965 resultados para Cystic fibrosis in children - United Arab Emirates


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The use of tobacco products ruins the health of millions of people around the world. On average, tobacco users die nearly seven years earlier than non-tobacco users. n1 Cigarette smoking is a particular concern in the developing countries of the Middle East and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region where smoking prevalence is expected to increase. This is due to the tobacco industry's vigorous commercial and marketing activities. n3 Smoking prevalence among physicians is considered to be an effective indicator of a society's readiness to identify the smoking epidemic and its related health diseases. n4 There is a lack of detailed data on the smoking prevalence among healthcare professionals, particularly physicians, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This cross sectional study is the first to address smoking practices among physicians working at the Department of Health and Medical Services (DOHMS); in Dubai, UAE. ^ This study describes the cigarette smoking prevalence among DOHMS Physicians, physician attitudes towards tobacco use and tobacco bans; physician attitudes towards smoking cessation techniques (among smokers and non-smokers); and physician awareness of official anti-smoking policies. Data for the study was collected through the use of an adapted WHO standardized questionnaire, the Global Health Professionals Survey. The questionnaire was administered by the researcher to physicians (n=288) at their work place. Date was analyzed using the SPSS analytic software program. ^ Twelve percent of DOHMS physicians smoked cigarettes. Regardless of smoking status, the majority supported a tobacco ban in hospitals and public places, and a ban on tobacco advertising. There is a significant relationship between physician smoking status and discussing risks of tobacco use (p < 0.05). Non-smoking physicians reported spending more time with patients discussing hazards of smoking (p < 0.01). Non-smokers reported providing more counseling than their smoking colleagues. The majority of DOHMS physicians (63%) reported a lack of knowledge about 5As/ 5Rs. The majority of physicians also reported they are aware of hospital smoking policies that restrict smoking. Regardless of physician smoking status, DOHMS physicians are not very actively involved in smoking cessation activities. This cross sectional study is the first to address smoking programs, policies, and practices among physicians in Dubai, UAE. Findings support the need for increased physical smoking cessation training as well as the development of smoking cessation programs for tobacco control, and programs with a focus on physician participation in reducing tobacco and cigarette use among the general population.^


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Identity influences the practice of English language teachers and supervisors, their professional development and their ability to incorporate innovation and change. Talk during post observation feedback meetings provides participants with opportunities to articulate, construct, verify, contest and negotiate identities, processes which often engender issues of face. This study examines the construction and negotiation of identity and face in post observation feedback meetings between in-service English language teachers and supervisors at a tertiary institution in the United Arab Emirates. Within a linguistic ethnography framework, this study combined linguistic microanalysis of audio recorded feedback meetings with ethnographic data gathered from participant researcher knowledge, pre-analysis interviews and post-analysis participant interpretation interviews. Through a detailed, empirical description of situated ‘real life’ institutional talk, this study shows that supervisors construct identities involving authority, power, expertise, knowledge and experience while teachers index identities involving experience, knowledge and reflection. As well as these positive valued identities, other negative, disvalued identities are constructed. Identities are shown to be discursively claimed, verified, contested and negotiated through linguistic actions. This study also shows a link between identity and face. Analysis demonstrates that identity claims verified by an interactional partner can lead to face maintenance or support. However, a contested identity claim can lead to face threat which is usually managed by facework. Face, like identity, is found to be interactionally achieved and endogenous to situated discourse. Teachers and supervisors frequently risk face threat to protect their own identities, to contest their interactional partner’s identities or to achieve the feedback meeting goal i.e. improved teaching. Both identity and face are found to be consequential to feedback talk and therefore influence teacher development, teacher/supervisor relationships and the acceptance of feedback. Analysis highlights the evaluative and conforming nature of feedback in this context which may be hindering opportunities for teacher development.


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The 2010 LAGI competition was held on three underutilized sites in the United Arab Emirates. By choosing Staten Island, New York in 2012 the competition organises have again brought into question new roles for public open space in the contemporary city. In the case of the UEA sites, the competition produced many entries which aimed to create a sculpture and by doing so, they attracted people to the selected empty spaces in an arid climate. In a way these proposals were the incubators and the new characters of these empty spaces. The competition was thus successful at advancing understandings of the expanded role of public open spaces in EAU and elsewhere. LAGI 2012 differs significantly to the UAE program because Fresh Kills Park has already been planned as a public open space for New Yorkers - with or without these clean energy sculptures. Furthermore, Fresh Kills Park is already an (gas) energy generating site in its own right. We believe Fresh Kills Park, as a site, presents a problem which somewhat transcends the aims of the competition brief. Advancing a sustainable urban design proposition for the site therefore requires a fundamental reconsideration of the established paradigms public open space. Hence our strategy is to not only create an energy generating, site specific art work, but to create synergy between the public and the site engagement while at the same time complement the idiosyncrasies of the pre-existing engineered landscape. Current PhD research about energy generation in public open spaces informs this work.


