674 resultados para DERELOMINI COLEOPTERA
Aquatic insects are relatively common at artificial lights and are often taken in light traps operated for catching other insects. They are however seldom recorded. These records are however of importance in understanding their distribution and abundance. Aquatic Coleoptera and Hemiptera are of importance in fisheries because some of them are predators on small fish whilst others serve as food for fishes of all sizes. Some like the Corixidae are of special interest because they can utilize the bottom ooze which is abundant especially in small habitats. Fernando (1961a) gave a comprehensive bibliography of records at light. In the present paper a number of records are given from various parts of Asia, where in the past records were very few. They are based on collections made by the author and also on material in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Amongst specimens sent for study by the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, were a few specimens which had been recorded at light.
The intensive collecting of Prof. Dr. F. Starmühlner and Prof. Dr. H. H. Costa in Ceylon in 1970 produced among others some Dysticidae. The material turned out to be especially interesting as it comes all together from running waters, in which otherwise collecting is infrequent. From Sri Lanka quite a lot of species of Dytiscidae are already known.
We sequenced partial mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA) of 18 firefly species from Southwest of China. Combined with homologous sequences previously reported, phylogenetic trees including Japanese, Korean and Chinese species were reconstructed by
The present paper deals with 19 species in four subgenera of the attelabid genus Euops from China (including Taiwan), of which six species and a subgenus are new to science. The subgenus Synaptops is newly divided into three species-groups. A key to species, with photographs and line illustrations of important features of new species is provided.
We determined the mitochondrial MA (mtDNA) sequences of two luminous beetles (Arthropoda, Insecta, Coleoptera), Rhagophthalmus lufengensis from Yunnan, China and Rhagophthalmus ohbai from Yaeyama Island, Japan. We identified all the 37 mtDNA genes of R. l
Rhagophthalmus fugongensis Li & Liang and Rhagophthalmus lufengensis Li & Ohba are introduced as new to science. The first record of R. tonkineus in China is provided. The male genitalia of R. gibbosulus and R. giganteus are described and illustrated. The female and larva of R. giganteus and the female of R. semisulcatus are illustrated. The distribution of Rhagophthalmus is discussed and a rectification of the relative arrangement of different parts of the male genitalia is provided (the base-piece is on the ventral side of the male genitalia, and the parameres on the dorsal side).
本文选取卷叶象甲科昆虫为研究对象,以形态分类学为基础,辅之以分子生 物学手段,对中国特有的茸卷象属(Euscelophilus)进行了系统发育学的研究。 并在此基础上,对该属昆虫进行了亚显微结构的研究,该研究不仅对其分类学观 点进行了验证,对属内分种的有效形态学性状进行了补充,而且从感受器亚显微 形态的角度讨论了卷象与寄主植物的化学识别机制,明晰了其结构基础。最后, 本文首次从力学角度对卷象与其寄主植物的物理识别机制进行了探讨。 在分类学研究中,本文首先整理了中国卷叶象甲鉴定科、亚科、族、属的检 索表,同时对其中的18 个常见属的分种检索表进行了整理,并对其中中国特有 属Euscelophilus 进行了深入的分类学研究。将Euscelophilidius、Cureuscelophilus 两属和Euscelophiloides 亚属定义为Euscelophilus 的新异名,并提供了该属物种 检索表,同时为该属新增三个物种,分别是Euselophilus longispinus Xie & Liang, sp. n.,Euselophilus gaoligongensis Xie & Liang, sp. n.和Euselophilus caperratus Xie & Liang, sp. n.,并对两物种E. denticulatus 和 E. gibbicollis 的雄性外生殖器 进行了描绘。 分子生物学研究以该属内9 种和4 个外群种共23 个个体为材料,对其COII 基因进行了扩增,并对所得的核苷酸序列使用PAUP 和贝叶斯两种方法构建分子 系统发育树。结果表明,中国茸卷象属是一个单系群,其内部可分为三支,分别 以E. niger,E. gibbicollis 和E. rugolosus 为代表,建议将该属分为三个亚属,对 于该属有争议的物种T. (E.) qinni,依照本研究获得的数据,建议将其移回 Euscelophilus 属。亚显微结构研究选取本属内8 个物种作为研究对象,分别对其头部、胸部、 腹部及前足的形态性状,使用扫描电子显微镜进行了观察拍照。同时,选取了复 眼、触角、下唇须、外颚叶、腹部、跗节等部位分布的各种感受器进行了亚显微 结构的研究。结果表明,形态相似的近缘物种在亚显微结构上可显示出更大的形 状差异,同时,首次证明额的形态特征可作为该属内分种的有效依据。感受器结 构研究表明卷象识别寄主植物的主要感受器为毛状、锥状、乳突状化学感受器, 其次为刺状、毛状的听觉(物理)感受器以及六棱形小眼组成的视觉感受器(复 眼)。 力学研究部分选取Apoderus 属一种卷象及其寄主植物马桑(Coriaria nepalensis Wall.)为研究对象,首先以人工模拟卷叶的形式对卷象卷叶所需的力 进行了分析,其次以纳米压痕手段对卷象上颚和马桑叶片的硬度和弹性模量分别 进行了研究。结果表明,先切叶后卷叶是更省力更进化的卷叶模式,同时卷象选 择寄主植物的机制中,两者的物理性能呈一定的相关性。
记述采自中国云南卷叶象甲科狭额卷象属Euops 1 新种:福贡狭额象(Euopsfugongensis Liang et Wang,sp.nov.).它与近缘种九寨狭额象E.jiuzhaiensis的区别在于九寨狭额象的体色黑褐,有金属光泽,前胸背部无皱纹.正模:♂,云南福贡,1 300 m,1990-Ⅵ-18,梁醒财采.模式标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar as espécies de besouros coprófagos das famílias Scarabaeidae e Aphodiidae presentes em pastagens cultivadas no cerrado sul-mato-grossense, com o intuito de conhecer aquelas com potencial promissor para uso no controle integrado dos parasitos bovinos associados às MFs, em Campo Grande, MS. Adicionalmente, foi também avaliada a única espécie exótica, D. gazella, quanto ao comportamento de sua população em meio aos coleópteros coprófagos nativos.