919 resultados para DINUCLEAR COMPLEXES


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El treball de tesi s'emmarca dins del camp de la bioinorgànica, disciplina que estudia les propietats estructurals i de reactivitat dels centres actius dels enzims, servint-se de models síntètics de baix pes molecular per tal d'intentar reproduïr la reactivitat presentada per l'enzim i conèixer els mecanismes de reacció a nivell molecular que tenen lloc en els processos biològics.1 Més concretament el treball posa especial èmfasi en els processos d'activació d'oxigen molecular que tenen lloc en les metaloproteïnes de Coure del Tipus 3, com són l'hemocianina i la tirosinasa, ambdues presentant un complex dinuclear de Cu(I)) en el centre actiu de la forma reduïda, capaç d'activar l'O2 cap a espècies de tipus peròxid.2 Un altre camp d'interès ha estat l'estudi dels processos d'activació d'enllaços C-H no activats en hidrocarburs, tant per la seva importàcia a nivell industrial com per comprendre els mecanismes intrínsecs d'aquesta activació a través de metalls de trancisió.3,4 Durant el treball de tesi presentat s'ha desenvolupat la síntesi de nous complexes de Coure(I), Coure(II) y Cu(III) utilitzant lligands macrocíclics de tipus triaza i hexaaza, i s'han estudiat la seves propietats estructurals així com la seva reactivitat. La reacció dels lligands triazacíclics H32m, H2Me33m i H33m amb sals de coure(II) dóna lloc a una reacció de desproporció de Cu(II) per obtenir-se en quantitats equimolars un complex organometàl·lic de Cu(III) i un complex de Cu(I). La caracterizació estructural exhaustiva dels complexes del tipus aryl-Cu(III) evidencia la formació d'un enllaç organometàl·lic entre l'àtom de Cu(III) i el carboni més próxim de l'anell aromàtic del lligand. Aquesta reacció, a més de representar una nova forma de desproporció en la química del Cu, suposa l'activació d'un enllaç C-H aromàtic a temperatura ambient que, mitjançant l'estudi cinètic d'aquesta desproporció per espectroscòpia UV-Vis, dels càlcul de l'efecte cinètic isotòpic utilitzant el lligand deuterat en el C-H de l'anell, juntament amb el recolzament teòrics dels càlculs DFT per a la optimització de geometries d'intermedis de reacció, ens permeten proposar un mecanisme de reacció pel nostre sistema, on l'activació de l'enllaç C-H aromàtic transcorre per la formació d'un enllaç de tipus agòstic C-H ? Cu(II),5 seguit de la desprotonació del C-H aromàtic per acció d'una base i posterior transferència electrònica per obtenir el complex organometàlic de Cu(III) i el complex de de Cu(I). En quant a la reactivitat d'aquests complexes organometàl·lics aryl-Cu(III) s'ha observat que una base en medi aquós causa la inestabilitat d'aquests compostos, evolucionant cap a la inserció d'un àtom d'oxigen sobre la posició activada de l'anell aromàtic, per a donar lloc a un complex dinuclear de Cu(II) amb dos grups fenoxo actuant de pont entre els àtoms metàl·lics. La reacció transcorre per un intermedi colorejat, caracteritzat com el complex ayl-Cu(III) monodesprotonat en una de les seves amines benzíliques, els quals s'observen igualment en la reacció dels correponents complexos de Cu(I) amb oxigen molecular (O2). És en els nostres sistemes en els quals es descriu per primera vegada la participació d'intermedis organometàl·lics Cu(III)-C en processos d'hidroxilació aromàtica, tals com el desenvolupat per l'enzim tirosinasa o per alguns dels seus models químics de síntesi.6,7,8 S'han estudiat les propietats magnètiques dels quatre bis(fenoxo)complexes de Cu(II) descrits, obtenint-se uns acoplaments de tipus antiferromagnètic o ferromagnètic de diversa magnitud, depenent del solapament orbitalari a l'enllaç Cu-O, a través del qual es produeix el superintercanvi. Nous complexos de Cu(I) sintetitzats amb lligands hexaazamacrocíclics han estat estudiats, i posant especial èmfasi a la seva reactivitat respecta a l'activació d'oxigen molecular (O2). S'ha observat una reactivitat diferenciada segons la concentració de complex de Cu(I) utilitzada, de manera que a altes concentracions s'obté un carbonato complex tetranuclear de Cu(II) per fixació de CO2 atmosfèric, mentre que a baixes concentracions s'observa la hidroxilació aromàtica intramolecular d'un dels anells benzílics del lligand, reacció que presumiblement transcorre per atac electrofílic d'un peroxo complex intermedi sobre el sistema ? de l'anell.6 Els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball ens mostren la facilitat per activar enllaços C-H aromàtics per metalls de transició de la primera sèrie (Cu, Ni) quan aquests estan suficientment pròxims a l'enllaç C-H, en unes condicions de reacció molt suaus (1atm., temperatura ambient). Els nous complexos organometàl·lics Aryl-Cu(III) són el producte d'una nova reacció de desproporció de Cu(II), així com un posició aromàtica activada que podria ser el punt de partida per l'estudi de funcionalització selectiva d'aquests grups aromàtics.