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In Amci Pty Ltd ACN 124 249 485 v Corcoal Management Pty Ltd [2013] QSC 50 Jackson J considered an application for an order under r117 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR) in relation to informal service of an originating process on a corporation registered in the Ajman Free Zone in the United Arab Emirates. The decision appears to be the first time a Queensland court has examined the scope of r117 of the UCPR, and relevant considerations influencing the exercise of the discretion under the rule, when the defendant is outside Australia.


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This thesis investigated the information literacy experiences of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students in a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Phenomenography was used to investigate how EFL students' 'used information to learn' (ie. information literacy). The study revealed that EFL students' experienced information literacy across four categories and had varying experiences of information and learning. The research also showed that EFL students' faced a number of challenges and barriers due to language that impacted on their experiences of reading, understanding, accessing and translating information.


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La série Body Techniques (2007) a été réalisée par l’artiste britannique Carey Young dans le cadre d’une résidence offerte par la biennale de Sharjah, aux Émirats Arabes Unis. Les huit photographies de format tableau constituant la série montrent l’artiste qui, portant l’uniforme d’une femme d’affaires, réinterprète huit œuvres célèbres associées à la mouvance de l’art conceptuel. Des paysages singuliers, situés aux abords des villes de Sharjah et Dubaï, servent de toile de fond à ces actions et leur confèrent une aura futuriste. La présente analyse tâche de démontrer que la série est habitée par un paradoxe remettant en question le statut d’art engagé que l’artiste revendique pour son œuvre. Ce paradoxe se manifeste à travers trois axes, autour desquels s’articule notre réflexion : les médiations se glissant entre Body Techniques et les œuvres que la série réinterprète, la déconstruction du « médium » du paysage, et le rôle actif occupé par le dispositif photographique. Cet examen attentif de chacune des occurrences du paradoxe permet de révéler Body Techniques comme une incarnation exemplaire de la double contrainte traversant toute œuvre d’art contemporain engagé : celle permettant aux artistes de critiquer le système auquel ils participent, mais les forçant en retour à participer au système qu’ils critiquent.


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International evidence on health promotion indicates the importance of regular physical activity for preventing and reducing the incidence of obesity and chronic diseases. This study investigated the relationship between physical activity and the social milieu of young Muslim women in the United Arab Emirates. This participatory action research project included semi-structured in-depth interviews and focus groups and yielded qualitative data. Set within a context of rapid social change, perceived barriers to daily exercise influenced participants’ physical activity levels and overall well-being. Results indicated a lack of physical exercise and strategies were proposed for implementation by college staff and students.


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With the help from the RCH Education Institute which supports students with health conditions, Patrick Mackenzie, who has cystic fibrosis, is able to attend primary school.


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Towards the end of the university stage, students residing in the United Arab Emirates and specialising in subjects other than English are expected- amongst other university requirements- to have acquired adequate communicative competence as well as a repertoire of critical thinking skills. Despite the efforts made within the field of teaching English to EFL university students in the country, the output gained in terms of acquired skills and competencies is still below expectations. The main concerns of the current thesis are, therefore, a) to investigate the factors which inhibit EFL university students’ progress in the areas of acquiring adequate communicative competence as well as critical thinking skills, and b) to propose a course book and pedagogic methods to improve students’ progress in the areas of acquiring adequate communicative competence as well as critical thinking skills. Believing in the essential role literature plays in enhancing critical thinking and promoting communicative competence on the part of EFL learners, the current study introduces a course, designed and implemented by the researcher: LEARN AND GAIN. The proposed course is fiction-based language teaching, adopting the view that literature is a resource rather than an object, thus advocating the use of literature as one of the main resources in foreign/second language acquisition. Investigating whether or not the proposed course was effective in promoting EFL university students’ communicative competence as well as enhancing their critical thinking skills, a study sample taken from the study population was selected. Adopting an experimental design, the research project involved two groups: experimental and control. The experimental group students were exposed to the proposed course whilst the control group students were exposed to a general English language course. To examine treatment effectiveness, the researcher set and administered a pre-post test. Divided into two main parts, communicative critical reading competence and communicative critical writing competence, the pre-post test measured subjects’ communicative critical reading competence and subjects’ communicative critical writing competence. In addition, a pre-post questionnaire was administered and a semi-structured interview was conducted involving the experimental group students, to gain an awareness of students’ attitudes towards learning literary texts in general, and the proposed course in particular. To examine issues of interest and relevance, gender differences: male vs. female, and university major: science vs. non-science, were also examined for enrichment purposes. For the purpose of gathering sufficient data about subjects’ achievements on the pre-post, the following statistical tests were conducted: Mann-Whitney test, and paired data t-test. Based on the statistical findings, the experimental group students’ performance on the communicative critical reading competence pre-post test and the communicative critical writing competence pre-post test was significantly better than their counterparts of the control group students. Speaking of gender differences in relation to language performance on the communicative critical reading competence pre-post test and the communicative critical writing competence pre-post test, no significant differences were cited. Neither did the researcher cite any significant performance differences between science/non-science students on the communicative critical reading competence pre-post test and the communicative critical writing competence pre-post test. As far as the questionnaire’s findings are concerned, the experimental group students’ responses to the post-questionnaire’s items were more positive than those of their responses to the pre-questionnaire’s, thus indicating some positive attitudes towards literature, which students possibly gained throughout the course of implementation. Relating the discussion to the interview’s results, students conveyed their satisfaction with the proposed course, emphasising that promoting English language skills through the use of literary texts was rewarding. In the light of findings and conclusions, a number of recommendations as well as implications have been proposed. The current study aimed to arrive at some appropriate suggestions to a number of enquiries, yet concluding with some areas of enquiry to be explored for further research.


