Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Biomedical Engineering Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (área de especialização em Química)
"Series title: Springerbriefs in applied sciences and technology, ISSN 2191-530X"
Pete Johnston fa un repàs del què poden representar els desenvolupaments recents en el camp de la formació electrònica per als professionals que es fan càrrec dels recursos d'informació requerits com a suport a l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge.
The paper uses a regional input-output (IO) framework and data derived on waste generation by industry to examine regional accountability for waste generation. In addition to estimating a series of industry output-waste coefficients, the paper considers two methods for waste attribution but focuses first on one (trade endogenised linear attribution system (TELAS)) that permits a greater focus on private and public final consumption as the main exogenous driver of waste generation. Second, the paper uses a domestic technology assumption (DTA) to consider a regional ‘waste footprint’ where local consumption requirements are assumed to be met through domestic production.
The present paper analyzes the extent to which attractiveness-related variables affect cooperative behavior in women. Cooperativeness is evaluated through a Prisoner's Dilemma Game (PDG). We consider several morphometric variables related to attractiveness: Fluctuating Asymmetry (FA), Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Facial Femininity (FF). These variables have been shown to predict human behavior. We also include as a control variable a score for Self-Perceived Attractiveness (SPA). We test differences in these variables according to behavior in the PDG. Our results reveal that low FA women cooperate less frequently in the PDG. We also find that women with lower WHR are more cooperative. This result contradicts the expected relation between WHR and behavior in the PDG. We show that this effect of WHR on cooperation operates through its influence on the expectation that participants hold on the cooperative intent of their counterpart. In addition, we show that the effect of attractive features on cooperation occurs independently of the participants' perception of their own appeal. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of the evolution of cooperative behavior and under the hypothesis that attractiveness is a reliable indicator of phenotypic quality.
In the present paper, we study the geometric discrepancy with respect to families of rotated rectangles. The well-known extremal cases are the axis-parallel rectangles (logarithmic discrepancy) and rectangles rotated in all possible directions (polynomial discrepancy). We study several intermediate situations: lacunary sequences of directions, lacunary sets of finite order, and sets with small Minkowski dimension. In each of these cases, extensions of a lemma due to Davenport allow us to construct appropriate rotations of the integer lattice which yield small discrepancy.
En aquest treball, s’ha dissenyat un mòdul d’acondicionament a fi de millorar les mesures de conductivitat realitzades amb un AFM (Microscopi de Forces Atòmiques). L’equip actual disposa d’un preamplificador de baix soroll amb un guany de 10 10V/A. Donat que els corrents que es pretenen mesurar són extremadament petits (~pA), s’ha dissenyat un filtre per eliminar diferents fonts de soroll, com ara el soroll que introdueix la xarxa elèctrica a 50Hz. Es pretén reduir aquesta component freqüencial un factor mínim de 10 (20dB). També s’ha afegit un filtre passa baixos per eliminar els soroll que es troba fora de l’amplada de banda del preamplificador. S’ha introduït una etapa d’amplificació de guany variable: 1, 10 i 100 per augmentar la flexibilitat de l’equip i finalment també s’ha dissenyat una etapa per eliminar la tensió d’offset d’aquest amplificador. L’abast del treball anirà des del disseny fins la implementació final sobre una placa PCB.
We have initiated a gene discovery program in Schistosoma mansoni based on the technique of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), i.e. partial sequences of cDNAs obtained from single passes in automatic DNA sequencers. ESTs can be used to identify genese onf the basis of their homology whith sequences from other species deposited in DNA or protein databases. Trasncripts with sequences without matches in teh databases may represent novel parasite-specific genes. This approach has shown to be very efficient and in less than two years a broad range of novel genes has already been ascertained, more than doubling the number of known S. mansoni genes.
A Protocol for Ensuring Equitable Access to Health and Social Care Services
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Darmouth College, from august 2007 until february 2008. It has been very successful, from different viewpoints: scientific, philosophical, human. We have definitely advanced, during the past six months, towards the comprehension of the behaviour of the fluctuations of the quantum vacuum in the presence of boundaries, moving and non-moving, and also in situations where the topology of space-time changes: the dynamical Casimir effect, regularization problems, particle creation statistics, according to different BC, etc. We have solved some longstanding problems and got in this subject quite remarkable results (as we will explain in more detail below). We also pursued a general approach towards a viable modified f(R) gravity in both the Jordan and the Einstein frames (which are known to be mathematically equivalent, but physically not so). A class of exponential, realistic modified gravities has been introduced by us and investigated with care. Special focus was made on step-class models, most promising from the phenomenological viewpoint and which provide a natural way to classify all viable modified gravities. One- and two-steps models were considered, but the analysis is extensible to N-step models. Both inflation in the early universe and the onset of recent accelerated expansion arise in these models in a natural, unified way, what makes them very promising. Moreover, it is monstrated in our work that models in this category easily pass all local tests, including stability of spherical body solution, non-violation of Newton's law, and generation of a very heavy positive mass for the additional scalar degree of freedom.
Human organism is interpenetrated by the world of microorganisms, from the conception until the death. This interpenetration involves different levels of interactions between the partners including trophic exchanges, bi-directional cell signaling and gene activation, besides genetic and epigenetic phenomena, and tends towards mutual adaptation and coevolution. Since these processes are critical for the survival of individuals and species, they rely on the existence of a complex organization of adaptive systems aiming at two apparently conflicting purposes: the maintenance of the internal coherence of each partner, and a mutually advantageous coexistence and progressive adaptation between them. Humans possess three adaptive systems: the nervous, the endocrine and the immune system, each internally organized into subsystems functionally connected by intraconnections, to maintain the internal coherence of the system. The three adaptive systems aim at the maintenance of the internal coherence of the organism and are functionally linked by interconnections, in such way that what happens to one is immediately sensed by the others. The different communities of infectious agents that live within the organism are also organized into functional networks. The members of each community are linked by intraconnections, represented by the mutual trophic, metabolic and other influences, while the different infectious communities affect each other through interconnections. Furthermore, by means of its adaptive systems, the organism influences and is influenced by the microbial communities through the existence of transconnections. It is proposed that these highly complex and dynamic networks, involving gene exchange and epigenetic phenomena, represent major coevolutionary forces for humans and microorganisms.
This handbook has been developed within the context of the institutional structures recommended under the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 and within the overall framework of the National Social Inclusion Plan 2007-2016. It sets out the role of the Drugs Task Forces within the national and local framework required to address the existing and emerging problems associated with drug use for individuals, families and communities in the context of the long term development of the work of the Drugs Task Forces.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.