery are highly desirable. Numerical simulations are employed for detailed investigations of the electron dynamics, which determines the generation of reactive species. New concepts based on nonlinear power dissipation promise superior strategies to control energy transport for tailored technological exploitations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Gene therapy has the potential to provide safe and targeted therapies for a variety of diseases. A range of intracellular gene delivery vehicles have been proposed for this purpose. Non-viral vectors are a particularly attractive option and among them cationic peptides have emerged as promising candidates. For the pharmaceutical formulation and application to clinical studies it is necessary to quantify the amount of pDNA condensed with the delivery system. There is a severe deficiency in this area, thus far no methods have been reported specifically for pDNA condensed with cationic peptide to form nanoparticles. The current study seeks to address this and describes the evaluation of a range of disruption agents to extract DNA from nanoparticles formed by condensation with cationic fusogenic peptides RALA and KALA. Only proteinase K exhibited efficient and reproducible results and compatibility with the PicoGreen reagent based quantification assay. Thus we report for the first time a simple and reliable method that can quantify the pDNA content in pDNA cationic peptide nanoparticles.


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The design of a non-viral gene delivery vehicle capable of delivering and releasing a functional nucleic acid cargo intracellularly remains a formidable challenge. For systemic gene therapy to be successful a delivery vehicle is required that protects the nucleic acid cargo from enzymatic degradation, extravasates from the vasculature, traverses the cell membrane, disrupts the endosomal vesicles and unloads the cargo at its destination site, namely the nucleus for the purposes of gene delivery. This manuscript reports the extensive investigation of a novel amphipathic peptide composed of repeating RALA units capable of overcoming the biological barriers to gene delivery both in vitro and in vivo. Our data demonstrates the spontaneous self-assembly of cationic DNA-loaded nanoparticles when the peptide is complexed with pDNA. Nanoparticles were < 100 nm, were stable in the presence of serum and were fusogenic in nature, with increased peptide α-helicity at a lower pH. Nanoparticles proved to be non-cytotoxic, readily traversed the plasma membrane of both cancer and fibroblast cell lines and elicited reporter-gene expression following intravenous delivery in vivo. The results of this study indicate that RALA presents an exciting delivery platform for the systemic delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics.


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This paper describes the application of gene delivery vectors based on connecting together two well-defined low-generation poly(L-lysine) (PLL) dendrons using a disulfide-containing linker unit. We report that the transfection ability of these vectors in their own right is relatively low, because the low-generation number limits the endosomal buffering capacity. Importantly, however, we demonstrate that when applied in combination with Lipofectamine 2000 (TM), a vector from the cationic lipid family, these small cationic additives significantly enhance the levels of gene delivery (up to four-fold). Notably, the cationic additives have no effect on the levels of transfection observed with a cationic polymer, such as DEAE dextran. We therefore argue that the synergistic effects observed with Lipofectamine 2000 (TM) arise as a result of combining the delivery advantages of two different classes of vector within a single formulation, with our dendritic additives providing a degree of pH buffering within the endosome. As such, the data we present indicate that small dendritic structures, although previously largely overlooked for gene delivery owing to their inability to transfect in their own right, may actually be useful well-defined additives to well-established vector systems in order to enhance the gene delivery payload.


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The cell-specific delivery of polynucleic acids (e.g., DNA, RNA), gene therapy, has the potential to treat various diseases. In this chapter we discuss the use of organic electronic materials as non-viral gene delivery vectors and the great potential for electrochemically triggered gene delivery. We highlight some examples in this chapter based on fullerenes (bucky balls and carbon nanotubes), graphenes and electroactive polymers, particularly those that include experiments in vivo.


