991 resultados para DIRECT-INJECTION


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Combining data from multiple analytical platforms is essential for comprehensive study of the molecular phenotype (metabotype) of a given biological sample. The metabolite profiles generated are intrinsically dependent on the analytical platforms, each requiring optimization of instrumental parameters, separation conditions, and sample extraction to deliver maximal biological information. An in-depth evaluation of extraction protocols for characterizing the metabolome of the hepatobiliary fluke Fasciola hepatica, using ultra performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis coupled with mass spectroscopy is presented. The spectrometric methods were characterized by performance, and metrics of merit were established, including precision, mass accuracy, selectivity, sensitivity, and platform stability. Although a core group of molecules was common to all methods, each platform contributed a unique set, whereby 142 metabolites out of 14,724 features were identified. A mixture design revealed that the chloroform:methanol:water proportion of 15:59:26 was globally the best composition for metabolite extraction across UPLC-MS and CE-MS platforms accommodating different columns and ionization modes. Despite the general assumption of the necessity of platform-adapted protocols for achieving effective metabotype characterization, we show that an appropriately designed single extraction procedure is able to fit the requirements of all technologies. This may constitute a paradigm shift in developing efficient protocols for high-throughput metabolite profiling with more-general analytical applicability.


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In gasoline Port Fuel Injection (PFI) and Direct Injection (GDI) internal combustion engines, the liquid fuel might be injected into a gaseous ambient in a superheated state, resulting in flash boiling of the fuel. The importance to investigate and predict such a process is due to the influence it has on the liquid fuel atomization and vaporization and thus on combustion, with direct implications on engine performances and exhaust gas emissions. The topic of the present PhD research involves the numerical analysis of the behaviour of the superheated fuel during the injection process, in high pressure injection systems like the ones equipping GDI engines. Particular emphasis is on the investigation of the effects of the fuel superheating degree on atomization dynamics and spray characteristics. The present work is a look at the flash evaporation and flash boiling modeling, from an engineering point of view, addressed to keep the complex physics involved as simple as possible, however capturing the main characteristics of a superheated fuel injection.


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Hydrothermal fluids are a fundamental resource for understanding and monitoring volcanic and non-volcanic systems. This thesis is focused on the study of hydrothermal system through numerical modeling with the geothermal simulator TOUGH2. Several simulations are presented, and geophysical and geochemical observables, arising from fluids circulation, are analyzed in detail throughout the thesis. In a volcanic setting, fluids feeding fumaroles and hot spring may play a key role in the hazard evaluation. The evolution of the fluids circulation is caused by a strong interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal systems. A simultaneous analysis of different geophysical and geochemical observables is a sound approach for interpreting monitored data and to infer a consistent conceptual model. Analyzed observables are ground displacement, gravity changes, electrical conductivity, amount, composition and temperature of the emitted gases at surface, and extent of degassing area. Results highlight the different temporal response of the considered observables, as well as the different radial pattern of variation. However, magnitude, temporal response and radial pattern of these signals depend not only on the evolution of fluid circulation, but a main role is played by the considered rock properties. Numerical simulations highlight differences that arise from the assumption of different permeabilities, for both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Rock properties affect hydrothermal fluid circulation, controlling both the range of variation and the temporal evolution of the observable signals. Low temperature fumaroles and low discharge rate may be affected by atmospheric conditions. Detailed parametric simulations were performed, aimed to understand the effects of system properties, such as permeability and gas reservoir overpressure, on diffuse degassing when air temperature and barometric pressure changes are applied to the ground surface. Hydrothermal circulation, however, is not only a characteristic of volcanic system. Hot fluids may be involved in several mankind problems, such as studies on geothermal engineering, nuclear waste propagation in porous medium, and Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS). The current concept for large-scale GCS is the direct injection of supercritical carbon dioxide into deep geological formations which typically contain brine. Upward displacement of such brine from deep reservoirs driven by pressure increases resulting from carbon dioxide injection may occur through abandoned wells, permeable faults or permeable channels. Brine intrusion into aquifers may degrade groundwater resources. Numerical results show that pressure rise drives dense water up to the conduits, and does not necessarily result in continuous flow. Rather, overpressure leads to new hydrostatic equilibrium if fluids are initially density stratified. If warm and salty fluid does not cool passing through the conduit, an oscillatory solution is then possible. Parameter studies delineate steady-state (static) and oscillatory solutions.