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Introduction: Neutrophil elastase (NE) is a serine protease implicated in the pathogenesis of several respiratory diseases including cystic fibrosis (CF). The presence of free NE in BAL is a predictor of subsequent bronchiectasis in children with CF (Sly et al, 2013, NEJM 368: 1963-1970). Furthermore, children with higher levels of sputum NE activity (NEa) tend to experience a more rapid decline in FEV1 over time even after adjusting for age, gender and baseline FEV1 (Sagel et al, 2012, AJRCCM 186: 857-865). Its detection and quantification in biological samples is however confounded by a lack of robust methodologies. Standard assays using chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates are not specific when added to complex samples containing multiple proteolytic and hydrolytic enzymes. ELISA systems measure total protein levels which can be a mixture of latent, active and protease-inhibitor complexes. We have therefore developed a novel assay (ProteaseTag™ Active NE Immunoassay), which couples an activity dependent NE-Tag with a specific antibody step, resulting in an assay which is both selective and specific for NEa. Aims: To clinically validate ProteaseTag™ Active NE for the detection of free NEa in BAL from children with CF. Methods: A total of 95 paediatric BAL samples [CF (n=76; 44M, 32F) non-CF (n=19; 12M, 7F)] collected through the Study of Host Immunity and Early Lung Disease in CF (SHIELD CF) were analysed for NEa using ProteaseTag™ Active NE (ProAxsis Ltd) and a fluorogenic substrate-based assay utilising Suc-AAPV-AMC (Sigma). IL-8 was measured by ELISA (R&D Systems). Results were analysed to show comparisons in free NEa between CF and non-CF samples alongside correlations with a range of clinical parameters. Results: NEa measured by ProteaseTag™ Active NE correlated significantly with age (r=0.3, p=0.01) and highly significantly with both IL-8 (r=0.4, p=<0.0001) and the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) (r=0.4, p=<0.0001). These correlations were not observed when NEa was measured by the substrate assay even though a significant correlation was found between the two assays (r=0.8, p<0.0001). A trend towards significance was found between NEa in the CF and non-CF groups when measured by ProteaseTag™ Active NE (p=0.07). Highly significant differences were found with the other inflammatory parameters between the 2 groups (IL-8: p=0.0002 and ANC: p=0.006). Conclusion: NEa as a primary efficacy endpoint in clinical trials or as a marker of inflammation within the clinic has been hampered by the lack of a robust and simple to use assay. ProteaseTag™ Active NE has been shown to be a specific and superior tool in the measurement of NEa in paediatric CF BAL samples (supporting data from previous studies using adult CF expectorated samples). The technology is currently being transferred to a lateral flow device for use at Point of Care. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Children’s Research Centre, Dublin (SHIELD CF) and grants from the Medical Research Council and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics.