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Treatment of [UO2(OTf)(2)] or [UO2I2(thf)(3)] with 1 equiv. of CyMe4BTBP in anhydrous acetonitrile led to the formation of [UO2(CyMe4BTBP)(OTf)(2)] (1) and [UO2(CyMe4BTBP)I-2] (2) which crystallized as the cationic forms [UO2(CyMe4BTBP)(py)][OTf](2) (3) and [UO2I(CyMe4BTBP)][I] (4) in pyridine and acetonitrile, respectively. These compounds are unique examples of structurally characterized actinide complexes with a BTBP molecule; this ligand adopts a planar conformation in the equatorial plane of the {UO2}(2+) ion. In pyridine, 1 is dissociated into [UO2(OTf)(2)(PY)(3)] and free CyMe4BTBP and the thermodynamic parameters (K, Delta H, Delta S) of this equilibrium have been determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The ethoxide derivative [UO2(OEt)(CyMe4BTBP)][OTf] (5) crystallized from a solution of I in a mixture of ethanol and acetone under air, and the dinuclear mu-oxo complex [{UO2(CyMe4BTBP)}(2)(mu-O)][I](2) (6) was obtained from [UO2I(thf)(2.7)] and CyMe4BTBP. The crystal structures of 6 and of the analogous derivatives [{UO2(py)(4)}(2)(mu-O)][I](2)(7) and [{UO2(TPTZ)(py)}(2)(mu-O)][I-3](2)(8) exhibit a flexible [{UO2}-O-{UO2}](2+) moiety.


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The tridentate Schiff base ligand, 7-amino-4-methyl-5-aza-3-hepten-2-one (HAMAH), prepared by the mono-condensation of 1,2diaminoethane and acetylacetone, reacts with Cu(BF4)(2) center dot 6H(2)O to produce initially a dinuclear Cu(II) complex, [{Cu(AMAH)}(2) (mu-4,4'-bipyJ](BF4)(2) (1) which undergoes hydrolysis in the reaction mixture and finally produces a linear polymeric chain compound, [Cu(acac)(2)(mu-4,4'-bipy)](n) (2). The geometry around the copper atom in compound 1 is distorted square planar while that in compound 2 is essentially an elongated octahedron. On the other hand, the ligand HAMAH reacts with Cu(ClO4)(2) center dot 6H(2)O to yield a polymeric zigzag chain, [{Cu(acac)(CH3OH)(mu-4,4'-bipy)}(ClO4)](n) (3). The geometry of the copper atom in 3 is square pyramidal with the two bipyridine molecules in the cis equatorial positions. All three complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. A probable explanation for the different size and shape of the reported polynuclear complexes formed by copper(II) and 4,4'-bipyridine has been put forward by taking into account the denticity and crystal field strength of the blocking ligand as well as the Jahn-Teller effect in copper(II). (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Four new copper(II) complexes, [((CuLN3)-N-1)(2)](ClO4)(2) (1), [(CuL2 N-3)(2)](ClO4)(2) (2), [CuL3(N-3)ClO4)](n) (3) and [CuL4(mu-1,1-N-3)(mu-1,3-N-3)(ClO4)](n) (4) where L-1 = N-1-pyridin-2-yl-methylene-propane-1,3-diamine, L-2 = N-1-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)propane-1,3-diamine, L-3 =N-1-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)ethane-1,2-diamine and L-4=N-1-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)propane-1,2-diamine are four tridentate N,N,N donor Schiff base ligands, have been derived and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Compounds 1 and 2 consist of double basal-apical end-on (EO) azide bridged dinuclear Cu-II complexes with square-pyramidal geometry. In complex 3 the square planar mononuclear [CuL3 (N-3)] units are linked by weakly coordinated perchlorate ions in the axial positions of Cu-II to form a one-dimensional chain. Two such chains are