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Le cardiomiopatie che insorgono a seguito di infarto miocardico sono causa di elevata morbilità e mortalità dalle importanti ricadute cliniche, dovute alle patologie insorgenti a seguito dell’ischemia e della cicatrice post-infatuale. Il ventricolo sinistro danneggiato va incontro a un rimodellamento progressivo, con perdita di cardiomiociti e proliferazione dei fibroblasti, risultante in un’architettura e in una funzionalità dell’organo distorta. I fibroblasti cardiaci sono i principali responsabili della fibrosi, il processo di cicatrizzazione caratterizzato da un’eccessiva deposizione di matrice extracellulare (ECM). Negli ultimi anni gli sforzi del nostro laboratorio sono stati volti a cercare di risolvere questo problema, attraverso l’uso di una molecola da noi sintetizzata, un estere misto degli acidi butirrico, retinoico e ialuronico, HBR, capace di commissionare le cellule staminali in senso cardio-vascolare. Studi in vivo mostrano come l’iniezione diretta di HBR in cuori di animali sottoposti a infarto sperimentale, sia in grado, tra le atre cose, di diminuire la fibrosi cardiaca. Sulla base di questa evidenza abbiamo cercato di capire come e se HBR agisse direttamente sui fibroblasti, indagando i meccanismi coinvolti nella riduzione della fibrosi in vivo.. In questa tesi abbiamo dimostrato come HBR abbia un’azione diretta su fibroblasti, inibendone la proliferazione, senza effetti citotossici. Inoltre HBR induce una significativa riduzione della deposizione di collagene.. HBR agisce sull’espressione genica e sulla sintesi proteica, sopprimendo la trascrizione dei geni del collagene, così come dell’a-sma, inibendo la trasizione fibroblasti-miofibroblasti, e promuovendo la vasculogenesi (attraverso VEGF), la chemoattrazione di cellule staminali (attraverso SDF) e un’attività antifibrotica (inibendo CTGF). HBR sembra modulare l’espressione genica agendo direttamente sulle HDAC, probabilmente grazie alla subunità BU. L’abilità di HBR di ridurre la fibrosi post-infartuale, come dimostrato dai nostri studi in vivo ed in vitro, apre la strada a importanti prospettive terapeutiche.


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Cell therapies have gained increasing interest and developed in several approaches related to the treatment of damaged myocardium. The results of multiple clinical trials have already been reported, almost exclusively involving the direct injection of stem cells. It has, however, been postulated that the efficiency of injected cells could possibly be hindered by the mechanical trauma due to the injection and their low survival in the hostile environment. It has indeed been demonstrated that cell mortality due to the injection approaches 90%. Major issues still need to be resolved and bed-to-bench followup is paramount to foster clinical implementations. The tissue engineering approach thus constitutes an attractive alternative since it provides the opportunity to deliver a large number of cells that are already organized in an extracellular matrix. Recent laboratory reports confirmed the interest of this approach and already encouraged a few groups to investigate it in clinical studies. We discuss current knowledge regarding engineered tissue for myocardial repair or replacement and in particular the recent implementation of nanotechnological approaches.


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A 2007 Cummins ISL 8.9L direct-injection common rail diesel engine rated at 272 kW (365 hp) and 317 kW (425 hp) was used to load the filter to 2.2 g/L and passively oxidize particulate matter (PM) within an aftertreatment system consisting of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and catalyzed particulate filter (CPF). The tests conducted with the engine rated at 365 hp used a 2007 DOC and CPF. The tests conducted with the engine rated at 425 hp used a 2010 DOC and 2007 CPF. Understanding the passive NO2 oxidation kinetics of PM within the CPF allows for reducing the frequency of active regenerations (hydrocarbon injection) and the associated fuel penalties. Modeling the passive oxidation of accumulated PM in the CPF will lead to creating accurate state estimation strategies. The MTU 1-D CPF model will be used to simulate data collected from this study to examine differences in the PM oxidation kinetics when soy methyl ester (SME) biodiesel is used as the source of fuel for the engine, and when the engine is operated at a higher power rating. A test procedure developed by Hutton et al. [1, 2] was modified to improve the ability to model the experimental data and provide additional insight into passively oxidized PM in a partially regenerated CPF. A test procedure was developed to allow PM oxidation rates by NO2 to be determined from engine test cell data. An experimental matrix consisting of CPF inlet temperatures from 250 to 450 °C with varying NOX/PM from 25 to 583and NO2/PM ratios from 5 to 240 was used. SME biodiesel was volumetrically blended with ULSD in 10% (B10) and 20% (B20) portions. This blended fuel was then used to evaluate the effect of biodiesel on passive oxidation rates. Four tests were performed with B10 and four tests with B20. Gathering data to determine the effect of fuel type (ULSD and biodiesel blends) on PM oxidation is the primary goal. The engine used for this testing was then configured to a higher power rating and one of the tests planned was performed. Additional testing is scheduled to take place with ULSD fuel to determine the affect the engine rating has on the PM oxidation. The experimental reaction rates during passive oxidation varied based upon the average CPF temperature, NO2 concentrations, and the NOX/PM ratios for each engine rating and with all fuels. The data analysis requires a high fidelity model that includes NO2 and thermal oxidation mechanisms and back diffusion to determine the details of the PM oxidation process.


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