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To assess the health-related quality-of-life (HRQOL) of children/adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF) and compare HRQOL in children managed by cystic fibrosis outreach service (CFOS) with those treated in a cystic fibrosis center (CFC). To compare HRQOL of children with CF in Queensland with previously published HRQOL data from the United States and examine the relationship between HRQOL scores and pulmonary function. Study design: Participants were children/adolescents with CF and their parents managed by the Royal Children’s Hospital Queensland at a CFC or CFOS. Two HRQOL surveys were used: PedsQL™ and Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire (CFQ). Results: There were 91 CFC and 71 CFOS participants with similar demographics. PedsQL™ total summary score was statistically higher in CFOS, P = .05. There was no significant difference in CFQ scores between groups. Queensland parents reported lower HRQOL for their children compared with US parents (P


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BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory exacerbations (AREs) cause morbidity and lung function decline in children with chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD) and bronchiectasis. In a prospective longitudinal cohort study, we determined the patterns of AREs and factors related to increased risks for AREs in children with CSLD/bronchiectasis. METHODS: Ninety-three indigenous children aged 0.5 to 8 years with CSLD/bronchiectasis in Australia (n = 57) and Alaska (n = 36) during 2004 to 2009 were followed for > 3 years. Standardized parent interviews, physical examinations, and medical record reviews were undertaken at enrollment and every 3 to 6 months thereafter. RESULTS: Ninety-three children experienced 280 AREs (median = 2, range = 0-11 per child) during the 3-year period; 91 (32%) were associated with pneumonia, and 43 (15%) resulted in hospitalization. Of the 93 children, 69 (74%) experienced more than two AREs over the 3-year period, and 28 (30%) had more than one ARE in each study year. The frequency of AREs declined significantly over each year of follow-up. Factors associated with recurrent (two or more) AREs included age < 3 years, ARE-related hospitalization in the first year of life, and pneumonia or hospitalization for ARE in the year preceding enrollment. Factors associated with hospitalizations for AREs in the first year of study included age < 3 years, female caregiver education, and regular use of bronchodilators. CONCLUSIONS: AREs are common in children with CSLD/bronchiectasis, but with clinical care and time AREs occur less frequently. All children with CSLD/bronchiectasis require comprehensive care; however, treatment strategies may differ for these patients based on their changing risks for AREs during each year of care.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients require pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy to correct pancreatic insufficiency. These enzymes are derived from porcine pancreas and are known to be antigenic. To determine the possible clinical consequences, a specific ELISA was developed to detect IgG antibody directed against porcine trypsin (PTAb) in the sera of CF patients. The assay was used to evaluate the occurrence of PTAb in a cross sectional study of 103 CF patients in relation to the introduction of porcine enzyme therapy, clinical status and genotype. Antibodies against porcine trypsin were detected in the sera of 63% of patients unrelated to the age of commencement or the duration of enzyme therapy. No differences were observed in the clinical status of CF patients who had developed PTAb (n = 65) and those who had no detectable PTAb (n = 38) as determined from: the current prescribed dose of porcine pancreatic enzyme capsules; Z scores for height and weight; and respiratory function tests. It is suggested that the PTAb commonly found in the sera of CF patients are of doubtful clinical significance but the prospect of PTAb contributing to immune complex disease should be examined further.


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The efficacy, adverse reactions, and long-term effects of intestinal lavage treatment with a balanced electrolyte solution (Golytely) was evaluated in patients with cystic fibrosis and distal intestinal obstruction syndrome. Twenty-two patients with cystic fibrosis (mean age 21.8 years, range 14 to 34 years, 15 boys or men) who sough medical attention because of abdominal pain and a mass in the right iliac fossa received Golytely, 5.6 ± 1.9 L (mean ± 1 SD), either orally (n = 14) or via nasogastric tube (n = 8) during 5.6 ± 2.4 hours. No serious side effects occurred. Serum electrolyte values remained within normal limits. Body weight did not change significantly. Minor adverse reactions included bloating (n = 12), nausea (n = 8), vomiting (n = 1), and chills (n = 3). All but one patient reported impressive relief of symptoms and remained pain free for an average of 3 months (range 1 to 19 months). Symptoms of abdominal pain and radiologic signs of fecal impaction assessed before and after lavage both decreased significantly (P < .0001). During follow-up (mean 15.2 months, range 4 to 26 months), 11 patients required a total of 38 (range one to nine) additional doses of Golytely. Seven patients drank the solution at home (21 treatments); only two patients chose a nasogastric tube. In ten patients with symptoms of recurrent distal intestinal obstruction syndrome prior to institution of therapy, duration of hospitalization was significantly reduced by this treatment (5.1 ± 7.6 v 2.3 ± 6.3 hospital days per annum, P < .02). It is concluded that intestinal lavage is a well-accepted, safe, and effective therapy for distal intestinal obstruction syndrome in patients with cystic fibrosis.