473 resultados para D0
Le but de cette étude est de comprendre l’effet d’une irrigation par les eaux usées et /ou de la fertilisation par les engrais chimiques sur la productivité aérienne et souterraine d’une plantation de saule Salix miyabeana SX67 en CICR dans un contexte de filtre végétal. Nous avons d’une part évalué l’impact de diverses doses d’eau usées et/ou de la fertilisation minérale sur les rendements en biomasse ligneuse d’une culture de saules au cours d’un cycle de croissance de deux ans. D’autre part et pour la même période nous avons comparé le développement racinaire (biomasse, morphologie et distribution dans le sol) suite aux divers traitements. Les résultats ont montré qu’au terme de deux ans de croissance, les traitements par les eaux usées aussi bien que celle par les engrais a permis l’augmentation des rendements de la biomasse aérienne de notre culture de saules avec un effet plus prononcé suite au traitements des eaux usées qu’à celui du fertilisant chimique. Nous avons mesuré des productivités en biomasse aussi élevées que 39,4 Mg ha-1 et 54,7 Mg ha-1 et ce pour les parcelles qui ont reçu la plus grande quantité d'eaux usées, respectivement pour les saules non fertilisé et fertilisé (D3-NF et D3-F). La majeure partie du système racinaire était en superficie avec 92-96% des racines (racine fine et racine grosse) concentrées dans les premiers 40 cm de sol et nous avons trouvé que la biomasse des racines fines était comprise entre 1,01 et 1,99 Mg ha-1. Généralement la fertilisation chimique n’a pas eu d’effet sur les rendements en biomasse des racines totales et/ou fines. Bien que l’irrigation par les eaux usées ait entraîné une réduction statistiquement significative de la biomasse racinaire, néanmoins cette réduction n'était pas linéaire (avec une réduction de la biomasse de D0 à D1, une augmentation de D1 à D2 pour réduire de nouveau de D2 à D3). Cette tendance porte à penser qu'au-delà d'une certaine quantité d'eau et de nutriments (suite à l’irrigation par les eaux usées), le développement du système racinaire des saules est affecté négativement, et bien que la biomasse aérienne soit restée élevée sous le traitement D3, nous pensons que le développement de la plante a été quelque peu déséquilibré. Aucun changement significatif n'a été constaté dans les traits morphologiques liés à l'irrigation par les eaux usées.
L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’effet du remplacement total ou partiel du maïs d’une ration alimentaire standard (MS) sur les performances de croissance, le pH ruminal et les paramètres biochimiques sanguins chez les veaux de grain de race Holstein. Quatre groupes de 80 veaux ont été répartisen32 parcs (10 veaux/parc) et ont été assignés au hasard à quatre rations alimentaires. Les rations alimentaires ont été: la ration standard qui est constituée de maïs et un supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute (MS);une ration réduite de maïs, avec tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MCD); une ration réduite de maïs, avec supplément protéique à 43,6% de protéine brute et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (MSD); et finalement une ration d’orge roulé, de tourteau de canola et de drèche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble (OCD). Les rations alimentaires ont été formulées selon une phase de démarrage P1 (j0 à j54), une de croissance P2 (j55 à j85) et une de finition P3 (j86 à j96). Un groupe additionnel de 5 veaux contrôle (CT), a reçu une ration alimentaire non acidogène à base de fourrage et de concentré. Notons qu’avant le début des traitements alimentaires au j0, sauf CT, les veaux ont reçu une ration d’adaptation contenant du maïs et de l’orge (50-50) et un supplément protéique pendant 20j. Les gains moyens quotidiens (GMQ) ont été similaires aux périodes P1 (0j-j27, j28-j54) et P2 (j55-j85), mais à la période P3 (j86-j96), le GMQ de la ration OCD a été plus grand que ceux dans les autres rations (p<0.001). Le rendement carcasse des veaux abattus au poids vifs d’environ 267 kg, de la ration OCD a été plus petit que ceux des rations MS et MSD (p<0.002). La matière sèche ingérée (MSI) a diminué pour le groupe MSD au j96, comparée à celles des groupes MS et BCD (p<0.001). Cependant, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur le poids vif des veaux. Les durées moyennes en dessous du pH ruminal de 5.6 (DpH5.6 en h.j.