connected by hydrogen bonds involving perchlorate ions and azide groups. Compound 4 consists of 1-D chains in which the Cu-II ions with a square-pyramidal geometry are alternately bridged by single EO and end-to-end (EE) azido ligands, both adopting a basal-apical disposition. Variable temperature (300-2 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements and magnetization measurements at 2 K have been performed. The results reveal that complexes 1 and 2 are antiferromagnetically coupled through azido bridges (J= -12.18 +/- 0.09 and -4.43 +/- 0.1 cm(-1) for 1 and 2, respectively). Complex 3 shows two different magnetic interactions through the two kinds of hydrogen bonds; one is antiferromagnetic (J(1) = - 9.69 +/- 0.03 cm(-1)) and the other is ferromagnetic (J(2) = 1.00 +/- 0.01 cm(-1)). From a magnetic point of view complex 4 is a ferromagnetic dinuclear complex (J= 1.91 +/- 0.01 cm(-1)) coupled through the EO bridge only. The coupling through the EE bridge is practically nil as the N(azido)-Cu-II (axial) distance (2.643 angstrom) is too long. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bis(o-hydroxyacetophenone)nickel(II) dihydrate, on reaction with 1,3-pentanediamine, yields a bis-chelate complex [NiL2]center dot 2H(2)O (1) of mono-condensed tridentate Schiff base ligand HL {2-[1-(3-aminopentylimino)ethyl]phenol}. The Schiff base has been freed from the complex by precipitating the Nil, as a dimethylglyoximato complex. HL reacts smoothly with Ni(SCN)(2)center dot 4H(2)O furnishing the complex [NiL(NCS)] (2) and with CuCl2 center dot 2H(2)O in the presence of NaN3 or NH4SCN producing [CuL(N-3)](2) (3) or [CuL(NCS)] (4). On the other hand, upon reaction with Cu(ClO4)(2)center dot 6H(2)O and Cu(NO3)(2)center dot 3H(2)O, the Schiff base undergoes hydrolysis to yield ternary complexes [Cu(hap)(pn)(H2O)]ClO4 (5) and [Cu(hap)(pn)(H2O)]NO3 (6), respectively (Hhap = o-hydroxyacetophenone and pn = 1,3-pentanediamine). The ligand HL undergoes hydrolysis also on reaction with Ni(ClO4)(2)center dot 6H(2)O or Ni(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O to yield [Ni(hap)(2)] (7). The structures of the complexes 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 have been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray analysis. In complex 2, Ni-II possesses square-planar geometry, being coordinated by the tridentate mono-negative Schiff base, L and the isothiocyanate group. The coordination environment around Cu-II in complex 3 is very similar to that in complex 2 but here two units are joined together by end-on, axial-equatorial azide bridges to result in a dimer in which the geometry around Cu-II is square pyramidal. In both 5 and 6, the Cu-II atoms display the square-pyramidal environment; the equatorial sites being coordinated by the two amine groups of 1,3-pentanediamine and two oxygen atoms of o-hydroxyacetophenone. The axial site is coordinated by a water molecule. Complex 7 is a square-planar complex with the Ni atom bonded to four oxygen atoms from two hap moieties. The mononuclear units of 2 and dinuclear units of 3 are linked by strong hydrogen bonds to form a one-dimensional network. The mononuclear units of 5 and 6 are joined together to form a dimer by very strong hydrogen bonds through the coordinated water molecule. These dimers are further involved in hydrogen bonding with the respective counteranions to form 2-D net-like open frameworks. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2008).