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Aims: RALA is a novel 30 mer bioinspired amphipathic peptide that is showing promise for gene delivery. Here, we used RALA to deliver the FK506-binding protein like – FKBPL gene (pFKBPL) – a novel member of the immunophilin protein family. FKBPL is a secreted protein, with overexpression shown to inhibit angiogenesis, tumor growth and stemness, through a variety of intra- and extracellular signaling mechanisms. We also elucidated proangiogenic activity and stemness after utilizing RALA to deliver siRNA (siFKBPL). Materials & methods: The RALA/pFKBPL and RALA/siFKBPL nanoparticles were characterized in terms of size, charge, stability and toxicity. Overexpression and knockdown of FKBPL was assessed in vitro and in vivo. Results: RALA delivered both pFKBPL and siFKBPL with less cytotoxicity than commercially available counterparts. In vivo, RALA/pFKBPL delivery retarded tumor growth, and prolonged survival with an associated decrease in angiogenesis, while RALA/siFKBPL had no effect on tumor growth rate or survival, but resulted in an increase in angiogenesis and stemness. Conclusion: RALA is an effective delivery system for both FKBPL DNA and RNAi and highlights an alternative therapeutic approach to harnessing FKBPL's antiangiogenic and antistemness activity.


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We report the formulation of novel composite nanoparticles that combine the high transfection efficiency of cationic peptide-DNA nanoparticles with the biocompatibility and prolonged delivery of polylactic acid–polyethylene glycol (PLA-PEG). The cationic cell-penetrating peptide RALA was used to condense DNA into nanoparticles that were encapsulated within a range of PLA-PEG copolymers. The composite nanoparticles produced exhibited excellent physicochemical properties including size <200 nm and encapsulation efficiency >80%. Images of the composite nanoparticles obtained with a new transmission electron microscopy staining method revealed the peptide-DNA nanoparticles within the PLA-PEG matrix. Varying the copolymers modulated the DNA release rate >6 weeks in vitro. The best formulation was selected and was able to transfect cells while maintaining viability. The effect of transferrin-appended composite nanoparticles was also studied. Thus, we have demonstrated the manufacture of composite nanoparticles for the controlled delivery of DNA.


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Designer biopolymers (DBPs) represent state of the art genetically engineered biomacromolecules designed to condense plasmid DNA, and overcome intra- and extra- cellular barriers to gene delivery. Three DBPs were synthesized, each with the tumor molecular targeting peptide-1 (TMTP-1) motif to specifically target metastases. Each DBP was complexed with a pEGFP-N1 reporter plasmid to permit physiochemical and biological assay analysis. Results indicated that two of the biopolymers (RMHT and RM3GT) effectively condensed pEGFP-N1 into cationic nanoparticles< 100nm and were capable of transfecting PC-3 metastatic prostate cancer cells. Conversely the anionic RMGT DBP nanoparticles could not transfect PC-3 cells. RMHT and RM3GT nanoparticles were stable in the presence of serum and protected the cargo from degradation. Additionally it was concluded that cell viability could recover post-transfection with these DBPs, which were less toxic than the commercially available transfection reagent Lipofectamine® 2000. With both DBPs, a higher transfection efficacy was observed in PC-3 cells than in the moderately metastatic, DU145, and normal, PNT2-C2, cell lines. Blocking of the TMTP-1 receptors inhibited gene transfer indicating internalization via this receptor. In conclusion RMHT and RM3GT are fully functional DBPs that address major obstacles to gene delivery and target metastatic cells expressing the TMTP-1 receptor.