-1) du j68 au j85 (P2) ont été similaires pour les groupes CT et OCD (p=0.09) et plus petites (p<0.001) que celles des groupes du MS, MCD et MSD. Pendant la phase P3, les DpH5.6 des groupes de MS, MCD et MSD, ont été similaires (p>0.83), mais plus grandes que celle du groupe de OCD (p<0.0001). Les DpH5.6 n’ont pas eu d’effet sur les GMQ. Aux j68 et j96, les rations alimentaires n’ont pas eu d’effet sur la L-lactate (p > 0.05), le pH sanguin (p > 0.001; non significatif après l’ajustement de Bonferroni :NSAB) et le trou anionique (p > 0.009; NSAB). La PCO2 des animaux du groupe MS a été plus grande que celle du groupe CT (p = 0.0003). Au j68, HCO3 - du groupe CT a été plus grande que celle du groupe MCD (p = 0.0008). Les traitements alimentaires n’ont pas d’effets sur la lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) aux j0 et j68. Au j96, la LBP du groupe CT a été plus petite que celle du groupe MS et MCD (p=0.001). Les diètes n’ont pas d’effets significatifs sur les épithéliums et les lamina propria du rumen (p0>0.37), ainsi que sur les abcès du foie (p=0.80). Le remplacement total du maïs par l’orge roulé, la drêche de distillerie de maïs avec soluble et le tourteau de canola amélioré le GMQ en phase de finition, a amélioré le pH du rumen, le rapprochant du pH ruminal physiologique, n’a pas modifié les paramètres biochimiques sanguins qui ont été mesurés et a diminué le rendement carcasse moyen de 1,1%.
The study focuses attention on the nutrient chemistry of a tropical estuary namely the cochin estuary.The investigation was planned with the objective of studying the estuarine nutrient behaviour and to assess the role of biogeochemical cycling. The distribution of parameters of interest are better explained in the light of the hydrography of the region . Largely associated with the pollution problems of Cochin estuary receiving industrial and domestic wastes, this thesis projects the role of environmental parameters modifying the nutrient content of the water body coupled with studies on their minute variability subjected to physical, chemical and biological processes. The study has incorporated parameters like temperature, salinity, pH and D0; nutrients were investigated by the study of nitrite, nitrate. ammonia, inorganic reactive phosphorus, dissolved organic phosphorus, particulate reactive phosphorus, total reactive phosphorus and inorganic reactive silicate-silicon at surface and bottom layers of the estuary. Sediment associated interstitial and adsorbed phosphorus for a period of one year (1985-1986] were also incorporated
Previous BAC clone analysis of the Platyrrhini owl monkey KIRs have shown an unusual genetic structure in some loci. Therefore, cDNAs encoding KIR molecules from eleven Aotus vociferans monkeys were characterized here; tenputative KIR loci were found, some of which encoded atypical proteins such as KIR4DL and transcripts predicted to encode a D0+D1 configuration (AOTVOKIR2DL1*01v1) which appear to be unique in the Aotus genus. Furthermore, alternative splicing was found as a likely mechanism for producing activator receptors in A. vociferans species. KIR proteins from New World monkeys may be split into three new lineages according to domain by domain phylogenetic analysis. Although the A. vociferans KIR family displayed a high divergence among paralogous genes, individual loci were limited in their genetic polymorphism. Selection analysis showed that both constrained and rapid evolution may operate within the AvKIR family. The frequent alternative splicing (as a likely mechanism generating activator receptors), the presence of KIR4DL and KIR2DL1 (D0+D1) molecules and other data reported here suggest that the KIR family in Aotus has had a rapid evolution, independent from its Catarrhini counterparts.from its Catarrhini counterparts.