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Structural and magnetic characterization of compound {[Ni-2(L)(2)(OAC)(2)][Ni-3(L)(2) (OAc)(4)]) center dot 2CH(3)CN (3) (HL = the tridentate Schiff base ligand, 2-[(3-methylaminb-propylimino)-methyl]-phenol) shows that it is a rare example of a crystal incorporating a dinuclear Ni(II) compound, [Ni-2(L)(2)(OAc)(2)], and a trinuclear one, [Ni-3(L)(2)(OAC)(4)]. Even more unusual is the fact that both Ni (II) complexes, [Ni-2(L)(2)(OAc)(2)] (1) and [Ni-3(L)(2)(OAc)(4)(H2O)(2)] center dot CH2Cl2 center dot 2CH(3)OH (2), have also been isolated and structurally and magnetically characterized. The structural analysis reveals that the dimeric complexes [Ni-2(L)(2)(OAc)(2)] in cocrystal 3 and in compound 1 are almost identical-in both complexes, the Ni(II) ions possess a distorted octahedral geometry formed by the chelating tridentate ligand (L), a chelating acetate ion, and a bridging phenoxo group with very similar bond angles and distances. On the other hand, compound 2 and the trinuclear complex in the cocrystal 3 show a similar linear centrosymmetric structure with the tridentate ligand coordinated to the terminal Ni(II) and linked to the central Ni(II) by phenoxo and carboxylate bridges. The only difference is that a water molecule found in 2 is not present in the trinuclear unit of complex 3; instead, the coordination sphere is completed by an additional bridging oxygen atom from an acetate ligand. Variable-temperature (2-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements show that the dinuclear unit is antiferromagnetically coupled in both compounds (2J = -36.18 and -29.5 cm(-1) in 1 and 3, respectively), whereas the trinuclear unit shows a very weak ferromagnetic coupling in compound 3 (2J = 0.23 cm(-1)) and a weak antiferromagnetic coupling in 2 (2J = -8.7(2) cm(-1)) due to the minor changes in the coordination sphere.


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Anion directed, template syntheses of two dinuclear copper(II) complexes of mono-condensed Schiff base ligand Hdipn (4-[(3-aminopentylimino)-methyl]-benzene-1,3-diol) involving 2,4- dihydroxybenzaldehyde and 1,3-diaminopentane were realized in the presence of bridging azide and acetate anions. Both complexes, [Cu-2(dipn)(2)(N-3)(2)] (1) and [Cu-2(dip(n))(2)(OAc)(2)] (2) have been characterized by X-ray crystallography. The two mononuclear units are joined together by basal-apical, double end-on azido bridges in complex 1 and by basal-apical, double mono-atomic acetate oxygen-bridges in 2. Both complexes form rectangular grid-like supramolecular structures via H-bonds connecting the azide or acetate anion and the p-hydroxy group of 2,4- dihydroxybenzaldehyde. Variable-temperature (300-2 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that complex 1 has antiferromagnetic coupling (J = -2.10 cm (1)) through the azide bridge while 2 has intra-dimer ferromagnetic coupling through the acetate bridge and inter-dimer antiferromagnetic coupling through H-bonds (J = 2.85 cm (1), J' = -1.08 cm (1)). (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Two mononuclear and one dinuclear copper(II) complexes, containing neutral tetradentate NSSN type ligands, of formulation [Cu-II(L-1)Cl]ClO4 (1), [Cu-II(L-2)Cl]ClO4 (2) and [Cu-2(II)(L-3)(2)Cl-2](ClO4)(2) (3) were synthesized and isolated in pure form [where L-1 = 1,2-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)ethane, L-2 = 1,3-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)propane and L-3 = 1,4-bis(2-pyridylmethylthio)butane]. All these green colored copper(II) complexes were characterized by physicochemical and spectroscopic methods. The dinuclear copper(II) complex 3 changed to a colorless dinuclear copper(I) species of formula [Cu-2(1)(L-3)(2)](ClO4)(2),0.5H(2)O (4) in dimethylformamide even in the presence of air at ambient temperature, while complexes I and 2 showed no change under similar conditions. The solid-state structures of complexes 1, 2 and 4 were established by X-ray crystallography. The geometry about the copper in complexes 1 and 2 is trigonal bipyramidal whereas the coordination environment about the copper(I) in dinuclear complex 4 is distorted tetrahedral. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the consequences of cyclometalation for electronic communication in dinuclear ruthenium complexes, a series of 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine (tppz) bridged diruthenium complexes was prepared and studied. These complexes have a central tppz ligand bridging via nitrogen-to-ruthenium coordination bonds, while each ruthenium atom also binds either a monoanionic, N,C,N'-terdentate 2,6-bis(2'-pyridyl)phenyl (R-N boolean AND C boolean AND N) ligand or a 2,2':6',2 ''-terpyridine (tpy) ligand. The N,C,N'-, that is, biscyclometalation, instead of the latter N,N', N ''-bonding motif significantly changes the electronic properties of the resulting complexes. Starting from well-known [{Ru(tpy)}(2)(mu-tppz)](4+) (tpy = 2,2':2 '',6-terpyridine) ([3](4+)) as a model compound, the complexes [{Ru(R-N boolean AND C boolean AND N)}(mu-tppz){Ru(tpy)}](3+) (R-N boolean AND C(H)boolean AND N = 4-R-1,3-dipyridylbenzene, R = H ([4a](3+)), CO2Me ([4b](3+))), and [{Ru(R-N boolean AND C boolean AND N)}(2)(mu-tppz)](2+), (R = H ([5a](2+)), CO2Me ([5b](2+))) were prepared with one or two N,C,N'-cyclometalated terminal ligands. The oxidation and reduction potentials of cyclometalated [4](3+) and [5](2+) are shifted negatively compared to non-cyclometalated [3](4+), the oxidation processes being affected more significantly. Compared to [3](4+), the electronic spectra of [5](2+) display large bathochromic shifts of the main MLCT transitions in the visible spectral region with low-energy absorptions tailing down to the NIR region. One-electron oxidation of [3](4+) and [5](2+) gives rise to low-energy absorption bands. The comproportionation constants and NIR band shape correspond to delocalized Robin-Day class III compounds. Complexes [4a](3+) (R = H) and [4b](3+) (R = CO2Me) also exhibit strong electronic communication, and notwithstanding the large redox-asymmetry the visible metal-to-ligand charge-transfer absorption is assigned to originate from both metal centers. The potential of the first, ruthenium-based, reversible oxidation process is strongly negatively shifted. On the contrary, the second oxidation is irreversible and cyclometalated ligand-based. Upon one-electron oxidation, a weak and low-energy absorption arises.