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Ocular pathologies are among the most debilitating medical conditions affecting all segments of the population. Traditional treatment options are often ineffective, and gene therapy has the potential to become an alternative approach for the treatment of several pathologies. Methacrylate polymers have been described as highly biocompatible and are successfully used in medical applications. Due to their cationic nature, these polymers can be used to form polyplexes with DNA for its delivery. This work aims to study the potential of PDMAEMA (poly(2-(N,N’-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)) as a non viral gene delivery system to the retina. The first part of this work aimed to study the potential for gene delivery of a previously synthesized PDMAEMA polymer of high molecular weight (354kDa). In the second part, we synthesized by RAFT a PDMAEMA with a lower molecular weight (103.3kDa) and similarly, evaluated its ability to act as a gene delivery vehicle. PDMAEMA/DNA polyplexes were prepared at 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 20 nitrogen/phosphorous (N/P) ratio for the 354kDa PDMAEMA and at 5 and 7.5 for the 103.3kDa PDMAEMA. Dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements confirmed the nanosize and positive charge of polyplexes for all ratios and for both polymers. Both high and low Mw PDMAEMA were able to efficiently complex and protect DNA from DNase I degradation. Their cytotoxicity was evaluated using a non-retinal cell line (HEK293) and a retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cell line (D407). We have found that cytotoxicity of the free polymer is concentration and time dependent, as expected, and negligible for all the concentrations of the PDMAEMA-DNA polyplexes. Furthermore, for the concentrations to be used in vivo, the 354kDa PDMAEMA showed no signs of inflammation upon injection in the intravitreal space of C57BL/6 mice. The transfection efficiency, as evaluated by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, showed that the D407 retinal cells were transfected by polyplexes of both high and low Mw PDMAEMA, but with varied efficiency, which was dependent on the N/P ratio. Althogether, these results suggest that PDMAEMA is a feasible candidate for non-viral gene delivery to the retina, and this work constitutes the basis of further studies to elucidate the bottleneck in transfection and further optimization of the material.


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ABSTRACT Recombinant adenoviruses are currently under intense investigation as potential gene delivery and gene expression vectors with applications in human and veterinary medicine. As part of our efforts to develop a bovine adenovirus type 2 (BAV2) based vector system, the nucleotide sequence of BAV2 was determined. Sixty-six open reading frames (ORFs) were found with the potential to encode polypeptides that were at least 50 amino acid (aa) residue long. Thirty-one of the BAV2 polypeptide sequences were found to share homology to already identified adenovirus proteins. The arrangement of the genes revealed that the BAV2 genomic organization closely resembles that of well-characterized human adenoviruses. In the course of this study, continuous propagation of BAV2 over many generations in cell culture resulted in the isolation of a BAV2 spontaneous mutant in which the E3 region was deleted. Restriction enzyme, sequencing and PCR analyses produced concordant results that precisely located the deletion and revealed that its size was exactly 1299 bp. The E3-deleted virus was plaque-purified and further propagated in cell culture. It appeared that the replication of such a virus lacking a portion of the E3 region was not affected, at least in cell culture. Attempts to rescue a recombinant BAV2 virus with the bacterial kanamycin resistance gene in the E3 region yielded a candidate as verified with extensive Southern blotting and PCR analyses. Attempts to purify the recombinant virus were not successful, suggesting that such recombinant BAV2 was helper-dependent. Ten clones containing full-length BAV2 genomes in a pWE15 cosmid vector were constructed. The infectivity of these constructs was tested by using different transfection methods. The BAV2 genomic clones did appear to be infectious only after extended incubation period. This may be due to limitations of various transfection methods tested, or biological differences between virus- and E. co//-derived BAV2 DNA.