A select-divide-and-conquer variational method to approximate configuration interaction (CI) is presented. Given an orthonormal set made up of occupied orbitals (Hartree-Fock or similar) and suitable correlation orbitals (natural or localized orbitals), a large N-electron target space S is split into subspaces S0,S1,S2,...,SR. S0, of dimension d0, contains all configurations K with attributes (energy contributions, etc.) above thresholds T0={T0egy, T0etc.}; the CI coefficients in S0 remain always free to vary. S1 accommodates KS with attributes above T1≤T0. An eigenproblem of dimension d0+d1 for S0+S 1 is solved first, after which the last d1 rows and columns are contracted into a single row and column, thus freezing the last d1 CI coefficients hereinafter. The process is repeated with successive Sj(j≥2) chosen so that corresponding CI matrices fit random access memory (RAM). Davidson's eigensolver is used R times. The final energy eigenvalue (lowest or excited one) is always above the corresponding exact eigenvalue in S. Threshold values {Tj;j=0, 1, 2,...,R} regulate accuracy; for large-dimensional S, high accuracy requires S 0+S1 to be solved outside RAM. From there on, however, usually a few Davidson iterations in RAM are needed for each step, so that Hamiltonian matrix-element evaluation becomes rate determining. One μhartree accuracy is achieved for an eigenproblem of order 24 × 106, involving 1.2 × 1012 nonzero matrix elements, and 8.4×109 Slater determinants
O Lauril Sulfato de Sódio (LSS) é um tensioactivo aniónico utilizado em muitas formas farmacêuticas, que apresenta, no entanto, algum potencial de irritação. Também por esse motivo o LSS é utilizado como agente provocador em diversos micrométodos de exploração in vivo da fisiopatologia da pele. Factores como a idade, sexo, hidratação da pele, região anatómica, afectam a resposta da pele ao contacto com LSS, O objectivo deste estudo foi estudar a influência do fototipo na recuperação da integridade da pele humana ao contacto com LSS. Após selecção dos voluntários (n=12) com base nos seus fototipos (Grupo I : Fototipo III-IV e Grupo II: Fototipo V-VI) foi aplicado um penso contendo uma solução de LSS a 2% no antebraço, durante 24h(D0. Após remoção do penso, os voluntários foram sujeitos (D1,D2,D7) a exame dermatológico e à medição das variáveis biométricas: perda de água trans-epidermica, hidratação (por 2 métodos complementares) grau de eritema e fluxo sanguíneo local. Os resultados mostram que existem diferenças entre os dois grupos para a PTEA, LDF e grau de eritema, sugerindo uma maior susceptibilidade para os fototipos mais claros e uma maior rapidez de recuperação para os fototipos mais elevados.
A method to estimate the size and liquid water content of drizzle drops using lidar measurements at two wavelengths is described. The method exploits the differential absorption of infrared light by liquid water at 905 nm and 1.5 μm, which leads to a different backscatter cross section for water drops larger than ≈50 μm. The ratio of backscatter measured from drizzle samples below cloud base at these two wavelengths (the colour ratio) provides a measure of the median volume drop diameter D0. This is a strong effect: for D0=200 μm, a colour ratio of ≈6 dB is predicted. Once D0 is known, the measured backscatter at 905 nm can be used to calculate the liquid water content (LWC) and other moments of the drizzle drop distribution. The method is applied to observations of drizzle falling from stratocumulus and stratus clouds. High resolution (32 s, 36 m) profiles of D0, LWC and precipitation rate R are derived. The main sources of error in the technique are the need to assume a value for the dispersion parameter μ in the drop size spectrum (leading to at most a 35% error in R) and the influence of aerosol returns on the retrieval (≈10% error in R for the cases considered here). Radar reflectivities are also computed from the lidar data, and compared to independent measurements from a colocated cloud radar, offering independent validation of the derived drop size distributions.