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The dinuclear complex [(tpy)Ru-II(PCP-PCP)Ru-II(tPY)]Cl-2 (bridging PCP-PCP = 3,3',5,5'-tetrakis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)biphenyl, [C6H2(CH2PPh2)(2)-3,5](2)(2-)) was prepared via a transcyclometalation reaction of the bis-pincer ligand [PC(H)P-PC(H)P] and the Ru(II) precursor [Ru(NCN)(tpy)]Cl (NCN = [C6H3(CH2NMe2)(2)-2,6](-)) followed by a reaction with 2,2':6',2 ''-terpyridine (tpy). Electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of [(tpy)Ru-II(PCP-PCP)Ru-II(tPY)]Cl-2 are compared with those of the closely related [(tpy)Ru-II(NCN-NCN)Ru-II(tpy)](PF6)(2) (NCN-NCN = [C6H2(CH2- NMe2)(2)-3,5](2)(2-)) obtained by two-electron reduction of [(tpy)Ru-III(NCN-NCN)Ru-III(tpy)](PF6)(4). The molecular structure of the latter complex has been determined by single-crystal X-ray structure determination. One-electron reduction of [(tpy)Ru-III(NCN-NCN)Ru-III(tpy)](PF6)(4) and one-electron oxidation of [(tpy)Ru-II(PCP-PCP)RUII(tpy)]Cl-2 yielded the mixed-valence species [(tpy)Ru-III(NCN-NCN)RUII(tpy)](3+) and [(tpy)Ru-III(PCP-PCP)RUII(tpy)](3+), respectively. The comproportionation equilibrium constants K-c (900 and 748 for [(tpy)Ru-III(NCN-NCN)Ru-III(tpy)](4+) and [(tpy)Ru-II(PCP-PCP)RUII(tpy)](2+), respectively) determined from cyclic voltammetric data reveal comparable stability of the [Ru-III-Ru-II] state of both complexes. Spectroelectrochemical measurements and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy were employed to further characterize the different redox states with special focus on the mixed-valence species and their NIR bands. Analysis of these bands in the framework of Hush theory indicates that the mixed-valence complexes [(tpy)Ru-III(PCP-PCP)RUII(tpy)](3+) and [(tpy)Ru-III(NCN-NCN)RUII(tpy)](3+) belong to strongly coupled borderline Class II/Class III and intrinsically coupled Class III systems, respectively. Preliminary DFT calculations suggest that extensive delocalization of the spin density over the metal centers and the bridging ligand exists. TD-DFT calculations then suggested a substantial MLCT character of the NIR electronic transitions. The results obtained in this study point to a decreased metal-metal electronic interaction accommodated by the double-cyclometalated bis-pincer bridge when strong sigma-donor NMe2 groups are replaced by weak sigma-donor, pi-acceptor PPh2 groups


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Two homometallic complexes containing two and three ruthenium polypyridyl units linked by amino acid lysine (Lys) and the related dipeptide (LysLys) were synthesized and their electrochemical, spectroscopic, and electrochemiluminescence (ECL) properties were investigated. The electrochemical and photophysical data indicate that the two metal complexes largely retain the electronic properties of the reference compound for the separate ruthenium moieties in the two bridged complexes, [4-carboxypropyl-4'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine]bis(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complex. The ECL studies, performed in aqueous media in the presence of tri-n-propylamine as co-reactant, show that the ECL intensity increases by 30% for the dinuclear and trinuclear complexes compared to the reference. Heterogeneous ECL immunoassay studies, performed on larger dendritic complexes containing up to eight ruthenium units, demonstrate that limitations due to the slow diffusion can easily be overcome by means of nanoparticle technology. In this case, the ECL signal is proportional to the number of ruthenium units. Multimetallic systems with several ruthenium centers may, however, undergo nonspecific bonding,to streptavidin-coated particles or to antibodies, thereby increasing the background ECL intensity and lowering the sensitivity of the immunoassay.


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The Schiff base ligand, HL (2-[1-(3-methylamino-propylimino)-ethyl]-phenol), the 1:1 condensation product of 2-hydroxy acetophenone and N-methyl-1,3-diaminopropane, has been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography as the perchlorate salt [H2L]ClO4 (1). The structure consists of discrete [H2L](+) cations and perchlorate anions. Two dinuclear Ni-II complexes, [Ni2L2(NO2)(2)] (2), [Ni2L2(NO3)(2)] (3) have been synthesized using this ligand and characterized by single crystal X-ray analyses. Complexes 2 and 3 are centrosymmetric dimers in which the Ni-II ions are in distorted fac- and mer-octahedral environments, respectively, bridged by two mu(2)-phenolate ions of deprotonated ligand, L. The plane of the phenyl rings and the Ni2O2 basal plane are nearly coplanar in 2 but almost perpendicular in 3. We have studied and explained this different behavior using high level DFT calculations (RI-BP86/def2-TZVP level of theory). The conformation observed in 3, which is energetically less favorable, is stabilized via intermolecular non-covalent interactions. Under the excitation of ultraviolet light, characteristic fluorescence of compound 1 was observed; by comparison fluorescence intensity decreases in case of compound 3 and completely quenched in compound 2.