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A targeted, stimuli-responsive, polymeric drug delivery vehicle is being developed in our lab to help alleviate severe side-effects caused by narrow therapeutic window drugs. Targeting specific cell types or organs via proteins, specifically, lectin-mediated targeting holds potential due to the high specificity and affinity of receptor-ligand interactions, rapid internalization, and relative ease of processing. Dextran, a commercially available, biodegradable polymer has been conjugated to doxorubicin and galactosamine to target hepatocytes in a three-step, one-pot synthesis. The loading of doxorubicin and galactose on the conjugates was determined by absorbance at 485 nm and elemental analysis, respectively. Conjugation efficiency based on the amount loaded of each reactant varies from 20% to 50% for doxorubicin and from 2% to 20% for galactosamine. Doxorubicin has also been attached to dextran through an acid-labile hydrazide bond. Doxorubicin acts by intercalating with DNA in the nuclei of cells. The fluorescence of doxorubicin is quenched when it binds to DNA. This allows a fluorescence-based cell-free assay to evaluate the efficacy of the polymer conjugates where we measure the fluorescence of doxorubicin and the conjugates in increasing concentrations of calf thymus DNA. Fluorescence quenching indicates that our conjugates can bind to DNA. The degree of binding increases with polymer molecular weight and substitution of doxorubicin. In cell culture experiments with hepatocytes, the relative uptake of polymer conjugates was evaluated using flow cytometry, and the killing efficiency was determined using the MTT cell proliferation assay. We have found that conjugate uptake is much lower than that of free doxorubicin. Lower uptake of conjugates may increase the maximum dose of drug tolerated by the body. Also, non-galactosylated conjugate uptake is lower than that of the galactosylated conjugate. Microscopy indicates that doxorubicin localizes almost exclusively at the nucleus, whereas the conjugates are present throughout the cell. Doxorubicin linked to dextran through a hydrazide bond was used to achieve improved killing efficiency. Following uptake, the doxorubicin dissociates from the polymer in an endosomal compartment and diffuses to the nucleus. The LC₅₀ of covalently linked doxorubicin is 7.4 μg/mL, whereas that of hydrazide linked doxorubicin is 4.4 μg/mL.


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Small interfering RNA (siRNA), antisense oligonucleotides (ODNs), ribozymes and DNAzymes have emerged as sequence-specific inhibitors of gene expression that may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Due to their rapid degradation in vivo, the efficacy of naked gene silencing nucleic acids is relatively short lived. The entrapment of these nucleic acids within biodegradable sustained-release delivery systems may improve their stability and reduce the doses required for efficacy. In this study, we have evaluated the potential in vitro and in vivo use of biodegradable poly (d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) copolymer (PLGA) microspheres as sustained delivery devices for ODNs, ribozyme, siRNA and DNA enzymes. In addition, we investigated the release of ODN conjugates bearing 5′-end lipophilic groups. The in vitro sustained release profiles of microsphere-entrapped nucleic acids were dependent on variables such as the type of nucleic acid used, the nature of the lipophilic group, and whether the nucleic acid used was single or double stranded. For in vivo studies, whole body autoradiography was used to monitor the bio-distribution of either free tritium-labelled ODN or that entrapped within PLGA microspheres following subcutaneous administration in Balb-c mice. The majority of the radioactivity associated with free ODN was eliminated within 24 h whereas polymer-released ODN persisted in organs and at the site of administration even after seven days post-administration. Polymer microsphere released ODN exhibited a similar tissue and cellular tropism to the free ODN. Micro-autoradiography analyses of the liver and kidneys showed similar bio-distribution for polymer-released and free ODNs with the majority of radioactivity being concentrated in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney and in the Kupffer cells of the liver. These findings suggest that biodegradable PLGA microspheres offer a method for improving the in vivo sustained delivery of gene silencing nucleic acids, and hence are worthy of further investigation as delivery systems for these macromolecules.


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Branched polyethylenimine (25 kDa) is thiolated and compared with redox-sensitive crosslinked derivatives. Both polymers thiol contents are assessed; the thiolated polymers have 390–2300 mmol SH groups/mol, whereas the crosslinked polymers have lower thiol contents. Cytotoxicity assays show that both modified polymers give lower hemolysis than unmodified PEI. Increased thiol content increases gene transfer efficiency but also elevates cytotoxicity. Crosslinking improves plasmid DNA condensation and enhances transfection efficiency, but extensive crosslinking overstabilizes the polyplexes and decreases transfection, emphasizing the need to balance polyplex stabilization and unpacking. Thus, at low levels of crosslinking, 25 kDa PEI can be an efficient redox-sensitive carrier system.