A method is described for the analysis of deuterated and undeuterated alpha-tocopherol in blood components using liquid chromatography coupled to an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. Optimal ionisation conditions for undeuterated (d0) and tri- and hexadeuterated (d3 or d6) alpha-tocopherol standards were found with negative ion mode electrospray ionisation. Each species produced an isotopically resolved single ion of exact mass. Calibration curves of pure standards were linear in the range tested (0-1.5 muM, 0-15 pmol injected). For quantification of d0 and d6 in blood components following a standard solvent extraction, a stable-isotope-labelled internal standard (d3-alpha-tocopherol) was employed. To counter matrix ion suppression effects, standard response curves were generated following identical solvent extraction procedures to those of the samples. Within-day and between-day precision were determined for quantification of d0- and d6-labelled alpha-tocopherol in each blood component and both averaged 3-10%. Accuracy was assessed by comparison with a standard high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, achieving good correlation (r(2) = 0.94), and by spiking with known concentrations of alpha-tocopherol (98% accuracy). Limits of detection and quantification were determined to be 5 and 50 fmol injected, respectively. The assay was used to measure the appearance and disappearance of deuterium-labelled alpha-tocopherol in human blood components following deuterium-labelled (d6) RRR-alpha-tocopheryl acetate ingestion. The new LC/TOFMS method was found to be sensitive, required small sample volumes, was reproducible and robust, and was capable of high throughput when large numbers of samples were generated. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Two photographs from the Artists Studio Project 30x40cm, C-Prints, 2007 (with Shezad Dawood), first exhibited in Szuper Gallery at the Artists' Studio in 2007.
Peatland habitats are important carbon stocks that also have the potential to be significant sources of greenhouse gases, particularly when subject to changes such as artificial drainage and application of fertilizer. Models aiming to estimate greenhouse gas release from peatlands require an accurate estimate of the diffusion coefficient of gas transport through soil (Ds). The availability of specific measurements for peatland soils is currently limited. This study measured Ds for a peat soil with an overlying clay horizon and compared values with those from widely available models. The Ds value of a sandy loam reference soil was measured for comparison. Using the Currie (1960) method, Ds was measured between an air-filled porosity (ϵ) range of 0 and 0.5 cm3 cm−3. Values of Ds for the peat cores ranged between 3.2 × 10−4 and 4.4 × 10−3 m2 hour−1, for loamy clay cores between 0 and 4.7 × 10−3 m2 hour−1 and for the sandy reference soil they were between 5.4 × 10−4 and 3.4 × 10−3 m2 hour−1. The agreement of measured and modelled values of relative diffusivity (Ds/D0, with D0 the diffusion coefficient through free air) varied with soil type; however, the Campbell (1985) model provided the best replication of measured values for all soils. This research therefore suggests that the use of the Campbell model in the absence of accurately measured Ds and porosity values for a study soil would be appropriate. Future research into methods to reduce shrinkage of peat during measurement and therefore allow measurement of Ds for a greater range of ϵ would be beneficial.
Using the QCD sum rules we test if the new narrow structure, the X(4350) recently observed by the Belle Collaboration, can be described as a J(PC) = 1(-+) exotic D(s)(*)D(s0)(*) molecular state. We consider the contributions of condensates up to dimension eight, we work at leading order in alpha(s) and we keep terms which are linear in the strange quark mass Ins. The mass obtained for such state is m(Ds*Ds0*) = (5.05 +/- 0.19) GeV. We also consider a molecular 1(-+), D(s)(*)D(s0)(*); current and we obtain m(D*D0*) = (4.92 +/- 0.08) GeV. We conclude that it is not possible to describe the X(4350) structure as a 1(-+) D(s)(*)D(s0)(*) molecular state. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We extract directly (for the first time) the charmed (C = 1) and bottom (B = -1) heavy-baryons (spin 1/2 and 3/2) mass-splittings due to SU(3) breaking using double ratios of QCD spectral sum rules (QSSR) in full QCD, which are less sensitive to the exact value and definition of the heavy quark mass, to the perturbative radiative corrections and to the QCD continuum contributions than the simple ratios commonly used for determining the heavy baryon masses. Noticing that most of the mass-splittings are mainly controlled by the ratio kappa <(S) over bars >/<(d) over bard > of the condensate, we extract this ratio, by allowing 1 sigma deviation from the observed masses of the Xi(c.b) and of the Omega(c). We obtain: kappa = 0.74(3), which improves the existing estimates: kappa = 0.70(10) from light hadrons. Using this value, we deduce M(Omega b) = 6078.5(27.4) MeV which agrees with the recent CDF data but disagrees by 2.4 sigma with the one from D0. Predictions of the Xi(Q)` and of the spectra of spin 3/2 baryons containing one or two strange quark are given in Table 2. Predictions of the hyperfine splittings Omega(Q)* - Omega(Q) and Xi(Q)* - Xi(Q) are also given in Table 3. Starting for a general choice of the interpolating currents for the spin 1/2 baryons, our analysis favours the optimal value of the mixing angle b similar or equal to (-1/5-0) found from light and non-strange heavy baryons. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We use QCD sum rules to test the nature of the recently observed mesons Y(4260), Y(4350) and Y(4660), assumed to be exotic four-quark (c (c) over barq (q) over bar) or (c (c) over bars (s) over bar) states with J(PC)= 1(--). We work at leading order in alpha(s), consider the contributions of higher dimension condensates and keep terms which are linear in the strange quark mass m(s). We find for the (c (c) over bars (s) over bar) state a mass in m(Y) = (4.65 +/- 0.10) GeV which is compatible with the experimental candidate Y (4660), while for the (c (c) over barq (q) over bar) state we find a mass in m(Y) = (4.49 +/- 0.11) GeV, which is still consistent with the mass of the experimental candidate Y(4350). With the tetraquark structure we are working we cannot explain the Y(4260) as a tetraquark state. We also consider molecular D(s0)(D) over bar (s)* and D(0)(D) over bar* states. For the D(s0)(D) over bar (s)* molecular state we get m(Ds0 (D) over bars*) = (4.42 +/- 0.10) GeV which is consistent, considering the errors, with the mass of the meson Y(4350) and for the D(0)(D) over bar* molecular state we get m(D0 (D) over bar*) = (4.27 +/- 0.10) GeV in excellent agreement with the mass of the meson Y(4260). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The metastable phase diagram of the BCC-based ordering equilibria in the Fe-Al-Mo system has been calculated via a truncated cluster expansion, through the combination of Full-Potential-Linear augmented Plane Wave (FP-LAPW) electronic structure calculations and of Cluster Variation Method (CVM) thermodynamic calculations in the irregular tetrahedron approximation. Four isothermal sections at 1750 K, 2000 K, 2250 K and 2500 K are calculated and correlated with recently published experimental data on the system. The results confirm that the critical temperature for the order-disorder equilibrium between Fe(3)Al-D0(3) and FeAl-B2 is increased by Mo additions, while the critical temperature for the FeAl-B2/A2 equilibrium is kept approximately invariant with increasing Mo contents. The stabilization of the Al-rich A2 phase in equilibrium with overstoichiometric B2-(Fe,Mo)Al is also consistent with the attribution of the A2 structure to the tau(2) phase, stable at high temperatures in overstoichiometric B2-FeAl. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introdução A pneumonia hospitalar é a principal causa de morte dentre as infecções hospitalares. A prevalência de pneumonia hospitalar em Unidades de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) varia de 10 a 65%, com taxas de mortalidade que podem variar de 24 a 76%. A pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica (PAV) é um determinante de mortalidade independente em pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica. A adequação do tratamento empírico precoce parece ser fundamental no prognóstico. Os critérios atualmente estabelecidos para avaliar adequação do tratamento empírico utilizam parâmetros clínicos, escores de gravidade e, principalmente, a sensibilidade do germe causador da infecção aos antibióticos administrados. Estes resultados balizam a necessidade de possíveis modificações no esquema antimicrobiano. A