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The hexaazamacrocycles [28](DBF)2N6 {cyclo[bis(4,6-dimethyldibenzo[b,d]furaniminoethyleneiminoethylene]} and [32](DBF)2N6 {cyclo[bis(4,6-dimethyldibenzo[b,d]furaniminopropyleneiminopropylene]} form stable dinuclear copper(II) complexes suitable to behave as receptors for several anionic substrates. These two receptors were used to study the binding interactions with several substrates, such as imidazole (Him) and some carboxylates [benzoate (bz−), oxalate (ox2−), malonate (mal2−), phthalate (ph2−), isophthalate (iph2−), and terephthalate (tph2−)] by spectrophotometric titrations and EPR spectroscopy in MeOH (or H2O):DMSO (1:1 v/v) solution. The largest association constant was found for ox2− with Cu2[32](DBF)2N64+, whereas for the aromatic dicarboxylate anions the binding constants follow the trend ph2− > iph2− > tph2−, i.e. decrease with the increase of the distance of the two binding sites of the substrate. On the other hand, the large blue shift of 68 nm observed by addition of Him to Cu2[32](DBF)2N64+ points out for the formation of the bridged CuimCu cascade complex, indicating this receptor as a potential sensor for the detection and determination of imidazole in solution. The X-band EPR spectra of the Cu2[28](DBF)2N64+ and Cu2[32](DBF)2N6]4+ complexes and the cascade complexes with the substrates, performed in H2O:DMSO (1:1 v/v) at 5 to 15 K, showed that the CuCu distance is slightly larger than the one found in crystal state and that this distance increases when the substrate is accommodated between the two copper centres. The crystal structure of [Cu2[28](DBF)2N6(ph)2]·CH3OH was determined by X-ray diffraction and revealed the two copper centres bridged by two ph2− anions at a Cu···Cu distance of 5.419(1) Å. Each copper centre is surrounded by three carboxylate oxygen atoms from two phthalate anions and three contiguous nitrogen atoms of the macrocycle in a pseudo octahedral coordination environment.


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Four new Cu(II)-azido complexes of formula [CuL(N-3)] (1), [CuL(N-3)](2) (2), [Cu7L2(N-3)(12)](n) (3), and [Cu2L(dmen)-(N-3)(3)](n) (4) (dmen = N,N-dimethylethylenediamine) have been synthesized using the same tridentate Schiff base ligand HL (2-[1-(2-dimethylaminoethylimino)ethyl]phenol, the condensation product of dmen and 2-hydroxyacetophenone). The four compounds have been characterized by X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. Complex 1 is mononuclear, whereas 2 is a single mu-1,1 azido-bridged dinuclear compound. The polymeric compound 3 possesses a 2D structure in which the Cu(II) ions are linked by phenoxo oxygen atoms and two different azide bridges (mu-1,1 and mu-1,1,3). The structure of complex 4 is a double helix in which two mu-1,3-azido-bridged alternating one-dimensional helical chains of CuL(N-3) and Cu(dmen)(N-3)(2) are joined together by weak mu-1,1 azido bridges and H-bonds. The complexes interconvert in solution and can be obtained in pure form by carefully controlling the conditions. The magnetic properties of compounds 1 and 2 show the presence of very weak antiferromagnetic exchange interactions mediated by a ligand pi overlap (J = -1.77) and by an asymmetric 1,1-N-3 bridge (J = -1.97 cm(-1)), respectively. Compound 3 presents, from the magnetic point of view, a decorated chain structure with both ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions. Compound 4 is an alternating helicoidal chain with two weak antiferromagnetic exchange interactions (J -1.35 and -2.64 cm(-1)).