possibilidade de utilizar a Procalcitonina (PCT), a Proteína-C Reativa (CRP) e o escore SOFA (Avaliação de Falência de Órgãos Relacionada a Sepse), como indicadores de resposta do paciente, comparando seu status no dia do início do tratamento antimicrobiano (D0) com a evolução destes indicadores no quarto dia de tratamento (D4) abre a possibilidade de comparar o paciente com ele próprio, independente da exuberância da expressão da resposta inflamatória que ele possa desenvolver. Os resultados desta cinética entre D0 e D4 podem ser preditivos de gravidade de infecção, de eficiência antimicrobiana, e possivelmente de sobrevivência ou mortalidade hospitalar nos pacientes com suspeita de PAV. Objetivos Determinar e comparar o valor prognóstico de sobrevivência da cinética da PCT, da CRP, dos escores clínicos CPIS (Escore Clínico de Infecção Pulmonar) e SOFA, e do APACHE II (Avaliação da Fisiologia Aguda e da Saúde Crônica) na PAV entre o diagnóstico e o quarto dia de tratamento, quando a adequação do tratamento é avaliada. Pacientes e Métodos Realizamos um estudo de coorte prospectivo observacional que avaliou 75 pacientes internados no Centro de Tratamento Intensivo clínico-cirúrgico de adultos do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre que desenvolveram PAV no período de outubro de 2003 a agosto de 2005. Os pacientes com suspeita clínica de PAV que se adequaram aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão do estudo foram os candidatos a participar. Os familiares ou representantes dos pacientes receberam esclarecimentos por escrito acerca dos exames a serem realizados, bem como dos objetivos gerais da pesquisa. Os que aceitaram participar do estudo assinaram o termo de Consentimento Informado. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. No dia do diagnóstico de PAV foram coletados aspirado traqueal quantitativo, hemoculturas e sangue para a realização de dosagens de PCT, CRP, hemograma, plaquetas, creatinina, bilirrubinas, gasometria arterial e radiografia de tórax, com o objetivo de calcular o CPIS e o escore SOFA. No terceiro dia de tratamento foram novamente coletados aspirados traqueais quantitativos e os demais exames para o cálculo do CPIS. No quarto dia foi coletado sangue para dosagens de PCT, CRP e para os demais exames necessários para o cálculo do SOFA. Os pacientes foram acompanhados por 28 dias após o diagnóstico de PAV, quando foram considerados sobreviventes. Todos os pacientes que morreram antes do vigésimo oitavo dia foram considerados não-sobreviventes. Resultados Os níveis de PCT foram mais baixos nos sobreviventes em D0 (p=0.003) e em D4 (p=0.001). Os níveis de CRP não foram diferentes em sobreviventes e nãosobreviventes em D0 (p=0.77) e em D4 (p=0.14). O CPIS não pode diferenciar sobreviventes de não-sobrevientes em D0 (p=0.32) e em D3 (p=0.45). ΔCPIS decrescente não foi correlacionado a sobrevivência (p=0.59), o mesmo ocorrendo com CPIS <6 em D3 (p=0.79). Pacientes que morreram antes de D4 não puderam ter sua cinética calculada e foram considerados casos perdidos. Variáveis incluídas no modelo de regressão logística univariável para sobrevivência foram idade, APACHE II, ΔSOFA decrescente, ΔPCT decrescente e ΔCRP decrescente. Sobrevivência foi diretamente correlacionada a ΔPCT decrescente com RC = 5.67 (1.78;18.03) p = 0.003, ΔCRP com RC = 3.78 (1.24;11.50) p = 0.02, ΔSOFA decrescente com RC = 3.08 (1.02;9.26) p = 0.05 e escore APACHE II com RC = 0.92 (0.86;0.99) p = 0.02. O modelo de regressão logística multivariável para sobrevivência incluiu todas as variáveis participantes da análise univariável. Somente ΔPCT decrescente com RC = 4.43 (1.08;18.18) p = 0.04 e ΔCRP com RC = 7.40 (1.58;34.73) p = 0.01 permaneceram significativos. A avaliação da cinética dos marcadores inflamatórios e a associação com sobrevida no estudo mostraram que: - Em 95,1% dos sobreviventes houve queda dos níveis de PCT ou de CRP. - Em 61% dos sobreviventes ambos os níveis de PCT e de CRP caíram. Apenas 4,9% dos sobreviventes tiveram níveis de PCT e CRP crescentes. Com relação aos não-sobreviventes, 78.9% tiveram pelo menos um dos dois marcadores ou ambos com níveis crescentes. Conclusão As cinéticas da PCT e da CRP, obtidas pelas dosagens de seus níveis no dia do diagnóstico e no 4º dia de tratamento, podem predizer sobrevivência em pacientes com PAV. A queda dos níveis de pelo menos um destes marcadores ou de ambos indica maior chance de sobrevivência.